Top 15 Apps Similar to Pottermaniac

Hedwig Live Wallpaper 2.0
Hedwig, the faithful owl from The HarryPotterSeries, now on your phone, as live wallpaper.Read more about hedwig here source code the app is open and can be found here
Yer a wizard Sorting hat quiz 3.0.1
Gartorware: Great tools
Discover your wizarding house, pick your wand and find outwhichwizard you are!
Magic Wand 2.12.0
Twipe Apps
Run your favorite spells with Magic Wand and be a greatmagicianfora moment. You can select different spells and run thewandtouchingthe wand or shaking the device. It also has a voicemodeto executespells just saying them.
News for Harry Potter GO 1.0
On this app you can find lot of newsaboutHarryPotter GO
Magic Poster 1.1
Carlsen Verlag
Lade Dir die kostenlose App "MagicPoster-Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind" herunter underlebedieMagie. Im Anschluss hast Du hast die Chance, eine ReisenachLondonfür 2 Personen inkl. Flug, einer Übernachtung undzweiTickets füreine Bustour durch London auf den Spuren HarryPotterszu gewinnen.Wie bediene ich die App?1. Scanne mit der Kamera das Buchcover auf dem Plakatodergleichdas Cover Deines Buches und erlebe die Magie!2. Tippe auf den Link zum Gewinnspiel, um eine Reise nachLondonzugewinnen.3. Tippe auf den Wiederholen-Button zumWiederholenderAnimation.Wenn der Teilnehmer noch nicht volljährig ist, istdieTeilnahmenur mit Zustimmung der Erziehungsberechtigten möglich.FürdieEntgegennahme der Gewinne ist bei Minderjährigeneinevorherigeschriftliche EinverständniserklärungeinesErziehungsberechtigtenerforderlich. Gewinnspiel steht in keinerlei Verbindung zu Googleundwirdin keiner Weise von Google gesponsert,unterstütztoderorganisiert. Für keinen der im RahmendiesesGewinnspielsveröffentlichten Inhalte ist Googleverantwortlich.***Falls kein Plakat in Deiner Nähe ist, kannst Du dirdasBuchcoverauch einfach hier herunterladen und ausdrucken.HaltedeinSmartphone über das Motiv und scanne das Buchcover ein.SoerlebstDu die Magie ganz einfach zu Hause!Bei Fragen oder Anmerkungen schreibe uns gerne Wir freuen uns auf deine Nachricht undwerdenunsschnellstmöglich zurückmelden. Auf Anfragen indenBewertungenkönnen wir leider nicht direkt antworten undbittendaher um eineKontaktaufnahme per E-Mail.Wir freuen uns über eine Bewertung im App Store!Charge you thefreeapp"Magic Poster - Harry Potter and the haunted kid"downandexperience the magic. Following You have the chance totraveltoLondon for 2 people incl. Flight, a night and two ticketsfor abustour of London to win in the footsteps of Harry Potter.How do I use the app?1. Scan the camera the book cover on the poster or equaltothecover of your book and experience the magic!2. Tap the link to the sweepstakes to win a trip to London.3. Tap the Repeat button to repeat the animation.If the subscriber is not yet of age, participationispossibleonly with the consent of the guardian. For the receiptofprofitsprior written consent from a parent or guardian isrequiredforminors. Our Terms and Conditions can competition is not affiliated with Google and is innowaysponsored, endorsed or organized by Google. None ofthedatapublished in this Sweepstakes content Googleisresponsible.***If a poster next to you is, you can also download justhereandprint you the book cover. Keep your smartphone on thesubjectand ascan the book cover. So you experience the magiceasilyathome!For questions or comments, write us an look forward to your message and willcontactyou as soon aspossible. On requests in the reviews we cannotdirectly respond toand therefore ask for a contact viaemail.We look forward to a review in the App Store!
