Top 50 Apps Similar to Путь воина BeStronger Домашние

Kettlebell workouts for home 2.6.8
Full body exercises with kettlebell - Be Stronger workouts
Home workouts BeStronger 5.5.7
Your personal trainer and workouts tracker. 500+ exercises.Noequipment.
Твой Тренер 23.886
Тимко Илья
Bodybuilding and fitness training in the gym and at home.Diets,articles, exercises
GymPAD - notepad for your work 1.1.7
Simple and useful notepad for your workouts
100 Dips 1.9.0
app will help you increase your strength
MMA Spartan System Home Workou 4.3.12-fp
Tech 387 LLC
MMA Spartan System is the most effective training app to boostyourcardio!
MMA Spartan System Workouts 4.3.115
Tech 387 LLC
MMA Spartan System is the most effective training app to boostyourcardio!
Burpee workout 1.3.7
Burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training andasaerobic exercise
StayFit workout trainer
Meretskyi Andrii
Street Workout, CrossFit, and Bodybuilding workouts andtrainingprograms...
YourMaxBench 5.0.3
Fastly Apps
Best calculator to your 1 rep limit in the bench press. Youcanusethis bench press calculator when you planning trainingforBenchand powerlifting. Very easy to work with benchprogramsforpowerlifters. Internal calculators for Glossbrenner andWilks.
Breathing exercise 2.5.8
This app is used to train the breath technique with"Foursquarebreath" exercise
GymUp - workout notebook
Iron Lab
Workout notebook for all types of strength training
SOTKA 1.1.14
Street Workout
Fitness Minimalism
ReGYM - workout diary 2.15
Diary for workouts in the gym and at home. Timer,measurements,calendar.
Gym Lab - training plans, exer 0.23
Dynamic Lab
All for independent trainings: training plans, exercises,diary,diet
7 Minute Workouts at Home FREE 4.3.84
Diamond App 💎 Group LLC
Get fit with 7 Minute Workouts , no equipment required!7MinuteWorkouts will keep your body fit and in shape! Injustsevenminutes a day, you can get the dream tone for yourmuscles.7Minute Workouts is equipped with more than 25 workoutsforeveryfitness level. With more than 200 exercises to pick fromyoucancreate your own workout routines. But training alone won’thelpyoulose weight and maintain higher dailymetabolismefficiently.That's why 7 Minute Workouts has customnutrition planswhich willtransform your body in just two weeks! 7Minute Workoutsoffers avariety of, ex waa /www.Weworkout types(i.e. hiit, highinensity,beginner, intermediate, advanced, etc.)and containsinformationsuch as calories burned, muscle groups usedin theworkout, levelof intensity, etc. But to make sure that youdon’tget injured andthat you can work out to the fullest,7MinuteWorkouts containsstretching and warm up workouts which willkeepyour muscles andspine healthy, and prevent any injuries.Ourexercise library hasmore than 200 and we are adding exerciseseveryweek! Thehigh-quality videos and animations will help youexecutethe rightmovement of the exercise. Every exercise contains amusclegroupimage which explains which muscles are used whileexecutingthatexercise. 7min Workouts do not only contain highqualityworkoutsthe app also contains advanced training and workoutplanswhichwill guide you through the process of becoming astrongerversionof your self. Beside workout and training plans7minWorkoutscontain also high quality and scientificallyprovennutrition anddiet plans which will show results in two weeksofuse. Detailedmeal plans and guides will help you maximizeyourresults andachieve the body you deserve! Besides the qualityofworkouts, warmup workouts, stretching workouts, exercises,training&nutrition, and meal plans the app has features whichwill helpyoustay motivated and train on time! Feature list: -Recordworkoutsand plan history - Log your calories, workouts andplanhistory onApple Health - Train with Apple Watch and Apple TV -Staymotivatedwith an achievement system - Filter exercises bymusclegroup orhardness - Ability to create your own workoutroutines -Personaltrainer with reminders which will notify you whento workout! -Video followed workouts And much more…. Major musclegroupsthatthe workouts hit: - Abdominals - Back - Biceps - Calf -Chest-Forearms - Legs - Shoulders - Triceps So there is no needforGYMroutines. Workouts are pure insanity to lose the belly fatandforpumping your iron muscles. With these workouts andexercises,youwill get functional strength, explosiveness (explosivepower)anddefined body. Mix those workouts to improveyourstability,stamina, agility, and coordination. The app is basedonHIIT(High-intensity Interval training) regimen, which willimproveyourcardio and fast up your fat loss. Main function of thisappiscardio, bodyweight and aerobics - better fitness, bodyhealth,fastmetabolism for fat burning with a workout planandexercisetraining program. A portion of the exercise list:Push-ups,squats,sit ups, plank, crunches, wall sit, jumping jacks,punch,tricepsdips, lunges, Abs Scissors, Back Extensions, BearHugs,BicepsCurls, Bicycle Crunches, Burpees, Chin Ups, Crab Walk….Andmanymore
Bodyweight Workout at Home 3.34
Lose weight, build muscle, achieve outstanding result or justbefit.
