Top 21 Apps Similar to Youni

SMS-BOX: Поздравления 2.0
SMS BOX: Поздравления - это лучший сборник смс из болеечем1700поздравительных сообщений не требующая доступа кинтернету.Теперьможно не ломать голову, придумывая оригинальноеSMS.Данноеприложение поможет найти лучшие слова для дорогих вамлюдейвовремя любого праздника. Позволяет сразу изпрограммыотправлятьвашим близким, друзьям смс. В приложенииестьвозможностьдобавления в избранное наиболее понравившихся вамсмс, атак жераздел "Мои смс" в который Вы можете добавлятьпридуманныевамисообщения или прочитанные в другом месте. Всесобранныесмсдоступны Вам бесплатно! Стоимость смс согласновашемутарифномуплану. SMS BOX: Поздравления содержит следующиеразделысмс: - Деньрождения - Свадебные - Новый Год - Рождество -СтарыйНовый год -Татьянин день (День студента) - День св. Валентина-Крещение - 23Февраля - 8 Марта - День пожарной охраны - ДеньСмеха-Благовещение - Пасха - 1 Мая - День Победы - День Учителя-ДеньВодителя - День Бухгалтера - День Милиции -Универсальные-Нецензурные и пошлые SMS
СМС поздравления от SMSki.Mobi 0.10.3
7baRu Developers
Сегодня трудно себе представить современное общение икоммуникациюбез СМС сообщений ! А кто из нас не слышал про смс боксили неотправлял смс поздравления многочисленным друзьям и знакомым?А какприятно в канун праздника или на день рождения получатьволнующиепоздравления смс от близких людей!Межличностные отношениявсебольше переходят в виртуальный мир, который насыщенмножествомвозможностей проявить себя посредством классическогообращения другк другу: обсуждением насущных проблем, поиском верныхпутей решениябесконечных жизненных трудностей, осуществляемых насущественномудалении абонентов между собой. Тотальная нехваткавремени иявляется причиной бурного развития уникальных сервисовобщениялюдей на расстоянии, где самым совершенным и эффективнымявляетсявиртуальный сервис, обеспечивающий отправку смс черезинтернет.Оригинальные бесплатные смс сообщения предоставитмногочисленнымпользователям – уникальное приложение отSMSki.Mobi!С помощью нашего функционала можно поздравить любимую девушкувдень святого Валентина, для этого достаточнотрогательногопоздравления смс, которое превратит волнующийромантический вечер всказку!Как приятно ощутить тепло и заботу родных и любимых людей–получив смс поздравления на день ангела , день рожденияиликакой-нибудь юбилей!Содержательные по смыслу смс поздравления полностью БЕСПЛАТНЫдляпользователей, подготовлены талантливыми писателями ипробуждаютмножество положительных эмоций! Все бесплатные смсотправляютсячерез наш SMS шлюз с указанием Вашего мобильногономера. Приложениепостоянно обновляется, причем все измененияпроизводятся совершенноБЕСПЛАТНО для пользователя! Приложение покасодержит начальный наборфункций, которые продолжают успешносовершенствоваться. В ближайшихпланах расширить возможностиотправки сообщений в виде поздравлениясмс, дополнить функционалмногими полезными новациями, средикоторых: активация платногоаккаунта с возможностью отключениярекламы, введение уникальногокалендаря поздравлений, функциизапоминания дней рождения ипамятных дат Ваших друзей, знакомых идр.Все это будет доступно после регистрации, без которойвозможенлишь просмотр доступных категорий смс и копированиеконтента.Важнейшим условием отправки является необходимостьавторизациипод своим НАСТОЯЩИМ номером. Это требование актуально попричинетого, что на Ваш номер придет код активации и все смсотправленныечерез наш сервис будут приходить ОТ ВАШЕГО НОМЕРА.Наш сервис весьма дорожит мнением и отзывами пользователейокачестве наших услуг и специально в этих целях создал веткунафоруме для обсуждения неясных вопросов, касающихсяпоздравлениясмс. Кроме того на сайте действует техподдержка, кудаможнообратиться в любое время суток и в течение короткогопериодавремени получить исчерпывающий ответ на любойпоставленныйвопрос.Воспользуйтесь возможностями приложения гарантирующеготолькокачественные смс поздравления на любые праздники!