Top 11 Apps Similar to N2F Expense report demo

Onexma Mobile Expense Reports 2.7
With you get your expense reports in no time. Withmultilanguage.
TOKIUM 電帳法対応の経費精算システム 7.13.1
TOKIUM, a cloud expense settlement service thatautomatestroublesome expense management for businessmen. Minimizethetrouble of entering expenses by automatically reading receiptsandautomatically importing credit card details.
MFクラウド経費 交通費や領収書、カード明細も全自動経費精算 1.2.1
Money Forward, Inc.
【本アプリの主な特長と機能】■クレジットカード、電子マネー、ICカードなどの明細の自動取得対応クレジットカード数は125種(コーポレートカード含み)にのぼり、対応電子マネーは交通費の精算に嬉しい「モバイルSuica」、「SMART ICOCA」など15種に対応しています。これらの明細から一括経費登録など、簡単に経費登録ができます。■レシート・領収書はカメラで撮るだけ自動で取得できる明細が無くても、MFクラウド経費ならスマートフォンで領収書を撮影するだけで、OCRによる自動読取りや、オペレーターへ領収証の入力作業を依頼することができます。■経路検索、位置情報から経費登録電車やバスの経路検索から交通費を自動で計算できます。早い経路、安い経路などの切替、ICカード料金への対応、定期区間の控除に対応しています。また、訪問先は現在の位置情報から優先して検索が出来るので出先での交通費の入力がオススメです。■使えば使うほど賢くなる自動科目分類機能MFクラウド経費では経費を登録すると、自動で科目の分類をルール化して、以後の入力で自動的に科目分類します。■経費申請もスマホで完結経費の登録だけでなく、経費申請もスマホでワンタッチで完結します。上長や経理担当者とのやり取りはチャット機能を通して手軽に行えます。ワークフローは多段階承認まで柔軟に設定が可能です。■会計システム連携MFクラウド経費では、登録した経費明細や経費申請書、集計データから作成される仕訳を自動でMFクラウド会計に連携できます。撮影した領収書などのデータも同時に会計システムに連携できるため、仕訳の証憑確認が容易となります。また、カスタム勘定科目対応、部門別対応、製造原価対応、税区分の変更、外貨にも対応しております。■ビジネスパーソンに嬉しい家計簿サービス連動家計簿サービス「マネーフォワード」は、クレジットカードや電子マネーなどの明細から自動的に家計簿を作成するサービスですが、これまで、プライベートな支出から立替経費を除外するにには一件ずつ除外処理をする必要がありました。MFクラウド経費を利用すれば経費登録と同時にプライベートな支出から除外することができるようになります。家計簿マネーフォワード
工事日報 1.1.6
[工事日報とは]インターネットで勤怠管理が出来るサービス「工事日報管理システム」用のAndroidアプリです。・本アプリは登録済みユーザー向けの無料アプリです。・本アプリにはユーザー登録機能はございません。[特徴]お手軽に勤務時間を管理することができるアプリです。PCのWebアプリ[工事日報管理システム]と連動します。ネットワークの接続が安定する時、随時打刻、日報入力、随時休暇申請・確認、随時経費申請・確認できます。管理者は、部下が申請した内容を随時確認・承認できます。ネットワーク切断時にも基本的な操作が出来るようになっています(非同期通信機能)。◆画面の説明◆<工事日報>◎打刻・出勤ボタン押すと現時間が出勤時刻として登録されます。・直行ボタン[直行]ボタンを押すと現時間が定時として登録されます。打刻の時刻が表示されますが、直行の勤務時間には定時が算入されます。・退勤ボタン押すと現時間が退勤時刻として登録されます。・直帰ボタン[直帰]ボタンを押すと現時間が定時として登録されます。打刻の時刻が表示されますが、直帰の勤務時間には定時が算入されます。◎日報・日報新規勤怠打刻後、当日の作業内容を入力して保存できるようになります。・条件検索条件を設定後、「検索」ボタンをタップすると検索結果画面に遷移し、「検索結果一覧」画面が表示されます。検索結果一覧から、該当する現場名と日付を確認してクリックすると、詳細画面が開いて、入力値の確認や編集ができます。◎休暇・休暇申請休暇(有休休暇(全日、半休)や特別休暇など)の申請ができます。・申請状況申請内容の承認状況の確認や取り消しなどの操作ができます。◎経費一般経費、交通費(電車、バス、タクシー)、定期券の申請ができます。・条件検索条件を設定後、「検索」ボタンをタップすると検索結果画面に遷移し、「経費検索結果」画面が表示されます。申請内容の承認状況の確認や取り消しなどの操作ができます。◎持出(レンタル・社有物)レンタル品と社有物の持ち出しは、現場単位に入力保存します。・条件検索条件を設定後、「検索」ボタンをタップすると検索結果画面に遷移し、「持出品検索結果」画面が表示されます。持出品の状況確認や返却などの操作ができます。返却時は、現場指定して返却日を入力して更新します。◎精算現場用の経費として仮払いされた費用の精算に使用します。最終的な集計は、同一現場名の全ての日の申請が集計されます。・条件検索条件を設定後、「検索」ボタンをタップすると検索結果画面に遷移し、「仮払精算検索結果」画面が表示されます。仮払経費精算の状況確認や更新などの操作ができます。◎設定・バージョン確認スマートフォンアプリが最新版か否かを確認できます。・パスワード変更ユーザ自身でパスワードを変更できる機能。・フィードバックユーザご自身の意見を、アプリの開発会社に届ける機能です。・通知管理者よりメッセージが届きます。・マスタ情報リロードログインしたまま、サーバのマスタ更新情報(社員情報や各種区分設定)が反映させる機能です。・仮払金明細報告書スマートフォンからも閲覧可能な集計情報です。現場単位に検索して現在の集計状況がわかります。・日報集計スマートフォンから参照できるもう一つの集計です。現場単位に現在の状況が検索集計されます。・ログアウトボタンこのボタンをタップするとアプリケーションを終了できます。[Construction DailyWhatisthis?]This is the Android app for the service "Constructiondailyreportmanagement system" can attendance management ontheInternet.- This app is a free app of registered users.- In this application does not have a user registration function.[Characteristic]It is an application that allows you to manage thehandyworkhours.It will work with the PC of the Web application[Constructiondailyreport management system].When the connection of the network is stable, at anytimeembossing,daily input, from time to time leave applicationandconfirmation, Ican at any time expenses applicationandconfirmation.Administrators can at any time check and approvethecontentssubordinates filed.Also it may be used as they are basic operations at thenetworkcut(asynchronous communication function).