Top 20 Apps Similar to Mobile Wound Care

Wound Central 1.06
Wound care tool offered exclusively from Wound CareEducationInstitute (WCEI®)
+WoundDesk - Wound Care 1.7.002
digitalMedLab GmbH
Wound assessment with +WoundDesk saves time, reduces costsandmedical errors.
Wound Care Incredibly Visual 6.0.0
An innovative reference that combinesdetailedphotographs and graphics with concise, informative text tomake thecomplex concepts of wound care easy to understand. Thislatestupdate is based on the 2nd edition with additionalfeatures,enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual is thoroughly updated withthelatest clinical practice guidelines and documentation, thisnewapproach to clinical content maximizes the power of visualthinkingby "showing" as well as "telling" about the latest woundcareinformation techniques.// Key Features• Additional wound care treatments including hyperbaric oxygenandelectrical stimulation• A new topic on atypical wounds• A new "Special Attention" icon to address concerns forthebariatric patient, including skin problems, wound managementandpressure ulcer prevention• Hundreds of full-color wound graphics• Key terms defined and explained, clearly and simply• "Memory board": visual mnemonics• One-page "Vision Quest," a visually-oriented variation ontheIncredibly Easy! Quick Quiz• "Take note" icon: documentation samples and tips• "Best dressed" icon highlighting tips on dressing woundsandchoosing wound dressings• Includes 4 Calculators and 13 interactive flowcharts whichassistin making clinical decisions• Updated documentation and clinical practice guidelines// Unique Features• Full color images: This product includes images that helpbringthe content to life.• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are released whenthecontent changes significantly; there is no standard schedulefornew editions.// Calculators4 Built-in Medical Calculators: Provide instant access fromwithinclinical topics to• Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk• BSA• Norton Scale• PUSH Tool// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into the Omnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn more bysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.
WoundApp 2.10
Valutazione per immagini della lesione:Per ogni visita è possibile associare una o più foto ad ognilesionee misurarne la lunghezza, la larghezza e l'area.In questo modo si possono costruire nel tempo dei graficicheanalizzino l’indice di regressione valutando nel tempoladiminuzione dell’areaIl sistema di calibrazione integrato consente diassociarel’immagine all’’unità di misura prescelta.Tracciabilità prodotti e Farmaco economia:E' possibile tracciare l’utilizzo dei prodotti utilizzati durantelevisite, prescrivere una specifica terapia farmacologica, ausiliepresidi.I dati registrati consentono di effettuare un’analisi diefficienzaeconomica (farmaco economia)Sincronizzazione dati e gestione ambulatorio-territorio:E’ possibile inoltre sincronizzare i dati dell’app ad unaversioneserver con la possibilità di creare una rete multicentricaper ilmonitoraggio delle lesioni.Sezioni:- Anamnesi patologica remota- Anamnesi patologica prossima- Terapia farmacologica pregressa- Lesioni attive- Diagnosi- VisiteAssessment of thelesionimages:For every visit you can associate one or more photos to eachlesionand measure the length, width and area.In this way you can build over time of the graphics that analyzetheregression index evaluating over time the decrease in theareaThe integrated calibration system allows you to associatetheall''unità image of your choice.Traceability products and Drug Economy:And 'possible to track the use of the products used duringthevisits, prescribing a specific drug therapy, aidsandprincipals.The recorded data allow for an analysis of economicefficiency(economy medication)Data synchronization and outpatient-land management:E 'can also synchronize the app data to a server version withthepossibility of creating a multicenter network for the monitoringofthe lesions.sections:- Remote medical history- History next pathological- Drug therapy prior- Active Injuries- Diagnosis- Visits
MOWA – Wound Care Solution 1.6
