Top 5 Apps Similar to Electric Socket Shocker

Realistic stun gun 3.6
This app simulates a very realistic electric stun gun / taser
Stun Gun Prank 1
How to use:1 Turn on the small button on the side.2. clamp the big round button to use.Features:• 6 body color.• Quality design• Imitation flashNEWS AND EVENTSFacebook - - - - -
Electric Stun Gun
An application "Electric Stun Gun" will letyouturn your phone into a simulator of the stun gun. An image ofthereal taser will show up on the screen. In the background thecameraview will be displayed. Thanks to it, the phone willlooktransparent. You will have an impression of holding arealelectroshock device.How to use?Press and hold the picture of the electric shock device to startit.An animation of high voltage electricity coming from the topprobewill show up. Pulsating vibration, electric sound and LEDlightflashing like a stroboscope (the option of flashing cameralightavailable only on some devices) will make your friendsbelieve inthe authenticity of the device - at least for a moment.)If youthink that the electricity effect is too weak go to Settingsand setyour own device voltage. Remember that you will gain thebest visualeffect using the application at night.You can turn off the virtual stun gun at any moment by removingyourfinger from the picture of device.Features of an application:- Realistic of electricity animation- Camera view in the background (transparent phone effect)- An interesting visual effect by using camera backlight- Possibility of setting device voltage.
Strobe Light - w/ Music Player 1.12
Pixelated Play
Bring this Music-Playing, Color-Flashing Strobe Light to yournextParty!
Mustache - Moustache Hipsters 2.0.0
Homemade Video Tutorials
If you are really committed to findingthebestshave for you, then what you need is to try differentproductsanddifferent machines the Mustache or whiskers andbeardHipster,soaps, creams, brushes, etc and then the Mustacheorwhiskers andbeard Hipster with different products.✄ KNOW AND LEARN THE BEST CUTS FOR YOUR HIPSTER MUSTACHEANDBEARD✄✂ How Mustache Mustaches and beards or Hipsters wellOf course you do not have to leave right now to buy a lotofthings,probably in the course of a couple of years, will buyoneor two newmachines the Mustache or whiskers and beard Hipster,youcan takeadvantage of any discounts and buy a new brush orcreamsforexample.✂ There are also some very easy ways to test newproducts.Forexample, you can buy sample packs or the MustacheMustachesandbeards Hipster they are relatively inexpensive, theyhave aboutadozen products to try.✂ Similarly, buying more expensive products you can find, canbeamistake. Not always expensive = quality. There aresomecompanieslike Truefitt & Hill, who make great products atahigherprice, but there are a few that make great products atlowpricestoo. Edwin Jagger DE89 is a great example of that.As shave his mustache, beard and sideburns easilyandconvenientlyno longer be a nightmare with the following tipsandtricksshaving.Try different razors or the Mustache MustachesandbeardsHipsterIf you just enter the wet shave (or if you have notyettried),consider testing a machine or the Mustache MustachesandbeardsHipster. A wide range of razors or the MustacheMustachesandbeards Hipster. On one hand, there are productslikeelectricalmachines, which are super fast and super easy to use,butshavingdoes not last long and not so good, serve more to cut.Atthe otherextreme are the knives Mustache Mustaches and beardsorHipster,you get a better shave, but it takes a long time tolearnto use itproperly.The razors of the Mustache Mustaches and beards orclassicHipsterare in the middle. They can give you a shaveandcomfortable closeand are also relatively easy to use comparedwitha razor or theMustache Mustaches and beards Hipster. They arejustgreat. Mostrazors or the Mustache Mustaches and beardsHipsterbathe chromeblades and manufacturers understand thataesthetics isone of itsmain selling points, usually lookstunning.You do not have to sacrifice that atmosphere of oldmachinesthatoffer the Mustache Mustaches and beards or classicHipster.They arehandmade and shaved perfectly, besides providingapleasantexperience. These are some of our favorites.It is half of what makes a good lather. It is alsowhatwillcontact against your face. But the brushes can becomplicated.Ifyou have not used a brush or the Mustache MustachesandbeardsHipster before, it is almost impossible to say whatyoulike.To get an idea, perform a simple test, ask yourself whatkindoftowel you like. Would you like big fluffy towels thatglideoverthe skin ?, Or you prefer thick towels that you can feelthattheydo their job ?.Buy a good soap (or cream)This is the third piece of the Holy Trinity shaving.Razor'sMustacheMustaches and beards or Hipster, brush and soap.The soapsareessentially made of fats and other chemicals, soaps soyoulikeprobably depend more on your skin type. If you do notknowwhatsoap choose, then you must buy a soap with highglycerincontent.Glycerin is a common ingredient in many cosmeticsandshaving soapsare not exempt.