Top 15 Apps Similar to German Vocabulary for Refugees

German for Refugees 10.4
Free language course for asylum seekers in Germany.
Honey Word 1.3.4
B Style
Flashcard and Leitner system Features: - Leitner System -Flashcard-TTS - Internet dictionary (English - Korean only)-Dictionarysupport (Colordict) - Import from Internet (Koreanonly)- Importfrom xls file - Widget
Lemorize - Flashcards 1.4.5
Learn and memorize everythingforeverwithLemorize.It’s is a free tool that helps you study faster, neverforgetwhatyou’ve studied and ace your tests!If you are a student preparing yourself for a test or learninganewlanguage, Lemorize is the best choice for you.Lemorize provides a bunch of tools to help you achieveyourgoals.It’s based on flashcards and Leitner system which areaprovenmethod of memorizing. Create your own flashcardsoruseprofessional sets we’ve prepared for you.Key features:• Offline access, lets you to create, review andstudylearningmaterial everywhere and every time.• Sync your data with Lemorize server and never lose them.• Make learning more efficient and enjoyable by puttingimagesandsounds on your flashcards.• No need to type your materials, you can just take a photoandputit on your flashcards. That’s it!!!• Share learning materials, communicate and collaboratewithyourfriends or everyone easily.• Notified of cards which are more difficult for you. Ithelpsfocuson them more than others.• Control your progress by charts and analyzed numbers.• Review and study flashcards in order or random.• Restore flashcards to starting point in order to study themasmanytimes as you need.And so many other features upcoming!!!Questions? Please ask!Email: contact@lemorize.comFacebook: Plus:
الشامل في ألمانيا 1.9
الشامل في ألمانياأضخم تطبيق يهتم بكل مايلزم المغترب والمقيم في ألمانيا(لاتستطيعالإستغناء عنه)1- قسم : أخبار تهمكيتناول هذا القسم الأخبار المهمة التي تحصل بالمجتمع الألماني بماتفيدالزائر أو المقيم الجديد للإطلاع بشكل سريع وعاجل للأحداث بشكلمصوروفيديو ومقروء وهو مزود بإشعار للأخبار المهمة ومتجدد بشكلتلقائي.--------------2- قسم : تعلم واحترف الألمانيةإنه ليس مجرد تعليمي احترافي بل قسم يساعدك بالحياة اليومية ولو لمتكنتجيد التحدث بألمانيا وكنت جاهل لغتهم تماماً لإنه ناطق.وهو أيضاً قسم ضخم في مجال تعلم اللغة الألمانية حيث يقومبتعليمكاللغة بكل إحترافية وسلاسة وتم إدخال البيانات بإشراف أساتذةمتخصصينفي اللغة.يتناول هذا القسم العديد من الأفرع وهي على الشكل التالي:فرع القواعد :هذا الفرع يحتوي على أدوات الأستفهام و الضمائر و أحوال الزمانوالمكان وغيرها الكثير......فرع العبارات :يحتوي هذا الفرع على أكثر الجمل المتداولة في اللغة الألمانية وفيجميعالمجالات كجمل التحية والتعريف عن النفس أو جمل طلب المساعدةوغيرهاالكثير......فرع المفردات :يحتوي آلاف الكلمات الشائعة والمتداولة في اللغة الألمانية ستجدهافيهذا القسمفرع المفضلة :يعتبر هذا الفرع المرجع الأفضل لحفظ أي جملة أو كلمة , ويمكنكالحفظبالضغط مطولاَ عليهم من أي قسم وتجدهم بالمفضلة ويمكنك الحذفبالضغطمطولاَ على الجملة أو الكلمة.البحث :البحث من أهم الفروع فهو يوفر عليك العناء في بحثك عن كلمة أوجملةتريد معرفة ترجمتها إن كانت بالالمانية أو العربية.ولا ننسى أيضا أمكانية نطق أي كلمة تريدها لتعلم كيفية النطق وأيضالكلكلمة مرفقة مع صورة توضيحية لتذكيرك بالكلمة بشكل أفضل .-------------3- قسم : القاموس الناطق (عربي الماني وبالعكس)أضخم قاموس (عربي الماني - الماني عربي) على الإطلاق .أكثر من 300 ألف كلمة .أكثر من 7 ملايين جملة وعبارة مشروحة لكل كلمة يتم البحث عنها .ميزات :- ترجمة من العربية الى الالمانية ومن الالمانية الى العربية .- بحث سريع مع تقديم اقتراحات للكلمات .- نطق الكلمات باللغة الالمانية وباللغة العربية .- خاصية حفظ أي كلمة مع الامثلة لها بالمفضلة بضغط مستمرعليهاوإزالتها بنفس الطريقة .(ملاحظة : النجمة الموجودة بزاوية التطبيق عبارة عن المفضلة)- يوجد مع كل كلمة شرح ضخم بموضعها في العبارات والجمل ......والكثيرالكثير .