Top 13 Apps Similar to NFC Pet Tag for lost pet

Collaborative app for geolocalized management of lost, found&for adoption pets
PH100 3.5
A1 ID Systems Ltd.
This application - in combination withthePH100Scanner and the DATA Microchips of A1 ID SystemsLtd.-,allows you toprogram ( and read ) contact details intopet-identificationmicrochips with a smartphone.Such as owner's phone number, e-mail address, name, ...Even so extra data can be linked to a microchip number, andstoredinthe database of your smartphone ( photo, completeaddress,GPSlocation of scan )
Dog Whistler 2.3.18
*** As seen on TV and used worldwide by over30million users across multiple platforms(Android, iOS, j2ME)! ***Train your dog (or annoy your friends) with this simple tousedog whistle. Quickly initiate a variety of frequency sounds viathedog whistle interface. (New add-on option/feature: abilitytocreate a ringtone from any frequency!)Dog Whistler Main Features:* Choose the desired frequency in the dog whistle by usingthebuilt in slider or by manually entering in the frequency.* Select from multiple sound “patterns” within thedogwhistle:--- Tone--- Short beeps--- Long beeps--- Slow 500Hz Oscillation--- 500Hz Oscillation--- Fast 500Hz Oscillation--- Slow 1KHz Oscillation--- 1KHz Oscillation--- Fast 1KHz Oscillation--- Slow 2.5KHz Oscillation--- 2.5KHz Oscillation--- Fast 2.5KHz Oscillation--- Static--- Slow 5KHz Oscillation--- 5KHz Oscillation--- Fast 5KHz Oscillation* New add-on option/feature: ability to create a ringtonefromany frequency ( FREE for a short time only!)* New sharing features added (via Facebook, Twitter,and/oremail)* Use preset frequencies in the dog whistle or createyourown* Hold down any preset frequency and share this frequency withafriend (via Twitter, Facebook, or Email). What worked foryourdog's training? Hearing tests.... what frequency can youhear?* Set an alarm (either via the built in timer ormotionactivated). New alarm feature===> repeat mode. Thiswillcontinually activate an alarm upon motion detection each timeitresets. For instance, if you're training your dog to stay offthecouch you can place the iPhone/iPod on it. When the dog jumpsupthe 1st time it will activate an alarm for a predeterminedamountof time. The alarm will then reset so when the dog jumps upthe 2ndtime, it will resound the alarm again.can be used for* * Great training app for your pet!++ Besides a dog whistle, customers have reported using it asananti-mosquito device, simple simple hearing test, and a tooltoannoy others with its high frequency pitch.For general info on dog whistles, the following is ausefulWikipedia link:
Tagger Pet 1.2.8
Tagger Pet S.A.S.
Una app que facilita tu vida y la detumascota- Encuentra tu mascota fácil y rápido- Alerta y recordatorios de cuidado- Un chip que protege la vida de tu mascotaTagger Pet es la comunidad que facilita el cuidado paratusmascotas, en la app puedes encontrar a tu mascota en casodeperdida, encontrar descuentos en productos y servicios paratumascota, recordar los cuidados y obtener información con alertasycomunicarse con otros amigos humanos en la comunidad.Es una comunidad creada con el objetivo de mejorar la calidaddevida de las mascotas y facilitar la comunicación que tienenlaspersonas con ellas, donde los integrantes de dicha comunidadtienenla oportunidad de encontrar todo lo que necesitan para susmascotasen un solo lugarAn app thatfacilitatesyour life and your pet- Find your pet quick and easy- Alerts and reminders care- A chip that protects the life of your petTagger Pet is the community that provides care for your pets,theapp can find your pet if lost, find discounts on productsandservices for your pet, remember the care and informationwithalerts and communicate with other human friends inthecommunity.It is a community created to improve the quality of life of petsandfacilitate communication with people with them, where membersof thecommunity have the opportunity to find everything you needfor yourpets in one place
Baasjeszoeker 0.0.1
