Top 38 Apps Similar to Science News | Science Discoveries & Inventions

Science News | Science Daily
Update You!
Science News: a gold mine of Science information! Follow theScienceWorld!
Science News & Discoveries 4.2.0
Science stories, videos & discoveries from all over the webinone app!
Spektrum Wissenschaft · epaper 1.9.0
United Kiosk AG
Herzlich Willkommen bei Ihrem neuen Lieblingsepaper. AufdieseFeatures können Sie sich in der App freuen: - Probeaboabschließen& einen Monat gratis lesen. - AktuelleAusgaben,Archivausgaben, Sonderhefte und eAbos bestellen. - Alleepaperdirekt in der United Kiosk Bibliothek lesen -Push-Nachrichten,wenn eine neue Ausgabe erscheint. - Alleepaper-Ausgaben nachThemen, Orten oder Personen durchsuchen. VielSpaß beim Lesen undbis bald, Ihr Team von United Kiosk Spektrum derWissenschaft -epaper - das Magazin für Wissenschaftler und Forschervon derSpektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft. SpektrumderWissenschaft - epaper ist die deutsche Ausgabe vonScientificAmerican, dem "Klassiker " der wissenschaftlichenZeitschriften.Berichte über Themen aus der Physik. Astronomie,Archäologie,Mathematik, Medizin, Biologie, Chemie - oftinterdisziplinärausgerichtet. Autoren sind häufig bekannteWissenschaftler wiez.B.Nobelpreisträger.
Science Daily News 2.2
### Notice ###The website recently created theirownmobile applicationat:
Breaking news about the latest discoveriesinhealth, technology, the environment, and more -- from majornewsservices and leading universities, scientific journals,andresearch organizations.
Science News Daily 13.1
Appsfornexus Digital Media
Science News App : Latest Science Articles, Research, Videos,Facts& Dictionary - наука и техника
Читатели сайта уже давно знают,чтоон предлагает отличную возможность погрузиться в миркачественных иинтересных новостей о науке и технологиях. Вприложении Hi-News.ruдля Android вы сможете знакомиться с миромвсего интересного инеизведанного, а также делиться прочитаннойинформацией со своимидрузьями в социальных сетях. Чтение статей,просмотр видеоконтента- все это не только повысит ваш уровеньэрудиции, но и подаритудовольствие. Любопытство присуще нам всем, икаждый из насстремится к тому, чтобы открывать для себя что-тоновое.Теперь вам намного удобнее будет:• Читать самые интересные новости о науке, технологияхигаджетах;• Получать своевременные уведомления о свежих новостях;• Делиться ими со своими друзьями в социальных сетях;• Участвовать в масштабных околонаучных баталиях сдругимичитателями и получать уведомления об ответах навашикомментарии;• Добавлять статьи в избранное, чтобы потом вернуться к чтениюдажепри отсутствии подключения к сети;• Смотреть видео на нашем канале.Надеемся, что наше новое приложение станет вашимнадежнымпроводником в мире высоких технологий, удивительныхоткрытий игениальных идей. Кто знает, может, и о ваших трудахкогда-нибудьлюди узнают именно из этого приложения?Readers siteHi-News.ruhave long known that it offers a great opportunity todive into theworld of high-quality and interesting news aboutscience andtechnology. Attached for Android, you can getacquaintedwith the world of interesting and unknown, as well asshare theread information with their friends on social networks.Readingarticles, watching video - all this will not only increaseyourlevel of erudition, but also give pleasure. Curiosity isinherentin all of us, and each of us is committed to ensuringthatdiscovering something new.Now you will be much more convenient:• Read the most interesting news about science, technology,andgadgets;• To receive timely notification of the latest news;• Share them with your friends on social networks;• Participate in large-scale battles with otherpseudo-scientificreaders and receive notifications of replies toyourcomments;• Add article to my favorites in order to return to readingevenwhen not connected to the network;• Watch video on our channel.We hope that our new app will be your reliable guide to the worldofhigh technology, amazing discoveries and brilliant ideas. Whoknows,maybe, and your works someday people will learn from thisparticularapplication?
