Top 27 Apps Similar to БЛИЗНЕЦЫ Гороскоп сегодня, зав

Lunar Calendar – Moon Calendar 7.7
Luna or moon calendar with guides for relationship, business,&zodiac signs.
ТОЧНЫЙ ГОРОСКОП + Солнечный и Лунный календарь в разделевлияниеЛуны и Солнца! О приложении: – Гороскоп на русском языке длявсехзнаков зодиака – Лунные и Солнечные дни. Луна и Солнце взнакахзодиака. – Гороскопы на сегодня, завтра, неделю, месяц, год–Любовный гороскоп Астрология – это наука, которая по датерожденияспособна определить характер и судьбу человека! ТОЧНЫЙГОРОСКОПоткроет вам тайну предстоящих событий, предупредит онеприятностяхи поможет избежать ошибок! Для всех, кто желаетразобраться в делахсердечных, в приложении представлен любовныйгороскоп отпрофессионального астролога. Гороскоп на каждый день ВСЕЗНАКИЗОДИАКА: Овен Телец Близнецы Рак Лев Дева Весы СкорпионСтрелецКозерог Водолей Рыбы Астрология — наука для тех, ктоспособенмыслить! Если хотите знать свой гороскоп по дате рождения,зайдитев приложение, укажите ваш знак зодиака и смотритеподробныйгороскоп на сегодня, завтра, неделю, на месяц вперед иливесьгороскоп на год сразу. Точны ли предсказания?Астрологическийпрогноз составляется практикующим астрологом. Выбравприложение"ТОЧНЫЙ ГОРОСКОП", вы убедитесь, что наш специалистдостоиндоверия! КРАТКОЕ ИНТЕРВЬЮ НАШЕГО АСТРОЛОГА – Что вы можетесказать,о людях, разделяя их только по знакам зодиака, невстречаясь с нимилично? – Я придерживаюсь проверенной методикисоставления общихпрогнозов, которую переняла у своего учителя. Посложной формулерассчитывается процентная вероятность событий ирекомендаций дляпредставителей разных знаков зодиака зодиака вопределенныйпромежуток времени. – Почему некоторые настаивают натом, чтоверить можно только персональным гороскопам? –Персональныйгороскоп хорош тем, что он составлен для конкретногочеловека, сучетом времени и места рождения. Да, это более точнаяинформация,но чтобы профессиональный астролог составил для васличныйгороскоп, придется заплатить приличную сумму. Плюс гороскопапознаку зодиака в том, что он бесплатен и достаточно точен,еслисоставлен грамотно. – Как же понять, какой гороскоп правдивый?–Скорее, тот, в котором больше рекомендаций, чем подробногоописаниядня. Если вы, читая астропрогноз, видите рассказы обесконечныхновых знакомствах и вечных романтических отношениях,стоитзадуматься...
Daily Horoscope & Astrology 1.2.7
World of Secrets
Astrology and Zodiac Horoscope 2022. Compatibility Signs&Characteristics.
Allastro: все ответы здесь. 4.1
Allastro: horoscopes, fortune telling, numerology and biorhythms-everything is collected here!
Гадание Таро и гороскопы 2.3.0
Tarot free! True divination + Horoscope for every day, week, month
Leo Horoscope & Astrology 4.23.2
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Lunar Calendar. Moon Phases + horoscopes 2.6
Moon is the closest to us heavenly body. Ever sinceancienttimespeople noticed that the Moon has a strong influence onmanyaspectsof their life and health. That's why Lunar Calendarweredeveloped.Moon phase influences on the rhythm of watermetabolismin livingorganisms, on functional physiology, on thecyclicityofreproduction in the animal world, and on many otherprocesses,andthis fact has been confirmed by scientificresearch.Differentlunar phases affect our mood, luck, andwell-being. Withthe helpof this Moon Calendar you can find out theLunar phase andLunarday for a selected date and time.
Runes Reading–Runic Divination 2.9
Get an Ancient rune every day to find answers, divining,&fortune telling.
Book of changes 1.6
Funny Blox
Canon of Changes
Daily Horoscope 2023 5.4.27
Code Blenders
Daily horoscope - zodiac predictions, love horoscope,compatibilityand more
Гадание И-Цзин Книга Перемен 1.1.1
Let the wisdom of the ancient Book of Changes in my life.Guessingfree online.
Leo Horoscope 2017
Get your free personalized horoscopepreparedby expert astrologists for 2017. Learn about yourself inthe fieldsof love, work, money and well-being.The predictions are intended for Leo, who can be describedaswarm, ruling, generous, faithful and proactive.Features:• 6 daily Energy Levels (Mood, Willpower, Wit,Seduction,Ambition and Kindness)• 5 Lucky Numbers and 2 Sign Affinities(proversion)• 3 celebrities birthdays, zodiac sign and trivia• All horoscopes and predictions prepared for the Leozodiacsign• Enter your zodiac profile to improve even more theaccuracyof your predictions• High quality design and interface optimized for phonesandtabletsThis app will give you a new daily Leo horoscope forfree.Optionally, extra features can be unlocked for a smallfee.If you like the app, please rate it and share it.To ask us a question:
Daily Horoscopes
With this free horoscope applicationyou'llhave access to:- daily horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs- daily lucky numbers- daily predictions for: wellness, intellect, love,emotions,intuition, creativity, work and money.- famous birthdays- horoscope predictions for up to 3 day in advanceFind your western astrology zodiac sign:Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)Pisces (February 19 - March 20)Aries (March 21 - April 20)Taurus (April 21 - May 20)Gemini (May 21 - June 21)Cancer (June 22 - July 22)Leo (July 23 - August 23)Virgo (August 24 - September 22)Libra (September 23 - October 22)Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)Horoscopes are updated daily based on your region.If you encounter any bugs/errors while using thishoroscopeapplication please contact us
Lunar calendar Dara-Lite 9.12
Free lunar calendar with daily advice. GPS location. Widget.
