Top 33 Apps Similar to CHOCO內衣:專屬妳的內在

Mini Queen:內衣睡衣 2.73.0
Mini Queen x Sexy Lingerie Japanese sweet light maturelingerie,showing a woman's unique style, join us immediately have asexyarms !!
玉如內衣 台灣國民內衣品牌 2.73.0
91APP, Inc. (53138861)
Jade actions such as aunts underwear shopping app, designedformobile phone users launch shopping software.
RABU RABU人氣性感內衣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (54835099)
【RABURABU】超人氣的性感內衣行動購物--動動指尖就可擁有性感武器推播訊息--及時掌握新款上架促銷活動現貨供應--喜歡的商品不用等馬上WEAR@使用臉書帳號即可快速登入會員@簡易購物機制,完整的購物車功能,一次就上手@線上刷卡使用最高等級加密系統,安全無虞@超商取貨付款,方便物流好貼心@貼心七日鑑賞期,可享免費退貨/一次換貨服務[RABURABU]ultra-popularsexy lingerieAction Shopping - fingertip can have a sexy armsPush message - to grasp the new shelves PromotionsShelf - like commodities without waiting immediately WEAR@ Use Facebook account for quick Login@ Easy shopping mechanism, a complete shopping cartfunctionality,once started@ Online credit card with the highest level of encryptionsystems,safe and secure@ Chain Store pick up payment, to facilitate goodintimatelogistics@ Intimate appreciation of seven days, enjoy free return/replacement service time
i PINK 日系內睡衣:專屬女孩們的私密衣櫃 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (25180417)
i PINK行動商店APP,提供最佳手機購物介面一手掌握最新款式與促銷優惠訊息只要動動手指就能輕鬆選購喜愛的商品獨家推出品牌限定款大罩杯內衣堅持細心挑選每一樣商品讓您盡情享受寵愛的內在衣著打造專屬女孩們的私密衣櫃* 用手機號碼或Facebook帳號就可快速加入會員。* 24H行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪* 活動即時推播通知,不會錯過任何最新資訊、優惠活動* 簡易購物機制,完整的購物車功能,一次就上手* 線上刷卡使用最高等級加密系統 ,安全無慮* 超商取貨付款,方便的物流模式好貼心* 貼心七日鑑賞期,可享免費退換貨服務
玩美維納斯內衣快時尚官方APP 2.20.0
玩美維納斯Shiny Venus 日系內衣 取自於執掌愛與美的希臘美神維納斯,我們以同樣的精神代理各種不同新式樣的日系爆乳內衣比基尼胸墊等產品,滿足對待如同女神般的你,提供完整專業的服務為您打造專屬女神般的完美曲線!歡迎來到玩美維納斯粉絲團-即刻了解日系內衣最新活動!※註冊會員超方便-手機號碼、粉絲團帳號即可輕鬆加入會員※方便優質行動購物-24小時方便購物不打※完整購物車結帳功能-一鍵收藏清單明瞭簡便※線上客服-行動客服,專人即時回覆您的問題※社群推薦分享下載-優惠促銷折價資訊、最新新品上架、最新促銷活動資訊※購物取貨-超商取貨付款/系統加密刷卡結帳方便安全/宅配貨運配送,讓您購物收貨輕鬆方便※折價券領取-結帳折扣獨享超值優惠
伊黛爾專屬於妳的線上內衣櫃 2.16.0
91APP, Inc. (24655696)
LaBome拉波米內衣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (24671181)
LaBome拉波米內衣行動購物網站,是LaBome專為行動裝置推出的購物軟體。有活動主題推播訊息通知,讓您不再錯過最新消息,與品牌旗艦新品同步上架、享有「快速到貨」、「7天鑑賞期」等服務。*用Facebook帳號即可快速登入加入會員*完整購物機制,手機/平板/電腦可同步蒐藏商品&購物,切換使用無障礙。*最高等級加密系統,信用卡付款安全又方便,還有提供超商取貨付款的服務。*即時線上客服,方便又貼心體感滿足舒服自在內著盡在LaBome。LaBome Facebook 粉絲團 La Bomiunderwearactions shopping site, is designed for mobile deviceslaunchedLaBome shopping software.There are theme push message notification, so you do not missthelatest news, and the brand new flagship synchronizationshelves,enjoy a "fast arrival", "seven days Appreciation of"otherservices.* Use Facebook account for quick Login Sign Up* Complete shopping mechanism, cell phone / tablet / PC canbesynchronized wishlists Goods & shopping, switchbetweenaccessibility.* Highest level of encryption system, credit card payment safeandconvenient, as well as payment of services provided PresidentChainStore Pickup.* Instant online customer service, convenience and caringSomatosensory meet comfortably from including the bestinLaBome.LaBome Facebook fans
VC維娜|妳的內衣挑版師 2.73.0
91APP, Inc. (53608238)
黛瑪Daima內塑衣官方購物網 23.10.1
91APP, Inc. (70681063)
Daima official mobile APP ~ your exclusive comfort code,freeapplication, a new choice for online shopping, allowing youtopurchase products online through your mobile phone/tablet,withouthaving to go out to shop easily at home.
