Top 15 Apps Similar to 360 Minorca

Menorca Premium Guide 4.3.0
Entdecke die schönsten Orte mitdemMenorcatripwolf Guide - deinem Reiseführer mit Offline Karte!+ "Beste neue Apps 2015" im Google Play Store ++ Empfohlen von „Die Welt“, CHIP und Computerbild 2014 ++ CNN’s Top 50 Reise-Apps 2013 +Plane deine Reise nach Menorca mit dem TripPlaner,denEmpfehlungen der tripwolf Community und hole dirInfoserfahrenerReiseautoren. Mit Offline Karte, kostenlosen UpdatesundGuides fürüber 500 Destinationen weltweit!» VERFÜGBAR IN 1 SPRACHE «Der tripwolf Menorca Reiseführer ist verfügbar in Deutsch.» FUNKTIONIERT 100% OFFLINE «Alle Inhalte und Funktionen unserer Reiseführerkönnenkomplettoffline abgerufen werden. Es fallen keineRoaming-GebührenimAusland an: Alle Guides, Features und Karten sindauchohneInternetverbindung verfügbar.» REISEPLANER FÜR UNTERWEGS «Erstelle deine persönlichen Trips mit dem Trip Planerundorganisieredeine Reise nach Menorca von unterwegs oder zuHauseauf deinerCouch. Egal wann und wo, immer und überall.» IMMER WISSEN, WO DU GERADE BIST «Dank der Offline Karte findest du dich überall zurecht. Dukannstdirdeine Position anzeigen lassen und wirst dich sogarantiertnichtmehr verlaufen.» PERSÖNLICHE EMPFEHLUNGEN FÜR DEINE TO-DO LISTE «Egal, ob du mit deiner Familie und Kindern unterwegs bist,mitwenigBudget reist oder nur zu zweit bei Regen Menorcaerkundenwillst:wir haben die besten Tipps für dichzusammengestellt.» REISETIPPS VON TAUSENDEN REISENDEN «Hol dir authentische Empfehlungen und Bewertungen fürdiebestenDestinationen wie Ciutadella, Maó, Fornells undInsidertippsfürgute Restaurants, Geschäfte, Hotels, Bars, Clubs,Events/Festivals und mehr vor Ort.» ATTRAKTIONEN, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS&MEHR«Durchstöbere die aufregendsten Ecken derGegend:Entdeckeeinzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten und GeheimtippsderCommunity.Die beliebtesten Guides mit Offline Karten inklusive TripPlanerundInsider Tipps für über 500 Städte, Länder und Regionenweltweitundvon mehr als 10 Millionen Reisenden.Dir gefällt das neue Design unserer Reiseführer, dirfehlengewisseFunktionen oder du hast allgemeines Feedback zueinemanderenThema? Wir freuen uns über deine Meinung, schreibe Destinationen sind beispielsweise enthalten:Ciutadella/Westspitze, Es Mercadal, Es Migjorn Gran,Ferreries,EsCastell, Alaior, Sant Climent,Maó/Ostspitze,Tramuntana,Migjorn/InselzentrumDiscover themostbeautifulplaces in the Menorca tripwolf Guide - your guideofflinemap!+ "Best New Apps 2015" in Google Play Store ++ Recommended by "The World", CHIP, and computer image 2014 ++ CNN's Top 50 travel apps, 2013Plan your trip to Menorca with the TripPlanner,therecommendations of the tripwolf community and gettipsfromexperienced travel writers. With offline map, freeupdatesandguides for over 500 destinations around the world!»AVAILABLE IN 1 LANGUAGE"The tripwolf travel guide Menorca is available in German.»WORKS 100% OFFLINE"All content and functionality of our guides canbeaccessedcompletely offline. There are no roaming chargesabroad:allguides, features and maps are available withoutanInternetconnection.»TRAVEL PLANNER FOR THE ROAD"Create your personal trips by trip planner and organize yourtriptoMenorca on the road or at home on your couch. No matterwhenandwhere, anytime, anywhere."ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU'RE JUST"Thanks to the offline map you can find your way anywhere.Youcanfigure show your position and you will no longerrunasguaranteed.»PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR TO-DO LIST"Whether you're traveling with your family and children,travelingona budget or just the two of rain in Menorca explorewant: wehavecompiled the best tips for you.»TRAVEL TIPS FROM THOUSANDS OF TRAVELLERS"Get authentic recommendations and reviews for thebestdestinationssuch as Ciutadella, Mahon, Fornells and insidertipsfor goodrestaurants, shops, hotels, bars, clubs, events /festivalsandmore locally.»ATTRACTIONS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS & MORE"Scour the most exciting corners of the neighborhood:Discoveruniquesights and tips in the community.The most popular guides with offline maps including TripPlannerandinsider tips for over 500 cities, countries andregionsworldwideand more than 10 million passengers.You like the new design of our guide, you aremissingcertainfunctions or you have general feedback on anothertopic?Weappreciate your opinion, please send us an email: following destinations are included, for example:Ciutadella / western tip, Es Mercadal, Es MigjornGran,Ferreries,Es Castell, Alaior, Sant Climent, Mahon / easterntip,Tramuntana,Migjorn / Island Center