Мы предлагаем разнообразные категории СМС поздравлений налюбойвкус. Здесь каждый пользователь может подобрать смспоздравления натрадиционные отечественные и религиозные праздники –Новый и СтарыйНовый год, романтический день святого Валентина (14февраля), Деньзащитника Отечества ( 23 февраля ) , Международныйженский день ( 8марта ), Масленица, Пасху (Пасха), Татьянин день,торжественный ипамятный День Победы, поздравления на день рожденияи именины идр.В нашей базе только самые лучшие смс поздравления!форум,где Вы можете удостовериться в работоспособности приложенияиоставить свои предложения к дальнейшему улучшению.It ishardto imagine a modern communication and communication withoutSMSmessages! And who among us has not heard about the SMS box orsendsms greetings to numerous friends and acquaintances? And it'sniceon the eve of the holiday or birthday greetings sms receivedwavesfrom loved ones! Interpersonal relationships areincreasinglymoving into the virtual world that is filled withmanyopportunities to express themselves through the classicaltreatmentto each other: a discussion of current problems, findingthe rightsolutions to the infinite life difficulties carried out atasubstantial distance between the users themselves. Total lackoftime is the reason for the rapid development of uniqueservicespeople communicate at a distance, where the most advancedandeffective is a virtual service sending SMS via the Internet.Original free SMS messages provide multiple users - auniqueapplication of SMSki.Mobi!With our functional to be congratulated his girlfriendonValentine's Day, it is enough to touching sms greetings thatwillturn an exciting romantic evening in a fairy tale!How nice to feel the warmth and care of relatives and lovedones- have received sms greetings on the name day, birthday oranybirthday!Meaningful within the meaning of sms greetings totally freeforusers, prepared by talented writers and awaken a lot ofpositiveemotions! All free sms sent via our SMS gateway showingyour mobilenumber. The application is constantly updated, and allchanges madeto the user absolutely FREE! Application does containan initialset of features that continue to successfully cultivate.Theimmediate plans to expand the possibility of sending messagesinthe form of greetings sms, add functionality with manyusefulinnovations, including: activation of a paid account withtheability to disable ads, the introduction of a uniquecalendar,greetings, memory function birthdays and anniversaries ofyourfriends, acquaintances, etc.All this will be available after registration, without whichcanonly view the available categories sms and copying ofcontent.The most important condition is the need to send anauthorizationunder his real number. This requirement is importantbecause of thefact that your number comes activation code and allSMS sent throughour service will be coming from your room.Our service is highly valued input and feedback from users onthequality of our services and specially created for thispurposethread in forum for discussion of ambiguities concerninggreetingssms. Also on site is valid technical support, which can beaccessedat any time and for a short period of time to get acomprehensiveanswer to any question.Take advantage of the application is only guaranteed qualitysmsgreetings for any holidays!We offer a variety of categories of SMS greetings to alltastes.Here each user can choose sms greetings to traditionaldomestic andreligious holidays - New and Old New Year, a romanticValentine'sDay (February 14), Defender of the Fatherland Day (23February),International Women's Day (March 8), Mardi Gras, Easter(Easter ),Tatiana Day, a solemn and memorable Victory Daycongratulations tothe birthday and name, etc.In our database, only the best sms greetings! you can test your applications and leave yoursuggestions forfurther improvement.