Veel huisdieren zijn gechipt. Voor hondenisdattegenwoordig zelfs verplicht. In de chip zit eenmicrochipwaarop hetregistratienummer is opgeslagen. Met behulp vaneenspeciaalafleesapparaat kan dit registratienummerwordenafgelezen.Met de Baasjeszoeker kun je dit nummer invoeren endirecthettelefoonnummer van de eigenaar opvragen.Het is daarvoor echter wel belangrijk dat je hond of katnietalleengechipt, maar ook geregistreerd is.Soms is een dier wel gechipt, maar niet geregistreerdbijeendatabank. In andere gevallen is het dier welgeregistreerd,maarzijn de gegevens verouderd. In deze gevallen dankan deeigenaarniet worden gewaarschuwd dat zijn dier terecht is,enworden dieren baasje onnodig gescheiden.De Baasjeszoeker kijkt eerst of de chip is geregistreerdbijdeNederlandse Databank Gezelschapsdieren (NDG). De NDG ismetmeerdan twee miljoen geregistreerde honden en kattendegrootstedatabank in Nederland.Als de baasjeszoeker de chip niet kan vinden bij de NDG dangaathijverder kijken bij andere Nederlandse databanken.Many petsaremicrochipped.For dogs is that nowadays even required. Thechipcontains amicrochip on which the registration is stored. Withthisregistrationnumber can be read using a special reader.The Bossy Finder you can enter this number andimmediatelyretrievethe phone number of the owner.It is for this, however, important that your dog or cat isnotonlychipped but is registered.Sometimes an animal is microchipped but not registered inadatabase.In other cases, the animal is registered, butareoutdated data. Inthese cases, the owner may not be aware thathisanimal is justified,and animal and dad divorcedunnecessary.The Bossy Finder first checks if the chip is registeredwiththeDutch Database Companion (NDG). The NDG has more thantwomillionregistered dogs and cats the largest databaseintheNetherlands.If the master page can not find the chip in NDG he continuestolookat other Dutch databases.
Perdidos QR Mascotas 1.0.1
Perdidos QR es una aplicación creadaporTaggerPetQué es Tagger Pet?Tagger Pet es una Aplicación conformada por una Comunidad quevaacambiar la vida de las mascotas y nuestra misión esmejorarlacalidad de vida de nuestros amigos peludos.A través de nuestra App tendrás la posibilidad de encontraratumascota fácil y rápido en caso de pérdida, se le pondráunchipcutáneo o uno de collar; También podrás leerlainformaciónimportante de la mascota o de otra desde un celularencaso que seencuentre perdida.¡Tagger Pet es más que un Chip, es una Comunidad!Contáctanos si quieres conocer más sobre nuestro serviciosLost QR isanapplicationcreated by Tagger PetWhat is Pet Tagger?Pet Tagger is an application made by a community thatwillchangethe lives of pets and our mission is to improve thequalityof lifeof our furry friends.Through our App will have the possibility of findingyourpetquick and easy if lost, it will put a skin chip or anecklace;Youcan also read the important information of the pet oranotherfroma cell if that is lost.Pet Tagger is more than a Chip, is a community!Contact us if you want to know more about our services
free pet microchip database 2.3
buy pro-version to remove ads,helpSNUPIsshelter and keep service aliveIf you sign in and register your petws into our databaseyouwillhave an effective tool to take them home if theygetlost.The user who finds your lost pet can insertitsmicrochipidentification number, using the FIND section, and soonhewilldisplay your name and telephone number.This will help lost pets to come easily at home and, atthesametime, it will help volunteers and people who workwithstraypets.Why should I pay for this app?This app is the first step of a bigger project, so itwillbeuseful to raise funds to build a pubblic database for ourpets,tohelp lost dogs and cats and their owners.It will shortly be available a version x IOS, financed withthesaleof this first application.Next step will be the development of a microchip scannerofsmallsize that can interact directly with the phone, so wecouldshortenthe time required for the reunification.Raising funds through the sale of the app will allow us tohelpstraypets, too, providing funds for spay and neuter campaignsandotheractivities to ease the daily work of volunteersandshelters,increasing the quality of stray dogs and cats.So if you think this is the right way to follow, help ussharingourproject !
Livetrack Manager V2 2.0
Livetrack Manager is an application toworkwith the RFID reader* made by Syscan-RS.*Livetrack Reader V5.25+, V6.11+ and 8.05+ only.Features:- Bluetooth connection with Livetrack reader.- Quickly change reader`s settings.- Editing of Animal ID, Code and Weight for each tag read.- Tags are saved in database for later review.- Filter on one tag to see all entries for that tag.- Get statistics on weight variation for one tag.- Manage Animal IDs in reader. (Livetrack reader V8.05+ only)- Save tag list to .csv or .txt file.- Send multiple tag list files by email or Dropbox. (ifDropboxinstalled)- Import tag list file into database.- Print tag list on 3” Bluetooth printer with your own headerandfooter.
