Top 50 Apps Similar to Commune: Life-Changing Courses
A Puritan Catechism 1.7.cp
Published in 1855 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FromSpurgeon'sintroduction: I am persuaded that the use of a goodCatechism inall our families will be a great safeguard against theincreasingerrors of the times,and therefore I have compiled thislittlemanual from the Westminster Assembly's and BaptistCatechisms, forthe use of my own church and congregation. Those whouse it intheir families or classes must labour to explain thesense; but thewords should be carefully learned by heart, for theywill beunderstood better as years pass. May the Lord bless my dearfriendsand their families evermore, is the prayer of their lovingPastor.C. H. Spurgeon Study to shew thyself approved unto God, aworkmanthat needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word oftruth.II Timothy 2:15
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.
ExamFX Health Exam Prep 1.0.0
This app will provide you with aquickknowledgecheck to assess your readiness for the license exam.Itcontainsshort quizzes, a practice exam, and a practicefinal,using a set ofquestions relevant to any state license exam.Usethis app rightbefore you enter the testing facility togiveyourself a refresher onsome of the major areas you will betestedon. Do take note that thisapp is not a replacement for ouronlinecourses, merely an additionalstudy tool to help you passyour examthe 1st time!FEATURING:• Practice quizzes w/ 80 questions• Practice exam w/ 50 questions• Practice final w/ 50 questions• Quick scoring • Elapsed time display• Rationales available during question review to helpidentifyareasneeding improvement• Review of past resultsTOPICS INCLUDE:• General Insurance• Accident & Health Insurance Basics• Health Insurance Policy Provisions and Riders• Types of Health Policies• Disability Income Insurance• Insurance for Seniors and Special Needs Individuals• Tax Considerations for Health Insurance• Insurance Regulation
Knowji Audio Visual Vocabulary 1.0.7
Knowji, a picture for every word, really? Yes, really. Andweevenwent one step further—we teach many words through a setofcartooncharacters with story-like example sentences. Knowjihelpsyoulearn fast, learn deeply, and have fun while learning.Knowjiisthe fastest way to learn words. And if you worryaboutforgetting,let our memory coach help you to never forget.***WORLD-CLASSVOCABULARY CONTENT *** Knowji makes the highestqualityand mosteffective vocabulary apps in the App Store. Youwon'tbelieve howquickly you'll learn! At the heart of Knowji isahigh-quality,continually growing library of lessons built by ateamof contentcreators, including Stanford University graduatesandPhDs. We’vespent years developing our rich, engaging contentsothat you won'tjust memorize words, you'll really understandthem.***MEMORIZATION COACH *** Complimenting Knowji’sworld-classlibraryof lessons is a powerful learning coach thatkeeps track ofeveryword you’re learning, and uses scientificallyproven methodstohelp you learn faster and remember everythingyou’relearning.Features include: - Spaced Repetition: Ascientificallyprovenmethod for optimal memory retention. The appkeeps track ofhowwell you've learned a word, and presentschallenging wordsmorefrequently than others. It even suggests atime when youshoulddrill again before you forget the words. - 4LearningModes:Passive & active recall (including spelling),receptive&productive learning. - Quiz: Quiz yourself anytimeusingmultiplemodes. - Goal Setting: Specify how many new words youwantto learnper day. *** FLEXIBLE LEARNING *** Your learningprogressis storedin your Knowji account in the cloud, which meansyou canuse anyiOS or Android device to access your lessons. Italsomeansmultiple people can share the same device—so parents canhavetheirkids share the same device at home, and the kids cansign-inatschool on another device and carry on learning. ***EACHCARDINCLUDES: *** - Term and definition - A beautiful customimage-Audio pronunciation - Example sentence(s) written inastory-likeformat with endearing characters that help you developanemotionalconnection with the words you're learning - Synonyms-Antonyms -Word family - Verb tenses - Adjectivecomparatives&superlatives - Collocations *** CONNECT WITHUS:*** (for fun wordquizzes) (we love hearing fromyou)
Better: From Gretchen Rubin 7.6.10
The Better app from Gretchen Rubin is a place to help youharnesstheFour Tendencies framework to create a better life. Joinpeoplelikeyou to: + Go deeper into topics related to GretchenRubin’sFourTendencies framework, with access to exclusiveconversations,livechats, and the latest thinking. + JoinAccountability GroupsandDiscussion Groups tailored to yourspecific Tendency, ascrafted byGretchen and her team. + Meet otherObligers,Questioners, Upholders,and Rebels to get support,encouragement,and ideas for navigatingyour Tendency—as well asnavigating otherpeople’s Tendencies.Members of the Better app areexploring topicslike: + Accountability+ Building Habits +Achieving Goals + BetterHealth + MakingDecisions + Love andRelationships + Productivity +Parenting Learnmore