LOVE is a four letter magical word that can make the wholeworldspin with its passion. Love is the beginning of manybeautifuldreams, it is a feeling of belonging and togetherness.There is nospecial day, or time to express one’s feelings. Withlove comeshappiness, sorrows, betrayals, mistrust and pain. Everyhuman soulhas two faces, one a reflection and another a shadow.Lovebeautifies everything within, and demands sacrifice. Lifeismeaningless without the presence of love..**Features**● Free● Works without Internet.● Latest Love SMS collections.● Offline cool sms collection● SMS collection: Sms everywhere with free collections fromthisultimate sms book.● Share : Send msgs to friends via sms, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.Download this amazing SMS app book today for FREE! It hasbeentested on most android mobile phones, nexus 7 and tablets.Bestchoice for the latest sms collection 2015!!“Please don't leave negative remarks/complaints on this page.Wedo appreciate suggestions to make the application work betterandwould love to sort out the issues and your complaints.Ourdevelopers work hard to give you the best experience with ourapps.If you are not satisfied with our application, mail yourreviews,complaints, and suggestions us.
SMS Book 3.6
SMS Book is a Completely Offline & FREE of most popular andmostwanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages,forwards,quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of smsfor androidphones!! Largest SMS Collection in smallestapp-size!The largest book of most popular new text messages collectionsforAndroid mobile phones. Have fun messaging your friends toimproverelationships with lots of new funny, cute and sweetforwardingtext messages & pick up linesFind all the Collection of SMS at one place…. Now you don’t havetosearch for the messages or wait for others to forward youfirst.You have your own collection of wishes so that you can wishthemfirst with the unique and amazing messages.Here you can find various categories all at one place-ValentinesDay, Friendship Day, Marriage Wishes, Anniversary,Birthday Wishes,Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas to name a few.Categories :★ Love★ Friendship★ Birthday★ Jokes★ Thought★ WhatsApp★ FB StatusLanguage Support :★ English.★ Hindi.★ Hinglish.Some Highlights that makes it the most downloaded app inthiscategory:Features of the application:-1) User Friendly and Interactive User Interface.2) Categories are set in Grid for easy view.3) Swipe the screen to view previous and next page.4) Buttons are also provided for next and previous page.5) Sharing can be done via Facebook, Messaging, Email, GmailandTwitter etc.6) Application available on both phone and tablet.7) You can also share SMS via lots of social apps.-------------------------------------------------We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions, or concerns, please email us at:ravishankar.ahirwar@gmail.comor Like us at on Facebook: Info for Seamless Usage:★Android Devices: We recommend installing Android OS 2.1orhigherThanks for reading and we hope you enjoy SMS Book!**********The app may not install properly if your network connectionisunstable or if your device does not have enough storagespace.Please check the strength of your connection and the amountoffree storage space you have and try again.**********★ Permissions:-1)android.permission.INTERNET: Needed to update new SMS &todisplay ads on this texting app.2)android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: To check ifnetconnection status is available for messenger to update newSMSmessages.Last, but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone whohasused SMS Book!!
Way2SMS, Free SMS - Daily News 7.76