Became an expert in Wound Care in less than3minutes, with this unique app.- Photograph ulcer;- Analyze the ulcer in a few moments;- Read the treatment (EPUAP-NPUAP);- Archive and / or print analysis;==============================MOWA - Mobile Wound Analyzer - is an application foradvancedmanagement of pressure ulcers, diabetes and vasculardisease. It isa sophisticated and practical software for analyzeimages of ulcersand may also be useful as a reference manual andguide for post-visual evaluation.It is target to health professionals who heal wounds or wanttolearn how to heal wounds.Meets the essential requirements of Directive 93/42/EECMedicalDevices, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree 24February1997, 46 and therefore carries the CE mark.==============================A wound healing tool for mobiles that works efficientlyandeffectively.- You always know how to treat an ulcer;- You always know the percentage of ulcer tissues (necrosis,fibrin,granulation);- You always have the measurements of the surface area oftheulcer;- You can store, print and send by mail the results==============================Why use MOWA?- It is not invasive: it doesn't make contact withthepatient;- It is subjective: it follows international guidelines;- It is a medical device: registered in the list of theItalianministry of health as a class I A CE directives;- It is fast, analysis process takes less than 3 minutes;- It is easy to use: just take a picture of the ulcer;- It is unique in the world: it is the only app for mobileswiththis utility;===============================News:- Automatic calculation of the surface area of the ulcer usingablue label mark;- Added Portuguese language===============================Soon:- Patient record- Healing process assessment comparing photos in time- Graph charts of tissues percentages against time
The Wound Atlas App® This app isfilledwithdescriptive pictures and easy-to-understand tools tohelpanyhealthcare provider navigate through the daily challengesofmakingaccurate decisions about a variety of wound, ostomy, andskincarecases.The pages are filled with full color images and easytoreadinformation, making it easy to quickly gather all ofthenecessaryinformation needed to assess common pathologies.App Creator: Henry Okonkwo, PA-C, SWOCS, DWCLegal Disclaimer: The information disclosed in thisApp,includingall designs and related materials, is thevaluableproperty of OneHealth Education® and/or its partners. OneHealthEducation and/orits partners, as appropriate, reserve allpatent,copyright and otherproprietary rights to thesedocuments,including all design,manufacturing, reproduction, use,and salesrights thereto, except tothe extent said rights areexpresslygranted to others. All RightsReserved!
Nurse Box - Wound Care 1.0
Wound Care è la prima app dellaserie"NurseBox" che ti aiuta nella cura e gestione dellepiaghedadecubito.E' completamente in italiano ed è un valido edefficacestrumentoculturale da utilizzare a lavoro, sempre a portatadimano!Wound Care is thefirstappof "Nurse Box" series that helps in the care andmanagementofpressure sores.And 'entirely in Italian and is a valid and effective tool touseincultural work, always at hand!
Nurse Box - Wound Care Tablet 1.2
Wound Care è la prima app dellaserie"NurseBox" che ti aiuta nella cura e gestione dellepiaghedadecubito.E' completamente in italiano ed è un valido edefficacestrumentoculturale da utilizzare a lavoro, sempre a portatadimano!Wound Care is thefirstappof "Nurse Box" series that helps in the care andmanagementofpressure sores.And 'entirely in Italian and is a valid and effective tool touseincultural work, always at hand!
Lesioni da Decubito LITE 4.0.0
Marco Romitelli
Realizzata per fornire informazionisulWoundcare tramite illustrazione e trattamento delle lesionidapressioneovvero da decubito.L’utilizzo di questa applicazione è orientatoprincipalmenteainfermieri, medici, studenti, assistiti e care-viveredèsviluppata sulle ultime linee guida edevidenzescientifichedisponibili, prodotta e realizzata dal dott.MarcoRomitelli.E' in via di sviluppo una versione PROFESSIONAL concontenutipiùdettagliati, nomi commerciali di alcuni prodotti,foto,indicazionipiù precise alla medicazione, video e form diconsulenzaeinformazioni.Designed toprovidethecare Wound information through drawing and treatmentofpressuresores or decubitus.The use of this application is mainly geared tonurses,doctors,students, assisted and care-live and is developed onthelatestguidelines and available scientific evidence, producedandcreatedby Dr. Marco Romitelli.And 'developing a PROFESSIONAL version with moredetailedcontent,trade names of some products, photos, morepreciseinformation tothe medication, and video form advisoryandinformation.