GymKeeper - Workout Gym Log 5.36
Easy-to-use and highly customizable gym log & workoutplannerfor home and gym
50 Pull-ups workout BeStronger 2.8.5
Workout trainer. You can do 50 pullups!
BodyFlex 4.4.1
Free mobile apps
Our application contains all the exercises gymnasticsBodyflex.Listscommon mistakes beginners and advice coach. Themainadvantages ofBodyflex - simple exercises efficiency(quickresults), theopportunity to practice regularly, becausebasecomplex time takesonly 15-20 minutes a day. Bodyflex - notjusteffective, but usefuland natural weight loss. ExerciseprogramBodyflex tones the body andimproves health. All exercisesof thiscomplex is based on properbreathing, in which all cells ofthebody will be filled with oxygen.Supplemental oxygen to burnexcessfat. Regular classes Bodyflexalready three months can reducetheamount of your body by 10-30 cm,and the first results willbevisible after a week of classes. Themost important thing intheBodyflex - systematic and regularclasses. Even the 15-minutedailysessions will give you excellentresults.
100 Pull Ups Workout 3.6.9
Power Ups
Gain muscles, increase your strength and stamina. Get results in7days!
Titan - Home Workout & Fitness 3.6.9
Power Ups
Gain muscles, lose weight, look amazing. Home workout for menwithno equipment.
150 Dips Workout: Strong Arms 3.6.9
Power Ups
Gain muscles, increase strength and stamina. Get result in 7 days!
Barbell Home Workout 3.05
All you need is a bench and a barbell.
Здоровая спина 1.5
Workouts to help align posture and get rid of back pain
Abs Workout: Six Pack at Home 3.6.9
Power Ups
Get six pack in 30 days. Abs workout to lose weight in 30 days,homeworkout.
Сила воли 1.3
Androij jey
Кому я ни скажу, что читаю курс о силе воли, мнепочтивсегдаотвечают: «О, ее-то мне и не хватает». Сегоднябольше,чемкогда-либо, люди понимают, что силаволи –способностьуправлять вниманием, чувствами ижеланиями – влияетнафизическое здоровье, финансовое положение,близкие отношенияипрофессиональный успех. Нам всем это известно. Мызнаем, чтодолжныполностью контролировать свою жизнь: то, что едим,делаем,говорим,покупаем. Однако большинство людей чувствуют себя наэтойстезенеудачниками: в один миг они владеют собой, авдругой –их захлестывают чувства и они теряют контроль.ПоданнымАмериканской психологической ассоциации, обществосчитает,чтонехватка силы воли – главная причина трудностей напутикцели. Многие люди испытывают вину за то, что подводятсебяиокружающих. Многие оказываются во властисобственныхмыслей,чувств, пристрастий – их поведениепродиктованоскорееимпульсами, чем осознанным выбором. Даженаиболееподнаторевшие всамоконтроле устают держать оборону испрашиваютсебя, неужелижизнь и вправду должна быть так тяжела. Моязадача какспециалистапо психологии здоровья и преподавателя,ведущего занятияпопрограмме оздоровления на медицинскомфакультетеСтэнфордскогоуниверситета, – учить людей управлятьсясострессом ипринимать здравые решения. Я годами наблюдала, каклюдиборолись ссобой, чтобы изменить свои мысли, чувства, телаипривычки, ипоняла, что представления этих страдальцев о силеволимешали ихуспеху и вызывали ненужное напряжение. Хотя наукамогла импомочь,люди плохо воспринимали сухие факты и продолжалиполагатьсянастарые стратегии, которые, как я вновь и вновьубеждалась, былинепросто неэффективны – они выходили боком,вели к саботажуипотере контроля. Это подвигло меня на созданиекурса «Наука осилеволи», который я читаю в рамкахпрограммыдополнительногообразования в Стэнфордскомуниверситете. Курсобобщаетрезультаты новейших исследованийпсихологов,экономистов,нейробиологов и врачей и объясняет, какразрушитьстарые привычки ивыработать полезные, поборотьмедлительность,научитьсясосредоточиваться и справляться сострессом. Онраскрывает, почемумы поддаемся искушению и как найти всебе силыустоять. Онпоказывает,насколько важно пониматьпределысамоконтроля, ипредлагает лучшие стратегии для воспитаниясилыволи. К моемувосторгу, «Наука о силе воли» быстро стала однимизсамыхпопулярных курсов, которые когда-либопредлагаластэнфордскаяпрограмма дополнительного образования. Напервом жезанятии нампришлось четырежды менять аудиторию, чтобывместитьнепрерывноприбывающую публику. Управляющие корпораций,учителя,спортсмены,медицинские