Top 14 Apps Similar to Buff Buddy

Booster Buddy 1.8
Island Health
BoosterBuddy is designed to help teens/young adults improvetheirmental health.
Jogging Buddy 1.0
This app is like your buddy, runningalongwithyou and keeping track of your burned calories on the way.Whatelseyou can ask from your buddy?You can ask for daily running tips, your last jogging recordsandyoucan also share your everyday result on social media tomotivateyourother buddies.
Workout Log - Gym Buddy 1.3.74
Raziel Katz
Simple, ad-free gym workout log with multiple user support andtonsof features
Lean Buddy 2.4
Lean Buddy
Turns Your Cell Phone Into A WeightLossBuddyWho Keeps You In Shape Lean Buddy is the next big app designed for weight loss.Itisdesigned to never let you skip another workout. Connectwithyourprivate network of friends to motivate each other tostayinshape.Here’s how: 1. The App automatically tracks your last workout date. Ifyouskipworkouts or go too long without working out, youwillbeimmediately notified and reminded to get backontrackagain. 2. Lean Buddy allows you to set up a private networkofweightloss buddies. Losing weight with a friend is much easierthangoingat it alone. Your friends can be located in the same cityasyou,or any part of the world.  You will always havesomeonetowatch your back and keep you motivated. 3. Your Actual Weight & Goal Weight is tracked and linkedtoyourworkouts. Every time you get off track, Lean Buddy willtellyou whatto do next. You will have the ability toconsistentlyreach your goalweight.4. Meals are designed according to your weight lossgoals.Eatyour favorite foods after a workout to continue thecalorieburn.Let Lean Buddy keep you on track till your nextworkout.Every one of us needs a little motivation to stay on track.Itiseasy to skip a few workouts, but it can take you weeks togetbackto the point you left off.With Lean Buddy you never need to struggle oraccomplishyourweight loss goals alone. You will have theability toconnectwith people you know and trust.You will always have a buddy or the motivation you needtokeepgoing, and stay in the best shape of your life.
Migraine Buddy: Track Headache 59.0.1688129546
Track Migraine Symptoms And Triggers With A Migraine &HeadacheTracking App!
Smart Foods Organic Diet Buddy 3.0.1
NEW **Added GMO Data** Smart Foods - Organic Diet Buddyisyouressential color coded guide to fruit and vegetables, knowwhichyoushould buy organic and which are safe to buy nonorganic.Itincludes: * Farmers Market information for all 50 Statesso youcaninclude local produce in your diet. * Farmers MarketFinder -justclick the pin in the top right corner to find marketsnearestyou.* Nutritional info - know what vitamins each fruitandvegetablehave, and what diseases they are good at protectingyouagainst. *Prep information - Know how to correctly wash andpreparethefruits and vegetables. * Pesticide profiles ofFruits&Vegetables - How much is used, and if they leave aresidue.*Nutrition Calculator - Daily Fruit and Vegetablerequirementsforoptimum health. * GMO information - Know what fruitsandvegetablesare commonly GMO. * Favorites list - Add toyourfavorites byclicking the "heart +" icon in the top right cornerfora quickreference to your favorite foods. Great to use as ashoppinglisttoo! Organic food is the safer choice when it comestobuyingproduce, as conventional varieties often contain highlevelsofpesticide residues. However, not everyone can afford togo100%organic every time they shop. This app is a guide towhichfruitsand vegetables you should buy organic. Therearesomefruits/veggies that you should always buy organic,ifpossible,because their conventionally grown counterparts tend tobeladenwith pesticides. By avoiding the foods mostcontaminatedwithpesticide residues, consumers can reduce theirpesticideexposureby 80% without affecting their budgets. Eat betterwith oursimpletips and a farmer's market locator so you can findthe goodstufflocally. Add favorites and calculate how many fruitsandvegetablesyou should be eating daily. Let the goodhealthbegin!