Menorca en tu mano 7.3.1
MRA WebMapping
Nuestra aplicación se basa en daraconocerMenorca a través de cualquier dispositivo consistemaoperativoAndroid.Reúne toda la información que pueda necesitar durante suestanciaenmenorca.La aplicación funcionara a través de tarifa de datos, wifiogps.Podrá conocer los puntos de interés de la isla, el usuariodelaaplicación sabrá dónde está en todo momentoobteniendoinformaciónde los puntos de interés o comercios máscercanos.En cada población podrá elegir la opción deseada,dóndecomer,alojarse, ocio, cultura... La aplicación estarádisponibleeninglés, catalán y castellano. Los usuarios podrán verenloscomercios adheridos las sugerencias en un radio de 200metrosquela aplicación irá avisando una vez pasen porlosestablecimientos,incluso en los restaurantes podrán ver la cartaomenú.Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada por personas quequierendara conocer Menorca, una preciosa isla.Our application isbasedonMenorca disclose through any device withAndroidoperatingsystem.Gather all the information you may need during your stay inMenorca.The application worked through rate data, wifi or gps.Youcanvisit the sights of the island, the application userwillknowwhere he is at all times to obtain information orpointsofinterest nearby stores.In each population may choose the desired option, wheretoeat,housing, leisure, culture ... The application isavailableinEnglish, Catalan and Castilian. Users will seeatparticipatingstores suggestions within 200m warning thattheapplication will gothrough once establishments,includingrestaurants may see theletter or menu.This application has been developed by individuals whowanttopublicize Menorca, a beautiful island.
Mobile Menorca Guide 1.0.0
XMiTeam launched in march 2014.Itisthe first app (completely free) with news ancommercialinformationfrom Menorca.This application is set as a dynamic tool 2.0,accordinglywithnew technologies andin a moment in whichcommunication isprovidedimmediately through 3g mobile phones andcomputers.This new comes out on the internet asthefirstnews app in the isle's sphere, but also as a ninnovativeandpowerful tool to promote tourism and economics inthewholeisland.Three informative is a web application that can be usedfromacomputer, although it was conceived for mobile phonesandothermovile devices such as tablets. Once in, we can findthreebasicsegments:1. CALENDAR AND NEWS. We offer the users a2.0groundbreakingplatform with last minute news and a great rangeofactivities youcan findin our territory.2.PLACES OF INTEREST. Users will be able tofinddetailedinformation of most precious places in theisland:naturallandscapes, hikes, historic buildings or monumentsanbeautifulcoves you can find in our island, as well asinformationto getthere thanks to a built-in gps in the sameapp.3. SHOPS AND SERVICE. As for the commercial sphere oftheisland, offers the opportunity to access tolocalservicesand local shops. The nearly 2000 indexed shops, aswell asthe onesthat will be added later on, have the option to showtheusers delatest news, special offers or sales. The search, easyandclear, isfiltered by name, sectors, location or offersdependingon eachuser's preferences.With this new channel of information, we want to givethelocalsand visitors of Menorca an intuitive, easy and fast tooltopromotethe island and all of its
Guia Menorca Medio Ambiente 5.0.0
IDE Menorca
Es una herramienta orientada adivulgarlosvalores del patrimonio natural de la isla con el fin depromoverunuso público responsable al medio natural. El visor esunencargodel proyecto LIFE + Reneix del Departamento deMedioAmbiente delConsell Insular. Los extensos contenidos,elaboradospor lostécnicos del proyecto LIFE + Reneix constituyen unmaterialde muyalta calidad que da a conocer algunos de losvaloresambientales dela isla, especialmente en lo que se refiereavegetación.It is astrategytodisseminate the values ​​of the natural heritage of theislandinorder to promote public use responsible for thenaturalenvironmenttool. The display is a custom Reneix LIFE +EnvironmentDepartmentof the Consell Insular project. The extensivecontentdeveloped bythe technicians of the LIFE + project Reneix area veryhighquality material which discloses some of theenvironmentalvalues​​of the island, especially as regardsvegetation.