-------------4- قسم : أين مكانيهذا القسم هو عبارة عن دليل للمستخدمين في بلاد الغربةأي مستخدم يتم إضافة اسمه ومعلوماته يمكنه مشاهدة الاشخاصالمتواجدينوالمضافين في القسم ولايتم مشاهدته إلا بعد الموافقة عليهخلال 24ساعةويمكنك إضافة مهنتك للاستفادة من خدماتك والعثور عليك بكل سهولةمن خصائص هذا القسم يمكنك الإضافة الى المفضلة الاشخاص المهمين لكمنعائلتك وأصدقائك لمعرفة تواجدهم أين ماكانوا وفي حال المتابعةيتمارسال طلب من صفحة معلومات إضافية وعندما يتم الموافقة عليه منقبلالمرسل أليه تتم المتابعة من قبل الطرفينويوجد بالخريطة خيارين الاول خريطة مرسومة والثاني قمر صناعييمكنالتبديل بينهماويستفيد منه اصحاب المهن والمصالح كما انه وسيلة للتعارفويمكنكالتسجيل به اذا اعجبك ويمكنك إلغاء الإشتراك ويتم مسح جميعالبياناتالخاصة بك لخصوصيتك.-------------فضلاّ وليس أمراّ إذا اعجبك التطبيق لا تبخل علينا بالتقييم بخمسنجومومشاركته مع الأصدقاء .ComprehensiveinGermanyLargest apply mutatis interested in everything andexpatriateresident in Germany (You can not do without it)1. Department: News SimilarThis section deals with the important news gets Germansociety,including stating visitor or new resident to inform rapidlyandurgent events are image, video and readable, a providershallnotify the task of news and renewed automatically.--------------2. Department: learn German and AdanasporIt is not just a professional, but a tutorial section helps youtodaily life were not even know how to speak German and Iwascompletely ignorant of the language is he speaking.It is also a large part in learning the German language asthelanguage teach you all the professional and smooth data entryhasbeen under the supervision of specialized teachers inthelanguage.This section deals with many branches and is as follows:Branch rules:This section contains a question and tools consciences andtheconditions of time and place and many more ......Branch phrases:This section contains more traded on the German language inallareas camel greeting and definition of self or sentences to askforhelp and many more ...... sentencesVocabulary Branch:Thousands of common words contain and traded on the German'llfindin this sectionBranch favorite:This section is best reference is to save any sentence or word,andyou can save them by clicking the length of any section andfindthem to favorite and you can undelete clicking at length onthesentence or :Search of the most important branches it saves you the effort inthesearch for the word or phrase you want to know if translatedinGerman or Arabic.Also do not forget the possibility of any pronunciation of thewordyou want to learn how to speech and also attached to each wordwithan illustration of a word, reminding you better.-------------3. Department: talking dictionary (English German andviceversa)The largest Dictionary (Arabic German - German Arabic) atall.More than 300 thousand words.More than 7 million sentence and the words are explained eachwordbeing searched for.Advantages :- Translation from Arabic to German and German to Arabic.- Quick Search with suggestions of words.- Pronunciation of words in German and Arabic.- Save any word with her to favorite examples of continuouspressureby the property and removed the same way.(NOTE: the star angle of the application is a favorite)- There is with every word to explain their position in ahugephrases and sentences ...... and much much more.-------------4. Department: Where where I amThis section is a guide for users in the land of exileAny user is added to his name and his information can seepeoplepresent and added to your section and not taken to view itonlyafter approval within 24 hoursYou can add your career to take advantage of your services andfindyou with easeCharacteristics of this section you can add to your importantpeopleto you from your family and friends to see where they areand theyall follow-up in case a request is sent from theAdditionalInformation page and when it is approved by theconsignee are up byboth partiesThere are two options the first map drawn map and thesecondsatellite can switch between themThe benefit of professions and interests of the owners as hemeansto know each other and you can register it if you like and youcanunsubscribe and be cleared of all your data to yourprivacy.-------------As well, and if the application is not something you like, we donotskimp evaluation of five-star and share it with friends.