Pink Lady您的專屬內著 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (54240111)
PinkLady,最專業的女性內著品牌,最齊全的內著選擇,內衣、內褲、睡衣、塑身單品、性感內睡衣,【魅力時尚】X【窈窕塑身】X【性感惹火】,完整滿足您對內在美的追求,打造專屬於您的美麗貼身時尚。Pink Lady官方APP,給您最佳的手機購物環境:* 第一手掌握最新款式及優惠資訊* 線上刷卡、個人資訊採最高等級加密系統,輕鬆買好放心* 提供超商取貨付款,方便的物流方式最貼心* 購物即享七日鑑賞期,再享免費退貨及換貨一次,完整售後服務* 加入線上客服,商品問題不再求助無門* 用臉書及手機號碼即可輕鬆加入會員* 24HR輕鬆逛不打烊
日系內睡衣 1.01
App plus
玩美維納斯日系內睡衣取自於執掌愛與美的希臘美神維納斯,我們以同樣的精神代理各種不同新式樣的日系爆乳內衣比基尼胸墊等產品,提供專業的建議為您打造專屬完美S曲線![ 功能 ]1即時推播:立即取得最新的獨家折扣優惠和免費贈品訊息。2訂單查詢:確認訂單狀況,追蹤最新進度。3最新消息:最新上架、最新消息、活動優惠,即時更新最新流行趨勢。4收藏商品:手機、電腦、平板同步收藏商品,方便隨時放入購物車。5商品齊全:多樣化的商品可以一次購齊。
Dr. Bra:內衣達人 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (53889568)
Dr.Bra內衣達人為網路平價美學內衣品牌,主打機能結合時尚,讓妳展現魅力性感氛圍,女孩們的自我風格由內在開始建立。用心打造完美行動購物商城,隨時掌握最新商品資訊及內衣知識分享。功能簡介* 完美界面:簡單介面輕鬆上手,隨時瀏覽超方便。* 即時線上客服:即時客服貼心為妳服務。* 線上刷卡:使用最高等級加密系統,安心購物不煩惱。* 超商取貨付款:簡單物流模式購物超EASY。* 會員帳號:可使用手機門號快速登入。
ONS 夢幻日本內睡衣館 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (28133733)
夢幻【On Street】X 法式【ES VENUS】X日系【FLORALOVELY】,日本直送內睡衣,一次滿足妳對內在美的無限要求...歡迎來 ONS. 粉絲團-立即了解日本內衣最前線!◎加入會員超方便:手機號碼、Facebook帳號都可以輕鬆加入會員◎24HR購物不打烊:高等級加密系統,付款結帳方便又安全,超商取貨、刷卡送到家,手機購物好簡單◎折價券專區:可領取線上折價券,於結帳時折抵使用。◎線上客服:行動客服,專人立即回覆確認◎門市促銷推撥:不定時好康優惠立即獨享◎活動即時通知:最新上架、本月特賣,即時更新賣場最新資訊,優惠好康不錯過◎社群推薦、分享下載:Facebook、部落客推薦商品,提供訊息、E-mail分享下載給朋友◎客服信箱:便於使用者寄送服務建議或問題反應之電子郵件*提醒您,將GPS 置於背景持續運作將會增加電力的消耗* Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
Livia琍維亞精品內衣APP-MIT及日韓系內著行動商城 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (38883328)
Livia嚴選各項MIT及日韓系精緻內衣,讓你輕輕鬆鬆搖身一變成為爆乳甜心or性感女神。"APP行動購物"讓您不必出門,也能在家輕鬆享受購物的樂趣。"推播功能"讓您第一手掌握最新上架商品及促銷優惠。*使用Facebook帳號即可快速登入。*簡單明瞭的操作介面,讓您一次就能輕易上手。*線上刷卡:採用最高等級加密機制,安全購物好放心。*超商取貨:方便的取貨方式,再也不必擔心因為上班而無法順利收到貨品啦!※ Sweet 全館商品均享有7天內,一次免費退換貨服務唷!