Menorca SozialLib 2.5
Explore Menorca with SozialLibDiscover the points of interest best rated forusersofFoursquare/Instagram/PlacesSave points of interest or locations and manage your favoritesAll with information of beaches of Menorca
Camí de Cavalls 1.1.1
Guillem Pages
This application provides help for navigating the Camí de CavallsdeMenorca. Includes information, maps of the route and highlightsfromeach of the 20 paths in the route (GR-223) places. It alsoincludesinformation about the island and its history, and thegeographicallocation of its beautiful beaches.
Menorca Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostof Menorca in Spain with a POI database and search built in.This is the mappa map for Minorca (Menorca) the second largestofthe Balearic Islands, located to the northeast of Mallorca andisthe least overrun and most tranquil of the Balearics.The island is split into eight divisions all covered bytheoffline Menorca/Minorca mappa map - Maó, Es Castell, SantLluis,Alaior, Es Mercadal, Es Migjorn Gran, Ferreries andCiutadella.Maó or Mahon is the capital city. Other cities includeFornells,Ciutadella or Ciudadela, Alaior and Es Mercadal.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map for MinorcaaBalearic Island:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire cityandPOI database to your phone and travel without anInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments todownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and street namesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates totheapp and map forever as long as we add new versions.Install your offline mappa map for Menorca now!Follow us @Facebook:
Menorca guía mapa offline 6.0.0
Esta App es una guía offline, de laciudaddeMenorca, que te descubre todos sus puntosdeinterésclasificándolos por itinerarios.•No necesita conexión a Internet, integra funcionalidadesdeltipoGPS.•Casi 300 puntos de interés.•Contiene información práctica de cada lugar de interés queayudaalusuario en todas las fases de su viaje.•Contenidos de autor y fotografías exclusivas.•Contenido dinámico y actualizado permanentemente.•Amplia oferta gastronómica, hotelera, cultural, comercialydeocio.•Permite posicionar los lugares de interés directamenteenelmapa.•La opción favoritos permite planificar rutas personalizadas.•Agenda con los eventos más destacados.This App isanofflineguide, city of Menorca, you discover all pointsofclassifyinginterest itineraries.• No Internet connection required, integratedGPSfunctionalitytype.• Almost 300 points of interest.• Contains practical information for each landmark to helptheuserat all stages of their journey.• Contents copyright and exclusive photographs.• dynamic and constantly updated content.• Spacious dining, hotel, cultural, commercialandleisureactivities.• Allows placing the sights directly on the map.• The favorites option allows you to plan personalizedroutes.• Agenda with the highlights.
Menorca Offline Travel Guide 2.1
Going to travel around Menorca Island?Wait!Our App will provides you the information where to go n whatyoucan see.Menorca Island guide is designed to use on offline when you areinthe so you can degrade expensive roaming charges.ATTRACTIONS!√ Included all the available Attractions list and theirInformationalong with photo• Info• Address of the Attraction• Geo Location on the Offline map• Route on the map• Driving directions along with InstructionsHOTELS!√ Added Available hotels list and its Information alongwithphoto• Info about the hotel• Address of the Hotel• Phone number• Amenities available• Price range of the hotel• Geo Location on the Offline map• Route on the map• Driving directions along with InstructionsRESTAURANTS!√ Added Available hotels list and its Information alongwithphoto• Info about the Restaurant• Address of the Restaurant• Phone number• Price range of the Restaurant• Operating hours of the Restaurant• Geo Location on the Offline map• Route on the map• Driving directions along with InstructionsOFFLINE MAP!√ No need of Data connection to view the Map. App comes withofflinemap.√ All the available Attractions, Hotels are located on the mapwithinteractive guide feature.√ Fully zoomable offline map you can pinch, or double tap tozoomthe Map√ Any time you can check your GPS location on the map andPOI’saround you√ App also comes with online map when you are in the range ofdataconnection.POI’s!√ Through this functionality you can search banks, ATMs,hospitals,railway stations, gas stations, restaurants, pizza hutcenters,drug stores and more along with their phone numbers aroundyourcurrent GPS Location.√ Tap any Item on the list Gives the distance from currentlocation,address and location on the Map.√ Tap the route button exists on the map gives you the route onthemap with turn-by-turn driving directions with out leavingtheapplication. 
