Top 10 Apps Similar to Learn UX (User Experience)

UX Companion 2.4.0
Cyber-Duck Ltd
A handy glossary of user experience (UX) theories, toolsandprinciples.
UXness Lite 1.0.0
Learn UX design, Usability, UX Course, UX Books, UX Events, UXtools
UI Design for Android 1.0
Boopathy Raja.S
You can also Download the SourceCode of this applicationthroughthisthelink Android helps the android application developer todesigntheapplication with following features 1. Navigation Drawer2.Animation3. Arc Menu 4. Chart 5. Drag & Drop 6. ListView 7.Map8. Paint9. Picker 10. PopUp 11. Text2Speech 12. ViewFlow 13.Wheel
UX Dose 1.0
Kamlesh Vishwakarma
UX Dose is a must app for UI / UX designeranddevelopers, it contain useful information about UserCenteredDesign Analysis (UCD), Usability Testing, Android Icon -screenSizes, Flat UI Color codes, Responsive Design, eCommerce,cognitivescience, accessibility and fonts.
الدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة 2.3
Important Lessons for the General Nation
الدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة 1.0
ZAD Explorer
كتاب الدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة للشيخ عبدالعزيزبن باز -رحمه الله- يحتوي على ما يجب أن يعرفه عامة المسلمينعن دينالإسلام من المسائل العقدية و الأحكام الفقهية والعباداتوالمعاملات ،وما ينبغي أن يكون عليه كل مسلم من الأخلاق الشرعيةوالآداب الإسلامية، وغير ذلك مما لا يسع المسلم جهله.يضم برنامج الدروس المهمة لعامة ميزات عديدة حتي تتمكن من تصفحوقرأت الدروس بسهولة ويسر ومن بعض هذه المزايا:- إمكانية تصفح الكتاب دون الاتصال بالانترنت- فهرسة الدروس لتيسير تصفحها- أمكانية إضافة أي درس تقرئه إلي قائمة الدروس المفضلة لسهولةالوصولإليها مرة أخرى- إمكانية البحث في كل من العناوين و الدروس معا- إمكانية نسخ أي درس تريده لأاستخدامه في برنامج أخر- إمكانية مشاركة الدروس مع الأصدقاء على فيسبوك ،تويتر أو أيبرنامجأخر للإرسال ، او إرسالها عن طريق الرسائل القصيرة اوالإيميل- إمكانية تغيير نوع الخط- إمكانية تكبير وتصغير الخط- إمكانية تغيير لون الخط و الخلفية- إمكانية قراءة الأحاديث في وضعيات مختلفة أفقي وعمودي- إمكانية المساهمة في نشر التطبيق ومشاركتنا الأجر إن شاء اللهBook important lessonsforthe general nation of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz - may Allahhavemercy on him - Contains what you should know the generalMuslimsabout the religion of Islam from issues Streptococcusandjurisprudence and worship and transactions, and it should beeveryMuslim of ethics legitimacy and Islamic morality, and otherthingsthat Muslim can not ignorance.Program includes important lessons for the generalfeaturesseveral so you can browse and read the lessons easily andsome ofthese advantages:- The possibility of browsing the book withoutinternetconnection- Indexing lessons to facilitate browsed- The possibility of adding any to familiarize readable listoffavorite lessons for easy access again- The ability to search in both titles and lessons together- The possibility of copying any lessons you want to Oasthaddamhinanother program- The ability to share lessons with friends on Facebook, Twitterorany other program to send, or send it via SMS or e-mail.- The ability to change the font type- The possibility of large and small Line- The ability to change the font color and background- The ability to read conversations in differentpositionshorizontal and vertical- The possibility of contributing to the publication oftheapplication and pay our participation inshallah
Islamic Audios Library
Islamic library vocal lessons and sermons and lectures Islamist
الدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة 1.0
Aws Books
نبذة مختصرةالدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة: هذه الرسالة على صغر حجمها جمعالمؤلفالشيخعبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز - رحمه الله - بين دفتيهاسائرالعلومالشرعية من أحكام الفقه الأكبر والفقه الأصغر، وما ينبغيأنيكون عليهالمسلم من الأخلاق الشرعية والآداب الإسلامية، وختمهذهالرسالةبالتحذير من الشرك وأنواع المعاصي، فأتت الرسالة بما ينبغيأنيكون عليهالمسلم عقيدة وعبادةً، وسلوكا ومنهجا، فهذه الرسالة اسمعلىمسمى فهيبحق الدروس المهمة لعامة الأمة.AbstractImportant lessons for the general Nation: This message isonthesmall size collection Author Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin AbdullahbinBaz- may Allah have mercy on him - between Dftihaotherforensicscience from the provisions of the Fiqh al-Akbarsmallerandjurisprudence, and it should be recognizedlegitimacyIslamicmorals and manners, and seal this The messagewarned ofpolytheismand the types of sins, including missed themessageshould be theMuslim doctrine and worship, and the behaviorandapproach, thismessage is aptly named it the right of theimportantlessons to thegeneral nation.