Clinical Guide Skin Wound Care 6.0.0
Accelerate your skin and wound carewiththiscompact and sensibly organized guide which is vitalforprovidingoptimal care. This latest update is based on the7thedition withadditional features, enhanced functionality andongoingupdates.Clinical Guide Skin & Wound Care help bothcliniciansandinstitutions deliver wound care that's appropriateforpatientneeds and cost-effective for the institution.// Key Features• Important new content on documentation regulations• Covers the fundamentals of skin and woundcare,includingassessment, treatment, prevention,nutrition,anddocumentation• New topics on lymphedema featuring best practices• Checklist Topics• Profiles of 300 plus products in alphabetical organization• Essential skin care and wound preventiontechniques,includingnutrition guidelines• Each wound care product profile describes the productindetail,including the product's form, available sizesandactions,indications and contraindications, and applicationandremovalinstructions• Includes product classification billing codes -theHealth-careCommon Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)• Includes 3 calculators and 9 interactive flowcharts whichassistinmaking informed decisions• New advice on the skin care products you usemost,includingcleansers, moisture barriers, antifungalandantimicrobialtreatments, therapeutic moisturizers, liquidskinprotectants, andothers// Unique Features• Full color images: This product includes images that helpbringthecontent to life.• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are releasedwhenthecontent changes significantly; there is no standardschedulefornew editions.// Calculators3 Built-in Medical Calculator: Provide instant accessfromwithinclinical topics to• Body Mass Index (BMI)• Calculating the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)• Norton Scale// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into theOmnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn morebysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.
Albus Mobile 3.7.1
SNAL Albus
Calcul des débits de perfusion, évaluation interactivedurisqued'escarres, conversion glycémique, accès à la tournée etàvotreagenda, fichier patients, Albus Mobile, l'applidulogicielinfirmier, vous permet de disposer d'outils trèspratiquespourfaire les soins et gérer votre cabinet. Gratuite pourtouslesinfirmiers. Les clients Albus accèdent en prime àtouteslesdonnées de leur cabinet. Téléchargez l'appli dèsmaintenantetcréez votre compte gratuit sur http://mobile.Albus.frL’appliquin’oublie pas que les soignants soignent ! Initialementdestinéeàaccéder à l’agenda de la tournée et aux fichiers despatientsducabinet pour les clients d’Albus, l’applications’estdepuisenrichie d’une foule d’outils pratiques et gratuitsdestinésàfaciliter les soins infirmiers. Nous avons étésurprisdel’enthousiasme incroyable réservé à Albus Mobile,quiestaujourd’hui devenue une vraie référence pour touslessoignants.Dictionnaire des médicaments génériques Accès àSOSCotation,service collaboratif d’aide à la cotation desactesinfirmiersCalcul des débits de perfusion, conversionglycémiqueDétection durisque d’escarre Dictionnaire vocalmultilingue pourcommuniqueravec les patients étrangers Numérisationdes ordonnances(ettélétransmission via Albus, agréé SCOR) Et bienplusencoreTéléchargez l'appli dès maintenant et créez votrecomptegratuitsur Nos clients AlbusRéseauDistantaccèdent à des fonctionnalités supplémentairespermettantdepiloter leur cabinet depuis leur mobile.Patients,Tournées,Prescripteurs… Accédez depuis votre téléphone àtout votrecabinetSynchronisation : vos données mobiles sontaccessiblesdepuis votrecabinet et inversement Pas de mise à jour àeffectuerni de câble àbrancher : la synchro des données esttransparenteGéolocalisation: trouvez l’itinéraire le plus courtpour vousrendre chez vospatients Droits d’accès temporaires :votreremplaçante peutgratuitement télécharger Albus Mobile, vouspouvezlui donnertemporairement accès à l’agenda et au fichierdespatientsNumérisation des ordonnances : photographiezl’ordonnance,elle estdirectement envoyée dans votre logiciel ettélétransmisegrâce auprotocole SCOR Téléchargez l'appli dèsmaintenant et créezvotrecompte gratuit sur
ConvaTec Solutions® 1.1.5
Solutions® Algorithms for Wound Care areaseries of visual, evidence-based guidelines which helphealthcareprofessionals create a standardized process for goalidentificationand wound characteristic assessment, improvingclinical andfinancial outcomes.