Abundance Digital 7.6.10
Abundance Digital is a world-class membership community runbyPeterDiamandis and his team. Members of AbundanceDigitalreceiveunprecedented access to the livestream of Abundance360,100+ hoursof coursework and archives, and 4+ live webinarspermonth. Thiscommunity app is dedicated to connectinglike-mindedindividualswho can empower each other to bring about anabundantfuture forall. This community is private and requires anactivesubscriptionto Abundance Digital. Become a
Theoriq - Ideas from the brightest minds 0.0.23
Theoriq let you learn new bit-sized concepts, ideasandthoughtsevery day, in psychology, philosophy, culture,society,science andeverything that we call LIFE. From the brightestmindsand authors,in an easy-to-scroll format just like any ofyourfavorite socialmedia app. >>> Remarkable views fromworldthinkers Whatif you could expand your knowledge bycasuallyscrolling throughquotes, book extracts or short essays; anduncoverfascinatingideas from the most remarkable figures of thepast, ornowadaysmost inspirational thinkers? Ideas usually hiddenin thepages ofthe books of your local library or bookshop. Theoriqis aspace tobrowse through the most inspiring quotes, bookspassagesandarticles excerpts. >>> For the idle moments oflifeWhatif every idle time becomes the opportunity to learnsomethingnew?A new theory, a new concept, food for thoughts to helpyougrow.Learn from the writings of authors and experts. Oureditorialteamhave scouted books to draw top quotes and passages.Wespendcountless hours every week to find the best articles ontheweb.Explore thousands of top articles found by users acrosstheplanet.If you are a literature non-fiction books fan, you willgetalsoget to know about new books. >>> BeautifulimageryUsingbeautiful imagery, Theoriq unveils all sort ofknowledgeabouthuman being and everything that we call life. Theoriqis in away alife experience, knowledge-sharing app. >>>Afully-fledgeapp - Clean and clear design - New entries in yourfeedevery day –quotes, book passages, concepts from renownedauthorsandacademics, - Share your own theories and favoriteslearnings-Inspiring and insightful articles, quotes and booksexcerptstoread - Bookmark your favorites articles - Create yourownlibraryof concepts - - Leave your own example to illustrateanytheory -Browse by category, authors, books and tags - Interactwiththecommunity - Get push notification for new ideas andtheories-Customize your feed according to your interest - Availableforfreefor everyone and anywhere >>> We curate Wecuratebooks.We scout the web. We select, study and synthesizeineasilydigestible nuggets, key concepts in human sciences,socialsciencesphilosophy and psychology:relationships,communication,creativity, life success, economy,sociology,innovation,management, etc... Principles and theorieswhich helpyou inunderstanding better the world around you byselectingreferencematerials and providing an engaging learningexperience.Much likea social feed, you can scroll through a growingcorpus ofideas,story and wisdoms nicely organized for you, whetheritisexplanatory diagrams, evocative images, short storiesthathavemade history, authors outstanding writings, ormemorablequotesfrom the greatest minds. Theoriq makes you able tolearn in afewswipes and you can go from little or zero knowledge tohavingaelementary understanding of any topic. >>>Acollaborativeplatform You can also share your own quotes andshortarticles ifyou like writing. If you are a writer, then this istheplace whereyou express yourself. Users can write and shareideaswith thecommunity. Would you like to participate into creatingtheworld’sfirst library of life principles? Anyone can share hisorherexperiences and knowledge to illustrate any principlebyprovidingreal life examples. Now feed your mind with areadingexperiencedesigned for an intrigued mind and a free spirit.If youanyquestion, then email us at our support
Audible Acupuncture 2.0
Audible Acupuncture is an appthatusesmathematically derived tones from planetary movements totuneyourChakras and energetic body. Each Chakra is tuned toaspecificplanetary body, the orbit of which is converted into asinewavewhich emits a specific frequency, tuned up in Octaves tomatchthehuman range of hearing. The Tones can be listened toasBinaural,with custom frequencies, Pure Tones, or Rhythmic withaspecificbeat based on the oscillating mathematics. Theinterfaceallows forfull customizability of the Planet-Chakraassignment aswell as theoffset frequency for the BinauralTones.
Life Conversation Guide 1.1.3
This APP is designed to help equip you to have conversationswithpeople about Jesus. The LIFE CONVERSATION BUILDE APP helpsanswerthe following questions in a simple and memorable way so thatyoucan begin to naturally and actively share it with others. -Whatwas GOD's DESIGN? - How did we depart from God's DesignthroughSIN? - Can anyone escape BROKENNESS and what does BROKENNESSlookand feel like? - How does the GOSPEL of Jesus answer thequestionsthat BROKENNESS brings? - How does the GOSPEL compel oneto REPENT& BELIEVE? - Can we through the Gospel RECOVER &PURSUEback to God's Design?