Наука и Техника 1.40
Zaec Mobile
Наука и Техника - это информационное приложение спознавательнымипостами и картинками.🤖 Новости науки и техники вмире. Последниеновости связанные с космосом и с космическимиоткрытиями. Журнал онауке и технике. Новости мира технологий.Благодаря приложениюНаука и Техника Вы всегда будите в курсе всехпоследних новостейнаучного и инженерного мира. Интересные ипоразительные факты,уникальные вещи и произведения искусства, самыебольшие здания вмире и постройки древних людей. Всё рассмотрено снаучной точкизрения. Интеллектуальный юмор и тонкие приколы. Внашем приложениивы узнаете проблемы космонавтов, что такоеквантовая теория итеория струн, как нужно праздновать свой 101-ыйдень рождения, ктоизобрёл лазерное оружие, могут ли столкнуться двепули, существуютли травоядные пауки, что такое акция "Час Земли",как разрабатываютбионические протезы, какие лекарства изобретаютучёные, каксоветские учёные рекомендовали проводить свой день, ктобыл первымкосмонавтом в космосе, чем занимаются студенты на лекциии многоедругое. Понравившиеся записи можно комментировать иоценивать. Всепонравившиеся картинки можно сохранять в галерееустройства в папкеприложения. Ты можешь делиться записями сдрузьями через социальныесети, а так же другие установленные наустройстве приложения. Ну иконечно, ты можешь оставлять лайки исохранять записи в избранное.
GreWi 1.8
Daily news from Anomalistics, Frontiers and parascience
Space, NASA & Astronomy News 4.2.0
Explore all the latest news about space, NASA, the universe&astronomy News 10.0.4
Science X
Daily spotlight science and technology news stories from
Science News 1.0
Stay informed with the latestheadlinesandoriginal science stories from around theglobe.Followup-to-the-minute reporting with breaking news alerts.Sharestoriesand stay informed.
Welt der Wunder ePaper 1.32.14
Bauer Vertriebs KG
Das bekannte Wissensmagazin welt derwundereröffnet mit dem ePaper eine digitale Reise in die WeltderWissenschaft. Sichern Sie sich mit dem welt der wunder ePaperjedenMonat spannende Eindrücke und neue Erkenntnisse ausWissenschaft& Forschung.Seien Sie mit der digitalen Ausgabe der welt der wunder ganznahdran – das Wissens-ePaper bietet faszinierende Einblicke undmachtWissenschaft und Forschung mit noch mehr Sinnenerlebbar.Mit dem welt der wunder ePaper gehen Sie auf eine Entdeckungstourindie interessantesten Bereiche der Wissenschaft: Natur,Medizin,Technik, Geschichte und Forschung. Abonnieren Sie einfesselndes,digitales Leseabenteuer über beeindruckendeWissenschaften undlassen Sie sich komplexe Themen leichtverständlich darstellen.• Für Fans der populären Wissenschaft, die komplexe ThemenaufIhrem Tablet oder Smartphone leicht verständlich dargestellthabenmöchten• Inhalt: Berichte, Reportagen und Infografiken aus denBereichenTechnik, Natur, Geschichte, Medizin und ForschungFür den Download der App und der Ausgaben empfehlen wir eine3G-oder WLAN-Verbindung.Weitere Informationen: Fragen oder Anregungen schreiben Sie bitte eine famoussciencemagazine Welt der Wunder opened a digital journey into theworld ofscience with the ePaper. Get with the world of wondersePaper everymonth exciting impressions and new findings in scienceandresearch.  Be with the digital edition of the world of wonders up close -theknowledge-ePaper offers fascinating insights and making scienceandresearch with more senses come alive.With the world of wonders ePaper you go on a discovery tour tothemost interesting areas of science: natural, medicine,technology,history and research. Subscribe to an addictive, digitalreadingadventure impressive sciences and check descriptions ofcomplextopics easy to understand.• For fans of popular science, who presented complex issuesonyour tablet or smart phone easily understood want• Content: articles, reports and infographics in the fieldsoftechnology, nature, history, medicine and researchTo download the app, and the issues we recommend a 3G orWiFiconnection.For more information: you have questions or suggestions, please write an
Sciences et Avenir 3.7.0
Sciences et Avenir
Sciences et Avenir - All the news of science in France andaroundthe world.
