Top 28 Apps Similar to 3D house Floorplan design

Embroidery design ideas 1.0
Embroidery is the handicraftofdecoratingfabric or other materials with needle and threadoryarn.Embroidery may also incorporate other materials suchas,pearls,beads, quills, and sequins. Today, embroidery is mostoftenseen oncaps, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim,stockings,andgolf shirts. Embroidery is available with a widevariety ofthreador yarn color.The basic techniques or stitches on surviving examplesoftheearliest embroidery—chain stitch, buttonhole orblanketstitch,running stitch, satin stitch, cross stitch—remainthefundamentaltechniques of hand embroidery today.The process used to tailor, patch, mend and reinforceclothfosteredthe development of sewing techniques, andthedecorativepossibilities of sewing led to the art ofembroidery.Indeed, theremarkable stability of basic embroiderystitches hasbeennoted:It is a striking fact that in the development of embroidery...thereare no changes of materials or techniques which can befeltorinterpreted as advances from a primitive to a later,morerefinedstage. On the other hand, we often find in early worksatechnicalaccomplishment and high standard of craftsmanshiprarelyattained inlater times.The art of embroidery has been found world-wide andseveralearlyexamples have been found. Works in China have beendated totheWarring States period (5th–3rd century BC). In agarmentfromMigration period Sweden, roughly 300–700 AD, the edgesof bandsoftrimming are reinforced with running stitch, backstitch,stemstitch, tailor's buttonhole stitch, and whip-stitching,but itisuncertain whether this work simply reinforced the seamsorshouldbe interpreted as decorative embroidery.Depending on time, location and materials available,embroiderycouldbe the domain of a few experts or a wide-spread,populartechnique.This flexibility led to a variety of works, fromtheroyal to themundane.Elaborately embroidered clothing, religious objects,andhouseholditems often were seen as a mark of wealth and status,asin thecase of Opus Anglicanum, a technique used byprofessionalworkshopsand guilds in medieval England. In 18thcentury Englandand itscolonies, samplers employing fine silks wereproduced bythedaughters of wealthy families. Embroidery was a skillmarkingagirl's path into womanhood as well as conveying rankandsocialstanding.Conversely, embroidery is also a folk art, using materialsthatwereaccessible to nonprofessionals. Examples includeHardangerfromNorway, Merezhka from Ukraine, Mountmellick embroideryfromIreland,Nakshi kantha from Bangladesh and West Bengal,andBrazilianembroidery. Many techniques had a practical use suchasSashiko fromJapan, which was used as a way toreinforceclothing
Paper quiling design 1.0
If you love making handmade cardsandcrafts,for sure, you would love to find great paper quillingideasyou canuse in your creations. You can use them inornaments,topersonalize your gifts, in cards and scrapbooks, andmanyotherthings you can do with it. In expressing your art, youcanonlyhave your imagination as your limit.Of course in art, it is always good to have your own uniquestyleincreating your crafts so that you can practice and honeyourskillsand discover new things about it. Although this is true,itcouldalso help a lot, especially in quilling, if you canstartwith somepaper quilling ideas from others who have masteredthecraft. Then,from there, you can work on your own style as soonasyou exploremany other things you can do with quilling.Anyway, we all have to start from the basics. Here aresomebasicideas that you might find useful in your craft.You can select the size of the quilling paper depending onthedesignyou have to make. The standard paper size you can use isthe1/8",which you can actually cut on your own in a paper trimmerorpapershredder, although you may not get this size in ashredder.Buyingpre-cut strips is a good option though if you wantthem tocurlperfectly. At least, you would get a uniformly sizedpaper.But ifyou are just starting out, you may also opt topractice onpaper thatyou cut yourself to at least save you a fewdollarswhile stilltrying your hand on the craft.To guide you through the correct size of paper you need,ifyourquilling project involves fine details, you mayneednarrowerstrips of quilling paper such as 1/16" in size. For3Dsculptingand fringe designs, you may want to use wider strips-1/2" or1/4". For basic designs or when practicing, 1/8"woulddo.You can also choose from a variety of color to helpenhanceyourdesign and paper quilling ideas. If you are choosingyourownpaper, make sure you choose something that has the samecoloratthe front and back of the paper, or else, it will messupyourfinish product. A lightweight card stock willworknicely.Choosing your glue is also essential in making yourcraft.Surely,you would not want your quill design to be stainedwithvisiblewhite glue all over. Choosing a glue that driesclearisrecommended to avoid messing up with your art. One way tohelpyouin gluing your creations especially involving those finecurls,isto spread the glue thinly on a paper and with tweezers,youcanlightly press your quilled designs on it just enough forthebottomto get enough glue and stick it to your scrapbook orcard.You canalso make use of toothpicks to help you withthegluing.If you have mastered the basics, you can then make yourowndesignand squeeze your creative juices to make designs that arenotyetexisting. This will truly unleash your creativity and allowyoutomake your own style. If you want to learn more paperquillingideasand master the art of quilling, you first need tolearn how tomakebasic designs and shapes. You can find usefulresources thatwillteach you step by step on how to make teardropdesigns tosquaredesigns and other patterns. It will also be usefulto observefromquilling masters and learn from them.
Living Room curtain designs 1.0
Any homeowner wants to see his orherlivingroom not only cozy and comfortable, but modern,stylishandfashionable. Designers know many ways to create a warmandfriendlyatmosphere in the area of the living room and one ofthemis thedecoration of the windows. So we are going to explorethemosteffective of them in our small living room curtainsdesignideas2016 collection. No one will argue with the fact thatthe lookofthe room, its memorable image, depends on the designofwindowopenings. In order to color, texture, design, shapeandamount ofthe windows textile blend in with the finished image ofaliving,you should consider some important points:- room size and ceiling height;- the number and shape of the windows;- stylistic solution of the interior;- color palette of the premises;- color, texture and other characteristics of upholstery;- finishing solutions for the walls – plain orprintedwallpaper,smooth or embossed;- if you want to visually enlarge the room, “add” ceilingheightor“push” the wall with the help of visual effects;- whether you want curtains to become a focus in thelivingroom`sinterior or harmonizes with the selected color andstylisticdesignconcept.Designs for the modern living room curtainsThe modern style of the rooms is committed to simplicityandbrevity.Even to a certain minimalism. Herewith design shouldnotlose interms of convenience and comfort. The decorating oftheroom plays animportant role. And the creation of a warmandfriendly atmosphere inthe space of the living room isdirectlyrelated to the used textilesand method of itspresentation.Classic curtains, flowing down bystraight, lightfolds is afailsafe option for draping of modernfacilities. At thesame timecurtains and blinds can not be used atall, giving theroom anopportunity to bask in the sunlight when itdoes not disturbthehouse owners or their guests.Original visual effect can be achieved by using themosttraditionalcurtains for narrow windows, just hung on each sideofboth windows.Thus, natural light in the room would besufficient.And thesymmetry will be maintained, especially if thewindows arelocatedon the both sides of the fireplace acting asfocal centerof theroom.Curtains with lambrequins are suitable for rooms withhighceilingsand large windows. In the living room of modestsizepelmets willlook out of place, reducing the height of theroomvisually. In amodern style, even such textile design asthecurtains withlambrequins become simple and concise – fringeandtassels are nolonger used, additional windows` decor is notneeded.In additionto the original design of window openings,designer canhide someflaws in the design of windows or flaws in thefinishingof thewalls by using of the lambrequins.Roller blinds of plain natural fabrics (cotton orlinen)perfectlyharmonize with the simple, uncluttered modernenvironmentof theliving. For a room decorated with the apparentshare ofminimalistis not easy to choose the decor for windows, buttheblinds andshutters manage brilliantly not only with theirprimaryfunction,but also serve as decoration.Roman blinds, which represents a continuous clothpermeatedwithhorizontal bars, at a certain distance from eachother, can beusedboth as an independent decoration for windows, aswell asthecomplete set with traditional curtains.Fabric blinds do not lose their popularity. But for livingspaceitis better to give preference to vertical modifications ofthistypeof draperies for the windows. They not only protect theroomfromthe bright sun, but also create the visual illusionofincreasingthe height of the ceiling due to verticalstripes.Vertical blindsfor residential area are more preferablethanhorizontal ones thatcan evoke association with office spaceandeliminate all theefforts to create a homelike atmosphere.
