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Anesthesiologist 3.1
Vikas O'Reilly-Shah
Anesthesiologist is designed to help quickly calculate adultandpediatric anesthesia related information. Usefulforanesthesiologists, CRNA, ER and critical care physicians, aswellas medical students, residents, and fellows. Drug dosing andairwaymanagement information is calculated on the basis of patientweightand age. The app is a work in progress; please see "What'snew" forupdates about included information. Airway: Mask sizeLaryngoscopeblade size Endotracheal tube size Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) sizeand ETT it will admit Drugs including IM and rapidsequenceinduction dosing: Succinylcholine RocuroniumCisatracuriumVecuronium Propofol Etomidate Ketamine ThiopentalFentanylHydromorphone Morphine Ketorolac AcetaminophenOndansetronDexamethasone Metoclopramide Epinephrine AmiodaronePhenylephrineEphedrine Midazolam Clonidine Glycopyrrolate AtropineNeostigmineCefazolin Ceftriaxone Ampicillin Cefoxitin ClindamycinGentamicinVancomycin Infusions: Remifentanil Propofol DopamineDobutamineEpinephrine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine MilrinonePhenylephrineVasopressin Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside EsmololObstetric drugs:Magnesium Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost (Hemabate)TerbutalineCopyright 2011 Vikas Shah. Disclaimer and warning: Thisapplicationwas written solely to be used as a helpful adjunctforprofessionally trained physicians and practitionersotherwiseexperienced in airway management and drug administrationanddosing. The data is provided for informational purposes only andinno way should be construed as professional medical advice. Ifyoudon't know the drug, its side effects, and its pitfalls, don'tuseit! Care has been taken that no errors in calculation havebeenmade, but all calculations must be verified by the user.Drugdosing given here is based on published doses, but in allcasesdrugs should be administered on a case by case basis andtitratedto effect for the individual patient. In no case haveindividualpatient differences been taken into account, andconditionsincluding but not limited to renal disease, hepaticdysfunction,cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, metabolicdiseases andmitochondrial diseases may impact dosing or safety inthe usecertain drugs. Neither the name of the copyright owner northe nameof this project may be used to endorse or promote productsderivedfrom this software without specific prior writtenpermission. Thissoftware is provided by the copyright holder "asis" and anyexpress or implied warranties, including, but notlimited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particularpurpose are disclaimed. In no event shall thecopyright owner beliable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, orconsequential damages (including, but notlimited to, procurementof substitute goods or services; loss ofuse, data, or profits; orbusiness interruption) however caused andon any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way outof theuse of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuchdamage. In places where such liabilities cannot be waivedordisclaimed, liability shall not exceed the retail cost oftheapplication to the user of the application. Use of this appimpliesagreement to these terms and conditons. If you do not agreewiththese terms and conditions, delete this applicaton fromyourdevice.
G. Pediatric Anesthesia 1.2
Lee Gerhard Geertshuis
Geertshuis Pediatric Anesthesia CalculatorA simple Pediatric Anesthesia Calculator (Not intended forusewith neonates).E are measured using the metric system andare based on the weight which is inputed or calculatedin Kilograms. (A lbs to kg conversion function is available ontheinput screen).Update features:Age entered by date of birthDecimal places clarifiedItalian translationInput translation to: Dutch, French, German, Hindi, RussianandSwedishDisclaimer:In no event shall Lee Gerhard Geertshuis be liable foranyspecial,incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind,or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, dataorprofits,whether or not advised of the possibility of damage under anytheory of liability, arising out of or in connection withtheuseor performance of this software and the information within it.All calculations must be confirmed before use.While information in this software has been obtainedfromsourcesbelieved to be reliable, I, Lee Gerhard Geertshuis, donotwarrantthe accuracy of the information contained in this software.Inputs:Age (To estimate weight and calculate