Way2Online (Formerly Way2SMS) , ,thebest news app for summarized, short news in 8 LocalIndianLanguages (Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam,Marathi,Gujarati, Bengali) & English, brings to you theultimate newsreading experience in magazine style format.Way2Online app offersa range of stories from world news to Indianews and keeps youupdated on the latest stories & breaking newson themove.Way2Online app also supports Free SMS sending service to anymobilenetwork in India. Sending Free SMS is now made very easy withitssmooth & improved interface which delivers Free SMS inlessthan 10 seconds anywhere, anytime in India. Users can alsoscheduleFree SMS for future delivery, making Way2Online app,India’spremier destination for sending free SMS irrespective ofthenetworks.We work hard continuously (24 x 7) to deliver best daily news/stories on politics, business, technology, sports,entertainment,anything and everything happening around the world.Users who arelooking for trending stories, latest headlines,breaking news,current affairs, local news and top news stories candownload thefree Way2Online app and keep themselves informedquickly within 2-3minutes.Our professional editors read thousands of news storiesfrominternational & national newspapers, magazines,websites,blogs, Television and hand-pick top news / stories andwrite ashort crisp news within 400 characters in your localIndianLanguages (Hindi news, Telugu news, Tamil news, Kannada news,andMalayalam news, Marathi news, and Gujarati news, Bengalinews)& English. Way2Online app aggregates all the top newsstories& trending news headlines from reliable sources. Justtap theheadline, you will be redirected to a link by a popularnewswebsite or blog containing full length storyWay2Online enables the users to assimilate all the majoreventshappening across the world without spending too much timereadinglengthy articles. We help you in saving your time with ourshortnews by covering current affairs, latest news, breakingnews,sensational news, daily news headlines, trending newsoninternational & national politics, stock updates,automobilesector, movie reviews (Bollywood, Hollywood, regionalfilms),sports (Tennis, Football, live scores in cricket, IPLupdates, ICCworld T20), music, videos on Elections, parliament andinterestingscoops.Timely notifications for the most important news and breakingnewsevery day to keep you informed. You can bookmark importantarticlesand also share them with your friends & family onFacebook,Twitter, WhatsApp, E-mail, SMS, and other supportedsocialplatforms.Buzz:Way2Online brings you the most trending content over theinternet.You will find engaging and viral content from which youcan sharewith other users and friends.In Buzz Section You can enjoy:★ Viral Videos★ Viral News★ Viral Photos★ Viral FactsYou can also personalize the viral content with your text andsharethem with friends & family.Live:Watch live streaming of your favorite TV shows, sportsetc.,on-the-go.What Else:In short you can stop your daily news hunt now and download thefreeWay2Online app instantly to save your time and stay updatedonlatest news in short and breaking news in short. Way2Onlineappgives you the improved features of Way2SMS with its new UI&UX.We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions or concerns, please email
Text free - Free Text + Call 12.52
Pinger, Inc.
Textfree is the free calling and free SMSappthat gives you a real US phone number so you can send textanyone,even if they don’t have the app. Keep in touch with featuressuchas free SMS messaging, group messaging, free MMS picturemessaging,international texting & calling, voicemail andmore—all forfree.CUSTOM NUMBER SELECTOR – Choose your area code and searchmemorablenumbers like, “(555) 414-SARA,” simple sequences like“(555)500-2525,” or combinations that are, “JUST4U.”UNLIMITED TEXTS & PICTURES - Send unlimited SMS and MMSpicturemessages for free.FREE CALLING - App-to-App calling and any incoming calls arealwaysfree. Outbound calling minutes are easy to earn or supercheap tobuy. Say, “Hola!” because calls to Mexico are now supportedaswell.REAL PHONE NUMBER - Having a real US number means you can callyourgrandma’s landline, order a pizza, and text anyone withacellphone. It also means free MMS and SMS will work with allyourfriends.GROUP CHATTING - Textfree is perfect for group messaging. Youcancreate groups, leave groups, add participants and let everyonebepart of the conversation with real SMS messages (orfreeMMS).TURN ANY DEVICE INTO A PHONE - Textfree can turn yourdesktop,tablet or other Android devices into a phone that can sendfreeSMS.SAY IT WITH STICKERS - With an endless selection ofstickers(seriously, there are millions) you can search and sharefunstickers with all your friends.--© 2017 Pinger, Inc. All rights reserved. The Textfreename,associated trademarks and logos are trade marks of Pinger,Inc. orrelated entities.
COGNITO Coach 2022.4.13
Dipôle Solutions Inc.