Crochet design ideas 1.0
Crochet is a process of creatingfabricbyinterlocking loops of yarn, thread, or strands ofothermaterialsusing a crochet hook. The name is derived from theFrenchterm"crochet", meaning small hook. These are made ofmaterials suchasmetal, wood, or plastic and are manufacturedcommerciallyandproduced in artisan workshops. The salientdifferencebetweencrochet and knitting, beyond the implements usedfortheirproduction, is that each stitch in crochet iscompletedbeforeproceeding with the next one, while knitting keeps alargenumberof stitches open at a time. (Variant forms such asTunisiancrochetand broomstick lace keep multiple crochet stitchesopen atatime.)The word crochet is derived from the Old French crochet,adiminutiveof croche, in turn from the Germanic croc, bothmeaning"hook". Itwas used in 17th-century French lace making,crochetagedesignating astitch used to join separate pieces oflace, andcrochet subsequentlydesignating both a specific type offabric andthe hooked needle usedto produce it. Although thatfabric is notknown to be crochet in thepresent sense, agenealogicalrelationship between the techniquessharing that nameappearslikely.Knitted textiles survive from early periods but thefirstsubstantiveevidence of crocheted fabric relates to itsappearancein Europeduring the 19th century. Earlier workidentified ascrochet wascommonly made by nålebinding, a separatelooped yarntechnique.A crocheted purse described in 1823 in Penélopé.The first known published instructions for crochetexplicitlyusingthat term to designate the craft in its presentsense,appeared inthe Dutch magazine Penélopé in 1823. This includesacolor plateshowing five different style purses of which threewereintended tobe crocheted with silk thread.The first is "simpleopencrochet"(crochet simple ajour); a mesh of chain-stitch arches.Thesecond(illustrated here) starts in a semi-open form (demijour),wherechain-stitch arches alternate with equally longsegmentsofslip-stitch crochet, and closes with a starmadewith"double-crochet stitches" (dubbelde hekelsteek—double-crochetinBritish terminology; single-crochet in US). Thethird purse ismadeentirely in double-crochet. The instructionsprescribe the useof atambour needle (as illustrated below) andintroduce a numberofdecorative techniques.In 1842, one of the numerous books discussing crochet thatbegantoappear in the 1840s states:"Crochet needles, sometimes called Shepherds' hooks, aremadeofsteel, ivory, or box-wood. They have a hook at one endsimilarinshape to a fish-hook, by which the wool or silk is caughtanddrawnthrough the work. These instruments are to be procuredofvarioussizes..."
Korean fashion style 2017 1.0
Who tend to be minimalist style,thisisprecisely the Korean fashion makes it easy tolookfashionablewithout complicated. From Seoul Fashion Week 2017,thisis thestyle of street style inspiration that you can emulateandyoudevelop.Even if you're not a fan of smelly stuff from Korea,however,thereis no harm in making Korean fashion as guide youreverydaystyle.Especially if you are still confused what outfit towear togo tocollege or street with a girlfriend. Who tend tobeminimaliststyle, this is precisely the Korean fashion makes iteasyto lookfashionable without complicated. From Seoul FashionWeek2017, thisis the style of street style inspiration that youcanemulate anddevelop.
Bedroom decoration ideas 1.0
Bedroom ideas? We've got them all.Whetheryoulive in a small city apartment or a grand country pile,theHouse& Garden archive is your one-stop-shop forfurnitureideas,colour schemes, curtains and more by the world'sbestinteriordesigners. Redesigning your bedroom doesn't have tomean acompleteoverhaul. Sometimes a tweak, like new bedding orlighting,hangingpictures or a new headboard, can make adramaticdifference.And this is time to Looking for some creative DIY crafts andideastomake your bedroom decor awesome? This fun list ofDIYbedroomdecorating ideas has a little of everything – lighting,wallart,curtains, accessories and more. With a few of theseeasyDIYprojects for teens, your bedroom will quickly go fromblahandboring to fun and colorful!These DIY bedroom ideas are easy to make and can be customizedtofityour taste and personality! Get inspired with these coolcraftsforteens and start making your DIY bedroom ideas arealityAt the end of a long hard day there is nothing better thanlyingdownon fresh bedding and crisp sheets, but how many of ushaveaconducive interior style in the bedroom? It’s hard todesignabedroom that is stylish yet functional and calmingwithoutmakingit look like a soulless showhome. We all know theimportanceof agood night’s sleep but do we realise how much theinteriorcanimpact this?. To discover bedroom decorating ideas thatare suretoinspire youYou all know designers don’t follow a secret rule book. Therearenohard and fast laws governing what we do. We are creativetypesbynature and love to imagine, dream and explore,followingourintuition. That said, there are some rough principlesthat guideusto ensure a great result every time. They are justtried andtruethings that work. And these aren’t tricks or skillsthat takeyearsto master. Anyone can do them from day one. Considerthisafoundation for developing your own quirky,creative,rule-breakingintuition1. Pick the paint color last. I get calls all thetimefromhomeowners who want to pick a paint color before they movein.Iget the logic. Why not arrive to walls with a fresh coatofpaint?Of course you can do it this way, but in my opinionit’snotideal.There are thousands of paint colors with various tints,tonesandshades. And each one looks different from home tohome,becauselight sources vary, meaning what looks good in yourcurrenthomemight not in your new one. You want the color thatbestcomplementsyour upholstery, artwork, rug and whatever else. Youcanpick thatcolor only if your stuff is actually insideyourhome.2. Give your furniture some breathing room. Resistovercrowdingaroom. Gracious living means space to maneuver withease. Thisisreally great news if you are working with a tightbudget. Youdon’tneed to fill up a space with lots of furniture.Spend more ofyourbudget on fewer but better-quality pieces, andyour room willlookbetter than if it’s stuffed to the gills withflea marketfinds.The high-backed chairs shown here, for example,stand outbecausethey don’t have to fight for attention.3. Hang artwork at the right height. Galleries andmuseumshangartwork so that the midline (center) of each piece is 57inchesto60 inches from the floor. (The average human eye levelis57inches.) And you should do the same.In a room like this, where the ceilings soar, there mightbeatendency to hang the art higher. But remember: It needstorelateto human scale, not the structure’s scale.If you’re not sure, take a picture. It’s remarkable how muchaphotocan reveal. Print it out or use Photoshop or an app to drawonthephoto. This can give you a sense of whether a largerorsmallerpiece of art is needed or a tall plant might be besttofill avacant spot.4. Know how to arrange furniture on a rug. There arebasicallythreeways you can arrange furniture on your rug.