работники и прочие любопытствующиезаполнилиодну изсамых просторных аудиторий Стэнфорда. Студентыначалиприводитьсупругов, детей и коллег, чтобы приобщить их кзаветнымзнаниям. Янадеялась, что курс будет полезен этойразношерстнойкомпании. Целилюдей, посещавших занятия, разнились:кто-то хотелбросить куритьили сбавить вес, а кто-то – вылезтииз долговили статьхорошим родителем. Но результат поразил дажеменя. Спустячетыренедели при опросе 97 процентов студентовсообщили, что сталилучшепонимать собственное поведение, а 84процента –чтоблагодаря предложенным стратегиям их сила волиокрепла. Кконцукурса слушатели рассказывали, как преодолели30-летнюю тягуксладостям, наконец-то заплатили налоги, пересталиорать надетей,начали регулярно заниматься спортом и ощутили, что вцеломбольшедовольны собой и отвечают за свои решения. Их оценкакурса:онизменил их жизни. Студенты были единодушны: «Наука осилеволи»дала им четкие стратегии развития самоконтроля исилыдобитьсятого, что так много для них значило. Научные выводыбылиодинаковополезны и выздоравливающему алкоголику, ичеловеку,который не моготорваться от электронной почты.
Calorie Calculator XBodyBuild 4.23.1
Calorie counter for weight loss. Calculation of the daily normofenergy & water
Breathing Training - endurance 25.0.0
LionSnake Studio
Breathing Coach: Pranayama, Buteyko, Wim Hof,endurance,anti-stress, meditation
BB Workout Log & Tracker 2.0.13
Jevgenij Zhukov
Bodybuilding Workout Log is a very easy touseworkout tracker application. The goal of this app is to allowyouto workout and log your training results without looking atthephone all the time, with as little screen taps as possible.Puretraining log! Both beginners and experienced lifters(inbodybuilding, power lifting or fitness) will benefit fromthisworkout journal's simplicity and features which include:★ free choice of workout exercises. You do not need to deal withalong list of exercises that you never use in your training.Addexercises that you love and name them in a way that is cleartoyou;★ import of popular exercises for a quick start (as well as asampleroutine);★ saved training routines with pre-defined exerciseselection;★ dynamic training routines, where one can select exercises onthego;★ comments/notes for sets;★ always visible history of sets, reps, weight, comments andresttimes (no need to interrupt your training to viewprevioushistory);★ detailed workout history with a calendar and stats;★ progress tracking with graphs for 1 rep max;★ deletion of incorrectly logged workout sets;★ rest timer with vibration and an optional soundnotification,which is extremely useful if you train withheadphones;★ smart automatic rest interval selection;★ option to show best results from each workout only;★ option to show results from the same routine only;★ log of 1RM changes;★ export of all workout history to a CSV file on the SD card;CSVfiles can be opened and processed with mostspreadsheeteditors;★ summary of achievements displayed after training (includingnewrecords, total weight moved, trainingtime,intensity);★ sharing of summary screens (Facebook, email, SMS or anyothersharing provider that is installed on your phone);★ resuming of incomplete workouts;★ performing supersets using back/forward navigationandcomments;★ smart pre-entering of weight for the next set;★ add/remove/reorder exercises during training;★ backup and restore of all exercises and training history, youcanmove all created exercises and all training history toanotherdevice at any time.Please visit our site for newsaboutnew workout tracker features and version releases. Or followus ontwitter to get thelatestupdates.This application uses free icons from (CC3.0license)
WELPS: daily exercise planner 6.5.0
Wellness Digital Group, LLC
Exercise planner. Home workouts for men and women. 30 dayweightloss challenge
Stark Kettlebell 2.2.1
Virtual Trainer
Optimize your results with Stark Kettlebell!
200 Push Ups - Home Workout 3.6.9
Power Ups
Gain muscles, increase your strength and stamina with ourultimatehome workout!
Exercises for gym 1.8.1
Exercises for gym
Weight Loss & Healthy Coach 1.23.12
Wispence Inc.
Wispence — the preeminent platform for creating a healthyandconscious life.