◆ Description of screen ◆◎ embossing· Attendance buttonThe current time will be registered as attendance time Press.- Direct buttonWhen you press the [direct] button the current timewillberegistered as scheduled. Displays the time of theembossing,butthe working hours of non-stop will be includedOrdinary itis.-Clock-out buttonThe current time will be registered as a clock-outtimeispressing.- Bounce buttonWhen you press the [Bounce] button the current timewillberegistered as scheduled. Time embossing is displayed,buttheOrdinary is included in the working hours of the bounce.◎ Daily- Daily NewAfter attendance embossing, you will be able to enter andsaveworkof the day.And conditions SearchAfter setting the conditions, and a transition to thesearchresultsscreen to tap the "Search" button, "search resultlist"screen isdisplayed.From the search results list, if you click Checktheappropriatefield name and the date, detailed screen is open,youcan review oredit the input value.◎ vacation· Leave applicationVacation (paid leave (full-time, half holiday) andspecialleave,etc.) I can apply for.· Application statusI can operations such as confirmation or revocationofapprovalstatus of the application contents.◎ expensesGeneral expenses, transportation expenses (train, bus, taxi),youcanapply for a season ticket.And conditions SearchAfter setting the conditions, and a transition to thesearchresultsscreen to tap the "Search" button, you will seethe"expense SearchResults" screen.I can operations such as confirmation or revocationofapprovalstatus of the application contents.◎ Cide (rental YashiroYu-butsu)Taking out of the rental product and company-ownedproducts,entersave on the scene unit.And conditions SearchAfter setting the conditions, and a transition to thesearchresultsscreen to tap the "Search" button, you will see the"diexhibitionSearch Results" screen.I can operations such as status check and returndiexhibition.Return at the time, you can update by entering thethesitespecifying the return date.◎ settlementIt uses the settlement of the provisional payment has beencostasexpenses for the site.The final aggregate, application of all days of the samefieldnameare aggregated.And conditions SearchAfter setting the conditions, and a transition to thesearchresultsscreen to tap the "Search" button, "provisionalpaymentsettlementSearch Results" screen appears.Operations such as status check and update of temporary払経expensereimbursement I can.◎ settingVersion confirmationSmartphone app you can check the latest version or not.·Change PasswordThe ability to change the password yourself.·feedbackUser your own opinion, is the ability to deliver onthedevelopmentcompany of the app.·notificationMessage you will receive from the administrator.Master information reloadWhile logged in, it is a function of the masterserverupdateinformation (employee information andvariousclassificationsettings) to reflect.- Advances specification reportThis is a summary information that can be viewed fromthesmartphone.You can see the current aggregate status bysearchingon the sceneunit.· Daily summaryIt is another of the aggregate that can be referencedfromthesmartphone. The current situation will be searched countingonthescene unit.Logout buttonYou can exit the application when you tap this button.
