Top 7 Apps Similar to Firebase Chat Demo

FirebaseApp 1.03.00
Exemplo de integração de um APP AndroidcomoFirebase Analytics. Possui, além do APP funcional, todososcódigosutilizados no exemplo, possibilitando suareproduçãoe/ou,integração dele ao seu próprio APP.Baixe agora e use o código fonte em seu APP!!Example ofintegratinganAndroid APP with Firebase Analytics. It has, inadditiontofunctional APP, all codes used in the example,allowingitsreproduction and / or integrate it to their ownAPP.Download now and use the source code in your APP !!
Firebase Demo 1.0
Farid Gharazeddine
This app demos the following featuresoftheFirebase SDK:1. Authentication2. Realtime Databases3. Storage4. Hosting5. Remote Configuration6. Crash Reporting7. Push Notifications8. Dynamic Links
React Native Firebase Starter 1.9
After creating an account using your emailandpassword, you can sign in to the social content section.Here,three scrolling tabs allow you to see the post feed, add a newpostor simply access your account settings. Posts are composedcomposedby a photo, a title and description. This app illustratesthe useof Firebase using React Native. It is dedicated to the ReactNativecommunity.
Firebase Shout Out 0.1.10
Firebase features used in this project:1. Analytics2. Authentication3. Realtime Database4. Cloud Messaging5. Notifications6. Remote ConfigSource Code:
SimpleFirechat 1.01
Простой пример использования FirebaseA simple exampleofusingFirebase
firebase雲端記事本 1.0
CC studio
使用目前最夯的BaaS平台firebase實作的簡易記事本包含基本新增、移除、修改記事資料~因本app為Demo使用,記事資料將有可能被其他登入者使用故請勿將重要資訊儲存在此,特此聲明,感謝!Github:解說: the mostramBaaSplatform firebase implementation of simple notepadContains the basic add, remove, edit memo data ~Because this app is Demo use of notes will likely be usedbyotherpersons to signDo not store it in this important information,herebydeclare,thanks!Github: Commentary:
Firebase invite sample 1.3
This is just a sample app fortestingfirebaseinvites