Top 14 Apps Similar to Wallpaper Whatsapp HD

Imágenes para Whatsapp
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Imágenes para Whatsapp es unadivertidaaplicación para enviar tarjetas e imágenes a nuestrosconocidos enel wasap, tenemos mas de 60.000 imágenes únicas paraque seasfeliz.*************************************************************************************************************************************Las imágenes son en ESPAÑOL, requiere 100% deINTERNETRAPIDO.Si se le cierra inesperadamente al momento de guardar, enviar ousarcomo perfil es por ausencia de Micro SD o poco espacio endisco. Sisolo ve caritas o carga despacio es por su internetlento, señal obloqueo de red.LEEA el MANUAL interno para preguntas frecuentes trucos y guíasdeuso.*************************************************************************************************************************************Aquí puedes enviar tarjetas de felicitación, frases de amor,cambiarla foto de estado o de perfil, imágenes de Dios,imágenesdivertidas, imágenes de Amor y de motivación, usar fondosdepantalla y lo mejor de todo darle vida a tus conversaciones enelchat, ADIOS MONOTONIA.Lo mejor de todo es que NO solo se limita a whatsapppuedecompartirla con cualquier programa de chat tipo:Messenger,Facebook, Line, Telegram, Chat On, Viber, SMS, correoelectrónico ymil mas que espera para probarla.LEEA el manual y sea Happy.Importante:Al usar esta APP usted entiende que las imágenes y tarjetasaquícitadas corresponden a su respectivo dueño y que estas sontomadasde internet bajo dominio publico.Whatsapp es un marca protegida por WhatsApp Inc y NO tienequever nada con esta APP.Version actual 6Fin de la Version 4 y 5 Febrero de 2017Fin de la Version 3.x: Mayo de 2016Fin de la Version 2.0: Octubre de 2015Fin de la Version 1.0: Julio de 2015Images for Whatsapp isafun application to send cards and pictures to our acquaintancesinthe wasap, we have over 60,000 unique images for you tobehappy. *************************************************************************************************************************************Images are in SPANISH requires 100% FAST INTERNET.If he quits unexpectedly when you save, send or use as a profileisno Micro SD or low disk space. If you only see faces or slowchargeis for its slow internet, signal or network lock.LEEA internal MANUAL tricks for FAQs and user guides.*************************************************************************************************************************************You can send greeting cards, words of love, change the photostatusor profile, images of God, funny pictures, pictures of loveandmotivation, use wallpapers and best of all liven upyourconversations in chat, GOODBYE monotone.Best of all is that not only limited to whatsapp can share itwithany chat program type: Messenger, Facebook, Line, Telegram,ChatOn, Viber, SMS, e-mail and thousand more waiting to tryit.LEEA manual and be Happy.Important:By using this APP you understand that pictures and cardsmentionedhere correspond to their respective owners and that theseare takenfrom internet Public domain.Whatsapp is protected by WhatsApp Inc and has nothing to dowiththis APP.Current Version 6End of Version 4 and February 5, 2017End of Version 3.x: May 2016End of Version 2.0: October 2015End of Version 1.0: July 2015
Fondos para Wasap 10.9
Existen muchas aplicaciones y sitios websdefondos de pantallas, pero pocos igualan la calidad queofertanuestra aplicación. Con un sistema sencillo y amigable, nosolopodrás tener acceso a miles de wallpapers hd de diversastemáticas,sino que también podrás manejar tus imágenes con unafacilidadincreíble. Con solo par de clicks, podrás instalar tuswallpapersfavoritos en tu celular sin necesidad de descargar laimagen opasar largos ratos navegando en internet tratando deencontrar unaimagen que se asemeje a lo que buscas.Nuestros fondos son todos de alta calidad. Una de lasprincipalescualidades que presenta nuestra aplicación es su granvariedad.Tenemos mas de 20 cateogiras de fondos de pantallas HD,cada una deellas con miles de fotografías que podrás utilizar paraadornar elescritorio de tu celular. Entre las categorías maspopulares en laAPP están:Fondos de PerrosFondos de GatosFondos de CarrosFondos de MotosFondos de NaturalezaFondos de PaisajesFondos de CiudadesTexturasFondos de FloresPelículasJuegosSuperheroesHay muchas mas categorías por supuesto, pero estas son algunasdelas