Top 22 Apps Similar to HKDSE 英文科筆記 香港中學文憑考試 Notes

HKDSE Eng Vocab,Tips & Grammar 1.0.9
Wilson Cheung DSE
此APP第一版Android及iOS分別於8/2/2013及18/3/2014於AppStore及Play Store上架,此程式為全港少數專為教授HKDSE英文科技巧而設,並以中文為教學語言的APP。“DSE English Vocab+Ex”能有效提升考生的英文水平。其內容提供者Dr.WilsonCheung一心幫助全港考生應考文憑試,因此該APP屬永久免費類別。最新版內容包括1)文法練習(GrammarDrill),一共28項,分為低中高三個程度,並附設中文解釋、2)365個HKDSE常見之生字/詞彙/特別用語(DailyVocabulary),並附設儲存功能以方便溫習、3)HKDSEEnglish各卷攻略(PaperTips)、分析。4)免費教學資源下載(DownloadArea)、5)最新消息(What’sNew),6)留言地帶(Message to Wilson)。內容將不時更新,敬請留意。
StarChat DSE - DSE英語口試助手 2.0.3
StarChat DSE
DSE Wiki - Your Exam Partner 2.0.6
 香港第一個專為中學文憑試HKDSE考生而設的APP, 文憑試考生、補習老師必備的應用程式。各種考生必備資訊,1. 集齊各科多達8,000題由2000年起會考 DSE 參考答案Past paper solution:數學 Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + SP + PP) (中文/英文版)物理 Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + SP + PP) (英文版)化學 Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + SP + PP) (英文版)經濟 Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + SP + PP) (中文/英文版)BAFS (會計選修-DSE),新增附加數學1 M1 (2012-2015 + SP + PP)附加數學2 M2 (2012-2015 + SP + PP)生物Biology (2000 -2011 CE Paper 1, 2012-2014 DSE Paper 1B andPaper2)地理Geography (2000-2001 CE Paper 1)2. 「授業.尋補」:全新為考生和補習老師而設的專業平台,讓學生尋找最適合自己的私人導師。3. 線上成績核對:DSEWiki提供線上選擇題測驗,在應用程式內完成即可核對答案,為你節省人手核對的時間,更能為你預測文憑試成績。3. 個人題目掌握能力分析:考生能在DSEWiki上檢閱已作答的試卷及其年份,紀錄自己的溫習進度。選擇題測驗更設有作答紀錄對比功能,讓學生得知每題題目的掌握程度(只開分予付費用戶)。4. 全港學生分析:附有全港學生成績排名的功能,讓學生得知自己及其他同學的水平,確立自己的溫習目標 (只開分予付費用戶)。5. 詞彙解釋及公式提示:優化詞彙庫搜索系統,方便考生重溫各科專業詞彙的解釋及其相關公式。本應用程式並不包含試題題目, 相關試題版權為香港考試及評核局所擁有, 學生須自行購買。DSE WIKI 功能詳情請瀏覽 或前往Fackbook IG, DSEWIKI了解更多。The first all-rounded educational Application for HKDSEexamineesand private tutors.Useful information includes:1. Solutions of over 8000 DSE and CE past paper questionsstartedfrom 2000Mathematics Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + Sample Paper+Practice Paper) (CH/ENG)Physics Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + Sample Paper +PracticePaper) (ENG)Chemistry Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + Sample Paper +PracticePaper) (ENG)Economics Paper 1 & Paper 2 (2000-2014 + Sample Paper +PracticePaper) (CH)BAFS (CE Elective-DSE)Updates:Mathematics Extended Part - Module 1 (2012-2015 + Sample Paper+Practice Paper)Mathematics Extended Part - Module 2 (2012-2015 + Sample Paper+Practice Paper)Biology (2000 -2011 CE Paper 1, 2012-2014 DSE Paper 1B andPaper2)Geography (2000-2001 CE Paper 1)2. Online Marking System:DSEWiki provides an online marking system for multiplechoicequestions so that students can check their marks rightaftercompleting the quizzes or tests in this apps. It saves thetime ofchecking by ourselves. Further, it helps to predict yourscores inHKDSE.3. Performances Analysis:DSEWiki helps to record completed papers and thus therevisionprogresses of students. Online MC Test also analyzestheperformances of students in various topics so as to assiststudentsto recognize those under-performed topics (for paidusersonly).4. Ranking Function for all users:With ranking function, students can estimate their ranking amongallDSEWiki users and re-establish a new and effective revisiontarget(for paid users only).5. Glossary and Formula:Upgraded glossary searching system is more convenient forstudentsto revise glossary and formula for various subjects.6. Tutoring Platform:Aims to provide a professional and responsible tutoring platformforboth students and tutors, includes both private tutoring andgrouptutoring.Remark:Copy right of past paper questions are owned by the HongKongExaminations and Assessment Authority. DSEWiki does notincludepast paper questions.hkdse, dse ,hkcee, tutor
DSE中史 1.5.5
DSE Dynasty
Compiled for the content of Chinese History in the Hong KongDiplomaof Secondary Education Examination.