***************************** WHAT ARE PESTICIDESPesticidesareused to repel, control or kill organisms in order toreducetheirnegative impact on agricultural products. Modernpesticidestargetweeds, insects, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungiand otherpeststhat reduce agricultural yield. Excessivepesticidecontaminationcan be harmful to human health. Even afterwashing,some fruits andvegetables consistently carry much higherlevels ofpesticideresidue than others. Some fruits and veggies arebetter tobuyorganic, and others are safe to buy non-organic. Somefruitsandvegetables require very few pesticides for growth. Some,duetotough skins or peels, absorb fewer residues. Manyfruitsandvegetables, however, are sprayed with multiple pesticides,andactlike sponges, absorbing residues that are difficult towashoffentirely. Peaches have very thin skin, and are hard to wash,soitis recommended that you buy organic if you can. CuriousaboutGMO'sand the adverse effects they may have on us andourenvironment?Check out thisarticle********************* FINDLOCALFARMERS MARKETS Shopping at yourlocal Farmers' Market is goodforyou and it's good for your town.Where else can you talk righttothe producers and know exactlywhere your food comes from, andhowit's grown? Need more reasonsto shop local? Check out thisgreatarticle:**********************ABOUTSAAGARA Saagara is an Ann Arbor basedDigital Health Company,whosefounders have an eclectic backgroundincluding medicine,design,engineering, and yoga/meditation.Through the use ofsoftwareavailable on mobile platforms, we makesmall changes inpeople'slifestyle for dramatic improvements intheir health andwell-being.With technology, community, and raisedawareness, wewish to do thison a global level. For moreinformation on Saagaraand ourphilosophy, please***********************
Quit Smoking Now: Quit Buddy! 1.2.0
I’m a ex-smoker myself, I know how hard it is to quit smokingandtostay clean. After I quit smoking I started to use somequitsmokingapps. None of them did really helped me, what I neededwassomesupport during the difficult moments. I decided to spentmytime ondeveloping a app which would give ex-smokers thesupportthey needduring the difficult moments. I’m proud tointroduce youthe “Quitsmoking buddy” app. With our easy to usesetup walkthrough you canstart using the app in seconds. The “Quitsmokingbuddy” app willshow you how long it’s been since yourlastcigarette. The app willalso shows you how much cigarettesyoudidn’t smoked and how muchmoney you have saved! Quit smokingwillfeel like a game when youcomplete our health goals andaccomplishyour achievements! Whatmakes the “Quit smoking buddy” appreallyspecial is your personalquit coach! Choose the level ofsupportyou need and receive dailysupport from your personal quitsmokingcoach. A life withoutsmoking will become a realistic andreachablegoal! Quit smokingtoday and let the Quit smoking Buddycoach helpyou! ★ Check out theapp functions: ✓ Get daily supportfrom ourquit smoking coach. ✓Complete the health goals. ✓Accomplish yourachievements. ✓ Shareyour results with friends onFacebook. ✓Shows: How many days sinceyou’ve quit, how much moneyyou havesaved, the amount of cigarettesnot smoked. Our goal is tobecomethe number 1 quit smoking appworldwide and to support asmanyex-smokers as possible. ★ Are yousatisfied with our free app?Takea look at Quit smoking Buddy Pro.This app offers 100 days ofcoachsupport at different levels. ★What extra options does our paidAppoffer? ✓ Choose the level ofcoach support you need. ✓ Get upto100 days of support. ✓ Add yourown personal achievements. ✓Morehealth goals to accomplish. ✓ 100%Ad-free.
Walk Buddy 1.2.1c
Get fit and have fun recording your stepswiththis adorable Walk Buddy. Walk Buddy is a pedometer thatrecordsthe number of steps you have walked per day and displaysthem afteryour walking time.Walk Buddy is very easy to use. Just tap the ‘Start Walking’buttonand start your walking routine. The number of steps you havewalkedare automatically tracked and can be seen on a weeklybasis.You can view the graph of the number of steps you have walkedjustbelow the adorable Walk Buddy.How to use:1. Launch Walk Buddy app.2. Tap start walking and see the adorable character walk with youasthe number of your steps are being recorded.3. Tap stop walking to stop recording.Use this adorable pedometer every day and get plenty ofexcitingsurprises while recording the number of steps youhavewalked!Follow us and get news and updates:Facebook:© 2016 TDrive
SCD Buddy 0.6
SCD Buddy is the perfect companion foranyonefollowing the SCD diet or GAPS diet.Did you already find yourself in a shop, wondering if thisorthat food was legal on SCD? With SCD Buddy loaded in yourAndroidPhone, you won't have to take a risk or wait until you getbackhome to know.Just open the application, enter the ingredient name andsee,instantly, if it is SCD legal or not.NO internet connection required. You can check theingredientlist at anytime.IMPORTANT: This version is still beta. Please send usyourfeedback and comments via:!
