Top 5 Games Similar to 飛鼠部落 - 1 口簧琴歌

飛鼠部落 - 7 彩虹衣 9.0
Engine Studios
泰雅美麗染織是彩虹的化身。紅色菱格紋是祖靈眼睛的象徵Tintin 的媽媽要染布,染布的材料卻只有紅鳳菜與薯榔兩種,到底怎樣使用兩種材料卻能染出多采多姿的彩虹衣呢?▲ 繪本故事一則關於原住民的小故事,一頁頁精彩的繪圖,在閱讀與互動之中瞭解原民的生活智慧與科學知識。▲ 科學導讀每一集故事皆附有數則相關的科學導讀,父母與老師可陪同孩子一同深入瞭解相關知識。▲ 科學遊戲每一集都有與故事相關的科學問題限時搶答,想要與故事中的角色們拍照嗎?要答對夠多的題目喔!Atayal dyeingbeautifulrainbow incarnation. Red lozenge is a symbol of theancestralspirits of the eyeTintin's mother to dyeing, dyeing materials, but only theredphoenix palm potato dish with two kinds, in the end how to usethetwo materials are able dyed colorful rainbow clothes it? ▲ Illustrated StoryOne on Aboriginal stories, page after page of wonderful drawings,inreading and understanding the interaction among the livingwisdomand scientific knowledge of the original people. ▲ scientific REVIEWEach story is accompanied by the number of the collectionofrelevant scientific REVIEW, parents and teachers canaccompanychildren with insight into relevant knowledge. ▲ Scientific GamesEach episode has a story associated with limited answerscientificquestions, and the story you want to take pictures ofthecharacters do? To answer the title more than enough Oh!
飛鼠部落 - 6 太陽的時間 9.0
Engine Studios
日升日落。花開花謝。泰雅族人的自然時鐘張老師從山下帶了一個機器時鐘回到部落。Tintin的祖父卻說自然界到處都有「時鐘」,泰雅族人的生活順著自然的時鐘而不是機器時鐘。到底什麼是自然的時鐘呢?▲ 繪本故事一則關於原住民的小故事,一頁頁精彩的繪圖,在閱讀與互動之中瞭解原民的生活智慧與科學知識。▲ 科學導讀每一集故事皆附有數則相關的科學導讀,父母與老師可陪同孩子一同深入瞭解相關知識。▲ 科學遊戲每一集都有與故事相關的科學問題限時搶答,想要與故事中的角色們拍照嗎?要答對夠多的題目喔!Sunrisesunset.Huakaihuaxie. Atayal people's natural clockZhang from the foot with a machine clock back to the tribe.Tintin'sgrandfather says that nature everywhere, "clock", Atayalpeopleliving along the natural clock instead of machine clock.What is thenature of the clock in the end it? ▲ Illustrated StoryOne on Aboriginal stories, page after page of wonderful drawings,inreading and understanding the interaction among the livingwisdomand scientific knowledge of the original people. ▲ scientific REVIEWEach story is accompanied by the number of the collectionofrelevant scientific REVIEW, parents and teachers canaccompanychildren with insight into relevant knowledge. ▲ Scientific GamesEach episode has a story associated with limited answerscientificquestions, and the story you want to take pictures ofthecharacters do? To answer the title more than enough Oh!