NFC Tools 8.9
NFC Tools can read and write NFC tags.
NFC TagInfo 1.12a
Michael Roland
Ever wanted to know what is stored on your NFC tags? Here istheanswer!
AccAsA pet microchip database 2.0
If you sign in and register your petws intoourdatabase you will have an effective tool to take them home iftheyget lost.The user who finds your lost pet can insert itsmicrochipidentification number, using the FIND section, and soon hewilldisplay your name and telephone number.This will help lost pets to come easily at home and, at thesametime, it will help volunteers and people who work with straypets.Why should I pay for this app?This app is the first step of a bigger project, so it willbeuseful to raise funds to build a pubblic database for our pets,tohelp lost dogs and cats and their owners.It will shortly be available a version x IOS, financed with thesaleof this first application.Next step will be the development of a microchip scanner ofsmallsize that can interact directly with the phone, so we couldshortenthe time required for the reunification.Raising funds through the sale of the app will allow us tohelpstray pets, too, providing funds for spay and neuter campaignsandother activities to ease the daily work of volunteers andshelters,increasing the quality of stray dogs and cats.So if you think this is the right way to follow, help us sharingourproject !
Pet QR 1.0.2
Pet QR es una tecnología creadapornuestramarca Tagger PetTAGGER PETEs una comunidad creada con el objetivo de mejorar la calidaddevidade las mascotas y facilitar la comunicación que tienenlaspersonascon ellas, donde los integrantes de dicha comunidadtienenlaoportunidad de encontrar todo lo que necesitan para susmascotasenun solo lugar (APP). Uno de los productoscomercializados es unchip,el cual se lee por medio de tecnologíaNFC Y CÓDIGO QR.Pet QR isatechnologycreated by our brand pet TaggerPET TAGGERIt is a community created to improve the quality of life ofpetsandfacilitate communication with people with them, wheremembersof thecommunity have the opportunity to find everything youneedfor yourpets in one place ( APP). One of marketed products isachip, whichis read by NFC and QR CODE technology.
Perdidus 2.0
Codiactiva Online
Perdidus es una aplicación paratodosaquellosamantes de los animales propietarios de mascotas queyadisponen deuna placa identificativa Perdidus.Descarga esta aplicación gratuita para poder acceder ygestionardeforma rápida y segura toda la información de tuplacainteligentePerdidus.La placa identificativa para mascotas Perdidus es un colganteconundiseño elegante que incorpora la última tecnología NFC,uncódigo QRy WebID para proteger a tu mascota en casodepérdida.Si tu mascota se pierde llevando una placaPerdidus,cualquierpersona que la encuentre podrá ponerse, de formarápida ysencilla,en contacto contigo.Con la placa Perdidus puedes:- Disponer online de toda la información vital de tumascota,datosde contacto e historial de vacunación.- Saber dónde se encuentra tu mascota cada vez que alguienescaneesuplaca mediante un email que recibirás en tu correoconlascoordenadas GPS y su ubicación.- Estar tranquilo sabiendo que todos los usuarios Perdidusenunradio de 10 km te ayudarán a buscar a tu mascota, siestasepierde, gracias a la función radar.¡Regálale a tu mascota la oportunidad de regresar a casasisepierde!Para obtener más información o obtener unaplacaidentificativaPerdidus visita www.perdidus.comPerdidus isanapplicationfor those who love animals pet owners who alreadyhavea nameplatePerdidus.Download this free application to access and manage fastandsecureall information Perdidus your smart plate.The nameplate Perdidus pet is a pendant with a sleekdesignthatincorporates the latest NFC technology, and WebID QRcodetoprotect your pet in case of loss.If your pet is lost carrying a plate Perdidus, anyone whofindsitcan get, quickly and easily contact you.With Perdidus plate you can: - Now have all the vital information about yourpet,contactinformation and vaccination history.- Know where your pet every time someone scan your plate byanemailthat you receive email with GPS coordinatesandlocation.- Be assured that all users Perdidus within 10 km will helpyoufindyour pet if this is lost, thanks to the radarfunction.Treat your pet a chance to return home if you lose!For more information or to obtain a