Photography concept ideas 2017 1.0
If you are new to photography orjuststarthaving a new camera and find out some inspirationaboutphotographyand art photography, to help the learning process,whichnot onlyexplains what it is, but also how a knowledge of thelawsofphysics can improve a lot of trick photography you.Theretolearnto get the best results and advice on the equipmentyouneed.Studio Lighting, which is closely related topics,whateverfieldyou are interested in photography you will findsomeusefulinformation here,Using the camera for family photos, action photography,newbornbabyphotography, wedding photography or photography pets(indoorsoroutdoors).we better understand more about photography. perhaps theadvicethatcan be used as an alternative choice of a suitablelocationforshooting exercises such as the beach, the street toanotherplacethat is considered suitable for learning.or you can also try the small scale such as photographingflowersoutin the garden or yard of a house, or it could be whenyouattendedthe wedding reception of your friends and familyportraitfor thecollection of wedding photos and try your skillsasphotographer.when you get results, see and corrections yourwork,if it was notdone to get best photo. you can try againanothertime with adifferent subject may landscape following the photo Contes, from there you can measuretheextentto photographer. so that eventually you can becomeaprofessionalphotography with the resultsbest photo which was biasa.berikut some examples of imagesthatcanbe used as material for a study focus camera, the subjectandthebackground.As photographers, as artists, our minds are always racingitseems.Always trying to come up with new and original ideas forourownphotos.There’s a photoshoot coming up, you called up your friendtomodelfor you, you have a location picked out, and you feel asifyouhave everything set. So here it is, the day of the shoot.You’reonyour way to the shoot with her, when she asks “So what’stheplan?What exactly are we doing?”. Which you simply respondbysaying“I’m not sure, we’re just going to have fun. We’ll wingit!Let’sdo some poses and we’ll see what happens. I’ll come upwithideaswhile we’re shooting.”Don’t say you haven’t done it, because I know I have- morethanonceas well. Now, I’m not saying that if you do this you arenotgoingto get any worthwhile photos, or your photos will be bad.Idon’tmean this at all. But what I am saying is that most ofthetimeswhen you are going into a shoot with no idea, with nostory,you’regoing to come out with the same thing. No idea, nostory,and apretty picture. Maybe that’s all you want though! Maybeallyou wantis a pretty picture. Which is totally fine but isn’titgreat whenyou step out of the box and take it a step further?Youventure outof your comfort zone and create something likeyou’venever createdbefore. You come up with a concept, with astory,even if it is asimple concept, and then you go out and do thesamething. You go toshoot at a location with your friend, butthistime you have aconcept, a story, a meaning. When you go homeandedit, you suddenlyhave created a photograph that 100’s ofpeoplecan relate to, takemeaning from, all from yourartisticvision.Sometimes getting these ideas are easy, sometimes theyaredifficultand pressing. Here’s a list of some things that Ihavedone thathave helped me.Purchase a sketchbookWrite about photographyLook at work of other photographers, and artistsGo on a walk or go on a driveWhat’s in the news?Listen to your favorite songsAnd the last . Hopefully this app can helps .
Pre wedding photo concept 1.0
When couples are checkingoutweddingphotographers, the chances are they’re focussing on thebigdayitself and the role the photographer will play in it.Theprewedding photo shoot can be overlooked, and many couplesdon’tevenrealise such a thing exists. Here is a short explanationofwhat apre wedding photo shoot is and why you should considerone,alongwith a few tips to make the most of your shoot.What is a pre wedding photo shoot?A pre wedding photo shoot is a chance for the couple togettogetherwith their wedding photographer in the run up to thebigday,usually at a venue of their choice, and to have someportraitphotostaken. Many photographers include a pre wedding photoshootin theirpackage, but expect the couple to pay extra foranydigital imagesand prints they want, and some charge anadditionalfee for a prewedding shoot.What is the purpose of a pre wedding photo shoot?There are several reasons to book a photo shoot in the run uptothewedding and these are a few of them:You have the chance to get to know your photographer so youaremorecomfortable spending a large portion of your weddingdaywiththem.You can talk to your photographer about your likes anddislikesandthey can get an idea of how you work with the camera,andhowsubtle or intrusive they should be on your wedding day.You can experience your photographer in action and make sureyouhavemade the right choice before your wedding day. They shouldbedoingtheir best to impress you during and after the preweddingphotos,and if they seem unreliable at this stage you mightwanttoreconsider your choice for the wedding itself.You can have some beautiful and natural images taken of youandyourfiance looking like yourselves rather than like a brideandgroom.Your pre wedding photos can be taken in a morecasualsetting thanyour wedding venue such as your home, a park, orthebeach.Pre wedding photo shoot tipsHere are three top tips on getting the most from yourpreweddingphoto shoot:1. Pre wedding shoots are usually booked for a weekdayasweddingphotographers’ time is at a premium at weekends. Try totakeatleast an afternoon off work so you aren’t rushedandstressedtrying to pull the shoot in during your lunchbreak.2. Ask if you can have a disk of the images taken to usehoweveryouwish. The photos can then be used on your weddinginvitations,yourguest book, as a slide show at your reception, oras a largecanvasprint for your guests to sign.3. See if you can have your pre wedding shoot at yourweddingvenueso the pictures are thematically linked to your weddingandyou canuse the time to seek out perfect photo locations and gettoknowthe venue.
