Top 3 Apps Similar to SEVEN S7P

Seven Cineplex 2.0.4
Tix Production LLC
L'applicazione gratuita del Seven CineplexdiGioia del Colle offre gli orari completi di tutti i filminprogrammazione, sia quelli odierni che quelli dei prossimigiorni.Puoi consultare le trame dei film, vedere i trailer eprenotare imigliori posti in sala, selezionandoli direttamentesulla mappaposti.L'applicazione mostra in tempo reale gli orari dellabiglietteriadel cinema, per essere sempre aggiornata sulle ultimenovità evariazioni: nel caso la biglietteria del cinema nonfosseraggiungibile (adsl guasta), l'applicazione mostrerà unmessaggiodi mancato collegamento, ma gli orari torneranno appenailcollegamento sarà ripristinato. Questo può succedere usandouncollegamento in tempo reale, ma abbiamo preferito questa sceltaperpoter presentare sempre le informazioni più aggiornate.I nuovi orari dei film vengono impostati nelle biglietteriedelcinema ogni mercoledì, per il periodo compreso tra giovedìemercoledì della settimana seguente.Scaricando l'applicazione dichiari di accettare la PrivacyPolicyconsultabile al seguente indirizzo: free applicationofthe Seven Cineplex Gioia del Colle offers a complete timetableofall current films, both those of today and those of the nextfewdays. You can see the plots of movies, see the trailer and bookthebest seats in the room, selecting them directly on themapplaces.The application shows in real time times the ticket of cinema, tobealways updated on the latest news and changes: if the ticketofficeof the cinema was not reached (ADSL fails), the applicationwillshow a message of connection failure, but times will return assoonas the connection is restored. This can happen using areal-timeconnection, but we preferred this option to alwayspresent thelatest information.The new movie times are set at the ticket offices of thecinemaevery Wednesday, for the period between Thursday andWednesday ofthe following week.By downloading the application you agree to the PrivacyPolicyavailable at the following address:
PLUS7 Android TV 1.0.3
Watch the best shows from Seven, 7mate,7TWOand other content partners - just hit play to watchfull-screenvideos.• New episodes are added daily and are available from seven to28days• You can pause, fast forward and rewind programs
• Search and browse episodes by show name, just added, mostviewedand expiring soon• Includes complete season boxsets and kids programming to keepyouentertained• Watch previews of new shows
• Get recommended content based on what you're watching• Use voice-activated search to find your favourite showsPLUS7. Always something to watch. Anytime. Free.Visit the website:
Seven Day Radio 1.5
Descarga y disfruta de Seven Day Radio...ahoraen tus manos.- Escucha nuestra programación en vivo.- Reproduce y descarga los audios de todas las matutinas(adultos,jóvenes, mujeres, menores, escuela sabática y más).- También tendrás acceso directo a nuestras redes sociales:Fanpagesde facebook, Twitter, y youtube.- SI deseas apoyar a nuestros proyectos también puedeshacerdonaciones a través de paypal, o enviando tu solicitud paraserparte de nuestros colaboradores en algunas de nuestras áreasdeservicio.- Y si deseas contactarnos de forma directa, ahora es posibledesdenuestra app.Seven Day Radio.... Conectándote al amor de Jesús.Download and enjoyRadioSeven Day ... now in your hands.- Listen to our live programming.- Play and download audios all morning (adults, youth,women,children, and Sabbath school).- You will also have direct access to our social networks:facebookFanpages, Twitter, and YouTube.- IF you want to support our projects you can also donateviapaypal, or by sending your request to be part of some ofourpartners in our service areas.- And if you want to contact us directly, it is now possiblefromour app.Seven Day Radio .... Connecting you to the love of Jesus.