Top 9 Games Similar to Fahrrad News

Bike 3D Configurator 1.6.8
Elementals Studio
Create the bike of your dreams in 3D and Augmented Reality !
CycleDroid – bike computer 1.9.9
Michał Marschall
The best bike computer!
3D Bike & Design and View 2.3
Unikat Bike
Your bicycles in 3D !!The Bicycle & Bike Design gives you a first impressionofourBike Configurator. With this Designer you areenabledtorealistically present a bike configuration for yourcustomers.Youhave the choice between 4 real 3D-bike-models (MTB,Trekking,Fullyand Race bike), selecting colours for frame anddecals andlookingat it in a high detailed Design.It is also possible to order your personal and individualBikeDesignwith all your bike models integrated in 3D, your owndesign,your owncolours, and with individualadditionalfunctionalities.Next to these features the personal Bicycle &BikeConfiguratorgives you even more ways to configure a completebikewith allavailable parts. Please, contact us forfurtherdetails.
Sternerouten 1.12
Ausgezeichnet unterwegs – alle Infoszudenderzeit 36 vom Allgemeinen DeutschenFahrrad-Club(ADFC)klassifizierten Radfernwegen. NützlicheFunktionen fürdieUrlaubsvorbereitung und für die Orientierungunterwegs.Nur Radrouten, die von geschulten Experten KilometerfürKilometergetestet wurden, dürfen denTitel„ADFC-Qualitätsradroute“ tragen.Die Radfernwege werdendabeianhand eines Kriterienkatalogs und ausder Sicht desRadurlaubersgeprüft und können bis zu fünf Sterneerhalten.ZUR INFO: Die Sternerouten-App ist nur noch bis Ende 2016indenStores erhältlich.„Sternerouten“ bietet dem Radreisenden zu jeder derderzeit36ADFC-Qualitätsradrouten:- Routenbeschreibung- Routenübersichtskarte- Streckenlänge und Höhenmeter- Höhenprofil mitfolgendenStreckeneigenschaften:Schwierigkeitsgrad,Oberfläche,Verkehrsbelastung- Streckencharakter- Sehenswürdigkeiten- Fotos- Literatur und Radkarten- Orte mit Bahnhöfen an der Strecke für die An- und AbreisemitderBahn- Kontaktdaten von touristischen StellenfürweitereInformationen- Und für unterwegs: Eine zoombare Karte mitdergenauenStreckenführung (Internetanbindung fürdieKartenfunktionerforderlich).Die Karte zeigt alle fahrradfreundlichenBett+Bike-Gastbetriebeander Strecke inklusive Kontaktdaten. Miteinem Anruf gleich ausderApp heraus kann man klären, ob dergewünschteÜbernachtungsbetriebein freies Zimmer hat. Dann lässtman sichmithilfe der integriertenRoutingfunktion die Strecke vomaktuellenStandort zum Betriebberechnen.Auf gleiche Weise kann man sich die FahrradwerkstättenamWeganzeigen lassen.Eine separate, von den Routen unabhängige Karte zeigtzudemalle5.500 deutschen und 450 europäischenBett+Bike-Betriebean(Datenstand: Februar 2016). Hier kann mangezieltnachBett+Bike-Betrieben in der Umgebung des eigenenStandortsschauen,sie kontaktieren oder direkt mit derRoutingfunktionansteuern(Internetanbindung für dieKartenfunktionerforderlich).Mehr Infos und eine KurzbewertungallerADFC-Qualitätsradroutengibt es im ZumOnline-Katalog mitallenBett+Bike-Betrieben geht es App beinhaltet Daten und Infos zufolgenden34ADFC-Qualitätsradrouten:5 Sterne (4 Routen):- Drauradweg (Österreich)- Liebliches Taubertal - Der Klassiker- Neusiedler See Radweg (Österreich/ Ungarn)- Schlossparkradrunde im Allgäu4 Sterne (20 Routen):- Albtäler-Radweg-Bodensee-Radweg- Donau-Bodensee-Weg- Donauradweg (Österreich)- Glan-Blies-Radweg- Grenzgängerroute Teuto Ems- Iller-Radweg- Ilmtal-Radweg- Kocher-Jagst-Radweg- Neckartal-Radweg- Oberschwaben-Allgäu-Weg- Odenwald-Madonnen-Radweg- Radrunde Allgäu- RuhrtalRadweg-Saar-Radweg- Südschwarzwald-Radweg- Tauernradweg (Österreich/ Deutschland)- Traisental-Radweg (Österreich)- Vennbahn- Via-Claudia-Augusta (Deutschland/ Österreich)3 Sterne (12 Routen):- Alte Salzstraße- Flusslandschaft Achterhoek-Westmünsterland- Paderborner Land Route- Romantische Straße- Westküstenroute (Dänemark)- Route der Industriekultur- Saarland-Radweg- Schwarzwald Panorama-Radweg- Stromberg-Murrtal-Radweg- Töddenland Radweg- Vechtetalroute- Vom Main zur RhönFunktionsstörungen bitte unserem Support melden,nichtalsBewertung eingeben. Nur so können wir ggf. nachfragen,umdenFehler zu beheben.Excellent road -allaboutthe moment 36 of the General German Bicycle Club(ADFC)classifiedcycle route. Useful functions for the holidaysandpreparing for theorientation on the road.Only bike routes that have been tested bytrainedexpertskilometer after kilometer, may bear the title "ADFCpremiumroute".The long-distance cycle are thereby checked against alistofcriteria and from the perspective of Radurlaubers andcanreceiveup to five stars.FOR INFO: The Stars Route app is available only until theendof2016 in the stores."Star trails" offers the bike travelers to each of thecurrent36ADFC Cycle Routes:- Route description- Route overview map- Distance and altitude- Height profile with the following routeproperties:Difficulty,surface, traffic load- Route character- Attractions- Photos- Literature and cycling maps- Places with stations along the route for arrival anddeparturebytrain- Contact information of tourist sites for more information- And on the go: (required Internet connection for mapfeatures)A​​zoomable map showing the exact route.The map shows all the cycle-friendly bed + bikehotelandrestaurant establishments at the track includingcontactdetails.With a call regardless of the app is cleared ifthedesiredaccommodation provider has a spare room. Then allowedtocalculatethe distance from the current location to operateusingtheintegrated routing function.Similarly, you can leave the bicycle workshops show the way.A separate, independent of the routes map also showsall5,500German and 450 European bed + bike farms (data asofFebruary2016). Here you can look for specific bed + bikecompaniesaroundyour present location, contact or directly withtheroutingfunction trigger (Internet connection for thecardfunctionrequired).More information and a short assessment of all ADFCCycleRoutesare in the Internet under with all bed + bike factories app contains data and information on the following 34ADFCCycleRoutes:5 stars (4 flights):- Drauradweg (Austria)- Charming Tauber Valley - The Classic- Lake Neusiedl bike path (Austria / Hungary)- Schlossparkradrunde im Allgäu4 stars (20 routes):- Albtäler bike trail-Bodensee Bike trail- Danube Bodensee-way- Donauradweg (Austria)- Glan-Blies Cycle Route- Frontier workers Route Teuto Ems- Iller bike trail- Ilm Valley Cycle Route- Kocher-Jagst bike path- Neckar Valley Cycle- Oberschwaben-Allgäu-way- Odenwald-Madonna-Radweg- Radrunde Allgäu- RuhrtalRadweg-Saar Bike trail- Southern Black Forest Bike Trail- Tauernradweg (Austria / Germany)- Traisental Cycle Path (Austria)- Vennbahn- Via-Claudia-Augusta (Germany / Austria)3 stars (12 routes):- Old Salt Road- Riverside Achterhoek-Westmünsterland- Paderborner Land Route- Romantic street- West Coast Route (Denmark)- Route of Industrial Heritage- Saarland Cycle Route- Schwarzwald Panorama Bike Trail- Stromberg-Murrtal-Radweg- Töddenland bike path- Vechtetal- From the Main to the RhönMalfunctions please contact our support, do not enterareview.Only then can we possibly ask to fix the error.
BikeComputer Pro 8.10.0 Google Play
Robert Oehler
BikeComputer Pro is possibly one of the best apps for cycling.