Specialized platform for professional coaching
textPlus: Text Message + Call 8.0.2
Unlimited Texting, Second Phone Number App for Calling,Chat,Messaging & Voice
SMS Poruke 2.1
SMS Poruke podržavaju slanje putem Viber-a, WhatsApp-a,EMail-aiostalih messagera, a ne samo putem SMS-a !! SMS Porukeimabazupodataka koja se redovno updateuje sa novim porukamakojevišaljete. Sa jednim klikom preuzimate najsvežije poruke!!!SMSPoruke je aplikacija sa oko 600 tematskih poruka zasveprilike.Pošaljite u tri jednostavna koraka tematsku SMSporukuvašimprijateljima. Nove poruke se dodaju direktno na našserveriažuriraju seautomatski sa našom aplikacijom, aukolikostekreativni možete pisati poruke na našem sajtu koje ćesekasnijenaći u aplikaciji. SMS Poruke poseduju naprednefunkcijekoje vasobaveštavaju o prispeću poruke, kao i upozorenjeukoliko sešaljeviše od jedne SMS poruke. U slucaju da ste dobiliSMS Porukukojavam se svidja imate mogućnost da je sačuvate ikasnijekoristite.Uvedena su dva načina čuvanja SMS Poruka:jednostavnimtekstualnimunosom i odabirom iz vaših SMS Poruka, gdese unosobavljaautomatski sa samo 2 klika bez potrebe za unosomteksta.Ukolikoimate neku omiljenu poruku, klikom na zvezdicu ulistiporuka ćeteje sačuvati u omiljenim porukama i ona će sepojaviti navrhukategorije SMS Poruka u kojoj ste je sačuvali.Takođe tu jeiistorija poslatih SMS Poruka koja vam pruža uvid komestesveposlali SMS Poruke. Trenutno su na raspolaganju 9kategorijaSMSporuka: - Božićne - Badnje veče - Uskršnje - Slavske -8. Mart-Šaljive - Romantične - Novogodišnje - Rođendanske
Snap Inc
Life's more fun when you live in the moment:)Happy Snapping!* * *Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save yourmessages,such as by taking a screenshot or using a camera. Bemindful ofwhat you Snap!
Zello PTT Walkie Talkie 5.4.0
Zello Inc
Turn your phone or tablet into a walkietalkiewith this lightning fast free PTT (Push To Talk) radio app.Talk toyour contacts privately or join public channels to engage ina hotdebate.Zello features:• Real-time streaming, high quality voice• Contacts availability and text status• Public and private channels for up to 2500 users• Option to map hardware PTT (Push To Talk) button• Bluetooth headset support (selected phones)* Android Wear support• Voice history• Call alert• Images• Push notifications• Works over WiFi, 2G, 3G, or 4G mobile dataZello uses proprietary low-latency push-to-talk protocol and isnotinteroperable with Voxer, Sprint Direct Connect orAT&TEnhanced PTT. Zello Android client supports free publicservice,ZelloWork cloud service, and private Zello EnterpriseServer.We are working hard to improve the app so please expectfrequentupdates. If you have questions or issues send us an► Visit our website to get Zello WalkieTalkiefor your PC or different platform► Connect with other Zello users onFacebook:► Follow us on Twitter:
Two Way : Walkie Talkie 3.0.9
Selvaraj LLC
Two Way is a walkie talkie app that allows two or more users totalkinstantly
Voxilate, Inc.
HeyTell® is a cross-platform voicemessenger& walkie talkie that allows you to instantly talk withfriends& family who use Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 7devices withthe press of a single button.* Voice messages are quicker than SMS—and free!* *Very* low data usage, no more than sending an email* Works on any Internet connection!* Superior audio quality: *twice* the frequency range of acellphone call!* EXTRAS! Check out the Voice Changer or create 25-way chatwithGroups! Extras make HeyTell ad-free!* Notifications alert whenever a message is received if youenablethe Background Service via Menu > Settings >BackgroundService✳ TIP: If you're on wifi & want to avoid late notifications,besure to set your Wifi Sleep Policy to Never: Menu >Settings>Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi Settings > Menu >Advanced> Wi-Fi sleep policy > Never.* Quickly Friend/Unfriend/Block. Adding contacts as friendsensuresthat you can always quickly find them by tapping the To:field andtapping "Friends."* Choose from 3 different privacy levels to control how userscancontact you without an invite:✓ Low privacy: All Facebook friends can HeyTell you. Any ofyourTwitter followers can HeyTell you. People who know yourphonenumber or email address can HeyTell you.✓ Medium privacy: All Facebook friends can HeyTell you. AllTwitterfriends can talk to you. Friends of your HeyTell friends whoknowyour phone number or email address can HeyTell you.