Top 2 Apps Similar to Hazrat Usman Ghani R.A

Hazrat Ummul Banin a.s 1.1
One Momin
Hazrat Fatima binte HazambinKhalidIbn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi belonged to the clan ofBanuKilab,which was one the noblest families amongst theHashimitesandfamous for the bravery and valor of its warriors.Much earlier during 8 A.H., Imam Ali (a.s.) had beengiventheprophecy by ProphetMohammad(pbuh&hf) of a brave son who would bemartyredalongsidewith his brother Imam Hussain(a.s.) on the day ofAshura.Eversincethen, Imam Ali(a.s.) had been waiting for the birthofthat sonwhich came in the person of Hazrat Abbas(a.s.).Hazrat Umm-ul-Baneen came to the house of Imam Ali(a.s.)knowingvery well that before her the chief of the womenofparadise, HazratFatima Zahra(s.a.) was living in that house.Sheserved Imam Ali(a.s.) in the same manner as Hazrat Umm-e-Salmahadserved the HolyProphet (pbuh&hf) after the demise ofHazratKhadija (a.s.).Immediately stepping in the house, shevowedherself to act as aslave of the children of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.).Her sincerity wasmuch respected by the children of HazratFatima(s.a.) that theyalways gave her a high status andrespect.Fatima Binte Hazam was an accomplished and cultured lady,andboreHazrat Ali's four sons: Abbas, Abdullah, Jafer and Usman.Themeaningof 'Ummul Baneen' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sonsweremartyredalong with Imam Husain. After their martyrdom,sherequested peoplenot to call her 'Ummul Baneen' ever again.WhenImam Husain (A.S.)was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hadrat UmmulBaneenasked her four sons,Hadrat Abbas (A.S.), Abdulla, Ja'far andUsmanto sacrifice theirlives in the sacred cause of ImamHusain(A.S.).On 10th Muharram 61 A.H.,the day of martyrdom ofImamHusain(a.s.) and his 72 faithful companions at the battlefieldofKarbalawhen Hadrat Umme Salamah witnessed that the earth inthebottlegiven to her by the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf) hadturnedintoblood she raised the cry of "Ya Husain" Ya Husain"anddeclaredthat Imam Husain (a.s.) has been martyred according totheprophecyforetold to her by the Holy Prophet (phuh&hf)aboutthemartyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).Ummul Baneen conducted first ever Majlis after ImamHusain(a.s.)martyrdom:Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her houseandallcried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).This wasthefirstever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of ImamHusain(a.s.).Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the HolyProphet'sprogenythat she loved Imam Hussain (a.s.) more than herownchildren. Afeeling which was from the bottom of her heart - Itwasto theextent that when she received the news stating themartyrdomof herfour children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain(A.S.)" andwhenshe received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'smartyrdom shesaid:"All of the arteries of my heart are torn. Mayall of mychildrenand what ever that exists under this azure heavenbesacrificed forthe sake of Imam Hussain (a.s.).The First Noha Recitor of the martyrdom ofImamHussain(a.s.):After the arrival of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) and Hazrat Zainab(s.a.)inMadinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to gather women in herhouseandused to narrate them how Imam Husain (a.s.) and hiscompanionsweremartyred by Yazidi forces.Hadrat Ummul Baneen was a great poetess and she isconsideredasthe first Noha (lamentation poetry) reciter for themartyrdomofImam Husain (a.s.).She used to visit regularly thefamousJannatul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Nohas in averysad andpathetic voice that everybody present there usedtoweepbitterly.She transformed the Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinahas"theCentre of Azadari of Imam Husain (a.s.)". The NohasrecitedbyHadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian(a.s.)arerecorded in history and are considered as masterpiecesinArabicliterature.
Kulyat e Ghani Khan in Pashto 4
Alqaim Developers
Ghani Khan (1914-1996) is one of the best Pashto language poetofthe20th century, son of the legendary and peace andnon-violence,KhanAbdul Ghaffar Khan holds a high place in pashtoliteraturebecause ofhis humorous and satirical verses. He was notonly apoet but alsowas a Painter and sculptor. His first poemappearedin December,1928. Kulyat-e-Ghani (A collection of Ghani’spoetry)is one of hisfamous book.