Diy fashion design 1.0
Make it, don't buy it: DIYstylegoeshigh-fashionThe pasta earrings can be considered dangly emblems oftheresurganceof DIY, a trend in personal style that letscraftyfashionistasreplicate high-end fashion labels at theirkitchentables. While afew years ago it might have beenconsideredembarassing to admit towearing a 'homemade' piece ofclothing oraccessory, the proclamation“I made this!” is part ofthecontemporary DIY movement'sappeal.DIY isn’t just a hobby: it’s a movement. Young women, fedupwithgenerations of generic, ready-made clothing andunaffordablehighfashion have realized that they can re-invent thelooks theysee inVogue for a fraction of the price. What’s more, thethingstheycreate for themselves are customized just for them.“We're in an era where self-expression ispreeminent,”TODAYstyleeditor. “As a culture, we sort of hitoverload in the late’90s andearly 2000s, with 'fast fashion' storesdominating thescene andthe Internet providing instant access to allthings styleandbeauty. And it's of course wonderful for everyone tohavethesethings, but naturally there's been a reaction — we'reallcravingitems that feel personal or special."Not your mother's DIYUnlike previous iterations of DIY, which relied heavilyonskillslike sewing or knitting, the most current DIY projectscanusuallybe made with glue, rather than needle and thread.Theseprojectsaren’t aimed at housewives with ample time and skillstodevote,but rather for the woman who might have two hours onaSaturdayafternoon to make a bracelet to wear out that night.The ability to quickly and cheaply make something to go alongwithapre-existing outfit or wardrobe, without having to run tothestore,is part of the appeal. Traditional crafting andhomeprojects aspireto a relatively uniform end-product: theperfectpie, the perfectsweater, the perfect shelving-unit. DIY,however,prizes innovationand imagination.“Putting your own personal stamp on something you havecreatedistruly empowering,” says Erica Domesek, who runs the blogPS IMadeThis. “Knowing you can create fun fashions and do not havetobreakthe bank to achieve that elated sense ofgratificationisinfectious.”DIY is a wonderful thing because it allows you to breathenewlifeinto older pieces and save money so that you can splurgeonotherthings,Our hex nut bracelet, inspired by a Giles&Brothernecklace, has probably been replicated the most as itonlyrequireshex nuts from the hardware store and somebutcher'stwineInterested in trying out your hand at a few DIY projects ofyourown?prove it you can do it, teke the ideas from thisapplicationandstart it now.
Beautiful Curtain design 1.0
Not everyone likes to have a renovationinthehouse as it is quite dusty work. But the interiordecorationismuch more interesting, especially when it comes to ourownhomes.One of the very interesting activities is the arrangingofthekitchen area with curtains. They not only decorate it,butalsocreate a special atmosphere of comfort, improve moodandappetite.We’are representing kitchen curtains design photos,typesand DIYadvice of curtains for the kitchen in thisarticle.The requirements that are put forward to the kitchen curtainsInterior integrity must be observed even in thesmallestdetail.Curtain design for the kitchen to be uniform withtheinteriorspace, otherwise it will not have the desirable look,thekitchenwill be in the form of modular construction;To emphasize the stylistic unity of the entire kitchen, youshoulddothe following: napkins and upholstery can be made from thesameclothmaterial as the curtain;The overall dimensions and location of kitchen windowsareofparticular importance. If the kitchen is small, then itisnotdesirable to use bright colors in the design. Also, do notuseavoluminous pictures and drapery. In this case, it is besttohangcurtain of translucent material on the window, whichwillpassnatural light to the room. If the size of the kitchenallows,thenyou can take more daring options of decoration, withbrightcolorsand patterns;The way of opening the window and their shape also playasignificantrole in the choice of curtains. It is notrecommendedto locate anyappliances near the curtains. This is dueto the factthat you candirty the curtain during exploitation. Italso mayignite. As aresult, it will lose its appeal or should bethrownaway. You shouldtake this into account if the window sill isusedas a work areawhile selecting curtains. After all, noteverycurtains’ type can behung there;It is necessary to take into account the practical side of theuseofcurtains. Even in those cases when the kitchen is equippedwithgoodextractor, the curtains will still be exposed to fallingoffatparticles, moisture droplets and soot. The material forthecurtainsshould be such that it could easily washed off greaseanddirt. Itshould not lose its shape when washing. Curtainsshouldalso be hungeasily back.Curtains options for the kitchenRoller and Roman curtainsThey can be mounted on the wall, as in the window casement.Itispossible to regulate their height. They can be closed evenwhenthewindows are open. This is perfect opt for a small kitchen.Youcanalso use different kind of curtains with them.Roller curtain TypesMini blinds. This type is characterized bylightweightconstruction.It installs on each window paneindividually, withthe use ofadhesive tape. The axis of thisconstruction has is ofminiaturesize, and brackets are even less.Magnets or fishing lineareusually use for directing. These blindsare easy to install andtoremove. And fasteners do not leave anymarks on thewindowframe;Cassette. This type of curtains is fixed very tightly on theframeofthe window. This is through the mounting bracketsandscrews.Curtains are located in a special box in the foldedstate.Sidecurtain fastening comes with the vertical guides mountedontheglazing beads. It is important that the color of curtains,boxandguides should be similar. Blinds of this type lookelegantandbeautiful. Also they do not sag as they are pressedtightlyagainstthe glass. This type of the roller curtains is themostpopularamong buyers;Roller blinds. They are presented in the form ofhorizontalpanels.They are made from various materials, such asbamboo,plastic,aluminum has the ability to be wound on theshaft
Diy Fashion design ideas 1.0
Fashion is a popular styleorpractice,especially in clothing, footwear, accessories,makeup,body, orfurniture. Fashion is a distinctive and oftenconstanttrend in thestyle in which a person dresses. It is theprevailingstyles inbehaviour and the newest creations oftextiledesigners.[1] Becausethe more technical term costume isregularlylinked to the term"fashion", the use of the former hasbeenrelegated to specialsenses like fancy dress or masqueradewear,while "fashion"generally means clothing, including the studyof it.Althoughaspects of fashion can be feminine or masculine,sometrends areandrogynousThere are small and easy changes you can make to your oldclothestogive them quickly a trendy look. We all have many oldandunuseditems lying around in our homes waiting to be thrownaway.Here aresome ideas to show that a lot of useless items canbetransformedinto wonderful creations.DIY fashion projects are so much fun! Create interestingT-shirtofyour old blouse, make a lot of fancy jewelry usingdifferentkindsof beads in different colors, and much moreinteresting ideasyoucan see in the following images.Take your old stuff and make something new and interesting.Want some fun, cool DIY fashion ideas? From cool TshirtmakeoverstoSharpie updated shoes, to galaxy print clothing, wehaveawesomefashion DIYs you’ll love. Perfect for teen girls andtweens,thesetop trends are also perfect for adults. Easy enough tomakethisweekend and also budget friendly, our list of 100funhomemadefashions makes unique and creative clothing simpleevenforbeginners. Cool DIY projects for teenagers that makeDIYclothingboth doable, fun and inexpensive. Check out these coolDIYprojectsfor teens fashion and learn how to make some cool stufftoweartoday!you are a diy lover and you have free time than we havetodaysomevery creative suggestion that you can make it byyourself.Withthese 100 incredible ideas you will spend your freetimeincreating something that is very useful and very interestingandyouwill make it with love. In the photos below you can seehowcanreuse your old clothes and make it modern also you can seeanideasof creating your own dresses. Here are also some ideasofmakingsome cool fashion accessories e.t.c. So dear your job istopick upyour favourite from below and start doing it. Enjoy!Beaded Epaulet Top, DIY Safety Pins, Cardigan forOldShirt,Christmas, Classy, Colorblock T-Shirt , Cool, CrochetToT-Shirt,Crop Top, Cute, Downtown Abbey, Duct Tape, EasyTank,Funky, GalaxyShirt, Glitter, Halloween, Handmade,Inspiration,Kawaii, Laced UpCollar Sleeves, Make Leggings Out Of ALong SleeveTee shirt, Men'sDress, Draped Vest, One Shoulder Shirt,T-Shirt BowSleeves,Tee-Shirt Halter, Old, Old T-Shirts BraidedScarf,Over-SizedCropped Tank From T-Shirt, Pink Leopard Print,Pinterest,RacerbackWorkout Shirt, Rainbow Shorts, Ruffle Neck Top,RuffledTube Top,Scarf Skirt, Shirts, Stenciled T-Shirt, Summer,SummerUpdate OldDenim Shorts, Sweatshirts, T-Shirt Redesign,T-Shirts,Teens, TieDye Shorts, Torn Jeans, Tumblr, Old Shirt toChic Blouse,Upcycled,Upcycled Tee, Vintage, Women's DIYDIY Fashion Clothes Idea app is a gallery app do ityourselfFashionClothes to make some original Homemade things byhand withthe DIYnetwork. In this app you can found many images forthe ideawithstep by step instructions also you can visit theparticularwebsitefor more information.Give a new life to your old things and recycle and reuse.Youcancreate the better gift like original with DIY ideas forfriendsandpresent them for a birthday and other occasion orcelebrationandsmile face follow you.This app contains Do-it-yourself tutorials to make yourownfashionstatements!In an easy and cheap way, it's possible to create anamazingwholeoutfit shoes, bags, clothing, hair accessories & soon.Savesome money and use your creativity!
