Top 4 Apps Similar to Workplace English 3

Workplace English 2 1.0
※ Workplace English 3 is nowavailablefordownload.This app will help non-native Englishspeakerscommunicatesuccessfully with job interviewers,employers,supervisors, andfellow workers.You will be introduced to a variety of workplace situationsandthelanguage used in these situations, helping you developtheskillsyou need to communicate successfully inEnglishbusinessworld.You will learn how to handle:Finding a JobA Job InterviewNegotiating Your Salary & Company BenefitsDocuments & EquipmentCompany OrganizationDays Off & OvertimeLife at the OfficePreparing for a MeetingIn the MeetingAccountingBusiness TravelAir TravelStaying at a HotelSchedule ArrangementMaking a Presentation I&IIGoing Out with Co-workersPerformance ReviewPromoting a ProductMarketingCustomer ServiceDining with ClientsCompany EventsCollocationCover Letter & ResumeMemos & EmailsBusiness Letters
職場英語王4 Workplace English 4 1.0
1. 本應用程式提供多樣化主題,職場難題輕鬆解決!學習重點包括銷售英語、行銷英語、常用搭配詞和客戶服務。除了語言技巧,還要讓你熟悉如何安排與客戶一起用餐、如何服務客戶、參與公司活動、如何撰寫商務書信,讓千萬上班族晉升職場英語王。2. 獨創課程集中學習,學習效率一級棒!精心規劃每日學習進度,只要天天撥時間充電英語實力,不出幾天就能完成系統化、特色化的英語學習。3. 嚴選常用字彙,戰勝職場、新多益測驗收錄職場、新多益高頻字彙,搭配相關例句及情境對話或閱讀,強化學習成效,求職、升遷、考試輕鬆過關,穩坐職場A咖。4. 有趣幽默情境漫畫,強化學習成效每單元從情境漫畫引導學習,介紹必備職場叢林生存秘訣,解析情境單字及萬用句型,迅速提升職場英語應戰力5. 會說更能寫,商務書信寫作現學現用不管是英文履歷、電子書信,書中範例任你套用,立即提高寫作能力,所有職場英文難題迎刃而解。1 This applicationoffersa variety of topics, solve workplace problems easily!Learning Objectives include sales English, marketing,English,commonly used collocation and customer service. In additiontolanguage skills, but also let you are familiar with how toarrangedining with customers, how to serve our customers, toparticipatein the company's activities, How to Write a BusinessLetterpromotion of workplace English king, so ten millionofficeworkers.2 original courses focus on learning, learningefficiencybeautifully!Careful planning daily learning progress, set aside time everydaythe charging English strength, not a few days will be abletocomplete the systematic characteristics of Englishlearning.Carefully selected words in the victory over the workplace, thenewTOEIC testIncluded in the workplace, the the new TOEIC highfrequencyvocabulary with sentences and situational dialogue orreading, andstrengthen the effectiveness of learning, job promotionexam easyride, sit tight in the workplace A coffee.4. Interesting humorous situations comics, and strengthentheeffectiveness of learningPer unit from situational comic guided learning, introducesanessential the the workplace jungle survival tips, parsing thethesituational word and wildcard patterns, rapid increasesinworkplace English fight forceWould say more writing, business letter writing off nowWhether English biographical book letter, any book example youapplyimmediately to improve writing skills, all workplaceEnglishproblems solved.
巨匠蜂美語4級 5.06
Gjun information Co., Ltd.
巨匠蜂美語Basic 5.06
Gjun information Co., Ltd.
巨匠蜂美語 Basic APP通過國家級『學習類應用程式(APP)』品質認證,適合英語初學者,想學會生活常用基礎字彙與句型。