principales. También debes saber que nuestro equipo deediciónestará agregando nuevas imágenes a diario, por lo quesiempretendrás una razón por la cual volver a nuestra app en buscadenuevos wallpapers hd.Otros temas muy populares que estaremos tocando seranlosanimales. Las imágenes de animales son muy populares, ynosotroshemos creado nuestra propia colección con las mejores fotosqueencontraras en la web.También tocaremos subcategorias como son:CaballosOcéanoPecesInviernoVeranoHadasAnimados3DDibujos AnimadosComo ven son muchísimos los temas que tenemos para ti, asi quenopierdas mas tiempo navegando en internet buscando imágenesparaadornar tu celular. Si lo que buscas son lindas imágenes hdparamóvil Android, te prometemos que esta aplicación cumplirá contusexpectativas. Una interfaz amigable, fácil instalación defondos, ylo mas importante, los mejores y mas bellos wallpapersHD.There aremanyapplications and web sites of wallpapers, but few match thequalitywe offer our application. With a simple and friendly system,notonly you can have access to thousands of HD wallpapers ofdifferentthemes, but you can also manage your images withincredible ease.With just few clicks, you can install your favoritewallpapers foryour phone without having to download the image orspending longhours surfing the Internet trying to find an imagethat resembleswhat you want.Our funds are all high quality. One of the main qualitiesthatour application has is its variety. We have over 20cateogirasfunds HD screens, each with thousands of pictures thatyou can useto decorate your desktop phone. Among the most popularcategoriesin the APP they are:Dogs WallpaperCats fundsDealers fundsMotorcycle fundsNature WallpapersLandscapes WallpapersFunds CitiesTexturesFlores fundsMoviesGamesSuper HeroesThere are many more categories of course, but these are someofthe main ones. But you know that our editorial team will beaddingnew images daily, so always have a reason to return to ourapp fornew wallpapers hd.Other popular topics that will be playing animals. Animalimagesare very popular, and we have created our own collection withthebest pictures find anywhere.Also we touch subcategories such as:HorsesOceanFishWinterSummerHadasAnimated3DCartoonAs you can see are many topics we have for you, so do notwastemore time surfing the internet looking for images to decorateyourcell phone. If you are looking for are nice hd images tomobileAndroid, we promise that this application will meetyourexpectations. A friendly interface, easy installation of funds,andmost importantly, the best and most beautiful wallpapers HD.
Fondos para Whatsapp 1.0.0
Gran colección de fondos paraWhatsappgratispara llenar de fondos nuevo tu pantalla.Puedes compartir los fondos gratis en lasredessociales,Facebook, correo, whatsapp.Los fondos son complementante gratis, cuentanconhermosaspaisajes y divertidas fotos.Se actualizará frecuentemente con nuevos fondos.Diseño fácil de usar.Se recomienda tener una conexión rápida a Internet paraquesecarge rápidamenteGreat collectionoffundsfor free Whatsapp funds to replenish your screen.You can share the funds available in socialnetworks,Facebook,email, whatsapp.Complementizer funds are free, have beautiful sceneryandfunnypictures.It is frequently updated with new funds.easy to use design.It is recommended to have a fast Internet connection tobequicklycarge
Flower Wallpaper for whatsapp 1.2
Blowing Flowers HD wallpaper for whatsapp, viber, WeChat, Hangout
Status for WhatsApp 3.0.7
Electronic Apps
Your status in social networks isveryimportant because it communicates to our contacts how we feelorwhat we are doing at any time.All for Chat gives you a status for each moment, orderedbycategories, you can view thousands of status to set inyourfavourite social network.Features----------------------------+ Status: For categories you can select what kind of status youwantto see. You can vote for your favorite status, bookmark it,copy itto your device and share it with your friends on WhatsApp,Twitteror Facebook directly. There are also thousands of imageswithstatus.Integrated with Facebook & Gmail: Login with yourfacebook/gmailaccount for see your sent sentences andfavourites.+ Send your Status: You can send your status andwe'llpublish.