科学ニュース - 科学やITに関するトピック 1.5
Collect topics related to science and IT from RSS You areviewingthe list.
Science News Online 1.4
The most popular current science news from various sources.
Futura, the latest news about science and technology.
Science & Vie
Reworld Media Magazines
All about the world of the microcosm to the cosmos!
Sciences et Avenir magazine
Sciences et Avenir
SCIENCES ET AVENIR vous fournit uneinformationcomplète et accessible sur toute l'actualitéscientifique, desarticles de synthèse dans toutes les disciplines:les sciencesnaturelles, l'environnement mais aussi les scienceshumaines.Cette application est un kiosque numérique. Ellereproduitl’intégralité du magazine papier publié chaquesemaine.Grâce à l’interface de consultation, vous pouvez ensuite :- Lire le journal avec un grand confort et faites défiler lespagesen une fraction de seconde- Feuilleter le journal en mode portrait ou en mode paysageA propos de miLibris : miLibris conçoit et développe sur mesuredessolutions de lecture numérique pour les éditeurs et pourlesgroupes de presse.SCIENCE ANDFUTUREprovides you with a comprehensive and accessible informationon allthe news scientific review articles in all disciplines:naturalsciences, but also the environmental sciences.This application is a digital newsstand. It reproduces theentireprint magazine published weekly.Through the consultation interface, you can then:- Read the newspaper with great comfort and scroll through thepagesin a fraction of a second- Browse the Journal in portrait or landscape modeAbout miLibris: miLibris designs and develops custom solutionsfordigital reading for publishers and media groups.
과학동아 1.0.10
Donga Science Co., Ltd
상사, 동료, 친구들 앞에서 ‘아는 척’ 좀 하고 싶은 직장인, 학생들에게찾아온희소식!한국 대표 과학기자들이 여러분을 뇌섹남녀로 만들어 드립니다!당이 당길 땐 초콜릿을, 과학이 당길 땐 과학동아 디지털 앱북으로!어렵고 따분한 과학은 가라! 대한민국 대표 과학잡지 ‘과학동아’에서 제공하는 디지털 앱북은 과학전문기자들이놀랍고,신기하고, 기상천외한 최신 과학 이슈를 여러분의 눈높이에 맞춰 제공합니다.동영상과 인터랙티브 인포그래픽을 더해 ‘글로만’ 읽는 과학이 아닌, 쉽고 생생하게 느끼는 과학을 경험해 보세요!이런 분들게 추천합니다.- 과학에 손 놓고 책에 손 놓은 지 오래. 하지만 요즘 세상을 움직이는 최신 과학이 궁금한 성인- 길고 힘든 출근길. 싸우기만 하는 정치기사, 우울한 경제기사, 가십성 연예기사에 질려 정신까지지쳐가는직장인- 유익하고 재미있는 읽을거리에 목말라 하는 대학생- 쉬는 시간까지 참고서, 문제집을 붙들고 싶지는 않은 중,고등학생* 과학동아는 인앱 유료결제가 포함된 무료앱입니다.- 과학동아 앱은 무료로 다운받으실 수 있지만, 앱 내부의 개별 호는 유료입니다. 2014년 6월호까지는 무료체험판이며,7월부터 유료 정식판이 발행되고 있습니다.=======================================* 과학동아는 매월 발행되는 월간지 입니다.* 개별 호 가격 안내- 4,000원- 구매는 앱스토어, 구글플레이를 통해 결제 됩니다.* 환불- 구입하신 매거진에 대해서는 환불 조치가 어렵사오니 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.* 콘텐츠- 과학동아 디지털매거진은 인쇄된 콘텐츠의 70% 정도를 담고 있으며, 디지털에 최적화된 콘텐츠를수록하고있습니다.* 중국 지역 문제- 중국에서는 일부 외국 서버의 접속을 차단하고 있습니다. 