Bicycle Frame Size Caclulator 2.5
Unikat Bike
Fast calculation for bicycle frame size: Mountain, Race,Trekking& City
Bike Frame Size Calculator 1.0.0
Section Hawaii
No matter if you want to buy a newmountainbike, a fully, a new bicycle for touring or a race bike.With BikeFrame Size Calculator you can calculate the right framesize foryour bicycle!
Bike Repair 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
Bike Repair App have step-by-stepguideswithgorgeous images that makes it easy to repair yourstuff.This application demystify every basic repairsandmaintenanceroutines, plus some intermediate to advancedones.When you repair and maintain your bike yourself, you do nothavetospend time on handing in your bike to the bike shop.You also save time because you do not have to go down tothebikeshop to hand in your bike."Bike Repair" is the most detailed bike repair manualinGoogleplay.Every cyclist should know how to fix a tire; setupamotorcyclechain; patch a motorcycle passage; replacebicyclewheels, spokes,pedals, and handlebars; adjust motorcyclegears; andother bicyclerepair jobs.For each repair, we'll give how-to specifics,helpfulillustrations,and a list of the materials and tools you'llneed toget the jobdone.You learn how to repair and maintain your own bike.Fixing your shifting problem, derailleur noises, brakesrubbingonthe wheel, flat tire, broken chain, pedalremoval,hydraulicbrakes, etc has never been easier.You may save a lot of money when you repair and maintainyourownbike.Bike Repair: Apple, Motorola, Samsung, the Samsung GalaxySIII,theGalaxy S4, the Galaxy Note, the Galaxy Note II,LG,Blackberry,Nokia, Sony, & more.Moreover, Cycling is also a great way for children toexerciseandkeep their bodies fit. To teach children to beresponsiblefortheir possessions, it’s a good idea to teach them howto repairandmaintain their bicycles.You may always repair your bike – no matter where you are.Categories:✓ How to Put On a Bicycle Chain✓ How to Fix Stuck Bicycle Brakes✓ How to Mend a Puncture in a Bike Tire✓ How to Unwobble a Bicycle Rim
Bike Computer - Your Personal GPS Cycling Tracker
Bike Computer Co.
WE BUILD WORLD-CLASS SOFTWARE FOR CYCLISTS LIKE YOUCyclewithconfidence and improve with each ride! BikeComputerofferspersonalized metrics, it syncs with Strava andFacebook,andprovides MAXIMUM SAFETY with the unique “Keep meSafe”feature.STAY FOCUSED ON THE IMPORTANT THINGS Here’s what yougetfor free:TRACK, LOG, AND ANALYZE YOUR WORKOUTS -Track yourcyclingworkoutusing GPS -See your time, distance, pace/speed, heartrate,etc. inreal time -Get notified when you hit a new personalbestandcelebrate your progress -Get detailed analysisaboutyourspeed/elevation/heart rate, and export your ride in aGPXformatfor even further analysis SYNC WITH OTHER APPSANDWEARABLES-Connect with your Strava account and synchronizeyourdata-Android/IOS wear support is coming very soon -Pair withaheartrate monitor Bluetooth/ANT+ and train smarter -ConnectwithBTLEspeed and cadence sensors to see your cycling speed andcadenceSETGOALS AND TAKE ON CHALLENGES -Take on weekly/monthlychallengesandearn badges in your profile -Participate in variousglobalandlocal events organized regularly STAY CONNECTED AND INTOUCHWITHTHE CYCLING COMMUNITY -Keep track of your friend’sposition onthemap via Live tracking -See what your friends havebeen up toandcomment on their workouts in the Newsfeed -Addpictures toyourworkouts and tag your friends -Choose the best dataoverlay,addstickers and apply them to your photos Share resultsandworkoutson your favorite social networks: Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Google+, etc. -All your data is automaticallysynced onthe cloudand also available even when you are offline GOPRO ANDGET AMAZEDWant to take your activity even further? Thenupgrade toProVersion and get access to our exclusive features:-Repositionyourmetrics on your screen and select even moremetricsavailable-Carelessly enjoy your rides, knowing that ouruniquefeature -“Keep Me Safe” looks after you -Bike shop discountsonvariousproducts -Ads-FREE – focus on your workoutswithoutdistractionsand more. With its simple Interface, BIKECOMPUTER willprovide thebest experience for your fitness cyclingexperience.Bring us alongfor your next great ride, we will do ourpart. Adventureawaits!  Join us.