Top 11 Apps Similar to Sicher

Анонимный чат NektoMe 4.1.0
Anonymous chat NektoMe allows you to find and meetinterestingpeople
@Hunter VK 1.2
Clockbyte LLC
Attention: current version of the app doesn't support atwofactorauthentication of (by sms code)! You have toswitchoff atwo factor authentication in Settings of your account(InSettings- Security page) then login to @Hunter and switch on atwofactorauthentication after that. If you expierence someissueswhilelogging in you have to switch off a two factorauthenticationatall. We are hardly working to let you use atwofactorauthentication with @Hunter. The @Hunter app isdevelopedforcommunity administrators in VKontakte who has to cleanup"dogs"regularly. "Dog" is a userhas been blocked for aspamming,frequentjoining to communities or for something non-legalelse.Rules ofVKontakte allow to get a TOP positions only forcommunitieswithactive members. A great amount of blocked users canresultintoblocking of the community. So you'd better clean up dogsinyourcommunities. Features of an app: - a cleaning of dogsinVKontaktecommunities - a scheduling for clean process.@Hunterworksaccording the principle "switch on & forget aboutit" -all thecleaning jobs are started in a background service thenafteranyproblem (internet connection or Android crush) a cleaningwillbestarted automatically. Our plans: - Cleaning up of dogsin"likes"and comments - Optimizing of cleaning algorithm Remarks:Aloginand a password aren't saved on the device at all. @Huntergetsbythem a hash-key and all the next requests are done withthatkeyinstead of your credentials. As a good tradition we suggestyoutosend us your advices. Please don't forget to vote for anapp,yourvotes and critics helps to improve @Hunter. Enjoy! *There'samusic Love On A Real Train of Tangerine Dream (Germany) isusedinvideo
Секреты шпиона в ВК (ВКонтакте, VK) 1.4.2
Michael Flerov
Основные функции приложения:- Вы легко узнаете, кому ваша девушка или парень ставит лайки- Приложение оповестит, когда нужный человек зашел в ВК- Узнаете скрытых друзей- Найдете фотографии, на которых отмечен тот или иной человек- Подскажет, кто кого удалил или добавил в друзья- Полноценные сообщения ВКонтакте- Чат ВК в режиме невидимка. Пользуясь приложением собеседникнеузнает, когда вы прочитаете его сообщения- Анализируйте диалоги ВК- Поддержка смайлов и стикеров- Возможность скачать документы- Смотрите гифки и видео ВК- Очистка стены и лайков- Доступна лента ВКПриложение использует открытые методы социальной сетиВКонтакте,поэтому вся информация добывается законным путем.Музыка ВК отсутствует в приложении из-затребованийправообладателей.ВНИМАНИЕ!Это не официальное приложение и мы не имеем никакого отношениякВКонтакте. Имя и товарный знак ВКонтакте являютсясобственностьюправообладателей!Ввод ваших личных данных происходит через приложение VK илинаофициальной странице VK, подгружаемой напрямую с их сервера,этоделает невозможным взлом вашей страницы!Key features oftheapplication:- You will easily find out who your girl or guy puts huskies- The app will alert when the right man came into the VC- Explore hidden friends- You will find the photos that this or that person is marked- tell you who gets deleted or added to friends- High-grade posts VKontakte- Chat VC in invisible mode. Using the application source didnotknow when you read his posts- Analyze the Dialogues VC- Support for smileys and stickers- Possibility to download documents- Watch the video and SIFCO VC- Clean the walls and likes- Available tape VCThe application uses the open method of social network VKontakte,soall information is obtained legally.Music VC does not exist in the application of the requirementsofcopyright holders.ATTENTION!This is not an official application and we do not have anyrelationto VKontakte. The name and trademark are the property ofcopyrightholders VKontakte!Enter your personal data takes place through the app or on the VKVKofficial page loaded directly from their server, it makesitimpossible to hack your page! Chat Anonymously 3.325
C2M is a chat application which allows you tochatanonymously.
Chatous 3.9.91
Castle Global
On Chatous, you can chat with people fromallover the world about the topics you care about. You never knowwhoyou'll meet!The connections you make through Chatous can be rich and real.Stayin touch with the people you enjoy talking to and bring thechatconversation to life through video chat and photosharing.FEATURES:★ Use #hashtags to find and chat with people withsimilarinterests★ Protect your identity through anonymity or by changingyourdisplay name at any time - it can't be searched!★ Use Chatous on your mobile phone or on your desktop★ Video chat and share expiring photos, videos, andaudiomessages!We hope you love using Chatous as much as we do. We’realwayslooking to improve the user experience, and we’d love to hearfromyou with any feedback, questions and concerns.Happychatting!Email us: team@chatous.comLike us on Facebook:
VkSMS 1.0
Nikita Litvinenko
VkSMS является приложением для публикации ваших SMS-переписокнавашу стену ВКонтакте в виде изображений.Чтобы опубликовать переписку, запустите приложение, нажмитенанужную переписку из появившегося списка переписок.Затем отметьте нужные сообщения в переписке (до 20сообщений),введите текст поста (до 200 символов) и нажмитекнопку"Опубликовать". Затем дождитесь сообщения о том, чтопубликациязакончена.Постарайтесь не закрывать приложение до появления сообщения отом,что публикация закончена.В настройках можно включить опции "Удалять файлы SMS-переписки"и"Отмечать все SMS-сообщения".VkSMS isanapplication to publish your SMS-correspondences on VKontakteyourwall in the form of images.To publish the correspondence, run the application, click onaconversation from the list of correspondences.Then mark the messages in correspondence (up to 20 messages),typethe fast (up to 200 characters) and click "Publish." Then waitforthe reports that the publication is completed.       Try not to close the application until you see that the articleisfinished.In the settings you can enable the "Delete FilesSMS-correspondence"and "Celebrate all SMS-messages."
