Top 4 Apps Similar to Science Calculator

Basic Scientific Calculator 1.0
Basic Scientific Calculator enables youtodealwith simple arithmetic and complex operations. Very simpleanduserfriendly interface . Enables you to do BasicandScientificCalculating functions. For quick and accurateresultsBasicScientific Calculator is answer, a fullyfeaturedscientificcalculator which you always need in school,college anduniversityassignment.Basic arithmetic functions addition, subtraction,divisionandmultiplication.Advanced functions root, log 10 and log, exponential,The natural formula expressionTrigonometric functions (Sin, Cos, Tan).This Calculator will give you result in friction if resultisneededin friction and will be displayed in friction.Calculator is valid for Smart phones and Tablets.Basic matrix Math, Hexadecimal and binary support.Exponent, logarithms operations (ln, log).Very easy and lightEasy to download Basic Scientific Calculator.
Scientific Calculator 1.0
It is specially designforcomplexcalculation.Features*Good Look*very fast*Very Accurate Calculation*Large Display
Scientific Calculator 1.0.6
Tim Vermeiren
Using this mathematicalcalculator,youcan* plot all equations, even in the form f(x,y)=0 as well aspolarorparametric equations* see the function table with all critical pointslikenullpoints,minima, maxima and inflection points* the first and second derivate and the integral can be plot* plot as many functions you'd like and seetheintersectionpoints* a build-in sample store, in which you can save allyourequationsand keep an overview with icons
Scientific Calculator 0.1
BEN's Diffusion LTD
Calculator Scientific application isAscientific calculator is a type of electronic calculator,usuallybut not always handheld, designed to calculate problems inscience,engineering, and mathematics. They have almost completelyreplacedslide rules in almost all traditional applications, and arewidelyused in both education and professional settings.In certain contexts such as higher education,scientificcalculators have been superseded by graphing calculators,whichoffer a superset of scientific calculator functionality alongwiththe ability to graph input data and write and store programsforthe device. There is also some overlap with thefinancialcalculator market.Modern scientific calculators generally have many morefeaturesthan a standard four or five-function calculator, and thefeatureset differs between manufacturers and models; however, thedefiningfeatures of a scientific calculator include:- scientific notation- floating point arithmetic- logarithmic functions, using both base 10 and base e- trigonometric functions (some includinghyperbolictrigonometry)- exponential functions and roots beyond the square root- quick access to constants such as pi and eIn addition, high-end scientific calculators generally include:- cursor controls to edit equations and viewpreviouscalculations- hexadecimal, binary, and octal calculations, includingbasicBoolean math- complex numbers- fractions calculations- statistics and probability calculations- programmability — see Programmable calculator- equation solving- matrix calculations- calculus- letters that can be used for spelling words or includingvariablesinto an equation- conversion of units- physical constantsWhile most scientific models have traditionally used asingle-linedisplay similar to traditional pocket calculators, manyof themhave at the very least more digits (10 to 12), sometimeswith extradigits for the floating point exponent. A few havemulti-linedisplays, with some recent models from Hewlett-Packard,TexasInstruments, Casio, Sharp, and Canon using dot matrixdisplayssimilar to those found on graphing calculators.Scientific calculators are used widely in any situationwherequick access to certain mathematical functions isneeded,especially those that were once looked up in tables, suchastrigonometric functions or logarithms; they are also usedinsituations requiring calculations of very large or verysmallnumbers, as in some aspects of astronomy, physics,andchemistry.They are very often required for math classes from thejuniorhigh school level through college, and are generallyeitherpermitted or required on many standardized tests coveringmath andscience subjects; as a result, many are sold intoeducationalmarkets to cover this demand, and some high-end modelsincludefeatures making it easier to translate a problem on atextbook pageinto calculator input, e.g. by providing a method toenter anentire problem in as it is written on the page usingsimpleformatting tools.