History Of Islam 1.0
History Of World
History Of Islam is an applicationthatcontains a variety of information about the annals or chronicleofthe world. A lot of information such as ancient country orcity,history of all and the battle of war story is included here.The history of Islam concerns the political, economic,social,and cultural developments in the territories ruled byMuslims orotherwise substantially influenced by the religion ofIslam.Despite concerns about reliability of early sources,mosthistorians believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina atthestart of the 7th century. A century later, the Islamicempireextended from Iberia in the west to the Indus river in theeast.Polities such as those ruled by the Umayyads (in the MiddleEastand later in Iberia), Abbasids, Fatimids, and Mamluks wereamongthe most influential powers in the world. The Islamiccivilizationgave rise to many centers of culture and science andproducednotable astronomers, mathematicians, doctors andphilosophersduring the Golden Age of Islam. Technology flourished;there wasinvestment in economic infrastructure, such as irrigationsystemsand canals; and the importance of reading the Qur'anproduced acomparatively high level of literacy in the generalpopulace.In the 13th and 14th centuries, destructive Mongol invasionsfromthe East, along with the loss of population in the BlackDeath,greatly weakened the traditional centers of the Islamicworld,stretching from Persia to Egypt, but in the Early Modernperiod, theOttomans, the Safavids, and the Mughals were able tocreate newworld powers again.During the modern era most parts of the Muslim world fellunderinfluence or direct control of European Great Powers. Theireffortsto win independence and build modern nation states over thecourseof the last two centuries continue to reverberate to thepresentday.Hopefully, with this application History Of Islam, we canhavemore insight and news update. We will continue to addinformationabout this application. So you must still install theapplicationwell. thank you.DISCLAIMER :All Content Such As Pictures or Text in this app we get fromsearchengine, So if I have violated your copyright, please let meknowand we will be removed as soon as possible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.
Alexander The Great Biography 1.0
History Of World
Alexander The Great Biography isanapplicationthat contains a variety of information about theannalsor chronicleof the world. A lot of information such asancientcountry or city,history of all and the battle of war storyisincluded here.Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June323BC),commonly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: ἈλέξανδροςὁΜέγας,Aléxandros ho Mégas [a.lék.san.dros ho mé.gas], fromtheGreek ἀλέξω(alexō) "defend" and ἀνδρ- (andr-), the stem ofἀνήρ(anēr) "man"and means "protector of men"iii[›]), was aKing(Basileus) of theAncient Greek kingdom of Macedon[1][2][3] andamember of the Argeaddynasty, an ancient Greek royal house. BorninPella in 356 BC,Alexander succeeded his father, Philip II, tothethrone at the ageof twenty. He spent most of his ruling yearsonan unprecedentedmilitary campaign through Asia andnortheastAfrica, and by the ageof thirty he had created one of thelargestempires of the ancientworld, stretching from Greece to Egyptintonorthwest India andmodern-day Pakistan.[4] He was undefeatedinbattle and is widelyconsidered one of history's mostsuccessfulmilitarycommanders.[5]During his youth, Alexander was tutored bythephilosopherAristotle until the age of 16. AfterPhilip'sassassination in 336BC, Alexander succeeded his father tothethrone and inherited astrong kingdom and an experiencedarmy.Alexander was awarded thegeneralship of Greece and usedthisauthority to launch hisfather's Panhellenic project to leadtheGreeks in the conquest ofPersia.[6][7] In 334 BC, he invadedtheAchaemenid Empire, ruledAsia Minor, and began a series ofcampaignsthat lasted ten years.Alexander broke the power of Persiain aseries of decisivebattles, most notably the battles of IssusandGaugamela. Hesubsequently overthrew the Persian King Darius IIIandconqueredthe Achaemenid Empire in its entirety.i[›] At thatpoint,hisempire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the IndusRiver.Seeking to reach the "ends of the world and the GreatOuterSea",he invaded India in 326 BC, but was eventually forced toturnbackat the demand of his troops. Alexander died in Babylon in323BC,the city he planned to establish as his capital,withoutexecuting aseries of planned campaigns that would have begunwithan invasionof Arabia. In the years following his death, aseriesof civil warstore his empire apart, resulting in severalstatesruled by theDiadochi, Alexander's surviving generalsandheirs.Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusionhisconquestsengendered, such as Greco-Buddhism. He founded sometwentycitiesthat bore his name, most notably Alexandria inEgypt.Alexander'ssettlement of Greek colonists and the resultingspreadof Greekculture in the east resulted in a newHellenisticcivilization,aspects of which were still evident in thetraditionsof theByzantine Empire in the mid-15th century and thepresence ofGreekspeakers in central and far eastern Anatolia untilthe1920s.Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in themoldofAchilles, and he features prominently in the historyandmythictraditions of both Greek and non-Greek cultures. Hebecamethemeasure against which military leaders comparedthemselves,andmilitary academies throughout the world stillteachhistactics.Hopefully, with this application Alexander The GreatBiography,wecan have more insight and news update. We willcontinue toaddinformation about this application. So you muststill installtheapplication well. thank you.DISCLAIMER :All Content Such As Pictures or Text in this app we getfromsearchengine, So if I have violated your copyright, please letmeknowand we will be removed as soon as possible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.