Top 4 Apps Similar to Workplace English 2

英语中心-商务英语 1.1.2
"英语中心-商务英语"是一个有效地巩固英语单词与句子拼写和读音知识的应用程序。您将可以学习到100句商务英语句子以及其音标(IPA)、发音和拼写。无广告版本。课程是学生通过识别单词以及根据听到的录音,然后把听到的句子通过拼凑单词的方式拼写出来。英语的学习需要重复不断的练习,网上英语培训则需要调动学生浓厚的兴趣以及课程应适合学生的个人能力。有些英语单词我们记忆的很快而有些则需要我们不断重复记忆。"英语中心-商务英语" 应用程序将加强重复学生学习英语过程中所遇到困难的知识点。应用程序将自动调整重复重点单词与句子。"英语中心-商务英语" 付费课程包括100句最常用的英语句子。话题: 基本的短语、关系、电脑工作、商务旅行、数字、日期、国际销售服务。这是你值得购买的课程,购买此课程可以不限次数的重复学习。该应用程序是一个很好的为帮助口语与书面考试做准备的方式。开始学习模式,当您看到中文句子并且听到相关英文录音之后根据下列给出的英语单词拼写出完整的句子。课程分三个不同难度的级别,最后一个级别学生将根据听到的中文录音拼写出完整的句子,这不仅锻炼了学生的拼写能力,而且也提高了学生的口语能力。"English Centre-BusinessEnglish" is a valid English words and sentencestoconsolidate thespelling and pronunciation ofknowledgeapplication. You will beable to learn 100 Englishsentences andtheir business phonetic(IPA), pronunciation andspelling. No adsversion.Curriculum is based on the students by recognizing words andheartherecording, and then hear the word sentences by piecingtogethertheway spelled out.English learning needs constant repetition exercises,onlineEnglishtraining students need to mobilize a strong interestinpersonalcapacity and should be suitable for students ofthecourse.Some English words we remember quickly while others requireustorepeat memories."English Center - Business English" repeat applicationswillenhancestudents learning English in the process ofknowledgedifficultiesencountered. The application willautomatically adjustthe focus ofrepeated words and sentences."English Centre - Business English" Pay curriculum includes100ofthe most commonly used English sentences.Topics: basic phrases, relationships, computer work,businesstravel,numbers, dates, international sales services.It is worth buying your course, you can buy an unlimitednumberofthis course repetition.The application is a very good oral and written exams tohelppreparethe way.Start learning mode, and when you see the Chinesesentenceafterhearing recordings related to the English spelling ofEnglishwordsbased on complete sentences given below.The course is divided in three different levels ofdifficulty,thelast level students will spell out a completesentenceinaccordance with the Chinese to hear the recording, whichnotonlyexercise the student's spelling ability, but alsoimprovethestudents' speaking ability.
Bizzwords Business English 0.9.4
Bizzwords SAS
BOOST YOUR BUSINESS ENGLISH!Designed by 3 expert trainers in Business English*,Bizzwordsisthe revolutionary new app that lets you learn the1000fundamentalwords and expressions in business English in lessthan aminute aday.Each day you get 1 or 3 key words or expressionsforinternationalbusiness English, along with thedefinition,pronunciation and areal-life example.THE BASIC VERSION (1 word a day) IS TOTALLY FREE, AND THEREARENOADS!You’ll also get 25 words free as soon as you sign up, to helpyougetstarted.If you’d like to learn faster, you can upgrade at any pointtothepaid version for a small monthly fee and receive 3 wordseachday.You can also make a one-time purchase at a discountedprice inorderto receive 3 words per day until you’ve received all1000words.Bizzwords helps you learn the words by organizingthem,choosingfavorites, or practicing them in a fun “againsttheclock”game.Need more Bizzwords? The app also has specialized packsforyourEnglish needs: meetings, presentations, finance,businesslunches,industry-specific packs (pharma, transport,energy…) andmore!Bizzwords is all you need to do the job in English.Check out our website at Bizzwords is not for absolute beginners, butforstudentsandprofessionals who already speak some English.*Bizzwords is brought to you by a team of threehighlyexperiencedbusinessmen and English trainingprofessionals:• John Cullen, a native of Dublin, Ireland, is anengineerandentrepreneur.• Richard Crossley, from the UK, works as a manager,businessEnglishtrainer and learning innovation expert.• John Heller, a native of Chicago and graduateofHarvardUniversity, works in sales and marketing.John, Richard and John work together trainingbusinessexecutivesat Cullen Language Services in France. Formoreinformation, contactus at
日常慣用語 2.3.1
情境英文單字記憶 第4冊 6.18
English vocabulary learning tool - situational English wordmemoryShioulo studio - industrial and commercial custom softwaredesign