Top 2 Apps Similar to Earthquakes Detector Prank

earthquake detector 2016 Prank 1.1
vibration Meter measures vibrationsusingyourdevice’s sensors on all 3 axes: X, Y, Z and showsreferencetoearthquake vibrations as classified byinternationallyusedMercalli intensity scale for seismic activitiessuchasearthquakes. The Mercalli intensity scale is a seismicscaleusedfor measuring the intensity of an earthquake. Itmeasurestheeffects of an earthquake. vibration Meter can alsobecalledseismograph or seismometer when used formeasuringseismicactivity. Vibrations are shown in all 3 directions:X, Y, ZTo use;place your device on stable surface and measureseismic orothervibrations. Seismotion is your seismograph app. Itgraphs,records,and exports the movement of your device veryprecisely.Features:richta - Record & export as much data asyour phonecan hold(exports a .csv format). - Playback recordings-"Pinch-zoom" toincrease/decrease sensitivity. - Change thecolorsin the settings.vibration meter is in the 4th set of SmartToolscollection(seismograph, seismometer, body tremor). This appusesthe phonesensors to measure vibration or the earthquake, anditshows areference as a seism detector. The measured values aretheModifiedMercalli Intensity scale(MMI), and just for reference.Ifit isinaccurate, you can calibrate it so that the maximum valueisabout10-11. * - Sound meter and vibrometer areintegratedearthquake appThis app is an android seismograph. Howmuch noisearound me thatCan determine whether the intensity ofvibration.earthquakeDetector satellite - Detect earthquakes aroundyou,discover themeven far away with this earthquakesdetectorsimulation. With thesenew modern age satellites it'spossible andeasy. We offer you notonly ability to detect earthquakeand helpothers around you, butbeautiful eye-appealing design withsmoothand fast applicationexperience. You and your friends willlove itand have a lot of funeven if you're alone! Note: Thisapplicationis a simulation andit's for entertainment purposes only!earthquakealerts andinformation at your fingertips: Near real timeseismiceventsnotification. Analyze seismic activity by plotting onthegraphvarious seismic data spanning from hours to days, monthandyears.Custom proximity and magnitude alerts so you nevermissanimportant event. Push notification with custom filtertoreceiveonly events that meet your criteria. Voice announcerwillspeakevent parameters so you don't have to read each timeanearthquaketake place. And more.. Discover for yourself.notice:Thetechnology used by this app offers the possibilitytosentearthquake notifications as soon as they are issuedbydatacenters. Sometime data is delayed due to processing timeonthosedata centers. earthquakes is a quake application thatbasedonmultiple data sources. With this app, you can getthelatestearthquake info immediately from all over the world.Also,you cansearch the earthquakes occurred in the past. MainFeatures:- 17earthquake data sources, Covers the frequentoccurrence oftheearthquake area in the world. - earthquake datasource *[usgs]U.S.Geological Survey * [emsc] EU MediterraneanearthquakeCentre *[GFZ] Ger Potsdam earthquake Center * [CWB]Taiwan CentralWeatherBureau * [JMA] Japan Meteorological Agency *[INGV]ItalyGeophysics Institute * [CEIC] China earthquake Center*[IRSC]Iranian Seismological Center [TUR] Turkish DisasterandEmergencycenter * [BGS] British Geological Survey * [CHI]ChileearthquakeCenter * [CAN] Natural Resources Canada *[AUS]GeoscienceAustralia [NZL] New Zealand earthquake Commission*[PHIVOLCS]Philippine Institute of Volcanology and seismology[ROU]RomanianNational Institute for Earth Physics * [OVSICORI]CostaRica, theNational University - See latest earthquakes aroundtheWorld. -Perfect real-time algorithm to achieve all of thedatasourceunified display (non-duplication of data), datasourceselect"ALL". - earthquakes straight to your phone.
Shake Detector 2.0.1
Neatware Company
This is an app to detect shake by simulated tadpoles. When thereisa shaking from sensors inside of an Android Phone or Tablet,thesensor data will cause the tails of tadpoles to swing quickly.Thisapp may detect hand tremor like Parkinson's disease by holdinganandroid phone or tablet and earthquake by watching theanimation.It is a visual animation for sensor data watching. ItsupportsAndroid 5.x and 6.x now.