Top 15 Apps Similar to 桑緹亞化妝品提供美妝最新資訊

MEKO風格美妝 2.81.5
91APP, Inc. (19)
20年彩妝研發經驗 友善地球 決心不做動物實驗 堅持以最合理的價錢出現在女孩們的身邊與日韓歐美趨勢同步,打造最新彩妝你的風格決定你的美麗 MEKO
SOGO百貨 3.11.13
小三美日美妝|保養生活購物網 23.6.0
91APP, Inc. (3)
The No. 1 Brand of Affordable Beauty Makeup, Get CashImmediatelyfor the First Download! *It is super convenient to joinas a member*24H shopping is not closed *Event push notification~Don't missthe good deals *U.S. dollar consumption rebate 1%,unlimiteddiscount *Open to overseas members to purchase
3.0 More introduction Zhongyou Department Store member APPprovidesmore, more brilliant and more convenient mobile servicesforZhongyou family. Now you only need to register as a memberofZhongyou Family Card, and you can immediately enjoyvariousexclusive services and good health on your mobile phone!
新光三越 5.12.0
Download Shin Kong Mitsukoshi APP, five features allow youtoconsume more convenient! Keep abreast of the latest news!
異國精品商城 流行美妝購物網 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (10)
★異國精品流行美妝購物網★從歐美日韓空運來台最in,各國消費者最首推產品,特地為最美的名媛貴婦準備物超所值的美妝,連小資女也能消費得起。美美的水水們一定要跟上異國精品的腳步,才能是2014年最流行最美的名媛貴婦。想要有水水ㄉ膚質嗎?§異國精品§進口各式保養品,秉持最平實的價錢,最新鮮ㄉ的產品,最快速的速度,來為每一個喜歡異國精品商品的顧客服務。放鬆心情,坐下來,來杯咖啡,慢慢的瀏覽,讓我們獻上最熱誠的服務,將您需要的商品,完整的送達到您手上唷..^^手機購物超easy*加入會員真方便。手機號碼/臉書帳號 輕輕鬆鬆加入會員*24小時隨時隨地購物不打烊 付款結帳方便又安全 高等級加密系統*活動推播通知-品牌美妝週週下殺隨時更新、優惠好康隨時掌握產品特色:1.APP新體驗: 千種商品搭配圖片瀏覽,手指動一動讓您隨心所欲購物。2.購物車: 讓購物、支付更方便、明確。3.訂單查詢: 可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形。4.購買支付: 方便購物與安全支付功能,讓您輕鬆做個網購達人5.館長推薦:熱銷商品、最優惠商品,天天特價時時驚訝。6.精選活動:精心挑選最新、最優惠的活動內容。7.商品分類:商品分類,讓您輕鬆快速找到您所需的商品。8.快速搜尋:key入關鍵字,快速找到想要的商品。9.我的收藏: 個人喜歡、興趣、想下次購買的商品進行收藏,省去搜尋的困擾,讓您更方便更快速購買到所需商品★ exotic boutiquepopularBeauty Shop ★ air from Europe and Japan and South Korea toTaiwanthe most in, the devaluation of national consumerproducts,specially prepared for the best value for money Beautyaristocraticlady, even petty women can consume too onwards. Thewater of theUnited States and the United States must keep up theirpace ofexotic quality to be the most popular 2014's mostbeautifularistocratic lady.In construction of water of skin you want to have? § § importallkinds of exotic boutique skin care products, uphold the mostmodestprice, in construction of the freshest products, the fastestspeed,to serve every customer like an exotic boutique merchandise.Relax,sit down to a cup of coffee, slowly browsing, let us offerthe mostdedicated service, the goods you need, complete delivery toreachyour hands yo .. ^ ^Mobile shopping super easy* Member really convenient. Phone number / face book accounteasilyMember* 24 hours is not closing anytime shopping convenient andsecurepayment checkout high-grade encryption system* Activities push notifications - Brand Beauty killed the nextweekin and week updated, offers savings KeepProduct Features:1.APP new experience: browse thousands of products with pictures,soyou want to lift a finger shopping.2 Shopping Cart: Let shopping, payment more convenient,clear.3 Order: You can check the order details and 7 days oftreatmentsituations.4 purchase payment: convenience shopping and secure paymentfeaturethat allows you to easily make a net purchase Daren5 curator Recommended: hot commodity, best commodity, everydayspecial and always surprising.6 Featured Activities: carefully selected the latest andbestactivities.7 Categories: Categories, allowing you to quickly and easilyfindyour desired goods.8 Quick Search: key enter keywords to quickly find thedesiredgoods.9 Favorites: Personal likes, interests, think nextpurchasecommodities collections, eliminating search problems, makeiteasier for you to buy the necessary goods more quickly
遠東百貨 3.2.4
Yuanbai APP provides fashion and popular information,exclusivemember convenience shopping experience, personalizedinstant pushservice, smart parking service and convenient onlineshopping.Enjoy shopping!
