Top 2 Games Similar to Bad Witch Blitz - Full

Bad Witch Blitz - Full Game 1.1
*** TODOS LOS CONEJOS MÁGICOS-PERSONAJES-ESTÁN DESBLOQUEADOS EN ESTA VERSIÓN!! *** :)Dispara e inicia esta encantadora y adictiva aventura sinunfinal! Mira que tan lejos puedes llegar!! Y desbloquea todoslosHermoso-asesinos conejos mágicos!!Un juego que te atrapara por su arte misterioso y la historiadeLucinda, nuestra amada Bruja y sus conejos mágicos!LO QUE LOS JUGADORES DICEN DE NUESTRO JUEGO:"Quiero ver mas acerca de ella!! Sin duda alguna me encanta!!"-Jorge"Es como leer un libro interesante o tener un gran reto,nuncapodrás parar!! Es muy adictivo!""Amo a esos MALDITOS conejos!! Los quiero a todos!!" -Andrea"Una combinación de un endless con un arte muy bueno, estopodríair mas lejos!!" - EduardoLucinda la bruja necesita tu ayuda para defenderse delosespíritus obscuros que están merodeando el bosque. Viaja yganacada poción para poder obtener mas puntos y desbloquear elresto delos conejos mágicos.. y probablemente, solo probablementesi duraslo suficiente podrías llevarte una gran sorpresa!! (enemigoyrecompensa! ;))Toma parte de esta épica saga y mira cual es el score masaltoque puedes obtener!Características del juego:- Fácil de jugar pero difícil de dominar.- Conejos mágicos!!- Objetos a desbloquear si obtienes muchas pociones.- Bombas, telarañas, fantasmas y muchas cosas mas!!Finalmente, pero no menos importante, un gran agradecimientoparatodos los que han jugado Bad Witch Blitz!Ya eres un fan de BWB?? Danos like en Facebook o síguenosenTwitter para tener nuestras noticias mas*** ALL RABBITSAREUNLOCKED -PERSONAJES- MAGIC IN THIS VERSION !! *** :)Shoot and starts this charming and addictive adventure withnoend! See how far you can get !! And unlocks all-murderersBeautifulmagic rabbits !!A game that will catch his mysterious art and history ofLucinda,our beloved witch and her magical rabbits!WHAT THE PLAYERS SAY ABOUT OUR GAME:"I want to see more about it !! Absolutely love it !!"-George"It's like reading an interesting book or have achallenge,you'll never stop !! It's very addictive!""I love those damn rabbits !! I love you all !!" - Andrea"A combination of an endless with a very good art, this couldgofurther !!" - EdwardLucinda witch needs your help to fend off the dark spiritsthatare prowling the woods. Travels and win each potion to getmorepoints and unlock the rest of the magical rabbits .. andprobablyonly likely if severe enough could take a great surprise !!(Enemyand reward;))Take part in this epic saga and see which is the highestscoreyou can get!Game features:- Easy to play but difficult to master.- Magical Rabbits !!- Objects to unlock if you get many potions.- Pumps, cobwebs, ghosts and much more !!Last but not least, a big thank you to everyone who playedBadWitch Blitz!Already a fan of BWB ?? Give like on Facebook or follow usonTwitter to get our newest
Bad Witch Blitz - Free 1.0.4
Aim, fire and pop your waythroughthisenchanting and addictive endless adventure. See how faryoucanactually go!!! And UNLOCK THE CUTIE-KILLER MAGIC BUNNIES!!!The game that has captivated for its peculiar artandmysteriousstory of Lucinda, our beloved Witch and itsmagicbunniescompanions.WHAT THE PLAYERS ARE SAYING:"I want to see more of her!!!! Without a doubt it couldgrowonme!" - Jorge"Just like reading a good book or playing a greatchallengeyoudon't want to stop! Very addictive!""I love those DARN bunnies!!!! give them all tome!!!"-Andrea“A spell-binding combination of endless mechanics andgoodart,this could go somewhere from here!!” - EduardoLucinda The Witch needs your help to fend off thedarkspiritsthat are plaguing the dark forest. Travel the realm andwineachpotion to get more points to unlock the rest ofthemagicbunnies... and maybe .. just maybe if you endure longenoughtyoumight get a SURPRISE!!! (enemy and reward! ;))Take on this epic saga and see whats the highest scoreyoucanget!Bad Witch Blitz features:- Enchanting graphics that will leave you spellbound- Easy to play, but a challenge to master- Magic deadly bunnies!!!- Items to unlock by collecting potions- Bombs, spider webs, ghosts, bonuses and lots moreLast, but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyonewhohasplayed Bad Witch Blitz!Already a fan of BWB? Like us on Facebook or follow usonTwitterfor the latest