BJ Note de Frais 1.1
Vous avez des semaines de retard pour vosnotesde frais ?Vous vous préparez à passer votre week-end à classervosjustificatifs de dépenses ?ARRÊTEZ !Utilisez BJ Note de Frais et faites en sorte que la gestion devosnotes de frais devienne un jeu d'enfant !Saisie de la dépense, archivage du justificatif, envoi devotrerelevé par email et suivi de vos dépenses/remboursement en unclind'œil.Multi-devises, multi-taxes, export csv/tableur/pdf,statistiquesde dépense/remboursement, suivi temps réel, etc.Ne vous laissez plus déborder par vos notes de frais.BJ Note de Frais est l'outil indispensable à votreactivitéprofessionnelle (indépendant, salarié, dirigeant).BJ Note de frais est fait pour vous !N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos commentairesafind'améliorer notre service.You have weeks lateforyour expenses?You prepare to spend your weekend to organize your receiptsforexpenses?STOP!Use BJ Note Fees and make sure that you manage your expensebecomesa breeze!Entering the expense proof archiving, sending your statementbyemail and track your spending / refund a glance.Multi-currency, multi-tax, export csv / spreadsheet /pdf,statistics expense / reimbursement, real timemonitoring,etc..Do more overwhelmed by your expense.BJ Note Shipping is an indispensable tool in yourwork(independent, employee, officer).BJ Expense Report is for you!Do not hesitate to send us your comments to improveourservice.
Reisekosten für DB-Mitarbeiter 4.5.3
Swiss Post Solutions GmbH
Nutzung nur für DB-Mitarbeiter*innen Mit derDBReisekosten-Apperhalten DB-Mitarbeiter*innen einemobileAlternative für ihreReisekostenabrechnung. Um dieDBReisekosten-App zu verwenden,müssen Sie sich mit einempersönlichenAktivierungscodeidentifizieren. Diesen erhalten Siebeim erstenStart der App. Siekönnen Ihre Firmenreisen mit demprivaten oderdienstlichenSmartphone abrechnen. Einfach Reisedatenin die Appeingeben,Belege einscannen und per Knopfdruck an denDBPersonalservicesenden. Bei Fragen unterstützt Sie Personaldirektgerne.
Jenji - Expense Tracker 4.4.6
Life is too short to spend time on doing business expenses!Gotreceipts, per-diem, invoices, trip expenses, mileage claims?Jenjitakes care of it all! Use our receipt scanner on yourbusinessexpenses to get the reimbursement, import your digitalinvoices,claim per diems or manage trip expenses with our precisemileagetracker/mile logger. Stay compliant, no more lost orrejectedbusiness receipts! The best part of it, it’s that Jenji isa freeexpense management solution! • It’s Paperless: Your companycanadopt an ecological, productive, and economical approach bygoingpaperless on your expense management just by using ourreceiptscanner and our expenditure tracker. • It’s Automated: Allyourbusiness receipts and invoices are processed automatically,withouterrors after using the Jenji receipt scanner. • It uses AI:Jenjiartificial intelligence allows you to analyze all your dataandgives you a global view of your business expenses. It’s muchmorethan just an expenditure tracker or a mile logger. • It’s easytointegrate: Our Jenji Platform integrates all your internalandexternal data sources into a single point. Making yourexpensereimbursement faster and smarter. Jenji is not justanexpenditure/receipt tracker, mileage tracker, or a smartscannerfor you to manage receipts. Jenji is an app that isreinventing theway companies are managing their business expenses.Companies andpeople can benefit from one of the fastestexpense/receipt scannersof the market and a precise mileagetracker, giving you real-timedata and visibility through apaperless and automated expensetracker. Nowadays more than 35.000companies all over the worldtrust Jenji! You can start improvingyour company business expensestoday, download the app or get incontact with us on our website:
Pro Expenses - Expense manager
See why we have been trusted by morethan10,000 people in just the first month. One of the best, easy touseand powerful expense manager apps. Neat and effectiveexpensemanagement and tracking app!…………………………………………………………………TOTALLY FREE EXPENSE MANAGER APP………………………………………………………………….Pro Expenses lets you manage your expenses more easily withtotalcontrol, and is completely free: no hidden cost, nosubscription.Simply enter your input and make use of the expensetrackingfeatures. Track expense in a convenient way.……………………………………………………………………FULLY-FEATURED ULTIMATE EXPENSES APP……………………………………………………………………Our expense report and tracking features will most likelyimpressyou. From daily expense manager features, to real onlineexpensetracking and business expense tracking, we are sure you willbetotally satisfied from what Pro Expense has to offer.…………………………………………………………………..PRO EXPENSES APP FEATURES:…………………………………………………………………..• Enter expenses by pre-defined categories (restaurant, hotel,fuel,mileage, etc.) or by creating custom categories to fityourneeds• Visualize your expenses with a calendar view• Use the statistics module to easily view your expensesbycategory, expenses outstanding for reimbursement, create reportsbyexpense type, and much more...• Easily export your expenses in Excel format by email,includingphotos in your expense reports if you wish• multi-currency management (with the option of automaticretrievalof exchange rates from within the application)• multiple VAT rates.……………………………………………………………………………………See why we are one of the best expense trackers onGooglePlay.Pro expenses app is useful, totally free and offline solutionforexpenses tracking.Do not hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us,yourfeedback is important!