ETT - Mandatory,weight is required for an age between 0 and 1 years old).Weight (If this is entered then the age is not usedto estimate the weight)Calculations:ETT ID,ETT Length Oral,ETT Length Nasal,LMA,Tidal Volume,Fluids Shock,Fluids Maintenance,Estimated Blood Volume,CVP line size & depth,Cardioversion Sync,Defibrillation,Adrenaline Bolus,Adrenaline ETT,Atropine IV,Atropine ETT,Dextrose,CACl 10%,Adenosine Rapid,Adenosine Repeat,Esmolol Bolus,Labetalol,Lidocaine,Amiodarone Loading,Amiodarone Maintenance,Digoxin Loading,Digoxin Maintenance,Ephedrine,Phenylephrine,Succinylcholine,Atracurium,Cisatracurium,Rocuronium,Vecuronium,Neostigmine,Glycopyrrolate,Alfentanil,Fentanyl,Sufentanil,Morphine,Remifentanil Bolus,Remifentanil Iinfusion,Propofol,Midazolam PreMed,Midazolam IV,Ketamine Analgesia,Ketamine Induction,Ketamine IMI,Dexamethasone,Droperidol,MgSO4,Paracetamol IV,Bupivacaine, Cefazolin,Amoxicillin/Clauvulanate,Clindamycin,Dantrolene Loading,Dantrolene Maintenance,Rx Hyperkalaemia (Ca Gluconate + Dextrose + Insulin),Mannitol,Naloxone,Sodium Bicarbonate
Checkme! Klinikstandards 1.5
Elsevier Inc
Jetzt 10 Elsevier-Klinikstandards und40Helios-Klinikstandards kostenfrei testen! WeitereKlinikstandardsund die Bearbeitungsfunktion per In-App-Purchasefreischalten!GARANTIERT NICHTS VERGESSEN!Behandlungsfehler vermeiden, Patientensicherheit verbessernundHaftungsrisiken reduzieren.150 KLINISCHE STANDARDSIdeal für Klinikärzte: Arbeitslisten mit allenBehandlungsschrittenim Überblick. Für die Anästhesie, InnereMedizin, Chirurgie,Gynäkologie sowie für fachübergreifendeNotfälle. Leitlinien- undevidenzbasiert. Experten-reviewed.Jährlich aktualisiert. VomSmartphone oder Tablet oder immer undüberall verfügbar.UNSER ANGEBOTCheckme! Inhalte: Klinikstandards einzeln für € 1,79 p.a.,proFachbereich für € 29,99 p.a. oder als Gesamtpaket für € 49,99p.a.freischalten.Checkme! Bearbeitungs- und Teamfunktion: Standardsbearbeiten,eigene erstellen und im Team teilen für € 29,99p.a.Checkme! Premium: Alle Klinikstandards freischalten,bearbeiten,eigene erstellen und im Team teilen für € 79,99 p.a.NEU UND KOSTENFREI! STANDARDS VON KOLLEGENIn der Bibliothek "Kollegen" finden Sie StandardskooperierenderKliniken. Z.B. über 40 Standards der Anästhesie undIntensivmedizindes HELIOS Klinikums Erfurt.ANMERKUNGEN ODER FRAGENDas Checkme! Team ist für Sie da und freut sich über IhreFragen,Anregungen, Kritik und Ideen! Über die Feedback-Funktion inder Appoder über Bezahlung erfolgt über GooglePlay. Ein Abonnementverlängertsich um 12 Monate, wenn Sie nicht spätestens 24 Stundenvor Ablaufkündigen.Sie können Ihre Abonnements ganz einfach auf IhremGerätverwalten:Starten Sie die Google Play Store App.Tippen Sie auf "Menü" > "Meine Apps" >"MeineAbonnements".Allgemeine Informationen zu Abonnements auf Google PlayfindenSiehier: laufendes Abonnement kann nicht storniert werden.Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und NutzungsbedinungenfindenSie unter .Play free 10Elsevierclinic standards and 40 standards Helios clinic free ofcharge!Further clinical standards and the edit function viain-apppurchase to unlock!GUARANTEED NOT FORGET!Prevent medical errors, improve patient safety and reduceliabilityrisks.150 CLINICAL STANDARDSIdeal for clinicians: working with lists all treatment steps ataglance. For anesthesia, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology,andfor multidisciplinary emergencies. Guidelines andevidence-based.Expert-reviewed. Updated annually. From yoursmartphone or tablet,or on always andeverywhere available.OUR OFFERCheckme! Contents: Clinic standards individually for € 1.79perannum, per department for € 29.99 per year per annum or asacomplete package for € 49.99 unlock.Checkme! Processing and team function edit standards, createyourown and share in the team annum for € 29.99Checkme! Premium: Unlock all hospital standards, edit, createandshare your own team annum for € 79.99NEW AND FREE! STANDARDS OF COLLEAGUESIn the library, "colleagues" for standards of cooperatinghospitals.FOR EXAMPLE about 40 standards of anesthesia andintensive care ofHELIOS Klinikum Erfurt.COMMENTS OR QUESTIONSThe checkme! Team is here for you and welcome yourquestions,comments and ideas! About the feedback feature in the appor is through Google Play. A subscription will be extendedby12 months if you do not cancel at least 24 hours priortoexpiration.You can easily manage your subscriptions on your device:Start the Google Play app.Tap "Menu"> "My Apps"> "My subscriptions".General information about subscriptions on Google Play canbefoundhere: ongoing subscription can not be canceled.The general terms and conditions of use,see