JS婕洛妮絲美妝保養 23.6.0
91APP, Inc. (9)
JS Jeronis provides - JS tailor-made beauty andmaintenanceproducts, the latest maintenance information can beeasily graspedat zero distance.
91APP, Inc. (17)
86小舖 Beauty Fast 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
iQueen愛女人購物網 2.81.5
91APP, Inc. (3)
The latest and hottest beauty and health care products thatthesisters are crazily buying can be purchased at [iQueen LoveWomenShopping Network]. 100% original factory quality assurance,keepabreast of the latest event information + preferentialdiscounts,pamper yourself and come shopping immediately!
Solone官方網站 23.6.0
91APP, Inc. (3)
1028 時尚彩妝-官方購物 23.6.0
91APP, Inc. (13)
Download 1028 Fashion Makeup-Official Shopping APP todesigncosmetics for Asian women's skin type, skin tone, andcontour. Youcan easily shop at home without going out! Join as amember to sendup to $300.
姊妹購物網-全站免運 首購再送500 2.7.4
::::: 姊妹購物網 APP 必載特色 :::::●「好康天天抽」首次包中 100 元折價券。人人有獎,還有 500 元等眾多折價券等您來領!○ APP 新客限定!完成首筆APP訂單當月登記再送 500 元● APP 獨賣!每周二午間 12:30 開賣 $99 瘋搶活動○ 超過 300 萬網友的肯定:旗下 APP 突破 300 萬總下載量【手滑就買隨心所欲】# 流暢的使用體驗,手機下單最方便# 圖文並茂的詳細敘述,掌握細節好安心# 我的最愛商品收藏功能,銷售結束前提醒您,不再錯失任何限時好康# 自訂推播通知,不定期折價券與特惠資訊不漏接。# 購物爽度有口皆碑,網友提供商品綜合評價與實拍圖讓您買得安心【快速註冊、下單與訂單追蹤】# 註冊方便:不需要落落長的註冊資訊更不用擔心個資外流# 安全第一:採用 SSL 最高安全等級加密機制,保護您的付款資訊# 多元付款:信用卡一次付清與分期付款、實體 ATM、7-11ibon、全家、萊爾富、OK便利商店超商付款、超商取貨付款(部分商品)# 輕鬆收貨:全部商品一律免運費宅配到府,省去搬運困擾# 訂單狀態:從訂單成立、商品出貨到物流配送狀態、退貨流程等一目了然===【姊妹購物網 - 時尚居家好物限時特賣】 ==嚴選女性親子家庭好物,包含時尚女裝、穿搭小物、鞋包配件、美妝面膜、美體保健、居家用品、親子玩具,讓您天天都可輕鬆逛逛,發現與購買實用又優惠的特選商品。* 若有訂單或任何問題要反映,請來信 或是從 APP內訂單底下以及客服中心發問,透過Email 方便與您雙向溝通以增加解決效率;Google評論功能無法讓客服人員為您提供會員專屬服務或處理售後事宜。
CYNSIA面膜保養品館 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (16)
馨皙雅 cynsia面膜保養品專屬APP1.下載此APP讓您有更快優惠資訊,2.更便捷的購買方式,商品出貨、可取貨時發送提醒3.讓您對產品使用流程更加了解4.使用『臉書帳號』或『手機號碼』即可加入會員5.安全第一:最高等級加密的信用卡付款功能CYNSIA致力“精緻”與“完美”結合為一,專為精緻而有品位的城市女人性提供更美麗的選擇,貼心設計有頂級質量保證的系列保養品,主要關鍵生化指標,優於中國國家標準100倍,採用無添加技術,確保產品安全,頂級原材料,滿足尊貴享受,關注社會責任,採用國際公認的環保包裝材料,創立十二年,其高保濕系列面膜已成為越來越多臺灣OFFICELADY 日常使用的首選。