Fashion flat sketches ideas 1.0
The latest collection of fashiondesignsketchto the pattern of the best flat in 2017If you're a designer, pattern makers, illustrators,students,andworkers in the field of fashion, this app is what youneed asyourinspiration for the work of creating fashion with thepatternofyour dreamsmany patterns you can get on this applicationmay be usefulregards
Kisah wanita sholeha 1.0
di aplikasi ini terdapatberagamkisah-kisahwanita sholeha, yang mungkin bisa memberiinspirasi bagikitasemua.berdakwah tidak selalu ceramah, yuk berdakwah.semoga aplikasi ini bisa bermanfaat.terima kasih
bowtie design ideas 1.0
A modern bow tie is tied using acommonshoelaceknot, which is also called the bow knot for thatreason.It consistsof a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar ofa shirtin asymmetrical manner so that the two opposite endsformloops.There are generally three types of bow ties: the pre-tied,theclipon, and the self tie.[1] Pre-tied bow ties are ties inwhichthedistinctive bow is sewn onto a band that goes around theneckandclips to secure. Some "clip-ons" dispense with thebandaltogether,instead clipping straight to the collar. Thetraditionalbow tie,consisting of a strip of cloth which the wearerhas to tieby hand,is also known as a "self-tie," "tie-it-yourself,"or"freestyle"bow tie.Bow ties may be made of any fabric material, but most aremadefromsilk, polyester, cotton, or a mixture of fabrics.Somefabrics(e.g., wool or velvet) are much less common for bowtiesthan forordinary four-in-hand neckties.Shown below on the right is one style of ready-tied bow tie;thereisalso a clip-on that does not go around the neck but clipstothecollar points. Wearing a ready-tied bow tie atformaloccasionsrequiring a black or white tie dress code isusuallyconsidered afaux pas, though at occasions such as SchoolsLeavers'Proms orones at which the participants are unlikely to havehadmuchexperience wearing bow ties it may be commonplace. Ifchoosingaself-tie/tie-it-yourself/freestyle bow tie, there areusuallytwoshapes available: the "bat wing," which is parallel-sidedlikeacricket bat, and the "thistle," also known as the"butterfly."Anexample of each can also be seen below. Which is wornis amatterof personal preference. Some other shapes do exist;forinstance,the Diamond Point, with pointed tips at both ends. Thisisadouble-ended type, with both ends shaped, thoughoccasionally,tiesare tied in the single-ended type, in which onlyone end flaresoutto give the batwing or thistle shape, and theother remainsthin.To tie one of these requires carefulconsideration, to ensurethebroader end finishes in front of thethinner one.
Wooden craft ideas 1.0
The term woodcraft — or woodlore—denotesskills and experience in matters relating to livingandthriving inthe woods—such as hunting, fishing, andcamping—whetheron a short-or long-term basis. Traditionally,woodcraft pertainstosubsistence lifestyles, with implications ofhunting-gathering.Inmore recent times, and in developed countries,it relates moretoeither outdoor recreationalism orsurvivalism.Whether traditional or modern, woodcraft may be roughlyequatedtothe phrase "living off the land".A partial list of recreational woodcraft techniquesmightincludeknowledge of wildlife behavior, identifying andutilizingwildplants and animals (especially for food),campcooking,orienteering (including hiking skills and use of amapandcompass), fire making (including procurementoffirewood),selecting and preparing a campsite, lashing andknottechniques,the use of tents and wilderness first aid.The Scouting movement has adopted woodcraft techniques asacoreskill set known as scoutcraft.In the United States, woodcraft techniques in a militarycontextaretaught as part of SERE (Survival, Evasion, ResistanceandEscape)training.Traditional woodcraft has particular importance inAmericanfolklore,especially that relating to the earlyAmericanfrontier.In the UK, the Woodcraft Folk are an organisation foundedontheprinciples of woodcraft.
Home office design 1.0
working in an office also hasitschallenges.Mentally leaving home mode and entering work mode canbeadifficult—even downright futile—effort when youneveractuallyleave the house and your bed is right there.thesecret,though, iscreating a space that actually inspires you to gettowork insteadof back under the covers. How? By following threekeyinteriordesign principles, you can create a space thatmeansbusiness, evenwithin the cozy confines of your home.Emphasize What the Space is ForFirst, make sure you have a designated “work space.” It canbeawhole room, a corner of a room, or just a table.Gotit?Good.Now, consider that designers make very conscious decisionsaboutwhatto emphasize in a space, because the objects that areused asfocalpoints help immediately qualify its purpose. When itcomes toyourhome office, it’s important to emphasize those objectsthattell yourbrain “this is a space for work.” Visually, theseitemsshouldcommand a majority of the attention.Try it out:- If you’re working from home, chances are your computerisyourprimary tool. So, it should always remain front and centeronyourdesk, serving as a visual reminder that when you’re sittingatyourdesk, you’re doing so for work.- Don’t let job-related things—like your phone ordayplanner—getburied under clutter. They should always be inplainsight, actingas reminders that you’re supposed to be gettingstuffdone.- What’s better emphasis for important tasks than abrightyellowsticky note? Nothing. (Well, unless you have so many ofthempostedaround that they distract instead of help.) Try havingtwocolorsof sticky notes available—a muted color for jottingdownnotes, anda bright color that you use (sparingly)forimportantreminders.Set a Tone that Gets You WorkingDesigners use proportion and scale to set a room’s tone.(InplainEnglish, this means that the size and relationship ofobjectsin aroom affect how you feel when you’re in it.) Think abouthowamassive, relatively empty cathedral feels grand, or asmallroomfull of couches feels cozy and warm.Proportion and scale don’t solely refer to squarefootage,though—theway you organize and display objects are alsoimportantindicators ofwhat a space should feel like. When you’rein yourworkspace, youwant to feel productive and motivated, sothinkabout how to set thattone. You’ll probably want to arrangeobjectsin a way that feelsinviting, yet still formal.Try it out:- Keep the clutter to a minimum. A room full ofunrelatedobjectswill make the space feel distracting, and anunorganizedspace willjust feel cramped and busy.- You should also make sure that there is plenty of“negativespace”(empty spaces surrounding important objects) aroundyou.Again, thisis to keep the space from feeling crampedandclaustrophobic—neitherof which are very conducivetoproductivity.- If you’re working in a small space, keep your desksmallandstreamlined, too, so it’s not overly invasive in the room.Youwantto feel driven, not trapped.