VK Chat 1.2
All VK messaging functions is now onyourmobile device.Now you can instantly send images directly from your cameramobilephone, and use the map to indicate its location.Attached photos, audio, video, maps, documents - all this youcanview and listen to directly on your mobile device.VK Light Chat - is a convenient and practical way tocommunicatewith friends and family. To use this application doesnotnecessarily have to be VK user. Sign up VK Light Chat takesacouple of minutes as required only your name and phone numbersoyou can almost immediately start talking. User-friendlyinterfacewill help you to find potential friends.Additional features:- Offline conversations;- Group conversations;- Synchronization your friends list with your phone contacts;- Search dialogs and messages;- Change photo;
uCiC- See anywhere real-time
Snapwise Inc.
SELECT AWARDS★ Named Best New App at CES★ Featured on Google Play Worldwide twice★ Best Startup at DigitalK judged by 500 StartupsandTechCrunch★ As seen on Comedy Central, The Star, MSN, AUDI MagazineWith uCiC (You see I see), you can find out what's happening atanylocation worldwide. There’s nothing like receiving a photo orvideofrom someone who is there right now!--------------Here’s how uCiC works: --------------✔ Select a place on the map✔ See who's there right now (anonymously)✔ Type in your question and send✔ Users there respond by taking a pic and sending it back✔ Share on Facebook, Twitter and moreuCiC is a human network, which facilitates the transparentsharingof questions and photos, without swamping you withinformation youdon't require. So you receive precise visual answersto yourquestions, get to see only what you want to, and enjoy arelevantand focused experience. uCiC can help you make quickdecisions,make comparisons and receive the latest information andupdates,and learn more about whatever you want to.uCiC gives you full control over your privacy.Establishlocation-based connections with people anywhere across theglobewhile remaining anonymous, without having to “friend” them oroptfor private messaging. Help fellow users visually exploreyourneighborhood by answering their questions! It'slikerecommendations from locals.uCiC’s location-based photo assistance network is driven byacommunity that’s extremely passionate about helping others findthevisual content they are looking for. You’ll never have to huntforinformation again because whatever you need to know, help isjustaround the corner!Want to know how long the line-up at Starbucks is? Want to knowthevibe at the club before you head there? Want to know if the gymisbusy right now? Want to know if the surf's up and thesky'sunclouded before you get to the beach? Want to see a livevideo ofthis evening's sunset in Paris? Want a picture form frontrow inthe concert?Use uCiC to get real-time pictures and videos from anywhereyouneed!uCiC is the human network!Congratulations on getting this far in the description! Enjoytheapp and send us a note at for the kudos :)Learn more:
MyVk Гости и Друзья Вконтакте 2.1.1
7baRu Developers
Друзья и гости ВКонтакте. Первая бета. Хотите узнать ктопосещалВашустраницу?! Наше приложение будет следить за изменениямиВашихдрузейВКонтакте и показывать кто и когда посещал Вашустраницу.Гости Вашейстраницы Вконтакте: Желаете узнать ктопросматривалВашу страницу на Легко! Наш сервис делаетглубокий анализВашей страницыВконтакте и показывает уже более 60%Ваших гостейКто удалил Вас издрузей: Вконтакте не дает возможностиследить затем, кто и когдаудалил Вас из списка друзей. Мы этосделаем дляВас! Слежка: Смотритекогда и кого интресующий Васчеловекдобавляет и удаляет из друзей.Следить можно за любымпользователемВК, для этого не обязательноего/ее другом илиподписчиком. Новыедрузья: Будьте всегда в курсекто добавился к Вамв друзья илиподтвердил Вашу заявку. Несколькопользователей:Используйте Нашсервис сразу под несколькимипользователямиВконтакте. Бесплатно:Как и другие Наши сервисы всевозможностиабсолютно бесплатны дляВас. Гарантии: Наш сервис легалени несодержит каких либо подвоховили поддельных шпионовкоторыеблокирует администрация!Гарантией выступает нашарепутацияна мобильном рынке с 2006г. Вследующих обновлениях мыпланируемувеличить % охвата гостей Вашейстраницы Вконтакте!
GPS Phone Tracker & Mileage Tracker 21.3.1
Family Safety Production
GPS Does It All This handy, easy-to-use app leverages thelatestGPStechnology to help you track safe driving behavior, andall ofyourtrips.
Nearby - Chat, Meet, Friend
Social Foundry
Live chat with strangers. Meet people nearby. Make friends!