IMAGE GALLERY!√ User- friendly Gallery creates curiosity about the Park.√ Very fast accessing between the images√ Zoom, Pan, pinch and drag to any Image.√ You can also view the thumbnails of the all ImagesWEATHER FORECAST!√ Weather is the important factor while going on vacation.√ You can get 05 days weather forecast so that you canplanaccordingly.√ Weather info like raining status, temperature min, max indegreesand foreign heat and wind speed details.• Along with the above features app comes with• History of the Island• Island Facts• Getting around the Island• Safety precautions check list is added to the App!For any questions please contact
Menorca RunAway 1.5.48
Runaway Trips
the guide leisure and cultural that will help you discovertheisland.
Minorca Offline City Map 9.0.1
An interactive map of the city including a search engineforstreets, shops, etc
Menorca Reiseführer 4.11.1
Entdecke die schönsten Orte mit demMenorcatripwolf Guide - deinem Reiseführer mit Offline Karte!+ "Beste neue Apps 2015" im Google Play Store ++ Empfohlen von „Die Welt“, CHIP und Computerbild 2014 ++ CNN’s Top 50 Reise-Apps 2013 +Plane deine Reise nach Menorca und erhalte 1 StundeunlimitiertenZugriff zu allen Informationen und Funktionen indeinemReiseführer.» GRATIS 1 STUNDE REISEFÜHRER «Du kannst jederzeit ein kostenpflichtiges Upgrade durchführen,umdauerhaft unlimitierten Zugang zu allen Premiuminhaltenund-funktionen zu erhalten.» VERFÜGBAR IN 1 SPRACHE «Der tripwolf Menorca Reiseführer ist verfügbar in Deutsch.» FUNKTIONIERT 100% OFFLINE «Alle Inhalte und Funktionen unserer Reiseführer könnenkomplettoffline abgerufen werden. Es fallen keine Roaming-GebührenimAusland an: Alle Guides, Features und Karten sind auchohneInternetverbindung verfügbar.» REISEPLANER FÜR UNTERWEGS «Erstelle deine persönlichen Trips mit dem Trip Planerundorganisiere deine Reise nach Menorca von unterwegs oder zuHauseauf deiner Couch. Egal wann und wo, immer und überall.» IMMER WISSEN, WO DU GERADE BIST «Dank der Offline Karte findest du dich überall zurecht. Dukannstdir deine Position anzeigen lassen und wirst dich sogarantiertnicht mehr verlaufen.» PERSÖNLICHE EMPFEHLUNGEN FÜR DEINE TO-DO LISTE «Egal, ob du mit deiner Familie und Kindern unterwegs bist, mitwenigBudget reist oder nur zu zweit bei Regen Menorca erkundenwillst:wir haben die besten Tipps für dich zusammengestellt.» REISETIPPS VON TAUSENDEN REISENDEN «Hol dir authentische Empfehlungen und Bewertungen für diebestenDestinationen wie Ciutadella, Maó, Fornells und Insidertippsfürgute Restaurants, Geschäfte, Hotels, Bars, Clubs, Events/Festivals und mehr vor Ort.» ATTRAKTIONEN, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS &MEHR«Durchstöbere die aufregendsten Ecken der Gegend:Entdeckeeinzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten und Geheimtipps derCommunity.Die beliebtesten Guides mit Offline Karten inklusive Trip PlanerundInsider Tipps für über 500 Städte, Länder und Regionen weltweitundvon mehr als 10 Millionen Reisenden.Dir gefällt das neue Design unserer Reiseführer, dir fehlengewisseFunktionen oder du hast allgemeines Feedback zu einemanderenThema? Wir freuen uns über deine Meinung, schreibe uns Destinationen sind beispielsweise enthalten:Ciutadella/Westspitze, Es Mercadal, Es Migjorn Gran,Ferreries,Es Castell, Alaior, Sant Climent, Maó/Ostspitze,Tramuntana,Migjorn/InselzentrumDiscover themostbeautiful places in the Menorca tripwolf Guide - your guideofflinemap!