✓ High privacy: No one can contact you unless you contact themfirstor unless you accept their Twitter, Facebook, email, orSMSinvite.* Optionally, share your location with selected contacts whileyoutalk✳ TIP: To send your location information to a contact, you musthavethe MAPS page open (tap TARGET button) when you send theHeyTellmessage. For privacy reasons, HeyTell does not sendlocation unlessyou approve & have Maps open.✳ Conversations can be saved & replayed offline,ordeleted✳ TIP: Long-press on conversations & individual messagestoaccess extended View, Delete, and Export options.* All data and audio you transmit to HeyTell and your friendsisencrypted in transit* Earpiece and speakerphone functionality: Press the Speakerbuttonto toggle between earpiece and speaker mode (If you findearpiecesound is too low, enable the speaker)* You do NOT need to share personal information to connectwithHeyTell contacts & have full control of your personal info.See and formoreinformation about connecting without sharing phone numbers oremailaddresses!✳ TIP: Back up your account so that you do not have tore-addfriends when you change phones or update ROMs. To do this,exitHeyTell and enable the Backup options accessed via Menu>Settings > Privacy or Backup & Sync.✳ TIP: If you can send messages to friends, but you arenotreceiving them, ask your friends to respond directly to youbytapping the active conversation. It is likely that thecontactinformation they're using to find you doesn't match what yousetfor yourself and/or your privacy is higher. However,directlyresponding to the conversation should always work! :)✳ TIP: IF YOU GET AN "INBOX FULL" message, there's no need todeletethe app or messages: This just means that your friend has tolistenor reply to the messages you sent before you can continue tosendthem messages. Once they listen or respond, you can keepontalking!NOTE THAT CARRIERS MAY CHARGE YOU & YOUR RECIPIENT FORSMSINVITES, but they're not required--email invites anddirectconnections to other HeyTell users using phone, email,Twitter,& Facebook are free!Problems/questions?- Email us at!- Follow us on Twitter @ "Like" us on Facebook at!- Circle us on G+ at!
WhatSmiley: Emoji WASticker 12.4.3
Emoji, gif, stickers for WhatsApp (WASticker), Messenger…Stickerforall chats.
Unlimited Texting, Calling App 6.2.5
Dingtone Phone
Second phone number for phone calls & texts. Text & SMSmenow with a 2nd number
Statuses for all occasions 2.94
Huge collection of statuses for update status in Facebook,Twitter,WhatsApp etc
VK 8.88.1
VK unites millions of people throughthemessaging and sharing of news from anywhere around theglobe.You can send messages, share stories and photos, watch videosandlive streams, listen to music, play games, join communitiesanddiscover a whole new world of talented artists.
InstaMessage - Chat, meet, dating
Tap Genius Ltd.
InstaMessage helps you meet and datenewpeople nearby or anyone you like on Instagram! Safety,fun,friendly, free and privately!Now with InstaMessage you can enjoy a totally privateconversationwith any Instagram user whose photos attract you themost.Features:+ Chat with fun new people or any Instagram user privately.+ Browse profiles of anyone you are interested in and startchattingimmediately.+ Discover popular InstaMessage users automatically via oursmartrecommendation engine.+ Sign in with your Instagram Account, NO registration.+ View nearby InstaMessage users and begin chatting.+ Block List: Prohibit selected users from contacting you.Download the free dating app, and meet and date newpeoplenearby.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------InstaMessage fans be sure to check us out on Twitter, FacebookandInstagram. Big things to come. Find out first!- Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: @instamessage- Follow us on Twitter: @instamessage------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer:InstaMessage Match uses the Instagram API but is not affiliatedwithor endorsed in any way by Instagram™ or theiraffiliates.All Instagram™ logos and Instagram™ trademarksdisplayedon this application are property ofInstagram.InstaMessageMatch
Share it 2.3.7
Share it app
Social file sharing app to upload and download files andsharecomments on them
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