중국 지역 이용자께서는 정상적으로 다운로드받기 어려울 수있으니참고하시기 바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :(04370)서울시 용산구 청파로 109 7층 동아사이언스+82-2-6749-2000----개발자 연락처 :(140-877)서울시 용산구 청파로 109 7층 동아사이언스+82-2-6749-2000Bosses,colleagues,friends, office workers want to get in front of'pretend', came thegood news to the students!Korea Science Reporters representatives to make you men and womeninnoesek!When I pull this chocolate party, when science is pulled intothedigital aepbuk Science Dong!Science is difficult and tedious Go! Republic of KoreaDigitalaepbuk provided by the representative of the scientificjournal"Science East, science journalists are wonderful, strangeandextraordinary service to meet the latest scientific issues byyoureye level.Plus videos and interactive infographic 'article only' ratherthanreading science, science Experience easy to feel alive!I recommend this to people.- Hands on Science've long since left hand on the book. Butadultsnowadays are moving the world the latest scientificquestions- A long, hard way to work. Articles that only politicalfight,depressing economic articles, jichyeoga to the spirit tiredofgossip entertainment articles workers- Informative and a thirst for fun reading Students- In reference to the break, I did not want to hold anexercisebooks, high school* The Science East is a free app that includespaid-apppayments.Science East, but the app can be downloaded for free, is aseparateissue of internal apps are paid. The trial until June 2014,paid inJuly this final version is published.=======================================* Science East is a monthly magazine that ispublishedmonthly.* Individual No. Price Guide- 4000 won- Purchase is payment through the App Store, Google Play.* refund- Please note the refund for the purchase difficult, OMagazine.* contentsScience Dong digital magazine is containing 70% of theprintedcontent, and the more optimized content to digital.* China regional issues- In China, it blocks the access of some foreign server.Chineseusers please note that the area can receive normallydifficult todownload.----Developers Contact:(04 370) 109 7th Floor, Seoul Yongsan-Dong Science cheongpa+ 82-2-6749-2000
YTN Science
(주)YTN plus
Get the latest science news through YTN science App.
PanRead 泛讀 - 對知識上癮 1.13
New Scientist 4.5
New Scientist
Weekly Science News Magazine
Science news 1.5
Escify Apps
Science News is the BEST free source of new scientificinformation& media
Pure Science 1.0
With Pure Science, you DO NOT have torummagethroughout hundreds of famous science websites to get all ofyourfavorite news because we have all of them in here! PureScienceprovides your with tons of science news organized neatlyinto 6categories:Physical ScienceSpace and AstronomyNeurology and Brain-Related NewsBiological ScienceEnvironment and SustainabilityMedicineYou can also download the articles so you can read themlaterwithout the need for an internet connection. Moreover, youcanshare your favorite articles with your friends in asimpleone-button click process!Credits:Notification icon is provided by Freepik fromwww.flaticon.comThe rest of the app's icons are provided by
Science Podcast 2.0 1.0
Every Time Apps Studio
Get the absolutely latest science news and interviews withthesepodcasts.
Scientific American 6.0
Scientific American
Monthly issues from Scientific American on your Android device
Germany News I Germany & World
Update You!
Germany News: be always up to date on Germany and world news!