Clany可蘭霓內衣 台灣製專櫃內衣
91APP, Inc. (84532662)
Ayu's 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (10784282)
Ayu's專營女性內睡衣及夏日泳裝及配件,成立於2008年,用多年於內衣市場的經營經驗,由妳挑選最適合東方女性的舒服內著!近年來內衣商品部份驅向於功能性與美觀性,不只外衣美美的,內在也要穿的漂亮!女人啊~可要懂得呵護自己的身體,才能讓身邊的人更愛妳喔!每個月精選多款新品,新品上貨快速!讓妳有更多重的選擇!賣場所有商品幾乎90%為現貨,若遇追加大約7-14個工作,追加也會及時通知客戶,讓妳購買的更安心!Ayu's franchise ofwomenwith pajamas and summer swimwear and accessories, was foundedin2008, with many years of operating experience in theunderwearmarket by u to select the most suitable for Asian womenwithin thecomfortable! In recent years, part of the drive tounderwearcommodity in functionality and aesthetics, not only coatMimi,inner wear is also beautiful! Woman ah ~ had better know howtocare of your body, in order to let the people who love youmoreoh!Featured monthly number of new products, new products on thegoodsfast! It allows you to have more weight in the selection!Almost90% of all goods store to spot, in case of additional workabout7-14 additionally will promptly notify the customer. It allowsyouto buy more at ease!
Andria:舒適的無鋼圈內衣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (28280262)
I fly and do everything with ANDRIA就是想把 Andria 安卓亞的舒服自在貼近生活當中採用英國最先進的美胸無痕內衣製作技術一體成型的無鋼圈設計打造無拘束的舒適好感還給胸部自由呼吸的樂活新主張Andria 要成為每個人心目中的 NO.1 Daily Bra輕鬆購物 / 全年無休24H不打烊,簡易操作隨心所欲想買就買線上刷卡 / 高等加密,付款安全無虞取貨方式 / 超商取貨好方便,宅配到府超貼心推播通知 / 第一手獨家優惠訊息即時享有貼心七日鑑賞期 / 可享免費一次退換貨服務
Adore Me – Designer Lingerie 7.1.3
Adore Me
Beautiful lingerie IS affordable! Tap to see hundreds of styles!
漾佳人內衣 1.0001
"Yang Jia underwear" action APP, allowing you anytime,anywhere,free to buy goods ~
魔莉莎 內衣購物APP : 打造機能美麗零時差 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (24272706)
魔莉莎官網行動購物APP,滑動您的手指就可以輕鬆享受便利的購物服務。行動購物--24H小時購物不打烊,美麗輕鬆入袋推播訊息--立即掌握新款上架和最新的促銷資訊完整機制--手機/平板,可同步蒐藏商品&購物車,切換使用無障礙現貨供應--貨量充足,現貨供應,喜愛不必等即時客服--LINE線上客服,方便又貼心-----------------------------------------------------------歡迎加入粉絲團一起分享內在美的喜怒哀樂吧!專業頂級機能內衣,符合東方女性的身型,完美包覆集中!魔莉莎讓您穿出不可言喻的自信美麗。內衣蕾絲浪漫多層次的視覺變化,滿足女性渴望多變的性感。Lisa's officialwebsitemagic act shopping APP, slide your finger can easily enjoytheconvenience of shopping services.Mobile shopping - 24H hour shopping is not closing, beautifuleasilyinto the bagPush message - immediately grasp the new shelves and thelatestpromotional informationComplete mechanism - phone / tablet, you can syncwishlistsmerchandise & shopping cart, switchable barrierShelf - stocked, stock, love without waitingLive Support - LINE online customer service, convenienceandintimate-------------------------------------------------- ---------Welcome to the fan group to share emotions and inner beautyofit! lingerie top performance, in line with theOrientalfemale body type, perfect coating concentrate!Lisa allows you to wear clothing with magic ineffablebeautyconfidence.Lingerie lace romantic multi-layered visual changes, women eagertomeet the changing sexy.