Journal of Wound Care 2.0.0
Mark Allen Group
The Journal of Wound Care (JWC)providesthelatest evidence-based information and bestpracticeprocedures.Keep up-to-date on all aspects of wound care,includingtheprevention and treatment of wounds andassociatedskinconditions.All articles are peer-reviewed by an expert panel ofadvisorsandreviewers, and include the latest state-of the-artresearchandclinical practice articles.Download the JWC app for access to:• High-quality evidence on all aspects of wound care,includinglegulcers, pressure ulcers, the diabetic foot, burns,biofilmsandmore• The latest developments and innovations in wound care,throughbothpreclinical and preliminary clinical trials ofpotentialnewtreatments worldwide• In-depth prospective studies of new treatment applications,aswellas high-level research evidence on existing treatments• Clinical case studies providing information on how todealwithcomplex wounds• Comprehensive literature reviews on current conceptsandpractice,including cost effectiveness• Updates on the activities of wound care societies around theworldJWC is indexed on Medline, Scopus, CINAHL and theThomsonReuters'Science Citation Index-Expanded andCurrentContents/ClinicalMedicine. Let JWC help you make therightdecisions for the patientsin your care.
Wondwijzer 3.3.6
Aemotion B.V.
Product guide for BSN medical Cutimed. Wound care products.
Wound+ 1.0.1
With the NAWA®-Wound+ you quickly andeasilyfind the right product from the range of modern wound care.Theapplication guides you in a few steps to a reliablequalifiedtherapy and product recommendation. We offerphase-specificsolutions for the various challenges in wound care.About NAWA: For over 20 years NAWA develops andmanufacturesinnovative medical devices that stimulate and supportthe body'sown repair mechanisms. Products without pharmacologicalsideeffects - but effective!
ABMSP Diabetic Wound Care App 1.0.6
Web Development Group
Podiatrists -- Ensure that your SOAPnotespassMedicare scrutiny. Use the latest 2011 reimbursementcodes.Get thisFREE app from the American Board of MultipleSpecialtiesin Podiatrynow.
e-mémo plaies chroniques 0.0.2
l'Assurance Maladie
The e-memo Wounds Chronicles: a service for physicians andthenurses (es)
WoundRight 2.1.17
WoundRight Technologies, LLC
WoundRight is a complete mobilewoundcaremanagement system offering advanced wound, ostomy,andcontinencedocumentation with the ability to addindividualtreatments, andperform detailed assessments. WoundRightdeliverstrue point ofcare service: bringing convenient andimmediate woundcare to thepatient.Key Features:Advanced and consistent wound, continence,andostomydocumentationPerform accurate and consistent assessmentsKeep a running 3-day Bowel and Bladder diaryUpload your company’s inventoryGenerate Progress, Area, and Dimension GraphsCreate or Upload PatientsShare patients with your affiliated accounts ifpermissionisallowedTrack vitals, medical history, and open and closed woundsKey Benefits:Secure and HIPAA compliantLow cost barrier for consistent wound documentationFree application updatesServer integration and backupTrue Point of Care: Take your tablet anywhere!Organize patients into groups and foldersEMR Integration availableHow to Use WoundRight?Simply download the app and build an account on thesecureWoundRightserver. Then use the server or app to buildyourpatient. Documentwounds for the patient on your app, andprintgreat documentation andgraphs from any web browser. See moreaboutWoundRight includingvideos, FAQs, and pressat
Wond Zorg App 3.13.7
With multiple caregivers treat a complex wound
Wound Care 1.0
Ners Station Indonesia
Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukanpengkajianluka pada pasienVersi 1.1Tampilan lebih menarikDapat mengambil gambarPerbaikan viturVersi Beta.***You can easily doinjuryto the patient's assessmentversion 1.1More attractive appearanceCan take picturesrepair viturBeta.***