Men suit design ideas 1.0
Stripes are also making a comeback,PrinceofWales checks, and waistcoats with fob chains, we'll allbewearing'botanical' suits."This year we're already seeing a move away from this cutasmenbegin to embrace a more relaxed suit," . "They will stillbeslimfitted, but certainly not skin tight. And in line withtheslightlylooser fit, we'll also be seeing wider lapels andlongerjacketsand pants."there were a lot of bright blue fabrics around. It was theyearofthe bright navy suit. That is on the way out as wemovetowardsgreyer colours, especially charcoal, and I think menwillstart tolook towards various shades of olive green aswell."Mix and matchMixing it up could also be on the cards, as menexperimentwithdifferent fabrics and textures, often at the sametime. "Whystickto a suit of just one fabric or colour?" "Pair anavy blazerwithgrey or charcoal trousers for a more individuallook. It'sallabout finding your own individual style. Stripes,patterns,subtleweaves; it's all possible."suits will remain slim, but not skinny, as peoplelooktowardscomfort and a more conservative aesthetic. Shades ofemeraldandkhaki green are going to be popular, as well as earthytones(thinksand), monochromatic greys and muted blues."As for fabrics, I'm seeing bold windowpanesandvintage-inspiredchecks for suits, and wool/silk blendsforjacketing.""Suit fashion is a seven-year cycle,I believe it's driven bythebigmanufacturers to keep people buying their products.Thegeneralpublic suddenly believes that the tight-fitting jackettheyarewearing just doesn't cut the mustard anymore, and so theyfeeltheneed to buy something else."The tight-fitting suit with its slim, short trousers hasbeenontrend for a while now, and so we'll see things gettingwideragain.On the catwalks in Europe we're even seeing bellbottoms. Idon'tthink we'll quite get to that here, but suits willdefinitelygeteasier; lapels wider, and more room across thebackandshoulders."Classic cutsif you want to get off the fashion merry-go-round, youronlyansweris to buy a well-made suit in a classic cut that willspantime.What does such a suit look like? Take a look at Cary Grantinthe1930s and 40s."Jackets are fitted but with more room in the chest andacrosstheback," he says. "And they are of a sufficient length thatyoucanjust cup your hands under the skirt of the coat. Lapelsshouldbearound 10cm wide and trousers are easier around the front,withoneor two pleats, and little wider in the knee. The cuffshouldbearound 17.5 inches."steer clear of so-called trendy colours and patterns andoptinsteadfor a classic navy blue and a mid-grey in a bird's eyeorflannelfabric."In Australia's climate you can keep the materialquitelightweight,no more than 280 grams per metre. Choose a woolthatis soft andlight, but durable, and the suit should last you upto20years."
Wedding wedges for bridge 1.0
Wedding shoes with a high heel arepopularwithbrides the world over. They add elegance and glamour toyouroutfit,elongating your legs and adding height which is usefulifyou aremarrying a tall man. It is often the brides thatdon’tusually wearhigh heels who want to do something special ontheirwedding day andtry out high heel wedding shoes, but this cantakesome practise andpreparation.These seven tips will help you to wear your bridal highheelswithstyle:Limit your heel heightIf you aren’t used to wearing high heels, jumping straightintoapair of six inch stilettos is going to have you limping bytheendof the ceremony. Be realistic about what you can wear,andrememberthey will need to be comfortable enough to wear forthewhole day.If you have your dress altered to suit high heels itwillbe toolong for you to slip into flats halfwaythroughthereception.Take your shoes along to a fittingTaking the actual shoes you will wear for the wedding is thebestwayto be sure the length of your wedding dress with work withthebridalhigh heels you have chosen. If you haven’t alreadyboughtthem, tryto take along a pair with a similar sized heel.Thisshould preventyou getting your heel caught in the hem of yourgownand tumblingheadlong down the aisle.Think what you’ll be walking onIf you are having an outdoor wedding you’re likely togetyourselfstuck in the lawn if your wear razor sharpstilettos.Equally, youmight create heel marks in a wooden dancefloor. Lookfor widerheels or wedges for a larger surface area aswell asaddedcomfort.Train your feet and legsWearing high heels requires a different way of walkinganddifferentmuscles from wearing flat shoes. When you buy yourhighheel weddingshoes, try to get another similar pair in thesamestyle that youcan wear to the office or on a few nights out.Thiswill help totrain your feet and legs to cope with high heels,andwill also showyou whether you are likely to get sore toesorblisters on theday.Check out your fiance’s heightIt could be seen as traditionalist or even sexist, butmostbridesdon’t want to tower over their new husband in theirweddingphotos.It’s surprising how much height those heels can add,so ifthereisn’t much difference between you and your fiance, makesureyourbridal heels aren’t going to make you taller than him. Ontheotherhand if you are petite and marrying a giant, the bridalhighheelwas made just for you!Let’s danceDancing in high heels can feel very different to dancinginflatshoes or bare feet, so if you plan on performing ashowstoppingfirst dance with your new husband, make sure youpractiseitwearing your high heel wedding shoes. As your shoeswillincreaseyour height, your hold will be slightly differentduringthe danceso it’s good for your partner to practise with thehighheeledversion of you too.How to wear the platform shoeThere is a current trend for stacked platform bridal shoes,andthesecan give a lot of extra height with a relative degreeofcomfort.They look fantastic with contemporary styled dresses,andon brideswith medium to large builds, but be careful if youarehaving adelicate vintage gown, or you are a very slim brideasthey can lookto clunky and out of place.
