Top 9 Apps Similar to Q Traffic

V-Traffic: traffic info
Travelling in Europe*? Check traffic androadweather conditions along your route!Don’t waste any more time stuck in traffic jams! Trafficinformationfrom V-Traffic gives you real-time updates on trafficstatus,accidents, road closures, bottlenecks, road works,congestion,police checkpoints**, speed cameras** and animalhazards (wildanimals crossing the road, farm animals on the road,etc.).Report any incidents you encounter while travelling simplybytapping the ‘Report event’ button and selecting the typeofincident (accident, congestion, road works, slippery road,policecheckpoint or animal hazard).Consult our road weather service before setting out. This willgiveyou plenty of real-time warning of weather conditions thatmayaffect traffic flow, saving you time and helping you travelmoresafely. Our road weather service was developed in partnershipwiththe Finnish Meteorological Institute.Weather forecasts produced in partnership with Météo-Franceprovideyou with detailed weather predictions covering several daysat atime.The most complete service available:V-Traffic covers more than 600,000 km of road network inEurope*,including motorways, secondary roads and urban arteries.Allinformation is updated in real time, offering unprecedentedlevelsof quality and accuracy.Whether commuting to work or travelling on vacation, you cannowcall up accurate traffic information directly from yoursmartphone.Travelling abroad? Avoid traffic congestion and plan thebestroutes using the latest local information, updated inrealtime.With a single tap, you can check traffic conditions inParis,Stockholm, Olso, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Helsinki and manyotherEuropean cities.*Available in: France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, DenmarkandPoland.**Depending on local legislation and availability.
SRF Verkehrsinfo 3.2.1
SRF Verkehrsinfo hält Sie über dieaktuelleVerkehrslage auf den Schweizer Strassen auf dem Laufenden.Anhandvon Webcam-Bildern können Sie das Verkehrsaufkommenselberbeobachten. Ausserdem erfahren Sie, in welchen Parkhäuserningrösseren Städten noch Plätze frei sind.Hauptfunktionen von „SRF Verkehsinfo“:• Informationen zur aktuellen Verkehrslage auf denSchweizerStrassen mit folgenden Kategorien: Verkehrslage,Strassenzustand,Baustellen, Pässe, Tunnelzufahrten, Autoverlad,Parking undWebcams• Kartenansicht mit Infos zum Verkehrsfluss• Locate-me-Funktion: positioniert die Karte anIhremStandort.• Listenfunktion mit Meldungen in der Nähe und Favoriten• Push-Nachrichten-Dienst für wichtige Autobahnabschnitte• Staumelder und Notfallnummern• Informationen zum Bahnverkehr• Sprachversionen deutsch, französisch (RTS trafic) unditalienisch( traffico)SRF Traffic keepsyouinformed of the current traffic situation on the Swiss roadstodate. Using webcam images You can watch the traffic itself.Youwill also learn where car parks in major cities there areplacesavailable.Key features of "SRF Verkehsinfo":• information about the current traffic situation on the Swissroadsfollowing categories: traffic, road conditions, constructionsites,passports, tunnel entrances, car transport, parkingandWebcams• Map with information about the traffic flow• locate me function: positions the map to your location.• List function with messages near and Favorites• Push-message service for major highway sections• congestion indicators and emergency numbers• information on rail services• languages ​​German, French (RTS trafic) and Italian(RSI.chtraffico)
Traffic Info and Traffic Alert
Grabow Commuter
Avoid traffic jams - google maps & tomtom-maps combinedforgetting the max
Info Trafic Nantes
L'application mobile "Info Trafic Nantes"vouspermet d'accéder à l'information trafic de l'agglomérationNantaiseen temps réel depuis votre mobile Android.Du centre ville aux autoroutes en passant par lepériphérique,visualisez instantanément la fluidité des axesroutiers.Vous êtes notifiés en temps réel des temps de parcoursdisponibleslorsque vous arrivez à proximité d'une borned'information.