The Daily Prophecy Maker HD 1.0.1
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Now getpublishedin Daily Prophecy! snap your friend or your photo withthis cameraapp and become HP newspaper headline in second.Enjoy the App.
How much you know Harry Pot 1? 1.2
With this test you can see if you are atruefanof the Harry Potter saga. Especially the first movieTheSorcererPieda.If you like the app, please rate 5 stars or a +1: DWe will consider your comments and new applications for it.To further develop this and other applications we used intheformof advertising banners, walls, push notifications, etc..Sothisapplication contains advertising funded.
Potterveille 1.2
Avec l'application Potterveille,restezinformer des dernières news sur la saga Harry Potter oulespin-off, "Les Animaux Fantastiques". Retrouvez, de pluschaquejour, une citation de la saga !With theimplementationPotterwatch, stay abreast of the latest news aboutthe Harry Potterand the spin-off, "Fantastic Beasts". See, moreeach day a quote ofthe saga!
Spell Book Harry Potter 2
Welcome to Hogwarts.Enter to discover the magical World of Harry Potter.Learn all spells from this 'Unofficial' Harry Potterbookspellsapp.For the first time you will have at your disposal a realspellbookto study and become a real magician.Along with the characters you will learn and hear morethan250spells from book and movies of "Harry Potter" (Part 1 to7(8)andmore!).This app is for all fans of "Harry Potter" and HarryPottersepicworld!This could be an Harry Potter games because you canlistenalloriginals spells from the Harry Potter movies.If you are Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw or SlytherinthisHarryPotter app is perfect for you.
Sorting Hat 1.0.3
Blaise Huffman
With Sorting Hat for Android, you can sortanyamount of wizards and witches into their corresponding housesatHogwarts (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin)withoutlosing count!The Sorting Hat will decide the student's house dependingonwhich house logo you tap on. You can also use the plus andminusbuttons to assign or unassign students to a certain house, orusethe random button for an unexpected result. You may as wellplaysome music during the process to create some ambience.The Sorting Hat will keep count, even if you minimize orclosethe app, until you manually reset it through the menu.This application is intended to be used at Harry Potterthemedparties or reunions, in order to split the guests into eventeamsresembling Hogwart's houses.The Sorting Hat does not require any special permissionstowork!Enjoy!
Spell Book Harry Potter 2.4
Welcome to Hogwarts.Enter to discover the magical World of Harry Potter.Learn all spells from this 'Unofficial' Harry Potter bookspellsapp.For the first time you will have at your disposal a real spellbookto study and become a real magician.Along with the characters you will learn and hear more than250spells from book and movies of "Harry Potter" (Part 1 to 7(8)andmore!).This app is for all fans of "Harry Potter" and Harry Pottersepicworld!This could be an Harry Potter games because you can listenalloriginals spells from the Harry Potter movies.If you are Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw or Slytherin thisHarryPotter app is perfect for you.
Lumos Spell (Voice Control) 2.1.1
SCA Studios
The most famous Harry Potter saga's spellisnowavailable as torch for your smatphone!This application offers you the possibility to turn ontheflashlightof your smartphone just by saying Lumos.No internet connection is required, Lumos Spell has abuiltinoffline speech recognizer as well as a manual mode.As you know spells must!
Golden Dragon Egg 1.4
The golden egg" of the famous film about a youngvolshebnike.MUCHSCREAMING!
The Marauder's Map 2.1
Ewoud v/d Werf
Keep an eye on everyone with this map (aslongas they have the app open on their phone), enter your name andthatwill be seen on the map by others... (this is not anofficialapp!)
are you divergent? 3.0
IN A SOCIETY DIVIDED INTO FACTIONS, IF YOUAREDIFFERENT YOU ARE DANGEROUS. TAKE THE TEST AND DISCOVER IF YOUAREDIVERGENTApplication not official based on the books of Veronica Roth andthefilm Divergent; with Shailene Woodley , Theo James andKateWinslet.