Burn Buddy 1.0.11
Fitness Revolution Inc.
WELCOMES TO A REVOLUTIONARY WAY OF GETTING FITWorking out alone can be fun and rewarding. Butmaintainingaroutine without anyone to share the glory with maybecomeboring.What if you can work out and invite someone to joinyou?Someoneout there may have the common interests ofsay,running/working outin a nearby park or roadway?Burn Buddy App is a fitness tracking and friendsdiscoveryappthat allows you to not only track your daily workouts,butalsoenjoy those workouts with friends. Begin by opening theBurnBuddyapp, and track your distance, calories and even the pathyouwentthrough while working out. You can even tagyourappropriateactivities via our "Burn Tags" feature.While you're at it, check out nearby people who are inthesameburn routine as you have, and discover activities thattheycanshare with you by working out together. Set up workoutmeetupsviathe integrated chat. Workouts have never been thissocial!You can also discover people that could catch yourinterests.Turn"Flame Mode" ON to check out people, whether you'reinterestedinactive Men or Women.GO BURN BUDDY PRO!Burn Buddy Free is an ad-assisted application, and ifyouthinkBurn Buddy is *the only* workout app you need, you canalwaysgoPro and turn off the ads. You can subscribe to our Proplans for1month, 6 months, or a full year. Subscription is only aslow asadollar per month.START YOUR SOCIAL WORKOUTS NOW!Download Burn Buddy App for free, and join this newrevolutionoffitness with a social twist!Your Burn Buddy Team!Steve Sasan Ensafian
Workout Buddy! 2.0
Workout Buddy For Women: Ready tojumpstartyourown body transformation? Get your best body in 90days!Ourthree-month training program and meal plan will burnfat,buildmuscle and transform your body.
Fitness Buddy : 1700 Exercises 5.36.9536
Azumio, Inc.
World's most comprehensive and intelligent personal trainer.
The Brain Buddy Handbook 1.5
boultons MultiMedia
How to prevent more than 90% of mental health problems.
Fit Buddy 1.2
THE FIRST TRAINING TODO LIST ONRECONJET,PERFECT FOR INTERVAL WORKOUT such as: CYCLING,RUNNING,WALKINGe.t.c.Organize your training plan. No matter how big or small theplanis,Fit Buddy makes it super easy to get out training done.First you create your training plan on android mobile,andtheneasily export existing data to your reconjet glasses. Youcanevenplan out your workout schedule monthly in a calendar.Be more organised and focused on improving yourfitnesslevel.Getting started:1. Download FIT BUDDY (ReconJet) applicationonReconJetwebsite.2. Open app in your tablet/phone and add a new trainingplan,byclicking ‘plus’ button (e.g 25 MINUTE RUNNINGWORKOUT).3. Edit training plan and create your intervaltrainingplan,e.g.- WARM-UP 5MIN- RUN AT MAX EFFORT 30 SEC- JOG OR WALK 1 MIN- RUN AT MAX EFFORT 30 SEC- JOG OR WALK 1 MIN- RUN AT MAX EFFORT 30 SEC- JOG OR WALK 1 MIN- COOL DOWN 5 MIN4. Now you are ready to send your workout plan to ReconJet.5. Turn on bluetooth on your mobile phone and ReconJet.6. Click ‘synchronise’ button (on both devices) and pairthem.7. Now, your ‘Training List’ in ReconJet glassesshouldbeupdated.8. Open it and enjoy your workout!