Écoutez les radios trafic pour suivre les évènements liés àlacirculation en direct.Retrouvez les temps de parcours et l'emplacement des PanneauxàMessage Variable ainsi que la liste des travaux en cours et àvenirdirectement sur la carte.L'alerte SMS vous permet d'être informé en cas d'évènementmajeursur les voies principales de l'agglomération.Appelez la boite vocale info circulation.Enfin, afin de vous conforter dans vos déplacements,l'applicationvous donne accès aux vidéos prises en temps réel parles webcamsimplantées sur les différents axes de Nantes.L'application "Info Trafic Nantes" est en constanteévolution.Profitez de l'expérience de Nantes Métropole et Bison Futéenmatière d'analyse et de diffusion d'informations routières.Continuez à apprécier l'ergonomie et la qualité de lacartographieGoogle Maps déjà présente dans votre mobile.Le tout dans une seule et même application Android orchestrée parlasociété Decam, une jeune pousse Nantaise spécialisée dansledéveloppement d'applications mobiles.L'application utilise des jeux de données mis à disposition vialaplateforme par Nantes Métropole, la Ville deNanteset leurs partenaires.Développement de l'application : Thomas GORISSEThe mobileapplication"Traffic Info Nantes" allows you to access trafficinformation ofthe Nantes agglomeration in real time from yourAndroidmobile.From downtown highways passing through the device,instantlyvisualize the fluidity of roads.You are notified in real-time travel times available when yougetclose to an information terminal.Listen to the radio traffic to track events related tolivetraffic.Find travel times and location of Variable Message Signs andthelist of ongoing and future work directly on the map.The SMS alert allows you to be informed in case of a major eventonthe main roads of the city.Call voicemail info circulation.Finally, to strengthen you in your travels, the applicationprovidesaccess to videos taken in real time by cameras located ondifferentaxes of Nantes.The "Traffic Info Nantes" is constantly changing.Enjoy the experience of Nantes Métropole and Traffic monitoringinthe analysis and dissemination of traffic information.Continue to enjoy the ergonomics and the quality of GoogleMapsmapping already in your mobile.All in a single Android application Decam orchestrated bythecompany, a start Nantes specializing in the development ofmobileapplications.The application uses data sets made available through by Nantes Métropole, the city of Nantes andtheirpartners.Application development: Thomas GORISSE
ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner 12.4.3
Route planning, maps: find all the experience and know-howofViaMichelin!
Glob - GPS, Traffic and radar
Glob GPS
► Glob is all about contributing toandbenefiting from the common good, but not only ! Glob is asleekcombination of the latest car navigation technologyandworld-class real-time traffic information. You willalwayschoose the best route available based on accurate,real-timetraffic information that gets you to yourdestination faster,every day. Enjoy relaxed driving with accurateand timely alertsfor all types of speed cameras andtraffic jams. Youwill always choose the best route availablebased on accurate,real-time traffic information that getsyou to yourdestination faster, every day. Just by driving with Globopen,you're already contributing tons of real-timetrafficinformation to your local community. You can alsoactively reportaccidents, police traps and other hazards you see onthe road. Getroad alerts along your route.Plus, you can addfriends, sendlocations or keep others posted on your arrival time.Downloadnow for free and join the community of more than 3milliondrivers!► Glob is the most accurate and easiest to use GPS basedapp,which lets you:• Get real-time traffic information: See current trafficconditionsand how to avoid traffic jams• Get alerts for safety cameras: Avoid speeding fines withaccurateand timely speed warnings• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, hazards and more• Drive more safely thanks to acoustic and visual warning• Get the real-time alerts of mobile radar traps andfixedspeed cameras location• Automatic rerouting as conditions change on the road• Benefit from biker Mode or colorblind Mode• Report new traps, police radar, mobile camera with asingletap• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, and more• The world’s largest online speed cam database frompremiumproviders• 300 000+ real-time alerts of mobile speedcamerasand police traps each monthNote: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. Glob will automaticallyshutdown if you run it in the background and haven't driven forawhile.
