Top 8 Apps Similar to Learn Android (Video lectures)

Learn Android Development 1.0
Are you someone with a basiclevelofprogramming understanding and experience, and now want tostepintothe Android App Design and Development space? LearntodevelopAndroid applications through this one-of-a-kind tutorialapp–where you get to learn Android Development through anAndroidApp!View detailed demos for various Android activitiesandgetimmediately implementable source code for each activity.Next,goahead and build your own Android App by using acombinationofactivities relevant to your app. Not happy with justdemosandsource codes? Need some guidance on how exactly to usethem?Forassistance in developing the various activities availableintheApp, subscribe to this course on AndroidDevelopment( ( ), amarketplaceforaffordable courses. The course will be available forfree foralimited number of subscribers only. Rush toChalkStreet.comandsubscribe to the course now! Alternatively, youcandownloadChalkStreet's mobile App for Android.The various Android activities that you'll learntoimplementthrough this app are:1. Main Activity: where you can change system languages,linktoanother activity and send emails with the click of abutton2. Wifi Activity: where you can verify if Wi-Fi isavailableornot3. Debug Activity: where you can debug your application4. Forms: where you can create a form for capturing varioustypesofdata5. Material Design: where you can customize your toolbarandtoolbarbuttons6. Notifications: where notifications can be displayed onthetouchof a button7. Toast Activity: where a toast message is displayed ontouch8. Options Menu Activity: where a list of clickableoptionsareavailable in the menu9. Context Menu Activity: where a menu is displayedbasedoncontext10. Alert Activity: where an alert dialog and customdialogaredisplayed11. Progress Activity: where a spinner or a horizontalprogressbaris displayed when a task is being processed12. Audio Player: which is a basic audio player with play,pauseorstop13. Video Player: which can be used to play videos usingtheinbuiltvideo player14. Camera: which can be used to click a picture usingthedevice'scamera15. Shared Activity: which uses shared preferences toperformtaskslike saving data permanently16. SQLite Activity: which lets you store data locally whichcanthenbe retrieved when necessary17. Content Activity: which fetches and displays yourcontactsusingthe content provider18. GPS Activity: Displays current location on mapsusingthedevice's GPSDownload this App and immediately begindevelopingdifferentvarieties of Android Applications. This App isalsoperfect as areference guide whenever you want to build anAndroidApplicationin quick time.
Tutorials for Android 2.2
Learn android on the go with Android Tutorials
Learn Android Java 2.11
Sambhaji Karad
This Application provides an introduction to AndroidwithSQLiteDatabase and Java Programming and allows someone withabasicknowledge of programming to start creatingAndroidApplications. Itis a light course to cover fundamentals ofAndroid.It will readyou the Android programming Paradigm and how tothinkwhilecreating an Android program. We will cover topics suchasOverview,Installation, Activities, Layouts, List Views,SQLite,ServicesMultimedia and Google Play. It will be aenjoyablelearningapplication that is sure to help you get goingwithAndroidprogramming. * WHAT YOU WILL LEARN* Slider A :-Introduction toAndroid Programming. Slider B : - IntroductiontoJava Programming.Slider C : - Introduction to SQLiteDatabase.Slider D : - AndroidProgramming Tutorial with examples&snapshot. Slider E : -Interview's Question both Android &Java.Slider F : - Quizboth Android & Java. *WHAT YOU WILL GET*- Youcan learn easilyandroid designing and development. - You canlearnandroidprogramming with SQLite database plugins. - You canlearnalso Javaprogramming. - You will be able to createAndroidapplicationsbased on your ideas. - Able to choose the bestlayoutfor yourapps. - Learn the concept behind Android constructs.-Design yourandroid app properly. - Interview Questions AndroidandJava. -Quiz both Android and Java. *FEATURES* - ThisapplicationNoInternet connection required. - Lifetime access toallbasicconcept of Android with SQLite Database. - You canlearnAndroidprogramming also with SQLite database and Javaprogramming.- Readthe interview's question's Android and also Java.- You willplaythe Quiz in this application of both programming(Android&Java).
Learn Android Development 11.12
Are you someone with no knowledgeofprogramming and now want to step into the Android App DesignandDevelopment space?Learn Android applications development through thisone-of-a-kindtutorial app – where you get to learn through anAndroid App!With this Android development training app you can learn -NEW* - CORE JAVA CONCEPTS (essential for proper understandingofandroid development concepts)2. ANDROID DEVELOPMENT (Totally offline).3. ANDROID BEST PRACTICES - Industry and professionalstandardsfor Android developer.4. 60 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - which arehandpicked.These Android development interview questions arehandpicked by me.I myself have faced 3 interviews in myprofessional life of androiddevelopment , so i have an idea aboutthe very common and obviousquestions which are put for the freshersin android developmentinterview. So you will be benefited by these60 interview questionsand also i have provided the answers forthese questions side byside.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to use the app ?First of all , go through the Core Java concepts given intheapp.Concepts are--1. What is OOP?2. Basic data types.3. Variables in Java4. Methods in Java5. How to call a method.6. Comments and types.7. Classes and objects in java.8. Access modifiers in Java.9. Casting10. Conditionals in Java11. Arrays12. Loops in Java (for loop, while loop, do-while loop, foreachloop)14. Error handling in Java.After that -Next, go ahead and build your own Android App by using acombinationof activities relevant to your app.This app contains Day by Day approach with increasing levelofdifficulty ( TOTAL OFFLINE ) Areas covered are -1. Components of Android application Development .Itsarchitecture and part of the package .2. Organising and Accessing resources in programming3. Activity Cycle and its importance in coding .4. Intents , Actions and their role5. User Interface Layout . What is it ? Linear layout ,Relativelayout , listview6. What are Views . TextView , EditText , Button.7. Event LIsteners and their uses .8. SendinG Emails9. Making phone calls10. Sending messages11. Google Maps and its applications12. Location based services13. Making a Media Player14. Making Audio Recorder15. XML PARSER16. JSON PARSING17. RSS READER18. Internal storage and its access19. Playing with Gestures20. ANIMATION in Android21. Shared Preferences and its applications22. Session Management for apps23. Mastering Push NotificationsView detailed demos for various Android activities andgetimmediately implementable source code for each activity.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Download this App and immediately begin developingdifferentvarieties of Android Applications. This App is alsoperfect as areference guide whenever you want to build an AndroidApplicationin quick time.
