Top 3 Apps Similar to SARCO TRACKDROID

Il Mio Cedolino 1.0.8
Andrea D'Agostino
Permette di visualizzare i cedolinidellostipendio dei dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazionepresentisul portale NoiPa.ATTENZIONE: Questa NON e' un APP Ufficiale del servizio NoiPA.I cedolini in formato PDF sono salvati anche nella memoriadeldispositivo per successive consultazioni.La visualizzazione del cedolino tramite l'App puo' esserefattautilizzando un visualizzatore PDF installato sul dispositivooppureil servizio di visualizzazione documenti di Google.L'autore non e' in alcun modo collegato al Portale NoiPAel'applicazione e' frutto dell'analisi delle pagine HTMLpresentisul portale.Le credenziali sono memorizzate solo nell'applicazione. Ilserverintermedio che si occupa di scaricare i dati da NoiPA nonmemorizzale credenziali ed i dati dei Cedolini. Per soli finistatistici,vengono conservate alcune informazioni sul dispositivo(uuid e Marca/ Modello, ottenuti tramite lo User-Agent), l'hashsha1 del codicefiscale ed il nome dell'Ente di appartenenza.Ulteriori approfondimenti si trovano sul sito you to viewpaystubs for employees of the Public Administration in theportalNoiPa.WARNING: This is NOT 'an APP Official We service PA.Pay sheets in PDF format are also saved in the device memoryforfuture reference.The display of slip through the App can 'be done using a PDFviewerinstalled on the device or the service displayGoogledocuments.The author is not 'in any way connected to the portalandapplication NoiPA' the result of the analysis of the HTML pagesonthe portal.The credentials are stored only in your application.Theintermediate server that takes care of downloading data fromNoiPAdoes not store the credentials and data Cedols. Forstatisticalpurposes only, some information is stored on the device(uuid andMake / Model, obtained via the User-Agent), the sha1 hashof thetax code and the name of the Employer.Further details can be found on the website
Steam Tools Mobile App 1.1
Spirax Sarco
Spirax Sarco Steam Tools app is now available for Androiddevices,providing access to key calculations in the palm of yourhand.Simple to use, the app enables quick and easy access to bothourSteam Table and Saturated Steam Pipe Sizing tools without theneedfor an internet connection, making it perfect for steamengineerson the go. Also within the app are links to our worldleading steamengineering tutorials, comprehensive productliterature catalogue,international website and YouTube channel.Features: - Supportsmultiple languages - Temperature units in °C,°F or K - Defaultoutput units Metric and Imperial - Input andOutput data availablein bar g, a, Kpa g & abs and psi g & aSpirax Sarco is theleading global provider of high quality productsfor the controland efficient use of steam and other industrialfluids
* Integration with WebXpress ERP system.* Real time bill submission* Submission details such as Submission date, submitted toandcontact number of person is captured.* After bill submission, user will capture the imageofacknowledgement copy.* While the image is captured application also storesthelocation of image capture by storing Latitude and longitude oftheimage capture.* The captured image is available for viewing in Bill view&print and Bill Tracker module of WebXpress ERP system