The oldest gypsy divination 1.3.3
Anton Dzhantsiz
In front of you is a very special deck of cards, dissimilarofastandard deck. In fact, this is the divination-solitaire(inasolitaire is to necessarily something should converge).Itconsistsof simple drawings, symbols, intuitive everyone.TheGypsies drewthem exactly like this because everyone could usethem.Evenuneducated people who could not read the decryptionofthissymbols. For example, the sun. About a happy man alwayssaidthataround him the sun shines brightly. A gleam of swordstalkedaboutan enmity, symbolized quarrel - people with attitude"atsword'spoints" with each other. The most often cards used foracardspread of the coming day. In rare cases, they focused onaspecificquestion. You can lay out cards not more than three timesaday.Many results just only confuses and does not give an answerifyouoften tell fortune. So if you decide to lay out one dayoroneinmost question three times, you need to pay specialattentiontothose symbols that often converges, repeats. They arethemostprobable outcome. Why up to three times? During thesecardspreads,you can distract from the urgent problems and it isbetterto focuson your question.
Гадание на картах. Резы Рода. 1.006
Divination will give accurate answers, help you understandthesituation or learn about the future.
I Ching Book of Changes iChing
Stas Apps
Daily divination & predictions iChing. Fortune tellingYijingfor today & future
Aries Horoscope & Astrology 5.0.0
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Canning Recipes 6.35
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free canning recipes: tasty canningsalsa,recipes of canning tomatoes, delicious jam recipes, tastycanningtuna, pickled peppers, canning cucumber recipes, strawberryjam andothers dumpling recipes for you. Recipe app works offline.In thisapp you could enjoy: • All canning recipes with photo andsimpledetailed instructions • All free canning recipes are dividedintothe categories • Simple searching in the app by the name or bytheingredients • You can choose the recipes you liked and keep theminyour favorites. You can save cooked recipes • You can useashopping list. Just add the desired product directly fromtherecipe to the shopping list • You can share your owndeliciousrecipes and you can leave feedback about other recipes •There is atable of caloricity • Recipe app works offline and yourfavoriterecipes will always be with you, even when you have noInternetconnection! We offer to you lot recipes of: • Deliciouscanningrecipes: Pickled Okra, Sour Pickles, Sweet Pepper Relish,PickledPeppers Rings, Dilled Green Beans, Sweet PickledCauliflower,Cucumber Salad in a Jar, Authentic Amish RefrigeratorPickles,Jalapeno Pepper Jelly, Pickled Peppers, Cucumber Kim Chi,DillRelish recipe, Sauerkraut Relish recipe, RefrigeratorPickles,Pickled Vegetables, Easy & Healthy Chunky Salsa,CarrotPickles, Pickled Green Beans with Dill and Garlic, Sweet andSpicyZucchini Pickles, etc.; • Recipes of jam and sweet canning:recipeof Grannies Easy Jammy, Pineapple Banana Jam Recipe, recipeofPineapple-Jalapeno Jelly, Pear Relish, recipe ofHomemadeStrawberry Jam, Peach Fat Zapper, Peach Pepper Jellyrecipe,Jalapeno Jelly Habernaro Marmalade, Pear Honey,WatermelonPreserves, Homemade Applesauce, etc.; • A lot of recipesof sauceand dip in cans: Recipe of Hot Cowboy Dip, Honey MustardDip,Herbed Buttermilk Dressing, Jerk Ketchup, Spice Ketchup,CurryKetchup, Spicy Peanut Ketchup, Bloody Mary Ketchup,Sun-DriedTomato Ketchup etc.; • Mexican Garden Mix; • VegetableSoup; • ChaCha; • Green Tomato Chow Chow; • Sweet and SpicyZucchini Pickles;• Sweet and Spicy Pickles; • Pickled Green Beanswith Dill andGarlic; • Fire & Ice Pickles; • Spicy Dill QuickPickles; •Icebox Pickles; • Squash Relish; • Mondo Hot and SpicyPeppersPickles; • Homemade Canned Pizza Sauce; • Tangy SpaghettiSauce forCanning; • Dark and Spicy Eggs; • Red Beet Eggs and muchmore! Cookwith pleasure!
Aquarius Horoscope & Astrology 5.1.0
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Scorpio Horoscope & Astrology 4.23.2
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Gemini Horoscope & Astrology 5.0.0
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Daily Horoscope Love and Money 9.1.0
KingVille Solutions
Helps to keep hope, build love and make money. Or have a funwithcup of coffee.
Sagittarius Horoscope & Astro 4.23.2
ADNFX Horoscope
Daily prediction, zodiac & love compatibility and numerology
Numia: Astrology and Horoscope 2.2.4
Numia LTD
Astrology and horoscope zone, Tarot cards, palm reading insightsandNumerology
Православный Молитвослов Кален 1.3.0
БФ Правжизнь
Orthodox Calendar of Prayers Bible in one application
Карты: Гадания Предсказания 3.3.0
Fortune-telling: fortune-telling, fortune-telling for love,future,Lenormand cards