欣賞典雅內著 1.1
App plus
91APP, Inc.
漂亮小媽咪 2.81.0
91APP, Inc. (9)
Pretty Little Mommy, Mami stylish and comfortable outfit!Newon-week, high texture to create Famous clothing, piercingyourfashion sense
中華蠶絲:蠶絲內褲 內衣專賣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (16787384)
中華蠶絲在蠶絲的領域裡,已有二十多年研發設計生產經驗。所有的產品皆以蠶絲為材質,並且專注於產品的設計開發與生產。我們希望把蠶絲這個美好的材質推廣給大家知道,讓每個人穿的健康及舒適。◎簡易的加入會員模式:手機號碼或Facebook都可以。◎支援超商取貨付款-不用擔心沒人在家收貨。◎隨時隨地都可以下單,24小時不打烊。◎手機電腦同步加入購物車,使用更方便。蠶絲~是神奇美妙的材質,這有最好的蠶絲製品與專業的服務!蠶絲服飾、蠶絲內衣褲、蠶絲睡衣、蠶絲被等...蠶絲特性:吸濕、排汗、保暖、舒適、透氣。中華蠶絲YAHOO超級商城,YAHOO拍賣,Pchome商店街高分評價,信用不擔心。中華蠶絲生產的每件商品皆有中華民國蠶絲協會的認證商標,品質有保證。中華蠶絲是您最健康的選擇Chinese silk in thefieldof silk inside, has 20 years of research experience in designandproduction.All the products are tailor silk as a material, and focus onproductdesign and development and production.We want to promote silk this wonderful material for everyonetoknow, so that everyone healthy and comfortable to wear.◎ Easy Register mode: your phone number or Facebook can.President Chain Store Pickup ◎ support payments - do not worryaboutnobody home delivery.◎ anytime, anywhere the following single, 24 hours isnotclosing.◎ Mobile PC Sync add to cart, easier to use.Silk - is magical wonderful material, which has the bestsilkproducts and professional services!Silk clothing, silk underwear, silk pajamas, silk, etc ...silkFeatures: moisture, perspiration, warm, comfortableandbreathable.Chinese silk YAHOO SuperMall, YAHOO auction, Pchome mall thatscore,do not worry about the credit.Chinese silk production of each commodity Jie AssociationROCcertification trademark silk, quality is guaranteed.Chinese silk is your most healthy choices
91APP, Inc. (10)
T-STUDIO AirCounter designs underwear and peripheral productsforyou with a neutral appearance. It is developed based onproductcharacteristics.
La Felino義式精品時尚內衣
魔法 e 裳-台灣第一家無鋼圈舒適內衣 2.79.0
91APP, Inc. (29108640)
【魔法e裳】台灣第一家無鋼圈舒適內衣網路商店, 精選超彈力、超細纖維優質材料, 根據人體曲線和生理機能,全方位運用無縫一體成型技術,使內衣彷彿人體第二層肌膚
Mamaway Catalogue V4.5
Mamaway is the global leader inMother&baby products. We are determined to produce and developthebestproducts in the market. The Mamaway range includesmaternityandnursing apparel, lingerie, baby clothing,babycarriers,breastpads, baby swaddles and sleeping bags, allseasontoddlerquilt sets, maternity bottoms and tights,shapewear,recoverycompression wear, maternity & nursingpillows, giftsets andmore, Mamaway is truly the top of mind brandfor all yourmaternityand nursing needs anywhere in the world!Simply download the newest Mamaway catalogue for thestorefinder,new season styles, on-trend looks and link directly totheMamawaywebsite for the latest product information, maternitytipsandordering. The app is compatible with all mobile deviceswithofflinemode available.