+ Multilingual: Status & quotes in different languageslikeEnglish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese,Dutch,Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujalati, Russian, etc ...Categories:- Funny status / funny images- Love status / love images- Broken Heart status / broken heart images- Sorry status / sorry images- Halloween status / halloween images- Friendship status / friendship images- Good Morning status / good morning images- Motivational status / motivational images- Hate status / hate images- Sad status / sad images- Songs status / songs images- Pets status / pets images- Birthday status / birthday images- Original status / original images- Romantic status / romantic images- Forgive status / forgive images- Cool status / cool images- Crazy status / crazy images- Short status / shor images- Christmas status / christmas images+ Wallpaper Collection HD ordered by category. Set as yournewwallpaper HD or share in WhatsApp, Facebook, TwitterorInstagram.- Best wallpapers- Funny wallpapers- Landscapes wallpapers- Nature wallpapers- Animals wallpapers- Love wallpapers- Modern wallpapers- Sports wallpapers- Halloween wallpapers- Christmas wallpapers+ Meme: time to laugh. Share the memes in WhatsApp,Facebook,Twitter or Instagram+ Quizzes: play or challenge your friends in WhatsApp.+ Kaomoji - cute little emoticons / japanese emoticons orderedbycategories:- Positive kaomoji (Joy, Love, Embarrassment, Sympathy)- Negative kaomoji (Dissatisfaction, Anger, Sorrow, Fear)- Neutral kaomoji (Indifference, Confusion, Doubt, Surprise)- Actions kaomoji (Greeting, Winking, Apologizing,Nosebleeding,Hiding, Writing, Running, Sleeping)- Animals kaomoji (Cat, Bear, Dog, Rabbit, Pig, Bird,Fish,Spider)- Others (Friends, Enemies, Weapons, Magic, Cheers, Music,Games,Special)+ Smileys: funny smileys sticker - 3d smileysDaily Update with new status, images, wallpapers, memes,smileys,kaomojis, etc...Visit our website from yourcomputer NOTE: Only we provide information to social networks,butdo not belong to them.Any natural or legal person who was owner of any images containedinthe app, may credit it via email to the developer,committingourselves to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification, where appropriate, ownership of the image.Contact----------------------------Web: allforchatapp@gmail.comTwitter: @allforchatappInstagram: @allforchatFacebook:
Con nuestra aplicación de EstadosparaWhatsapp tendras acceso a mas de 50.000 imágenes yestadospara compartir en whatsapp gratis.Por que instalar Estados para WhatsAppCon este app podrás acceder a cientos de imágenes gratisparawhatsapp, facebook, twitter y otras redes sociales que usas. Elappsolo ocupara 2.6MB de espacio en tu teléfono, el app consumecasinada de tu data ya que esta optimizada para ello, las imágenesquecompartimos en nuestra aplicación, cargan rápido ya que estasseguardan en el cache de tu celular, cuando regresas a laaplicaciónya las imágenes que vistes anteriormente no tienen quecargar otravez por lo que no consumirá tu data. Adicional mentetendrás laopción de poner cualquiera de nuestras imagenes comofondo depantalla en tu teléfono. También podrás añadir las losestados quemas te gusten a tu lista personal de estados favoritos,así podrásacceder a ellos en otra ocasión que desees verlas osimplementecompartirlo con tus amigos en whatsapp u otras redessociales.Tenemos diferentes categorías, asi se le hace mas facildeencontrar el tipo de imágenes que buscamos, acalesmenciono algunas de las categorías de EstadosparaWhatsapp:- Postales de Feliz Dia de Accion de Gracias- Tarjetas para el Dia de los Enamorados- Postales para el Dia de los Padres- Tarjetas de Feliz Cumpleaños- Frases cortas- Imagenes para Whatsapp- Imagenes de Halloween- Estados para Whatsapp- Postales de Felices Fiestas- Imagenes de Buenas Noches- Emoticones- Imagenes de Buenos Dias- Imágenes para Fondos de pantalla- Tarjetas de Happy New Year- Tarjetas de Feliz Navidad- Frases de la vida- Imagenes Chistosas- Frases para Whatsapp- Imagenes con frases- Imágenes de Paisajes- Imagenes de Memes Chistosos- Postales para el Dia de las madresWith ourapplicationStates for Whatsapp you will have access to morethan50,000 images and states to share in whatsapp free.Why install WhatsAppStatesWith this app you can access hundreds of free imagesforwhatsapp, facebook, twitter and other social networks you use.Theapp occupy only 2.6MB of space on your phone, the appconsumesalmost any of your data as it is optimized for it, theimages thatwe share in our application, load fast as these arestored in thecache of your phone when go back to the applicationand the imagesdo not