Stylish hijab tutorial 1.0
Hijabs are slowly being introducedinthefashion scene - with bloggers, Barbies and brands joiningthepushfor increased diversity.All across the world Muslim girlsandwomenare wearing the Hijab in a stylish manner to show thatHijabscanbe stylish while still maintaining the religiousaspect.A Hijab is a rectangular scarf that is wrapped over the headandisintended to cover the hair and neck of Muslim girls andwomen.Themost common reason Muslim girls and women wear it is toshowthatthey obey Allah (Muslim God) and it also displays a signofmodestyfor them.All in all it doesn’t seem like the trend is goingtodisappearanytime soon. Bangladesh, a Muslim-populated countrythatbordersIndia and Pakistan, is taking the trend head-on. Youwillsee themwearing a Hijab with gold accents or wrapping the scarfinanintricate way that catches your attention really quick.“In one way it’s good that they are displayingfashionableHijabssince it looks pretty and more people are leaningtowardsadoptingit. The negative aspect of that is it still drawsattentiontoyourself which you are trying to preventIt’s not silly that Muslim girls and women are wearing itbut,theydon’t really understand the true purpose of wearing theHijabifthey think of it as just a fashion, understand the purpose wearing the hijabandbefashionable.
American fashion style 2017 1.0
The United States is one oftheleadingcountries in the fashion design industry, along withFrance,Italy,the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan. Apartfromprofessionalbusiness attire, American fashion is eclecticandpredominantlyinformal. While Americans' diverse cultural rootsarereflected intheir clothing, particularly those ofrecentimmigrants, cowboyhats, boots and leather motorcycle jacketsareemblematic ofspecifically American styles.New York City and Los Angeles are the centers ofAmerica'sfashionindustry. They are considered leading fashioncapitals. NewYorkCity is generally considered to be one of the "bigfour"globalfashion capitals, along with Paris, Milan andLondonDress norms in the United States are generally consistentwiththoseof other post-industrial Western nations, and havebecomelargelyinformal since the mid-20th century. Clothing in theUnitedStatesalso depends on a variety of factors includinglocation,venue, anddemographic factors such as ethnicity. Jeans areaconsistentfashion trend among all classes.The western states are commonly noted for being moreinformalintheir manner of dress than those closer to theeasternseaboard.Conspicuous consumption and a desire for qualityhave alsoled to astrong preference for designer label clothingamong many inthemiddle and upper classes.The tolerance of body expression that deviates fromthemainstream,such as complete body tattoos or nudism, isstronglylinked to thesub-culture and location in which anindividual mayfind him orherself. Generally, the United Statestends to be lesstoleranttowards nudity than Western Europe, even inmore tolerantareassuch as California. The tolerance shown forpersonalexpressionsuch as cross-dressing and piercings variesgreatly withlocationand sub-culture, and may be completelyappropriate in onevenuewhile being taboo in anotherIn this app i give you 100 pict of american fashion style,ihopethis app can give some ideas to make your own style.Hopelythisapp can help you.Thank for your honestly.
Bookshelf DIY design ideas 1.0
It is an application Bookshelf DIYIdeasthatcontains a set of pictures Bookshelf Ideas that can beused asareference for you.DIY book shelves are not only decorative, they are oftenrequired.Ifyou have many books or even if you just have some andwant todisplaythem properly.Some of them use recycled materials, which makes them cheapandit'skind of our favorite DIY. Others are knock-offs, theotherthat weloved. Some of them are so easy that you can buildthemfromscratch. From the palette and the stairs to the ropeandcrates ofwine, there are bookshelves here for everyone.Shelving for books form a very important part ofyourhousefurniture. They are expressly structured to keep yourbooks.Thereare many bookshelves to pick from in the market, henceyoushouldthink about a few things before you by a givendesignorbrand.How you will want to hold onto the booksThink about whether you want to keep the books flat orverticallyinthe shelves. Various bookshelves are designed to allowthe booksbeplaced vertically while the others horizontally. You canalsofindsome which come with adjustable shelves, so that you canworkouthow to keep your books. Additionally, there aremanybookshelfdesigns presently for you to choose from, thus youshouldnot belimited to selecting rectangle-shaped orsquareshelves.Substance usedYou need to give consideration to whether you need awoodendoorbookshelf or perhaps a glass door entry. The positiveaspect ofaglass door is that you can view the books right throughtheglassand the downside is fragility of glass contrasted towood.Thecomponent used to make the bookshelf should complement withthatofother furniture in your home such as the tables,closetsandchairs. If they are made from wood then a woodenbookshelf istheideal purchase. Furthermore, if the tables andchairs are madeofstainless steel then you should purchase abookshelf madefromcomparable material.Well-being of the booksSince books are important items you should decide whether ornotyouwant a lockable or an unlockable bookshelf.If you have young children at home, you do not want toseethemsnooping out your precious books.Just where you need to place itThis is a significant consideration to make. If you havealreadyadestination where you want place the book shelf, the onlyissueisto get the book shelf. Do not put it in a concealed placeasyoumight later on forget about it. Furthermore, do not go forabigshelf that cannot blend in any part of your house.Take a few minutes and look at the application ofourDIYbookshelves. Then take a few hours and build your ownshelf.You'llbe proud to show your load and you'll love the extrastoragethatthey give you. That DIY ideas bookshelf from recycledmaterialsandwood. Hope it can help.
Japan Street fashion 2017 1.0
this app give you ideas how to havestylelikesjapanesewe give you ideas like harajuku and other style,come on grab this app and be a famous fashion on your town.i hope this app can help you...arigatou gozaimasu:) :)
modern kebaya design ideas 1.0
kebaya outfit is worn onlyJavaneseroyalfamily. Kebaya is also a family clothing wornCirebonSultanate,the Sultanate of Mataram and YogyakartaSultanatesuccessors.During the period of Dutch control of theisland,European womenbegan wearing kebaya as formal wear.modern kebaya is now many using bye girl, not onlyindonesiangirlbut girl around the world,its not only tradition but fashion toDuring this period, kebaya changed from simply using moriusingsilkfabric with colorful embroidery. Similar outfitcalled"mistresskebaya" was first coined by the Peranakan peopleofMelaka. Theywear gloves and shoes with a gorgeous beadedcalled"shoe manek".Now, mistress kebaya is undergoing renewal, andisalso well knownamong non-Asian women. Kebaya other variationsarealso used Chineseancestry Indonesia in Cirebon,Pekalongan,Semarang, Lasem, Tubanand Surabaya.
Prom dresses 2017 1.0
In the United States, and increasinglyintheUnited Kingdom and Canada, a promenade dance, mostcommonlycalleda prom, is a semi-formal (black tie) dance orgathering ofhighschool students. This event is typically held nearthe end ofthesenior year (the last year of high school). Promsfigure greatlyinpopular culture and are major events among highschoolstudents.High school juniors attending the prom may call it"juniorprom"while high-school seniors may call it "senior prom".Inpractice,this event may be a combined junior/senior dance.At a prom, a Prom King and Prom Queen may be revealed.Thesearehonorary titles awarded to students elected in aschool-widevoteprior to the prom, and seniors are usuallyawardedthesetitles.Other students may be honored with inclusion ina"PromCourt." The selection method for a Prom Court is similartothat ofHomecoming Queen/Princess, King, and Court. Inclusion inaPromCourt may be a reflection of popularity of thosestudentselectedand their level of participation in schoolactivities, suchasclubs or sports. The Prom Queen and Prom King maybe givencrownsto wear. Members of the Prom Court may be givensashes towear andphotographed together.Similar events take place in many other parts of theworld.InAustralia and New Zealand, the terms school formal, andballaremost commonly used for occasions equivalent to theAmericanprom,and the event is usually held for students insenioryears,although the bestowing of the regal titles rarely, ifever,occurs.Many schools hold a formal graduation ball forfinishingstudentsat the end of the year in place of or as well as aformal.InIreland a debutante ball or Debs may also be held. InPolandhighschools organize a "studniówka". The term "prom" isbecomingmorecommon in the UK and Canada due to the influence ofAmericanfilmsand television shows.