Girls Secret 女孩子的秘密
Girls Secret 女孩子的秘密 內衣材料 製作 全程台灣製造Girls Secretgirl'sSecretlingerie manufacturing materials throughoutTaiwan
雅芳線上購 v1.3.3
Online shopping, member area, bar code scanning Shop now
黛莉貝爾 DAILY BELLE 美體曲線塑身衣 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (36947439)
黛莉貝爾DAILYBELL於2006年成立,以女性理想的美形雕塑來開發設計,延續禮黛內衣公司二十多年來優越的品質、顧客至上的精神,使用高標準人體工學剪裁及高質感材質,自行控管生產,讓妳的內在美,一天比一天更美麗。▍功能簡介 ▍﹒完美界面:簡單介面輕鬆上手,隨時瀏覽超方便。﹒即時線上客服:即時客服貼心為妳服務。﹒線上刷卡:使用最高等級加密系統,安心購物不煩惱。﹒超商取貨付款:簡單物流模式購物超EASY。﹒會員帳號:可使用FACEBOOK帳號快速登入。﹒影音分享:貼心穿著教學及商品機能介紹。﹒相簿分享:即將推出商品側拍搶先看!Dai Li Bell DAILY BELLwasfounded in 2006, the ideal of female beauty to developdesign-shapedsculpture, ritual continues Dai underwear companytwenty yearssuperior quality, customer-oriented spirit, the use ofa highstandard ergonomic tailoring and high texture material,self-control production, let your inner beauty, growing moreandmore beautiful.▍ Introduction ▍. Perfect interface: a simple interface easy to use, feel freetobrowse super convenient.. Instant Online Customer Service: instant customer servicecaringfor your services.. Credit Card: Use the highest level of encryption systems,secureshopping without worry.. Chain Store Pickup Payment: Simple logistics model shoppingsuperEASY.. Account: You can use Quick Login FACEBOOK account.. Video Sharing: intimate wear and merchandise teachingfunctionintroduction.. Album Share: Coming Soon items side shoot Behind theScenes!
豪門內衣Proman專業真男人 2.19.6
91APP, Inc. (15346136)
豪門真男人 專業內衣惠新實業創立自民國61年,四十年來專注於高品質的成衣製造,一直為廣大的國內外使用者所認同。公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著〝誠懇、勤儉、創意〞的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長,長期以來是國內績優廠商之一。主要的產品是各類型的內著衣物及休閒服飾。除長期合作代工的國際品牌外,在國內我們所經營的授權品牌及自主品牌有:豪門PROMAN、PLAYBOY、YG、皮爾卡登pierre cardin、BVD、湯瑪仕、小YG等等一系列內著品牌。※商店特色※1.活動及時通知,最新資訊絕不錯過2.不定時推出限時優惠、好康活動、特賣會資訊3.用Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員4.24小時行動購物不打烊,走到哪逛到哪5.手機付款系統-使用SSL 128bites最高安全等級加密6.享有7天免費鑑賞期讓您安心購物歡迎加入惠新嚴選社群 了解更多專頁內衣資訊與更多活動好康客服專線:(02)2222-0167#118Wealthy manreallyprofessional underwearIndustrial benefits of the new Republic of China was founded61years since four decades specialize in high qualitygarmentmanufacturing has been at home and abroad for the majorityof usersagree.The company has excellent management team, uphold the"sincerity,diligence, creative" business philosophy, the pursuit ofbusinesscontinuity and growth, has long been one of theblue-chipmanufacturers.The main products are various types within the clothing andcasualwear.In addition to long-term cooperation in international brand OEM,butwe operate in the domestic licensed brands and own brandsare:Wealthy PROMAN, PLAYBOY, YG, Pierkadeng pierre cardin, BVD,soupMashi, small YG etc. within a range of brands.※ Features ※ store1. Activity timely notification, never miss the latest news2. Release promotions from time to time, goodies activity, thesalewill limit the information3. The members can easily join using Facebook account orphonenumber4.24 hours shopping is not closing action, where theygoshopping5. The mobile phone payment systems - use SSL 128bites highestlevelof security encryption6. appreciation of seven days' free shopping gives you peaceofmindWelcome to the new benefits Picks community for more informationandmore pages underwear Events Goodies Service Hotline: (02) 2222-0167 # 118