UI Design for Android 1.0
Boopathy Raja.S
You can also Download the SourceCode of this applicationthroughthisthelink Android helps the android application developer todesigntheapplication with following features 1. Navigation Drawer2.Animation3. Arc Menu 4. Chart 5. Drag & Drop 6. ListView 7.Map8. Paint9. Picker 10. PopUp 11. Text2Speech 12. ViewFlow 13.Wheel
Learn Android Tutorial 3.6
Computer Sciences
Learn Android TutorialWith this application, you will be able to develop yourfirstAndroidApplication even if you don't know anything about JavaorXML.This application is designed to help users step by stepuntiltheyinstall the necessary tools of the android platform.You will need:- Computer with windows system. (*)- Android Smartphone or a Tablet. (*)- Usb cable for your Smartphone or Tablet.
Ethical Hacking 3.0
Prince Patel
Unless you know how to hack, you can notdefendyourself from hackers. This application providesadvancedPenetration Testing, Ethical Hacking tutorials and toolsonComputer Security, Network Security, Internet Security Program.Weguide users to get into the Pen-testing and Ethical HackingWorld.We will keep updating new tutorials and tools on regularbasis.Includes:Automated MySQL Injection from AndroidBackdoor with Set And MetasploitRemote Administration Tool for AndroidStaying AnonymousWeb HackingAttacking MySQL With MetasploitRemote Password StealerSteganography TutorialEmail Tracking & ReportCryptography TutorialVPN'sAutomate SQL InjectionsBreak into systemSniffing network trafficMan in the middle AttacksSQL InjectionsHuman HackingWeb ShellsCookie stealerDeface WebsiteXSS AttacksShell Writing using SQLURL based SQL InjectionsDNS Spoofing NetworkCracking ProgamsPassword CrackingWirless Network CrackingMetasploit AttacksRemove android lock screen pinVulnerability scanningKnow which friend visits your facebook profile mostSecurity and Hacking Tools (over 1000+ popular tools)Android Forensic RecoveryGet thousands of Fb/Twitter/instagram/utube followersPorts Registry & Hacker PortsWord Lists for Password crackingScanning with Nmap -AdvancedDDOS (Windows tool)How to DDOSRecover iPhone Contacts, SMS, Photos, Videos & MoreTop Penetration Testing Linux DistributionsExtract Metadata from ImageSniffing on VoIP NetworkAnd Much More!Some of you might think the price is too high for this app,but$10 is nothing compared to the knowledge you will acquirefromit.********By Installing this application you agree thefollowingTerms and conditions. Any proceedings and or activitiesrelated tothe material contained within this Application areexclusively yourliability. The misuse and mistreat of theinformation in thisApplication can consequence in unlawful chargesbrought against thepersons in question. The authors, developers andreview analyzerswill not be held responsible in the event anyunlawful chargesbrought against any individuals by misusing theinformation in thisapplication to break the law. This applicationcontains materialand resources that can be potentially destructiveor dangerous. Ifyou do not fully comprehend something on thisapplication, don‘tuse this application. Please refer to the lawsand acts of yourstate/region/ province/zone/territory or countrybefore accessing,using, or in any other way utilizing theseresources. Thesematerials and resources are for educational andresearch purposesonly. Do not attempt to violate the law withanything enclosed herewithin. If this is your intention, then leavenow. Neitherdeveloper of this application, review analyzers, thepublisher, noranyone else affiliated in any way, is going to admitanyresponsibility for your proceedings, actions or trials.Thisapplication is completely related to Ethical hackingandInformation Security. The application is meant only foreducationalpurposes any misuse of the contents of this application,Thedeveloper or the authors of this application and articals willnotbe held responsible for your actions.********
Mobile Application Development 3.0
An application designed to teach anyone willing tolearnaboutAndroid development. Originally a Moodle course createdforthestudents of Garland Independent School District (GISD),thiscourseis now completely free andavailableat Covered Topics: • HowtouseEclipse • XML Programming • User Interface Design •Terminology•Android Activity Lifecycle • Android Layouts • TextView•EditText• Button • ToggleButton • RadioGroup • CheckBox •ListView• Intent• Menus • Toast • Sound • Icon • Much, much more!Optimizedforsmall, medium, large and extra-large screen sizes sothe applooksgreat on any device! Forthepublic: ForGISDstudents: