Top 16 Apps Similar to Atoms Molecules & Ions

Molecule 3D 3.9
"Molecule 3D" is a molecular viewer, showing 3D moleculestructureindifferent stereo modes. It helps you to understandspacestructure ofcomplex molecules via different stereomodes:Anaglyth, VR glasses,Cross-eyed. For details,see:
Moléculas 1.4
Eduardo Galembeck
Moléculas é um aplicativo que traz parausooffline em dispositivos móveis, moléculas publicadas no portaldaQuímica Nova Interativa (QNInt). A maior parte deste conteúdofoiproduzido dentro do projeto 365 dias de Química, realizadoduranteo Ano Internacional da Química.As moléculas apresentadas podem ser manipuladas pelosusuários,permitindo a visualização por diferentes ângulos, assimcomoampliar ou reduzir as estruturas, para que seja dado destaqueemáreas de interesse. Cada molécula possui um textoexplicativo.Financiamento: CNPqApoio: Sociedade Brasileria de Química (SBQ), INCT EnergiaeAmbiente e INCT InomatMolecules isanapplication that brings offline use on mobile devices,moleculespublished on the website of New Chemistry Interactive(QNInt). Mostof this content was produced within the project 365days ofChemistry, held during the International Year of Chemistry.The molecules presented can be manipulated by users, allowingyouto view from different angles as well as zoom in or structures,tobe given prominence in areas of interest. Each molecule hasacallout.Funding: CNPqSupport: Brazilian Internet Society of Chemistry (SBQ), inctEnergyand Environment inct Inomat
Atomdroid 1.5.0
CCB Goettingen
### NEW ### Initial ribbons support (no sheets yet) Checktheservernews for HOWTOs and explanations. Contribute yourmoleculesto thelibrary (share button) and enter our contributorranking!Pleasereport any problems via mail! :-) ### NEXT ###Completeribbonssupport ### The Atomdroid app is a computationalchemistrytool forthe Android platform. It can be used as amolecularviewer/builderand contains local optimization and MonteCarlosimulation features.Install now and experiencemobilecomputational chemistry! List offeatures: * molecularviewing(compatible with xyz and pdb files) *trajectory analysisandviewing * molecular building (export to xyz)* PDBdownloader(requires the Internet permission, downloadscompressedpdb to saveon your data plan) * Atomdroid molecularlibraries(requires theInternet permission) * local optimization(L-BFGS andPowellalgorithms) * Monte Carlo simulation and analysis*Globaloptimization using a Monte Carlo with minimizationsapproach*Universal Force Field (UFF) implementation(currentlywithoutelectrostatics) * communication with otherAtomdroid usersviabluetooth and share your molecules (requiresbluetoothpermission,we are VERY cautious with using it) Futureversions willcontain: *more force field implementations (includinganalyticalgradients) *molecular dynamics engine * and more... Theapplicationiscurrently in beta state. Please report, we will be pleased tosolvethemquickly. Support for Atomdroid molecular libraries: If youwanttocreate your own library (e.g. for courses) let us know viamailandwe provide you with the necessary tools and informationfreeofcharge!
Atom 3D 2.1.0
Visualize molecules and crystal structures
WebMO 2.0.2
Build and view molecules in 3D, visualize orbitals, andcalculateproperties.
Shapes of Molecules 1.1
Zanoj Mobi Apps
Generates the Molecular Geometry(Shape) of any Molecule
MEL Chemistry
MEL Science
MEL Chemistry visualizes molecules in3D.Youcan rotate, zoom in and zoom out to see moleculestructureindetails. You have never seen such amazing graphicsinchemistrybefore!Uncover real stucture of the things arround you.How does sugar look inside on molecule level? Andwhataboutsalt?MEL Chemistry will show you structures of these andhundredsofother molecules including:* Sulfuric acid* Citric acid* Hydrochloric acid* Lactose* Tin Chloride* Sodium Carbonate* Sodium Hydrosulfate* Potassium Permanganate* Calcium Hydroxide* Thymol Blue* ...and hundreds othersIn addition constantly add new molecules to this list. Ifyouwantto see some molecules that are missed in the app contactusand wewill try to add it.=============
Chemical Bonding 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Chemical Bonding Wonder Whizkids
Molecular Dynamics 1.10
Mikhail Kulesh
Classical molecular dynamics method combined with HD live wallpaper
Chemistry Model Kit: VSEPR 3D 1.0
Use your smartphone and a GoogleCardboardviewer to visualize the 3D shapes of molecules aspredicted by theValence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)model. Click on themodels to explore the 3D shapes and theircorresponding 2Drepresentations. This app was created to help youunderstand andremember the predicted electronic geometries,molecular geometries,and bond angles for molecules with up to 6electron regions arounda central atom. Immerse yourself, explore,and learn.This app was created and developed at Tennessee TechUniversityby chemistry instructor Janet Coonce and computer sciencestudentEvgeny Vasilyev, in collaboration with TTU’s iCUBE,withsignificant contributions from chemical engineeringstudentSavannah Hall and graphic art student Brandon
Atomify LAMMPS 2.10
Live molecular dynamics simulation based on LAMMPS
Chemistry Equation Balancer 1.0
Helps students with balancing chemical equations. Intuitiveanddummy-proof!
Arloon Chemistry 1.4
Chemistry transforms your classroom into a laboratory!
RedOxSolver Eng 1.0
Calculator for RedOx chemical reactions.The App is able to solve redox reactions of various types,includingcases:- A molecule oxidizes and a molecule reduces- More molecules are oxidized and a molecule reduced- More molecules are reduced and a molecule oxidized- Is present Hydrogen Peroxide- Dismutation or disproportionation reactionslimitations:problems can appear if in the reaction are prensent:- Organic molecules- Molecular complexes- Mixed cases- Half-reactions with electrons instead of moleculesThere is also a small handbook of theory that explains how tosolvethe various cases of redox with only few steps and with afewtips.Educational program, it is recommended to use to find the resultstothe reactions during the exercises.Should not be used for cheating on exams, class assignments andforany type of test (if you study the manual of internal theoryitwill not be necessary)The creators do not assume any responsability for theinappropriateuse of this application
The Electronic Configuration 1.6
The electronic structure of an atom describes the arrangement ofitselectrons around the nucleus. Have you ever realized thatelectronconfigurations of elements can also be used to justify theshape andorganization of the Modern Periodic Table? Also, can theposition ofan element in the Periodic table be used to predict itselectronconfiguration?Here is an app which provides all the necessaryinformationregarding this. Beginning with captivating andself-explanatoryvisuals depicting the arrangement of electronswithin an atom, theapp takes you on a delightful ride where yourelate the concept ofelectron configuration to the position of anelement in thePeriodic table. Deftly presented visuals and lucidlyflowing textadd to clearer understanding of the concept.All this is supplemented by a comprehensive packagecarefullycrafted to consolidate your knowledge of the topic. Thepackagecontains a range of mentally stimulating learning resourcessuch asquiz, key terms, vivid images, and the links to otherwebsitesgiving the learner a choice to revert to these as manytimes as hewants..........We, at Designmate, have been engaged in bringing science atyourdoorstep through processes that have revolutionized learninglikenever before and have made it simple and hassle freeforconsumption by knowledge seekers.Keywords: education,, science, periodic table,valence,shell, orbit, atomic number.
Chemistry Cheat Sheet 1.5
Chemistry Cheat Sheet for Students. Essential summery ofchemistryformulas.