Japan Anime Cosplays 1.0
Cosplay (コスプレ kosupure?) is a shortwayofsaying of "Costume Play". It is an act of dressing up tolooklikean anime, manga, video game, Japanese rock, or Jpopcharacter.Aperson who does this is called a Cosplayer.Cosplay can be divided into two parts, basic cosplayandmasqueradecosplay. Both types of cosplay involve tryingtophysically looklike the character, including speaking likethecharacter,memorizing quotes and so on. Masquerading, or"TheMasquerade,"usually refers to a cosplay competitionwherecosplayersdemonstrate their skills in creating costumes,putting onskits,and in technical matters.Even though cosplaying is originally from Japan, there areanumberof cosplay communities in Malaysia, China, theUnitedStates,Indonesia, and the Philippines, because of thepopularityofJapanese animation, movies, and popular cultureinthosecountries.Cosplay communities often hold events such aspartiesandconventions. Some of the best cosplayers can befamousamongstotaku.Some types have compititions for a rewardThe rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as ahobbysince1990s has made the phenomenon a significant aspectofpopularculture in Japan and some other parts of Asia and intheWesternworld. Cosplay events are common features of fanconventionsandthere are also dedicated conventions and localandinternationalcompetitions, as well as social networks, websitesandother formsof media centered on cosplay activities.The term "cosplay" is a Japanese portmanteau of theEnglishtermscostume and play. The term was coined by NobuyukiTakahashiofStudio Hard while attending the 1984 WorldScienceFictionConvention (Worldcon) in Los Angeles.He was impressedby thehalland the costumed fans and reported on both in JapanesemagazineMyAnime. The coinage reflects a common Japanesemethodofabbreviation in which the first two moras of a pair ofwordsareused to form an independent compound: 'costume' becomeskosu(コス)and 'play' becomes pure (プレ).
Fashion design sketches 1.0
Flat design sketch mode is a pictureorpaintingis rugged, lightweight, sheer outline orunfinished.Sometimes it isonly used as a reminder-recallonly.Sketch or sketch (sketch) is generally known as a chart or planforapicture in making clothes.Whether you're looking for inspiration in designing theclothesarebeautiful and simple. If you have not been able toinspireindesigning fashion apparel. This application providessomesampleimages sketch designs beautiful fashion clothing with theaimofmaking it easier for inspiration to designbeautifulmehndihenna.Then what kind of sample design beautiful clothes fashionsketchwiththe most likes. All that can be seen in thisapplicationregardingset design drawing fashion sketches gorgeousclothesmostpreferred.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
New wedding dress 1.0
Some classic wedding dress stylesarealwayspopular. But each season, the silhouettes and designsaretweaked abit and presented with a twist to make it moretrendyandfashionable. Take a look at some of the most popularandtrendywedding dress styles for 2017Grecian Wedding DressFor a modern bride, a Grecian style wedding dress is justperfect.Itis a classic piece that's contemporary and elegant andHAScleancrisp lines. This season, Grecian inspired wedding dressismakingwaves and HAS emerged as one of the most popularweddingstyles.Choose one with a lot of draping and pleats at thebust,with anempire waistline. Classic Grecian wedding dresses inafloatymaterial like chiffon and organza are very hot thistime.This typeof style is ideal for women who are slim built with anotsogenerous bustline. Embellishments in the form of pearlsandstonesat the shoulders and the sash of the gown are perfect togiveitthe right amount of oomph.Halter Style Wedding DressFor brides who are looking for a super sexy silhouette,agreatchoice would be a halterneck wedding dress. Wedding gownswithahalter neck and a fitted A-line skirt, instantly makeyoulookattractive. This style of wedding gown is one ofthemostfashionable this season. Another design variation ofthehalterneckwedding gown is a wedding dress with a slit racy,runningdown theside of the leg. Teamed with a halter neck and madeof asoftmaterial like satin drapey works very well. This typeofweddingdress style is reserved for brides who have a toned bodyandarenot afraid to show some skin.Strapless Wedding DressThe beauty of a strapless wedding dress Is that it neverfailstoimpress. Strapless wedding gowns are one of themostpopularwedding dress styles or 2017. A strapless wedding gownwitha tightbodice, clinched waist and '50s' inspired flaringandflouncy skirtis dramatic and show stopping. The best thingaboutstrapless gownsis thatthey are very flattering to the body.Choosea straplessgown with lace and pearl detail at the bodice withasoftly drapedskirt. Clusters of flowers made of lace andchiffonThat Areattached to the hem and neckline make a straplessweddingdresslook more attractive and alluring.always remember, Wedding dresses are the key point ofawedding.Whether you are a mother of the bride, or bridesmaid evenaweddingguest,you may have to help the brides to choose dressestowear toa wedding. Bridal dresses can be in different colors,shapesanddifferent prices. A wedding dress can be short, long,medium ortealength. Some wedding dresses can be long sleeve,backless,laceorstrapless. Wedding gowns may vary in colors too.such as; itispossible to find white, pink, red, black,ivory,champagne,blackand white wedding dresses, even blue ones.Whetherdesigners,inexpensive, preowned (A.K.A. second hand orused), everyweddingdress is beautiful because it makes a woman'sdream cometrue. Itis totally up to brides, how a gown should be. Itcanbesimple,bohemian, ball gown, vintage or a mermaid weddingdress.Youcan choose traditional, modest and unique dresses, or youcanbuyaffordable discount dresses. We hope you can findyourselfaperfect gown after viewing the elegant wedding dressesthaweincluded in this app.
craft flanel 1.0
Flannel is one of the materials to makeahandcreations are popular today. From the soft texture ofthematerialand the colors are interesting to make flannel as oneofthe mainingredients for making crafts are widely used.You can also make flannel into goods that have higherresalevalue.Starting from making shirts or key chains. From thesofttexture ofthe material and the colors are interesting tomakeflannel as oneof the main ingredients for making crafts arewidelyused.Not only that, the fabric is also very easy to get falnelinnearbyshops. Therefore, chances of handicraft businesses arenowstartingogled from various circles, especiallyforhousewives.Among the crafts that can be made of flannel is adoll,wallet,mobile phone holster, imitation food, keychains,flowers,brooches,and many more which will be discussed later.Of the various examples of handicrafts from flannel,usuallyafavorite of the girls are made of roses and abroochofflannel.Somehow these two crafts are very much in demand theyare,probablybecause of the feminism they tend to be more wanted tomakeacreation of hands that they will enjoy themselves.Brosisdefinitely worn by girls, while flowers, became one ofthehallmarkfeminine side girl.