GO! Zeit 1.0.12
Trimble's mobile time tracking system for building servicesandancillary construction
N2F Ver1.02CIa
Une application pour vous aider à pilotervosdépenses et les catégoriser en vue de faire des économies.FONCTIONNALITÉS- Saisir vos notes de frais en nombre illimité.- Gérer jusqu’à deux taux de TVA par note de frais.- Associer un justificatif (photo) à chaque note de frais.- Associer les notes à des catégories, des collaborateurs,desprojets, et des clients- Consulter les synthèses de vos notes de frais, par catégorieetpar mois.- Exporter vos notes de frais au format CSV ou PDF et lesenvoyerpar e-mail- Paramétrer vos catégories de frais.- Se connecter au réseau social FACEBOOK pour suivrel’actualité,visualiser ou demander de l'aide- Envoyer vos notes de frais à votre comptable, àvotreentreprise.
- Consulter, créer et associer un justificatif, modifier vosnotesde frais directement sur votre télephone ou tabletteAn application to helpyoumanage your expenses and categorize them in order tosavemoney.FEATURES- Enter your expenses in unlimited numbers.- Manage up to two VAT rates per expense.- Associate proof (photo) each expense report.- Associate notes to categories of employees, projects,andclients- Consult the syntheses of your expenses by categoryandmonth.- Export your expense reports in CSV or PDF format and send themviae-mail- Define your expense categories.- Connect to social network FACEBOOK to follow the news, view oraskfor help- Send your expenses to your accountant for your business.- Consult, create and attach proof, modify your expenses directlyonyour phone or by tablet
Nota Fiscal, Recibo e Contas 1.1
Laboratório de Engenharia
Desenvolvi este aplicativo depoisquepercebique meus pais perdiam algumas Notas Fiscais, ReciboseContas, ouseja, comprovantes de pagamento em geral. Isso setornavaumproblema quando eles precisavam trocar produtosdefeituososoucomprovar que já efetuaram o pagamento de algumaconta.Este aplicativo permite que você tire fotos do seucomprovantedepagamento, Notas Fiscais, Recibos e Contas eautomaticamenteoprograma abre uma janela com opções de enviopara:- E-mail (coloque um assunto de fácil busca no email,comoexemplo:Nota Fiscal da TV, Plano de saúde Julho de 2015,recibodentistaDezembro de 2017)- Aplicativos em nuvem (OneDrive, DropBox, Drive, Fotos, etc)- Mensagens,WhatsApp, outras mídias sociais, etc.Para os dispositivos incompatíveis no google play storepodembaixarpelolink a mais pessoas.Idevelopedthisapplication after that I realized that my parents werelosingsomeinvoices, receipts and accounts, that is usuallypaymentvouchers.This became a problem when they needed toexchangedefectiveproducts or provide evidence that have alreadymade thepayment ofany account.    This application lets you takepicturesofyour proof of payment, invoices, receipts and bills andtheprogramautomatically opens a window with sending optionsfor:   - E-mail (put a subject easily search inemail,forexample: Invoice TV, Health Plan July 2015, receiptdentistDecember2017)   - Cloud Applications (onedrive,Dropbox,Drive,Photos, etc.)   - Messaging, WhatsApp, othersocialmedia,etc.For incompatible devices on google play store candownloadthe Thatwaywe will reach more people.