Zhong Yuan Qigong 0.6.2
Lankastersky Studio
The app contains exercises of three stages of ZhongYuanQigongpractice. The exercises are taken from books and seminarsofMasterXu Mingtang. The are next groups of exercises in theapp:-preliminary exercises; - main exercises; - supportingexercises;-closing exercises; - diagnosis and treatment. Theexercisesincludestep-by-step instructions and descriptions,pictures, videosandaccompanying sensations and phenomena. You alsocan use asimpleaudio player in the app with a set of base melodiesformeditations(internet connection is required) or set a timer.
Kettlebells - 100 exercises 14.0
Kim E-Commerce Co. LTD
100 best kettlebell exercises, 10 workouts; from novice level toprofor 2 years
Just 6 Weeks 4.1.16
100 push ups, 200 sit ups, 20 pull ups, 10 minute plank in only6weeks
Bodybuilding. Weight Lifting 3.02
All you need is a barbell and dumbbells
Meditation Steps 2.8.2
Meditation Steps — yoga and meditation course.
Fitness Trainer FitProSport 4.100 FREE
Exercises, Workout Plans, Results Tracking and a lot ofOtherFunctions!
Just 6 Weeks
Just 6 Weeks offers you a unique opportunitytoget into shape, learn how to do 100 push-ups or sit-ups, as wellasto shape a beautiful muscle profile in only six weeks.Forgetcomplicated systems and exhausting, hours-long workouts! Allyouneed now is 10 minutes three times a week, a comfortable spot,andyour smartphone.Just 6 Weeks has a very simple interface withconvenient,customizable functionality. Workouts, reminders,statistics –everything is just two clicks away. Nothing willdistract you fromthe workout now!7 Programs in one application:• 100 Push-ups• 200 Sit-ups• 10 Minute Plank• 150 Bench Dips• 100 Dips• 200 Squats• 20 Pull-upsSimple functionality to reach complicated goals:• Five independent programs can be used in any combination• Level selection, depending on the results of a physicalfitnesstest• Automatic “rest” timer with custom settings• Workout schedule with reminders• Regular adjustments of workout intensity to your level• Detailed statistics of exercises performed• Import and export your data• Interface that does not distract you from you main goal
Home Workout - Abs Workout
Abs Workout App
Home Workouts for Men and Abs Workout to get Six Pack Abs in 30Days
30 Day Upper Body Challenge 1.3
Veev Apps
30-day workout plan, developed byprofessionals,designedspecifically for those who do not have timeto visit thegym.Workout anytime and anywhere. A set of exerciseswill allow youtocreate an ideal workout for the upper bodymuscles.Followingtheplan of training, you will tone upper body andarms, and makeyourbody even more beautiful. Daily we will increasethe load, sodonot forget about the rest. With these exercises youwillnoticeablyimprove the shape of your arms and upper body. Youcaneasily keeptrack of your progress in the statistics section,andreminderswill help you do not miss training and make youevenmoredisciplined. Key features: - 30 day Upper Body workoutplan-Create your own training from the set of exercises-Animatedexercises demonstrations - Description of theexercises-Statistics on the completed trainings and exercises-Reminderabout workout
Fitness PRO Bodybuilding 2.3.0
Sergey Kozhevnikov
Effective Workouts
Barbell Workout - Routines PRO 1.0.7
World Gym Fitness JS
App of workouts and exercises with Barbells and plates, in gym orathome
Fitness Trainer FitProSport FULL 4.89 FULL
Your workout sessions will be fully effective withaprofessionalfitness trainer «FitProSport»! Main differencesfromthe freeversion: - More than 500 simple and effective exercisesformen andwomen - Stretching for men and women - Workout plans formenandwomen to perform the exercises at home or at a gym -Copyworkouts- No ads - Graphs by results of workout sessions -Graphsbyresults of body measurement - Timer withnotificationsandStopwatch - Data synchronization from the freeversion intothefull version The fitness tracker for the gym andhome theexercisespresented: - With your body weight (pull up bars,parallelbars,push ups, with a fitball, burpees, etc.) - Withdumbbells,kettlebells and barbells - On the exercise machines -With afitball andpulley weights - With TRX And all this is at thepriceof ahamburger. Always with you, «FitProSport» team
Next: Workouts 0.0.87
Ihor Voitenko
Take your life to the next level with NEXT!
Perfect abs - Six Pack workout 2.6.8
Do you want to get perfect abs? Let's make it together!
Zeopoxa Push Ups Workout 1.3.11
Improve your body with Zeopoxa Push Ups. Training from 0 to 200pushups.