Science News 1.0
Science news features thelatestsciencediscoveries. If you love science get this freescienceapplicationand keep yourself updated. Get the science dailynews.Universe,science knowledge, science facts and daily facts.Fillyourcuriosity and use learn new facts.Get science news now
Aux Frontières de la Science 3.39
Retrouvez automatiquement chaque jourtoutel'actualité scientifique sur smartphone et tablette.FDLS vous dit tout sur la recherche, la science pure, lasanté,l'alimentation, le futur, l'astronomie, les nouvellestechnologies,mais aussi sur la sexualité, l'environnement et lessciencesinsolites. En bref: tout ce que dit la science sur votreviequotidienne!DE PLUS: FDLS n'a pas peur (mais devrait parfois!) d'aborderdesenjeux de sociétés primordiaux tels que:-l'étude de cas du mâle mouche qui sombre dans l'alcoolparfrustration sexuelle-comment faire exploser une vache congelée-un test sanguin inspiré d'Harry Potter-comment faire rouler sa voiture à la graisse de canard-les mécanismes aromatiques du whisky étudiés... enapesanteur-le carnet de route d'un nain de jardin parti en voyage pourévaluerla gravité terrestre-les secrets de la sexualité féminine dévoilés-étude de certains cancers liés au sexe oralNe vous privez plus de ce savoir qui change notre visiondumonde...Les mise à jour de l'application, la réception de TOUSlesnouveaux articles et leurs mises à jour, ainsi que lesoutils,paramètres et fonctionnalités sont GRATUITS!FONCTIONNALITES:-classement thématique des articles,-chargement des articles (en entier et pas seulement uncourtextrait!) et des images avant la notification denouvellepublication: vous lisez un article sans avoir à attendrequ'il secharge, l'affichage est instantané,-à l'inverse des autres applications de type "reader", nosarticlessont lisibles en intégralité, pas besoin d'ouvrir votreexplorateurpour lire la suite,-réception automatique des nouveaux articles (àintervalleparamétrable) et de leurs mise à jour,-classement des articles: Tout, Dernières 24h, Non Lus,Favoris,Web,-affichage & Présentation paramétrables: thème, couleurs,policed'écriture, taille, etc...-stockage des articles sur l'appareil ou carte SD,-notifications par sonnerie, vibreur, ou flash,-sauvegarde des photos,-commentez les articles en live,-partagez les articles avec vos amis sur Facebook, Twitter,email,skype, eBuddy, etc...-WidgetsVous pouvez lire l'intégralité des articles dansnotreapplication, pas besoin d'ouvrir votre explorateur.MISE A JOUR IMPORTANTE: Pour répondre à la demande de nosamislecteurs, les articles sont maintenant organisés par thème.Cen'est donc plus un seul flux d'informations quialimentel'application mais neuf flux! Rien que ca! ;)Désormais avec ces neufs thèmes, vous démarrerez avec pas moinsde450 des derniers articles publiés sur FDLS, soit environ 1moisd'articles.Depuis 2013, FDLS est classé dans le top ventes du PlayStore,dans le top 15 des applis les plus rentables et est 4ème dansletop des applications payantes !Find allautomaticallydaily science news on smartphone and tablet.DW tells you all about the research, pure science, health,food,future, astronomy, new technologies, but also on sexuality,theenvironment and unusual science. In short: everything sciencesaysabout your daily life!MORE: DW does not fear (but should sometimes!) To addressissuesof paramount companies such as:-The case study of the male fly that sinks in alcoholsexualfrustration-How to make a frozen cow explode-A Harry Potter inspired blood test-How to drive his car in duck fatAromatic-studied mechanisms of whiskey ... weightless-The journey of a garden gnome gone on a trip to assessthegravity-The secrets of female sexuality announcedStudy-related cancers in oral sexDo not deprive yourself over this knowledge that changes ourviewof the world ...The update of the application, receipt of ALL new articlesandupdates, as well as tools, settings and features are FREE!FEATURES:Theme-ranked articles,-Loading items (in whole and not just a little bit!) Andimagesbefore notification of new publication: you read an articlewithouthaving to wait for it to load, display isinstantaneous,-In contrast to other applications "reader" type, our itemsarereadable in full, no need to open your browser to readmore,Automatically receive new items (configurable interval) andtheirupdate-Classification of articles: All, Last 24, Unread,Starred,Web,-Configurable display & Presentation: theme, colors,typeface,size, etc ...-Storing items on the device or SD card,-Notification ringtone, vibrate, or flash,-Backup photos,-Reviewing articles in live,-Share articles with your friends on Facebook, Twitter,email,skype, eBuddy, etc ...-WidgetsYou can read all the articles in our application, no need toopenyour browser.IMPORTANT UPDATE: In response to the request of ourreadersfriends, items are now organized by theme. This is no longerasingle stream of information that feeds the application, butnewflow! Just that! ;)Now with these new themes, you start with no less than 450 ofthelatest articles published on DW items, approximately onemontharticles.Since 2013, DW is ranked in the top sales Play Store in thetop15 most profitable apps and is fourth in the top paid apps!