Point Route | Trafic facile 2.0.41
Smart traffic in real time: Forecasts, Alerts, GPS, live road info
Do you travel with SNCF regularly or justnowand then? Download the new SNCF app and find out how it canhelpyou on the move:• find routes to or from a station or an address, and save themtoget personalised updates in real time (your train times,departureand arrival platforms, any alerts and details ofworks)• use location services to find the stations nearest to you, ortofind a route to them• view departures and arrivals at the station of your choice• import your tickets (e-tickets(1) or paper tickets) forsupportright up until your train leaves (route calculation, timeleftbefore departure, platform and seating information)• import your SNCF loyalty card to find all your tripsautomaticallyand receive all your useful travel data• Save your regular trips to get live train times instantlyandorganise your lifeYour SNCF app provides information for more than 5,400 stationsinFrance and 150 in the rest of Europe. TGV, TER,Transilien,Intercités, Eurostar and Thalys: valid for all trainsandcoaches(2) operated by SNCF Group and its partners, the SNCF appisan aid to travel in Île-de-France, the Paris metropolitanarea,France and Europe.Do you have a connected watch? Good news! The app is compatiblewiththe Moto 360 as well as all compatible Android Wear watches.Getuseful information and updates on your saved trips direct toyourwrist.Please let us know your needs, wishes and suggestions tohelpimprove the app in "More- your opinion matters". We will updatetheapp regularly with the changes you ask for!
VAI Anas Plus
ANAS S.p.a.
L’App VAI PLUS di ANAS SpAfornisceinformazioni certificate sul traffico con aggiornamenti intemporeale.È un servizio da usare responsabilmente, non durante la guidaerispettando i limiti e le normative che regolano lacircolazionestradale.FUNZIONALITÀL’App si suddivide in due macro-aree, raggiungibilitramitequattro pulsanti presenti nella home.La funzione “Mappa” offre una visione completa di tutteleinformazioni che ruotano intorno all’utente: telecamere, lavoriincorso, ordinanze sul traffico, velocità medie e moltoaltro.Due pannelli laterali permettono la visualizzazione diulterioridettagli come la velocità media di una strada selezionatao ladistanza dagli eventi più critici.Vai plus supporta la funzione di “tracking”; saràsufficienteabilitarla e lasciare al dispositivo il resto dellavoro.Per chi invece vuole un approccio più rapido ed efficace c’èlamodalità: “Traffico città”. Un rapido sguardo ad uno degliottosinottici presenti permetterà di evitare o di scegliere lastradaalternativa.A corredo di tutte le informazioni legate al traffico èpossibilevisualizzare in modalità mappa anche le previsionimetereologicheper le principali città italiane.COLLEGAMENTO ALLA RETEI dati si aggiornano automaticamente e autonomamente ogni3minuti; se la connessione è debole o non disponibile,verrannovisualizzate le informazioni relativeall’ultimoaggiornamento.La data delle informazioni che si stanno consultando èsempredisponibile nella parte alta dello schermo.GEOREFERENZIAZIONEPer consentire all’App di localizzare la posizione dell’utenteènecessario, al suo avvio e solamente la primavolta,autorizzarla.CREDITSANAS SpA ha realizzato ANAS PLUS con il supporto tecnologicodiEcobyte s.r.l.Guida con responsabilità e buona consultazione The App GO PLUScertifiedANAS SpA provides information on traffic updates inrealtime.It is a service to be used responsibly, not while driving andwithinthe limits and regulations governing road traffic.FEATURESThe App is divided into two main areas, accessible viafourbuttons on the home.The "Map" provides a comprehensive overview of all theinformationthat revolve around you: cameras, roadworks, trafficordinances,average speeds, and more.Two side panels are used to display additional details such astheaverage speed of a selected road or the distance fromthedisruption.Go plus supports the function of "tracking", it suffices toenablethe device and leave the rest of the work.For those who want a faster and more effective approach is themode:"Traffic city." A quick look at one of the eight synopticpresentwill avoid or to choose alternative route.In support of all information related to traffic, you can viewinmap mode also the weather forecast for major Italian cities.CONNECTING TO A NETWORKThe data are updated automatically and independently every3minutes if the connection is weak or unavailable, we willdisplayinformation about the last update.The date of the information you are referring to is alwaysavailableat the top of the screen.GeoreferencingTo allow the App to locate the position of the user isnecessary,at start-up and only the first time, authorize it.CREDITSANAS SpA achieved ANAS PLUS with the technological supportofEcobyte Ltd.Help with responsibility and good consultation