+ "Best New Apps 2015" in Google Play Store ++ Recommended by "The World", CHIP, and computer image 2014 ++ CNN's Top 50 travel apps, 2013Plan your trip to Menorca and get 1 hour unlimited access toallinformation and features in your travel guide.»FREE 1 HOUR TRAVEL GUIDE"You can always perform an upgrade to obtain permanentunlimitedaccess to all premium content and functions.»AVAILABLE IN 1 LANGUAGE"The tripwolf travel guide Menorca is available in German.»WORKS 100% OFFLINE"All content and functionality of our guides can beaccessedcompletely offline. There are no roaming charges abroad:allguides, features and maps are available without anInternetconnection.»TRAVEL PLANNER FOR THE ROAD"Create your personal trips by trip planner and organize your triptoMenorca on the road or at home on your couch. No matter whenandwhere, anytime, anywhere."ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU'RE JUST"Thanks to the offline map you can find your way anywhere. Youcanfigure show your position and you will no longer runasguaranteed.»PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR TO-DO LIST"Whether you're traveling with your family and children, travelingona budget or just the two of rain in Menorca explore want: wehavecompiled the best tips for you.»TRAVEL TIPS FROM THOUSANDS OF TRAVELLERS"Get authentic recommendations and reviews for the bestdestinationssuch as Ciutadella, Mahon, Fornells and insider tipsfor goodrestaurants, shops, hotels, bars, clubs, events / festivalsandmore locally.»ATTRACTIONS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS & MORE"Scour the most exciting corners of the neighborhood: Discoveruniquesights and tips in the community.The most popular guides with offline maps including Trip Plannerandinsider tips for over 500 cities, countries and regionsworldwideand more than 10 million passengers.You like the new design of our guide, you are missingcertainfunctions or you have general feedback on another topic?Weappreciate your opinion, please send us following destinations are included, for example:Ciutadella / western tip, Es Mercadal, Es MigjornGran,Ferreries, Es Castell, Alaior, Sant Climent, Mahon / easterntip,Tramuntana, Migjorn / Island Center
Alminav: Offline Outdoor Navi 3.3.4
Routes planning and offline GPS navigator for hiking and cycling
Mallorca Events 2.0
Mallorca Events organizationandmanagement.Mallorca VIP services, Tours, Incentiveprograms,Sailing andcorporate events. Luxury services and eventsfor groups,companies,individuals and institutions in Mallorca,Menorca andIbiza.
Menorca Travel Guide & Map 2.3.34
Sygic Travel
Never miss the best sights on yourtripagain.Tripomatic allows you to pick attractions thatyouwant tosee and create a day-by-day itinerary for your journey.Itis thebest way to explore the places you havenevervisitedbefore.FEATURES• Choose the best places to visit from our curated listofmorethan 100.000 attractions, covering 150+ countries-never missout on the best sightseeing again• Plan your travel itinerary in just a few minutes - spendyourtimeon travel, not on planning• Get weather forecast - what is the best day toschedulethatriver cruise for?• Use time & distance estimates - is the wayfromthestation to your hotel worth taking a taxi?• Sync the itinerary across all your devices -you’llalwayshave your dream trip close at hand• Find a hotel in your destination and save it to youritinerary-always find a way back to your hotel• Enjoy detailed and walking-friendly maps - explorethecityin the best way possible, on foot• See subway lines on the map in popular cities - quicklygetaroundtown like a local• Download offline maps and use the app offline(availableasin-app purchase) - no more roaming fees• Download and print out a PDF guide - don’tworryaboutbattery power.REVIEWERS SAY• Guardian’s Android App of the Week• Gizmodo’s App Deal of the Day• Outside Magazine: The Best City Guide App for your Phone• Also featured in BBC, The Telegraph, PC Magazine,TNW,ProductHuntand othersGET IN TOUCH WITH USCheck out our web planner: http://www.tripomatic.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: our support team: team@tripomatic.comTo access 1000+ destinations worldwide, downloadthefull-fledgedTripomatic app for free.Availableat