MobiLingua 1.3 build 4
MobiLingua's voice recognition and speech synthesis allows youtoexplore all the world's most popular languages without contactwiththe smartphone. MobiLingua will allow you to learn aforeignlanguage whatever you are doing: driving a car, on amorningjog/walk or at home. + Prepared training materials (general,IELTS,TOEFL) + Effective method of expanding vocabulary + Testingthelevel of training + Multiple platform support andsynchronization +Custom dictionaries creation + Built-intranslation + Planning oftraining + Plug-in for Chrome and ourwebsite to quickly add newwords to your dictionary Flashcards 1.6.11
Cram, LLC.
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تعلم اللغة الألمانية 4.0.6
Paloo Apps
The most important words and phrases in German languagetranslatedinto Arabic with a pronounced way
الألمانية هنا 2.1
Th9 Best
تطبيق " الألمانية هنا " هو تطبيق ضخم وشامل،صمم لكي يساعد المتعلم على تعلم اللغة الألمانية بسرعة وسهولةوليعطيكآخر الأخبار التي تجري في ألمانياالتطبيق يقدم مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس وبطرق متنوعة ، فهو يقدمالمستويانالأول والثاني والثالث وفيه قسم للمتقدمين كما أنه يقدمنماذج امتحانيةونصوص وشروحات وصور ألمانية ومقالات كثيرةوالجميل أنه يحتوي على محادثات صوتية لكافة المستويات كما يمكنكتحميلكتاب المستوى الذي تريده.كما يقدم لك التطبيق أشياء كثيرة تحتاجها ، فهو يخبرك بما يجريمنأخبار سياسية أو أخبار تخص لم الشمل أو عن وضع اللاجئين أو عنتوفرفرص عمل وإلى ما هنالككما يمكنك مشاركة الدروس والمقالات عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي "فيسبوك , تويتر , واتس أب , ..... "التطبيق إلى الآن قيد التجربة ولانزال نعمل على تطويره وفي حاللاقىالتطبيق رواجا كبيرا سنقومه بتطويره أكثر من ذلك بكثيرنأمل أن يعجبك التطبيق ولا تنسى مشاركته مع أصدقائك.Application of the"Germanhere," is a huge and comprehensive application, designed tohelp thelearner to learn German quickly and easily and gives youthe latestnews that take place in GermanyThe application offers a huge array of lessons and a varietyofways, it offers the first tiers and second and third andtheDepartment of the applicants as it offers Examination modelsandtexts and explanations and photos of German and manyarticlesAnd beautiful because it has a voice in talks to all levels, asyoucan download a book level that you want.The application also offers you many things you need, he tellsyouwhat's going on from the political news or news concerningthereunion or for refugee status or availability of jobs andsoforthYou can also post lessons and articles through the means ofsocialcommunication "Facebook, Twitter, Watts father, ....."The application is now under the experience and still wearedeveloping and if the application met with great popularSnicomhmuch more developedWe hope that the application you like and do not forget to shareitwith your friends.
German Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
German for Refugees 0.0.6
Welcome to Austria and Germany!Link2Brain "Refugee Version" ist a special editionofourLearning-App and is supposed to help refugees learnGermanmoreefficiently. More than 1100 flashcards (for now!) helpyoulearningthe most important and useful German phrases andvocabularyin avery simple way!The App contains 20 lessons which perfectly fittheWORKBOOK"Learning German" of the ÖH of thePÄDAGOGISCHEHOCHSCHULEOBERÖSTERREICH. All the lessons are availablein Arabic,Persianand Russian.We keep improving our app and adding new flashcardsofgermanvocabulary an german phrases constantly! If you haveanyquestions,tips or desires please feel free to contact us!We wish you all the best and lots of fun learningtheGermanlanguage! :-)Your Link2Brain TeamIn collaboration with:ÖH der PÄDAGOGISCHENHOCHSCHULE OBERÖSTERREICH
Learn German for Refugees 1.4.734182 GmbH
Learn German with original videos and gainafoothold in Germany.Welcome to Germany!You are new in Germany and want to learn the German languageasfast as possible? The free “Learn German for Refugees” consists of videos with simple, everyday sentencesthathave been produced especially for beginners and arecomplemented bymatching provides you with language learning productsthatsupport you in learning German. On the job or for private use –themulti award-winning, flexible language learning help you reach your goal faster. By combiningitsinnovative video learning methodology and establishedlearningtools, offers a unique languagelearningexperience.This makes getting started in Germany much easier for youandhelps you feel at home in the new culture!Learn German with the “Deutsch verstehen (UnderstandGerman)”package:The package consists of five chapters with a total of 21 videosthatprovide an insight into German life and its contemporaryculture.For each video, the learning pathway providespronunciationexercises containing the most important sentencesandcontext-relevant vocabulary as well as comprehension exercisesinconsecutive stages. In total, 94 learning objects help youimproveyour listening and speaking comprehension.Learn German with the “Wichtige Sätze (ImportantSentences)”package:This product helps you learn the most important phrases you needtocommunicate in German. Using the interactive pronunciationcoach,you already practice your pronunciation at the sametime!The package consists of five chapters with more than 80sentencesrelevant to everyday life. It addresses learners withlittle or noknowledge of the German language. 125 learning objectsarededicated to building learning motivation and creatingfirst,tangible achievements in successful listening andspeakingcomprehension.Your benefits when learning with original videosMost successful language learning provider:Educational technology with more than 10,000 original videosand120,000 interactive exercises, winner of internationalawards.Economical and efficient:Saves 30% of direct training costs compared to conventionallanguagecourses.Focused and successful:20% faster learning by watching, listening and speaking to keepupmotivation and learning success on a long-term basis.Flexible and anywhere:The interactive online video language training is availableanytimeon all devices – for blended learning and self-study.Learning a language directly out of a videoThe learning tools make learning easier. Afterloggingin, you can directly start an online video course in yourpersonallearning environment. Matching each video, you practicewithdigital pronunciation and grammar exercises. Interactivetestsconsolidate step by step your language skills and thedigitalonline vocab coach expands your vocabulary.WATCH: Language comprehension with original videosBilingual subtitles help you improve your listening, textandlanguage comprehension in real-life situations.LEARN: Vocabulary in the digital dictionaryLearn new words with each video and repeat them in thedigitaldictionary.TALK: Interactive pronunciation coachMeasure your accent-free pronunciation and improve witheachrepetition.PRACTICE: Interactive grammar trainingDiverse learning stages contain context-sensitive grammarmatchingthe videos.REPORT: Monitoring of personal learning successControl your level of knowledge regularly and documentyouractivities in the report.Further informationGTC: Policy: the use of the app, an internet connection is required.
BuscoUnChollo - Chollos Viajes 4.32.13
Viajes para Ti S.L.U.
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Repetico - Study flashcards
Repetico GmbH
Create, learn, share - and prepare for exams efficiently.
Flux Cards (flash cards) 2.4.2
Wandersleb Leo
Learn more words in less time with Flux Cards.
Brain Power Leitner Box Demo 4.1.1
Rainbow Computing Masters
Multimedia Leitner Box helps you memorize and learneverything,including images