JUPAS Analysis(大學聯招分析) 5.0
JUPAS Analysis為一本教大家如何去分析JUPAS的書,而不是一本提供分析的書,,主要教導大家如何利用過去JUPAS數據去分析及作出選擇,從而提高自己入讀A1的機會 。本書為2008年作品,有很多部份已經outdated,請讀者留意。嚴正聲明:本程式並非JUPAS官方授權網站,與大學聯合招生辦法 Joint UniversityProgrammesAdmissions System (JUPAS) 並無任何關係, 請各位使用者注意。tags: HKDSE, JUPAS, 334,文憑試,大學聯招,聯合招生,升大學JUPAS Analysis for aJUPASteach you how to analyze the book, rather than an analysis ofthebook provides ,, mainly teaches you how to use data to analyzepastJUPAS and make a choice, to improve the chances of theirownadmission A1.The book works for 2008, there are a lot of partsalreadyoutdated, please draw readers.Solemn statement: This program is not officiallyauthorizedwebsite JUPAS with JUPAS Joint University ProgrammesAdmissionsSystem (JUPAS) no relationship, please usersattention.tags: HKDSE, JUPAS, 334, diploma test, JUPAS, joint enrollment,lUniversity
MC500 DSE CHEM 2.2
-The first DSE CHEM APPS in the world- -Over 500 MC questionsforrevision-
Prologue Online Tutorial 3.1.12
Prologue Ltd.
Guiding you through your HKDSE exam journey anytime and anywhere!
James Chow
You can download this app and get theupdatedinformation from
HKDSE經濟科 ECON精讀筆記 香港中學文憑 NOTES 0.1
歡迎使用HKDSE 經濟科 ECON 精讀筆記手機程式。在香港新考試制度下,中學生要面對一次決定性的考試去爭取進入大學的機會,絕對係不容有失!我地特別集合多名香港名師及資深考官及改卷員,合力製造出最強的手機精讀學習程式,令你發揮出120%的表現以進入大學,開展人生新一頁!_____________________________________-本程式提供無限次學習,不另收費。-經特別設計,所需存儲量極少,為市面最方便之DSE學習手機程式。-由補底,試題分析,獨門答卷技術,以及試題準確預測,必能為你提供最佳參考!-本手機程式需連接網絡使用,內容自動更新。-經開發員研究,本程式體積細少,絕對方便各位同學使用!
English Grammar – Idiom 1.0.6
“English Grammar - Idiom” helps you learn idioms in a fun way!
進擊DSE Maths 1.6
Master SF
數學科是不少同學的惡夢。3322是大學最低入門資格。4月14(死實死)將會是一場硬仗。誰能笑到最後。我救你!本程式對象是數學能力較弱的DSE學生。內容淺白易明,針對同學們非犯錯誤,教授得分策略。Mathematicsisthenightmare of many students. 3322 is the minimumuniversityentryqualifications. April 14 (real dead dead) will be atoughbattle.Who can have the last laugh. I saved you!This program is a mathematical object weaker DSE students.Contentiseasy to understand for non-students to makemistakes,professorscoring strategy.
HK Liberal Studies 香港通識教育網 2.1.6
QQ Development Limited
為老師及同學提供即時的通識教育資訊Provideimmediateinformation for teachers and students ofgeneraleducation
Sing Tao
"Sing Tao Daily" launched the "DSE Diploma Test Out" tointroducevarious ways to go to school.
HKEXAM 2.2.4
QQ Development
HKEXAM.COM Hong Kong Examinations and Education Info Mobile App
DSE Scientific Calculator 1.0.48
Scientific Calculator for HKDSE Mathematics Curriculum
Snapask Personalized Study App 10.21.01
Snap, ask, learn instantly — with qualified tutors!
DSE尚研閱會員服務平台 2.0
DSE Whatsapp 交流
尚研閱DSEssential是香港的一個組織,幫助DSE學生在公開試中考取好成績。本平台為會員而設,讓會員能透過apps輕鬆地使用我們的服務,包括:1. 報讀課程2. 調堂服務3. 租用場地4. 線上補堂除了以上服務外,我們在位於北角英皇道343號Solo 172-173號的會址亦提供不少會員服務,包括:1. 低至 $75 兩小時的特惠補習服務2. 自修時段3. 免費口試訓練4. 參考書閱讀5. 購書及特惠文具團購6. 免費紙牌遊戲時段7. 其他服務
Mathome App 2.1.0
Atmosphere Apps
The Mathome App is a tool for students to revise their lessons.
Solving Master English Version 4.0
Chiu Chi Hang
This is an app for preparing for the HKDSE Mathematics Examination.
DSE Maths Guide 2.1
Billy Cheng
Written for HKDSE students.Tools for Mathematics in Both Chinese and English versions.Version:2.1為HKDSE 考生作準備數學科輔助工具,包括中文及英文版版本:2.1Written by Billy Cheng. All rights reservedWritten forHKDSEstudents.Tools for Mathematics in Both Chinese and English versions.Version: 2.1Candidates preparing for HKDSEMathematics aids, including Chinese and English versionsVersion: 2.1Written by Billy Cheng. All rights reserved
English Grammar - Idiom (lite) 1.0.4
***The full version of “English Grammar – Idiom” is availableforFREE! Download “English Grammar - Idiom (free)”(withadvertisement)NOW!————————————————————————“English Grammar – Idiom (free)” helps youlearn idioms in a funway! Get this app now to improve your TOEFL,IELTS, TOEIC, SAT,GMAT, GRE and HKDSE results! How does “EnglishGrammar – Idiom(free)” help you? ★ COMPREHENSIVE lessons withtranslations: 400+sample sentences and idioms under variouscategories with Chinesetranslations! ★ INTERESTING Quiz game: 800+multiple-choicequestions in our question bank! The more questionsyou can answercorrectly, the more difficult questions will beintelligentlygenerated. You can use 50:50 (fifty-fifty) toeliminate half of theincorrect choices. Better still, there are 4game modes: Answering20, 50 or 100 questions AND Sudden DeathMode. (Game continues untilyou answer one question incorrectly oryou answer all thequestions.) ★ CONVENIENT design for revision:During the quiz game,you can choose to display the details of theidiom related toquestion you just answered. Moreover, you cancreate your own idiomlist so that you can do revision on what youhave learned much moreeasily! ★ DETAILED test result: It showswhich questions youanswered incorrectly, score, max. combo (Max.number of questionsanswered correctly consecutively), date andtime of the test. Betterstill, it shows your top 30 frequentmistake questions too! It isuseful for your revision andinteresting to challenge with yourfriends! ★ MOTIVATING trophysystem: The various accomplishments youhave achieved during yourlearning will be recorded. With trophysystem, you can share yourimpressive achievements with friends! ★QUICK search: 400+ idiomsusage with Chinese translation can besearched easily! Some morefeatures: ✔ Written by experiencedEnglish teachers ✔ No Internetconnection required~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What about“English Grammar –Idiom (lite)”? ★ COMPREHENSIVE lessons withtranslations: 100+sample sentences and idioms under variouscategories with Chinesetranslations! ★ INTERESTING Quiz game: 200+multiple-choicequestions in our question bank! The more questionsyou can answercorrectly, the more difficult questions will beintelligentlygenerated. You can use 50:50 (fifty-fifty) toeliminate half of theincorrect choices. This LITE version has 2game modes: Answering 20,50 questions. FULL version has 2 moregame modes: Answering 100questions AND Sudden Death Mode. (Gamecontinues until you answerone question incorrectly or you answerall the questions.) ★CONVENIENT design for revision: During thequiz game, you can chooseto display the details of the idiomrelated to question you justanswered. Moreover, you can createyour own idiom list so that youcan do revision on what you havelearned much more easily! ★DETAILED test result: It shows whichquestions you answeredincorrectly, score, max. combo (Max. numberof questions answeredcorrectly consecutively), date and time ofthe test. Better still,it shows your frequent mistake questionstoo! It is useful for yourrevision and interesting to challengewith your friends! ★MOTIVATING trophy system: The variousaccomplishments you haveachieved during your learning will berecorded. With trophy system,you can share your impressiveachievements with friends! ★ QUICKsearch: 100+ idioms usage withChinese translation can be searchedeasily! Some more features: ✔Written by experienced Englishteachers ✔ No Internet connectionrequired ✔ No advertisements Wantto improve English? Find us on:Blog: http://engsofttc.blogspot.comFacebook: Weibo : BIWEEKLY! With translation!
St Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary and PrimarySchoolmobile apps