飛鼠部落 - 5 水中螢火蟲 9.0
Engine Studios
水中的螢火蟲。泰雅族人的魚水中閃閃發亮的螢火蟲竟然是泰雅族人的魚,在重要的日子即將來臨時,泰雅族人一定老早將魚醃好,等待最重要的客人。那天泰雅小男孩Tintin竟然和 Tola 跑進穀倉,吃光所有要給祖母吃的醃魚。闖下大禍的他們卻意外地與水中螢火蟲相遇在河邊。▲ 繪本故事一則關於原住民的小故事,一頁頁精彩的繪圖,在閱讀與互動之中瞭解原民的生活智慧與科學知識。▲ 科學導讀每一集故事皆附有數則相關的科學導讀,父母與老師可陪同孩子一同深入瞭解相關知識。▲ 科學遊戲每一集都有與故事相關的科學問題限時搶答,想要與故事中的角色們拍照嗎?要答對夠多的題目喔!Firefly water.AtayalfishFireflies sparkling water turned Atayal fish, important dayiscoming when the Atayal people must long ago marinated fish,waitingfor the most important guests. That little boy TintinAtayalactually ran into the barn and Tola, eat all give grandmothereatkippers. Ancestry disaster they accidentally met in the riverandthe water fireflies. ▲ Illustrated StoryOne on Aboriginal stories, page after page of wonderful drawings,inreading and understanding the interaction among the livingwisdomand scientific knowledge of the original people. ▲ scientific REVIEWEach story is accompanied by the number of the collectionofrelevant scientific REVIEW, parents and teachers canaccompanychildren with insight into relevant knowledge. ▲ Scientific GamesEach episode has a story associated with limited answerscientificquestions, and the story you want to take pictures ofthecharacters do? To answer the title more than enough Oh!
飛鼠部落 - 3 秘密獵寮 9.0
Engine Studios
冷熱變化大。竹子肚量大?鐵鍋肚量小?泰雅小男孩 Tintin 和他的好友Tola有了幫大叔蓋房子的經驗後,也想自己動手蓋一棟房子,於是他們在山林中找到一塊地開始秘密地進行蓋獵寮的工作,他們希望這是一個完全屬於他們自己的秘密獵寮。這真的不是一件容易的工作,一開始兩個人差一點冷死在山上,但是在秘密獵寮快完成的時候,Tintin卻因為太熱而昏了過去。到底又發生了什麼事?▲ 繪本故事一則關於原住民的小故事,一頁頁精彩的繪圖,在閱讀與互動之中瞭解原民的生活智慧與科學知識。▲ 科學導讀每一集故事皆附有數則相關的科學導讀,父母與老師可陪同孩子一同深入瞭解相關知識。▲ 科學遊戲每一集都有與故事相關的科學問題限時搶答,想要與故事中的角色們拍照嗎?要答對夠多的題目喔!
飛鼠部落 - 2 頭目的手掌 9.0
Engine Studios
頭目掌長量長度。頭目掌長卻不同。怎麼辦?一場暴風雨讓泰雅小男孩 Tintin和他的家人度過一個驚恐的夜晚,也催毀大叔的屋子。一家人決定一起努力幫大叔重新建造一棟新屋子,但是Tintin和他的好友Tola卻因為測量長度的問題,在蓋房子的過程中惹出一堆麻煩,最後如何收拾呢?▲ 繪本故事一則關於原住民的小故事,一頁頁精彩的繪圖,在閱讀與互動之中瞭解原民的生活智慧與科學知識。▲ 科學導讀每一集故事皆附有數則相關的科學導讀,父母與老師可陪同孩子一同深入瞭解相關知識。▲ 科學遊戲每一集都有與故事相關的科學問題限時搶答,想要與故事中的角色們拍照嗎?要答對夠多的題目喔!Metacarpallengthchieftain long amount. Chieftain long palm is different. Howtodo?A storm let Atayal boy Tintin and his family spent a nightofhorror, but also destroyed the house uncle. Efforts to helpthefamily decided to re-construction of a new house uncletogether,but Tintin and his friends Tola but because the length ofthemeasurement problem, stir up a bunch of trouble in the processofbuilding a house, and finally how to clean it? ▲ Illustrated StoryOne on Aboriginal stories, page after page of wonderful drawings,inreading and understanding the interaction among the livingwisdomand scientific knowledge of the original people. ▲ scientific REVIEWEach story is accompanied by the number of the collectionofrelevant scientific REVIEW, parents and teachers canaccompanychildren with insight into relevant knowledge. ▲ Scientific GamesEach episode has a story associated with limited answerscientificquestions, and the story you want to take pictures ofthecharacters do? To answer the title more than enough Oh!