have to dress before charging again so it doesnot consumeyour data. Additional mind have the option to put any ofour imagesas wallpaper on your phone. You can also add the statesthat youlike to your personal list of favorites states, so you canaccessthem another time you want to see them or just share it withyourfriends on WhatsApp or other social networks. We havedifferentcategories, so it makes it easier to find the types ofimages thatwe seek, mentioned here are some of thecategories ofStates to Whatsapp:- Postcards Happy Thanksgiving Day- Cards for Valentine's Day- Postcards for Fathers Day- Happy Birthday Card- Short phrases- Images for Whatsapp- Halloween Stock- States Whatsapp- Postcards Happy Holidays- Stock Buenas Noches- Emoticons- Good Morning Stock- Images for Wallpaper- Happy New Year Cards- Merry Christmas Cards- Scraps of life- Funny images- Phrases for Whatsapp- Images with phrases- Pictures of Landscapes- Stock Memes Chistosos- Postcards for Mother's Day
Videos Engraçados pra WhatsApp 2.1.46
✪ Esse app traz pra você todos os diasaoacordar, no almoço e antes de dormir os melhores videosparawhatsapp do momento. Feito para ser simples e fácil de usar,bastaapenas 1 clique para você baixar videos engraçados para agaleriado seu celular ou para compartilhar em seus grupos. Esse épá-pum!Zueiras garantidas.Abra o app que você vai sempre encontrar um videoparawhatsapp:🍻 com as piadas certas pra começar a sexta-feira😌 ou com as piadas necessárias para animar a segunda🚀 do novo meme engraçado que tá viralizando na internet😂 ou das zueiras para whatsapp sem limites que só acontecemnoBrasil🙏 de uma mensagem inspiradora😊 ou com um bom dia que já te deixa animado😻 do gato ou do cachorro que é a maior fofura do universo👶 do bebê que mata a gente de rir👵 ou da velhinha que nos mostra que nunca é tarde💃 daquela dança hilária😎 do thug life vida loka que zera a vida😘 ou até videos picantes que mexem com o coraçãoTudo isso para você compartilhar com seu grupo de zueirasparawhatsapp ou com o grupo da família, porque não tem melhor formadedesejar um bom dia do que com bom humor.👑 Videos engraçados para whatsapp vai divertir você e seusamigoscom as melhores zueiras e memes da internet.O app é mais uma criação da Catbag então como sempre é muitopráticoe objetivo. Todos os dias buscamos os melhores videosengraçados ememes para adicionar novidades para você baixar ecompartilhar nowhatsapp, facebook messenger, telegram ou ondequiser.Todo conteúdo é filtrado para evitar cenas de violência e desexoexplicíto. Para denunciar qualquer conteúdo entre em contatocom aCatbag pelo email✪ Inteiramente grátis para baixar agora e se divertir!✪ This app brings toyouevery day when you wake up, at lunch and before bed for thebestvideos whatsapp time. Made to be simple and easy to use, just1click for you to download funny videos to your phone's galleryorto share in their groups. This is shovel-pum!Zueirasguaranteed.Open the app you will always find a video for whatsapp:🍻 with the right jokes to start Friday😌 or the necessary jokes to liven up the second🚀 new funny meme're viralizando on the Internet😂 or zueiras to whatsapp without limits that only happeninBrazil🙏 an inspiring message😊 or a good day that already makes you excited😻 cat or dog that is the largest cuteness of the universe👶 baby killing us laughing👵 or old lady who shows us that it is never too late💃 that hilarious dance😎 the thug life loka life zeroes life😘 or even spicy videos that touch the heartAll this for you to share with your zueiras group to whatsapporfamily group, because it has no way to wish a good day than agoodmood.Funny Videos 👑 for whatsapp will amuse you and your friends withthebest zueiras and internet memes.The app is more a creation of Catbag then as always isverypractical and objective. Every day we seek the best funnyvideosand memes to add new features for you to download and shareonwhatsapp, facebook messenger, telegram or wherever youwant.All content is filtered to avoid scenes of violence andexplicitsex. To report any content contact the email✪ Entirely free to download now and have fun!
Images for whatsapp 3.5.0
gallery of all the categories to share in Whatsapp. Intheapplication you can find funny pictures to laugh around withyourfriends, or images of love to send to the person you like, orthereare pictures to friends / ace or pretty pictures to usewallpaper.Each week will be updated with new photographs, to enjoynewcontent.