과학을 읽다 1.0.0
The Asia Business Daily
과학전문기자인 정종오씨가 들려주는 ‘과학을 읽다’ 애플리케이션입니다.지식만 전달하는 과학에서 벗어나 삶으로 읽을 수 있는 과학 이야기를 전하고, 쉽고 재미있게 접할 수 있도록구성하였습니다.기사가 업데이트되면 바로 확인 할 수 있는 '푸시 알림'서비스와 SNS로 공유할 수 있는 기능이있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :+82222002174Science is aprofessionaljournalist has heard that Mr. Oh FOREVER "read ascienceapplications.Away from science to deliver only the scientific knowledgetotell stories that can be read into life, it has been configuredtoallow access easy and fun.If the article is the ability to just € 0 'pushnotification'service and the SNS can check for updates.
Fizikist 1.7
Fizikist, 26 Mart 2008 tarihinde Türkinternetkullanıcılarına bilimi ulaştırmak, daha anlaşılır veeğlenceli halegetirmek için kurulmuştur. Fizikist'te bilimselmakalelereulaşabilir, bilimsel videoları izleyebilir, ve beyinfırtınalarınakatılabilirsiniz.Fizikist olarak amacımız, bilimi keyifli hale getirmek,herkesinanlayabileceği bir dilde anlatım yapmak, daha fazla kişiyebilimiaşılamak, insanların yerlerinde oturarak sadecegelişmeleriizlemesini değil bilime katkısını sağlamak, sahtebilimcilik yapankuruluşlara karşı bir duruş sergileyerek en doğrukaynaklardanbilimsel gelişmeleri insanlara ulaştırmaktır.Ayda 1 milyondan fazla ziyaretçisi bulunan Fizikist,bilimiinsanlara aşılamaya devam edecektir.Fizikist, on March26,2008 to bring the science of Turkish Internet users,wasestablished to make it more understandable and fun. Canaccessscientific article Fizikist, watch videos, scientific,andparticipate in brainstorming.Our goal as Fizikist science to make it enjoyable,makeexpression in a language everyone can understand, more andmorepeople to instill in science, people involved in sittingonlydevelopments to ensure the contribution of science is not tofollowscientific developments in the most accurate source byexhibiting astand against organizations that false scientism is totransportpeople.More than 1 million visitors per month with Fizikist,sciencewill continue to vaccinate people.
Science News 2.6.1
Greenstream Apps
All Science news in one place!
Focus Italia 21.1.9
Mondadori Scienza S.p.A.
Focus Italia digital edition
MeteoWeb 4.0.1
Infoitalia Servizi srl
MeteoWeb - Science of heaven and earth (
Pour la Science 5.6.1
Pour la Science
For Science - the science explained by those who make it - Breaking News
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