Top 3 Apps Similar to 尚恩美材百貨行

Dr.Douxi 朵璽旗艦館 2.20.0
91APP, Inc. (10)
KAWATATA日韓襪子專賣店 2.81.5
91APP, Inc. (15)
瑪榭精品:專賣時尚襪品、流行服飾配件的人氣品牌 2.16.0
91APP, Inc. (3)
瑪榭精品也推出行動商城APP囉!只要動動手指,買得簡單輕鬆又方便~  「瑪榭精品APP」有別於一般網站平台,擁有時下流行的手機推播通知,搶先掌握好康資訊,利用Facebook或手機號碼就能加入會員,刷卡付款輕鬆買。更加直覺、便利的購物方式,想不手滑也難~.購物便利化:上千種商品只要滑動手機就能瀏覽,讓您躺著買、趴著買、坐著買,想買就買,心動可以立即行動!.刷卡超安全:使用最高安全等級的SSL 128bit加密方式,安心付款有保障。.取貨超方便:除了貨送到府,我們也提供超商付款取貨的選擇,讓您省去在家等待宅配的時間噢!.好康搶先報:不定期手機推播通知讓您隨時掌握第一手優惠資訊。.輕鬆加會員:使用手機號碼或Facebook帳號即可快速註冊成會員,填資料不用再填得像身家調查啦!  創於1988年,以代理日本絲襪產品起家,進而創立台灣國產品牌──《瑪榭》。  在業界累積20年以上的經驗,《瑪榭》致力於替消費者打造舒適好穿的襪品服飾,以專業的角度、親切的態度提供您各項高品質、價格貼心的產品。不論是平日穿搭基本款、輕熟女氣質款、日系甜美雜誌款、休閒運動款,或是富有機能性的襪品配件等,擁有上千種商品的《瑪榭》都能讓您輕鬆穿搭出自己的獨特風格!Ma alsolaunchedoperations pavilion boutique mall APP Hello!Just move a finger, simple and easy and convenient to buy ~"Ma pavilion boutique APP" Unlike ordinary web platform,withpopular mobile phone push notifications, the first mastersavingsinformation, phone numbers will be able to use Facebook orjoinmembership card payments easily bought. More intuitive,convenientway to shop, it is difficult to not hand slipped ~. Shopping Facilitation: Slide on thousands of products aslongas the phone will be able to browse, so you lie to buy, buytummy,sitting buy, want to buy buy, the heart can act now!. Ultra-secure credit card: the highest level of security SSL128bitencryption, secure payment guaranteed.. Super easy to pick up: In addition to goods shipped to yourdoor,we also offer convenience store pickup payment options allowsyouto save time at home waiting for home delivery Oh!. Guaranteed first to report: occasional phone pushnotificationskeep you firsthand deals.. Easily add members: using the phone number or Facebook accountforquick registration as a member to fill a net worth of surveydatawithout reloading like it!Founded in 1988, started as an agent in Japan stockingsproducts,and thus the creation of Taiwan's domestic brands ─ ─"Marypavilion."Accumulated over 20 years of experience in the industry,"Mapavilion" is committed to good for consumers to createacomfortable dress to wear socks, a professional point ofview,friendly attitude provide you with the high quality, priceintimateproducts. Whether weekdays outfit basic models, lightMaturetemperament models, sweet Japanese magazine article, leisuresport,or full functional accessories such as socks, with thousandsofgoods, "Ma pavilion" can make it easy for you to wear Dachutheirown unique style!