Free Funny Videos 2020 5.1.0
Juana Funny Apps
Enjoy the best app to laugh with the best funny videos 2020 andfreehumour for Whatsapp. Includes videos of amazing cats dogsanimals,free amusing babies jokes, newest fear fails laughter, topreal picsby break, etc. You'll also find free Laughing andhumorous videos.The better humour for your phone! Are you ready tohave the bestfree funny videos on your mobile? Remember that areno videos todownload. Among other amazing videos you can find: -The funniestmoments of birthdays including the funny happybirthday song. - Themost crazy videos of animals (cats kitten anddogs puppies). -Football fails. - Laughs with singers failures. -The best contentfor whatsapp, Share it! - Goofy Girls ... for alaugh. - Enjoy withfunny babies. - Top videos of internet in 2020... - Trending humourof fear and fright. - Pics by breakentertaintment. - ... And manyother awesome and funny videos. Allof them for free! Best of 2020.Features of this great app: -Listen and display the best awesomevideos with great detail. Enjoythe best humour for whatsapp withyour mother, father, friends,etc.. - Nice design and usableinterface. You shall love ourapplications! - Share videos of thesongs with friends on yourfavourite social network. - 100% Free Appwith no in-app purchasesof any kind. - The app is updatedfrequently. We like laughingamazing and humorous videos! We willhave the top 2021 content.
Latest Status For Whatsapp 1.7.16
Sonic inc.
Latest Status For Whatsapp has a huge setofmessages and lovable shayari and social quotes.In this app also available SMS ,Messages ,Puzzels and so manySocialthoughts are available.There are so many status available in different languages likeHindi,English ,Marathi ,Tamil ,Telugu ,etc;No special permission required to run this app.Application contain best and Latest Shayari, StatusandMessages.Application contain best Valentine Shayari and ValentineStatusmessage for Valentine Festival.App contain status message in below important language like:1. English Status2. Gujarati Status3. Marathi Status4. Hindi Status5. Punjabi Status6. Tamil Status7. Telugu Status8. Kannad Status9. Bengali StatusBest status category wise :-☀ Good morning status☀ Good night status☀ Friendship status☀ Birthday status☀ Funny status in hindi☀ Love status in hindi☀ day status☀ Inspiring status in Hindi☀ Sad status in Hindi,☀ Engagement staus☀ Hello Status☀ Romantic hindi shayri☀ Gujarati shayri☀ Attitude status in Hindi,☀ Status for groups,☀ Birthday wish Status,☀ Break up Status Hindi,☀ Festivals greeting status,☀ Love Message Masala,☀ Love SMS Status,☀ New Year Status etc.Features:1. Share status to easily with friends and others2. Copy to clipboard by one click3. Status message in 9 different language4. Easy swipe and change status5. Totally Offline Status. User can read without internet.6. Best Status and message for whatsapp and OtherSocialentertainment.With this application user can change their status indesirelanguage and with desire categories.Here available quotes are so funny and interesting to sharewithyour friend via social networking sites.If you like this app please recommended it to yourfriendcircle.
Nature wallpaper for whatsapp 1.2
Nature HD wallpaper for whatsapp, viber, WeChat, Hangout
Butterfly Wallpapers Share 30.0
Alma Games
Incredible images for your phone, you cansavethe image to SD, share it with friends by Whatsapp, Line oruploadto social networks Facebook, Twitter, email, etc ...Features:- Set as wallpaper- Save to SD- Post directly on facebook, twitter etc...- Share by email and sms- Share by WhatsApp, Line etc ...- Set their status in social networksNote:This application contains advertising.
Fondos de Whatsapp 1.0.0
Colección de Wallpapers para Whatsapp, sehanagrupado en colecciones de imágenes, navega por ellas ydescargasolo las que desees en tu celularEs una aplicación ligera se recomienda una buena conexión rápidaainternet para que cargue rápidamenteDescarga a tu celular los fondos de tu agrado y utilizaloscomofondo para whatsapp,puedes compartirlos mediante whatsapp, sms, mensajesmultimedia,facebook, twitter, usalo en cualquiera de tus redessociales.Imágenes para Whatsapp es una divertida aplicación paraenviartarjetas e imágenes a nuestros conocidos en el wasap, tenemosmasde 30.000 imágenes únicas para que seas feliz.Collection ofWallpapersfor WhatsApp, have been grouped into collections ofimages, browsethem and download only the ones you want on yourcellIs a lightweight application a good fast internet connection toloadquickly recommendedDownload to your phone to your liking funds and use themasbackground for whatsapp,share them via WhatsApp, SMS, multimedia messages,facebook,twitter, use it in any of your social networks.Images for Whatsapp is a fun application to send cardsandpictures to our acquaintances in the wasap, we have over30,000unique images for you to be happy.
Baby Funny Videos for Whatsapp 3.0.1
The best funny babies videos for Whatsapp. The funniest kids!