LoveLady 5.1.4
@洗滌小叮嚀1.以手洗為理想-採用進口高級LACE,洗滌時務必用手清洗不可過於拉扯或使用刷子,避免背鈎或是其他金屬飾品勾到,破壞紗線的組織。2.深淺色衣物請分開清洗-染料大多易在水中溶化,貼身衣物化學染劑不可太重,故深色內衣下水會褪一些色是正常的,提醒您深色及淺色衣物要分開洗,以免沾染。3.以常溫水清洗(水溫不超過30℃)4.中性洗劑清洗-洗滌劑需先溶於水中後,再將貼身衣物浸泡約2-3分鐘馬上洗起來,洗滌劑須完全沖洗乾淨。5.勿使用漂白劑-以免材質變壞、脆化,絕對不能使用漂白劑。6.勿使用烘乾機-以免溫度過高導致變黃及失去彈性。7.以倒吊方式晾乾-先將罩杯妥善整形,再以夾子固定內衣兩側罩杯鋼絲與軟塑膠片中間軟布的位置;若內衣附有活動襯墊的話,需另外取出洗淨晾乾。@收納小叮嚀1.完全晾乾才可收納-以免發霉、變黃。2.勿摺疊互壓-將內衣罩杯對罩杯重疊攤放置,讓它保有原來的形狀;並且最好能塞進襯墊,以防止變形(蕾絲內衣)。3.有系統的收納方式-可用格式收納盒,整齊歸類的收納內衣褲。4.可放置除濕劑、芳香乾燥劑-使內衣褲保持乾燥及淡淡的香味,讓你在穿著時有好心情。@﹝換貨需知﹞. 本專櫃為實體銷售通路與網購或電視購物定義不同,《消保法第十九條》.七天猶豫期並不適用於實體銷售通路.消費後若商品無瑕疵,恕不接受無條件退貨.基於保護消費者的個人衛生,貼身衣物僅受理全新狀態(吊牌未拆、未穿著、未洗滌過未沾染香水與其他異味)之換貨處理(換貨以一次為限).若欲辦理換貨,請於購買後7日內,攜帶購買發票或憑證至原購買專櫃辦 理。@ Wash smallcaution1. Hand wash ideal - imported advanced LACE, be sure to washbyhandwashing can not be too pull or use a brush to avoid backorothermetal jewelry hook to hook, yarn tissue damage. 2. Thedepthofcolor clothes please wash separately - dye most easilydissolvedinwater, underwear chemical agent can not be too heavy, sothedarkunderwear will be launching a number of faded color isnormal,alertyou to a dark and light-colored clothing tobewashedseparately,In order to avoid contamination. 3. wash with wateratroomtemperature (temperature does not exceed 30 ℃) 4.neutraldetergentcleaning - must first be dissolved in water afterthedetergent,underwear and then soak for about 2-3 minutes towashupimmediately, detergent must fully wash clean. 5. Do notusebleach- in order to avoid deterioration of thematerial,embrittlement,must not use bleach. 6. Do not use the dryer- inorder to avoidoverheating and yellowing and loss of elasticity.7.In dry upsidedown manner - first proper plastic cup, then toanintermediateposition clamps on both sides of the cup underwearwireand softplastic sheet soft cloth; underwear with activitiesinliner if so,remove the extra dry cleaned .@ Accommodating small caution1. dry completely before storing - in order to avoidmildew,yellow.2. Do not fold each pressure - underwear cup forcupoverlappingshare placement, it retains its original shape;andpreferably intothe liner to prevent distortion (laceunderwear).3. There housed ina systematic way - available formatsstoragebox, underwear housedwithin neatly categorized. 4. Placedesiccantaromatic desiccant -make underwear to keep dry and faintscent,let you in a good moodwhen you wear.@ ﹝ ﹞ replacement KnowThe counter for the physical sales channel and onlineshoppingordefine different TV shopping, "Consumer ProtectionLawArticleXIX." Seven days cooling off period does not applytophysicalsales channels. If post-consumer commodity flawless,doesnotaccept the unconditional return. BasedGerenweishengconsumerprotection, personal clothing only accept anew state (tagnotopened, not worn, not washed perfume and otherodorsnotcontaminated) the replacement process (replacementonceonly).Ruoyu for replacement, please within 7 days ofpurchase,purchaseinvoice or voucher to carry the originalpurchasecountersapply.