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ENJOY - 精选美食电商,懂吃 会选 有格调 2.3.1
ENJOY 是一款为你提供高端餐饮体验的生活方式电商平台。我们以美食买手的态度,充满诚意地从味觉到视觉同时满足你的需求。这里不仅有精挑细选的“到店消费”与快递类产品,还有从生活方式角度解读美食的优质内容,在“食、用、知”三方面建立起ENJOY的生活方式提案,我们不只为你准备了一份独特的用餐体验,更是帮你建立一种优质的生活方式。具体来看,使用 ENJOY 可以治疗以下三大“顽症”。美食强迫症:当你遇到该选择什么餐厅这个世界级难题时,我们已及时献上由美食买手团队寻找到的城中品质餐厅,避免用错误的一餐来证明一餐的错误。点餐选择恐惧症:来到餐厅不知道点什么菜时,请使用ENJOY,我们通过精选的餐厅,为你独家打造的餐单组合,是你浪漫约会、商务宴请、挚友小酌的最佳解决方案。居家嘴馋综合症:想窝在家里喝酒饮茶吃点小食时,你可以通过ENJOY“全国送”搜罗各地美酒佳茗以及海内外名品小食周边,为你配送到家。此外,我们还会通过自己的平台传播与美食,以及其他生活方式相关的优质内容,帮助你更加懂得生活,而定期策划并推出的独家专场和名人饭局等活动,则会丰富你的用餐体验。ENJOY 现已在北京、上海、杭州、成都、天津、广州、深圳等城市提供到店用餐服务,更多城市将陆续开放,敬请期待。总而言之,岁月蹉跎,不如好好吃上一顿。ENJOY is to provideyouwith a high-end dining experience lifestyle electronicbusinessplatform.Our food buyers attitude, full of faith from taste to sight atthesame time to meet your needs. Where not only the carefullyselected"to store consumption" and express products, as wellasinterpretation of cuisine from the point of view ofqualitylifestyle content, and establish a lifestyle ENJOY proposal"foodwith, to know the" three aspects, we not only for you auniquedining experience, but also help you build a high qualityoflife.Specifically, the following three can be treated usingENJOY"chronic."OCD Cuisines: When you encounter the choice of what restaurantthisworld-class problem, we have timely presented by the food teamofbuyers looking into the quality of the city's restaurants, amealto avoid the wrong meal to prove a mistake.Meal choice phobia: when came to the restaurant did not know whattoorder, please use ENJOY, through our selection of restaurantsforyou to create an exclusive Menus combination, your romanticdate,Business, the best friend a drink solution.Home tempts syndrome: when want to nest at home drinking teaeatsnacks, you can ENJOY "National Song" wine Jiaming andcollectingaround the home and surrounding famous snacks for yourhomedelivery.In addition, we will, through their own platform forcommunicationand food, and other content-related quality of life,help you knowbetter how to live, and regularly planned launch ofspecial andexclusive celebrity dinner and other activities willenrich yourdining experience.ENJOY now in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu,Tianjin,Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities to shop offersdiningservices, more cities will be opened up, so stay tuned.All in all, wasted years, it is better to eat a good meal.