Top 6 Apps Similar to Abogados Cádiz

StreetWise CADlink 3.1.14
Hangar 14 Solutions, LLC
StreetWise CADlink provides serious, enterprise-grade softwarethatis focused on providing MDC-style features for use inrespondingemergency apparatus. StreetWise is a hybrid of responsesoftwareand preplan software, uniting these two traditionallydistinctfunctions into a single platform. StreetWise is realsoftware fordepartments that are serious about getting the mostfrom tablets orreplacing clunky outdated laptops. This applicationincludes avideo demo of the full product. Full activation requiresyourdepartment to have a subscription to StreetWise CADlinkdataservices and a link to be setup with your dispatch centerorsystem. Features: - Incident location and type are sent toassignedtablets with audible alert. Accuracy advisories providediflocation is estimated. - Incident updates sent by dispatchcenterinstantly update on tablet display with pop-up advisory.-Incidents are mapped automatically, with familiar“pinch-zoom”interface. - AVL shows the location of other units inreal time,see who’s on your call and who’s not. - Tap-to-displaydata forother units shows apparatus type, pump and tank capacity,EMS leveland staffing. - Choices of icons and colors for variousapparatustypes, rotate in direction of travel. - Web-based AVLdisplayavailable for use at dispatch console or headquarters. -Communityhazards and preplan points are displayed graphically onthetactical map and can be shared with other agencies. -Navigationalrouting is available, with turn-by-turn directionsavailable. -Hydrant layer shows location and touch-to-display datafor watersupply. - Choices of icons for various types of hydrantsordrafting points. - Switch to satellite photo view or terrainviewfor enhanced situational awareness. - Google StreetViewisintegrated for available interactive 360 degree photo. -Tacticalwaypoints can be dropped on the map and instantlysynchronized toall responding tablets for designation of stagingareas, incidenthazards, fire progression and more. NIMS iconsavailable. -Pre-incident plans are stored in the server andaccessed on anyresponding tablet. Preplans can be shared with otheragencies. -Preplans can be selectively cached to device storage foruse whenno broadband is available. - Exclusive “Preplan Wizard”,completefront-end pre-incident planning surveys for standalonebusiness,master or tenant spaces allow field collection of preplanswith thetablet. - Preplan photos can be added right from the tabletduringthe survey. Additional attachments can be uploaded. - Newpreplansare automatically synchronized to the server for immediateuse byall devices. - Instant photo “share” feature can sendincidentphotos to other responding units or be used forpost-disasterdamage assessment. Photos are retrievable fromadministrative webportal. - Device-to-group instant messaging.Message everyone orjust the units on your call. - Status buttonssend instanttimestamps to the server for later retrieval or sharingto CAD andNFIRS. All units’ current status displays to otherresponders. -Live interface with Emergency Reporting® auto-createsNFIRSincident report, fills in unit times and tactical screenactions. -Web-accessible agency log records every event andactivity. -Administrative web portal allows department to seticons,permissions, and entitlements for devices. - Print, list,export,or import preplan data or finished preplans right from thewebportal. - CAD-independent, uses common data exports oroptionaldispatch workstation app. - CAD transfers can use email,SMS, FTP,SFTP, XML, or a custom API. - Basic, simple user interfacewithlarge, easy-to-read touch commands and limited menus.-Bi-directional API interfaces available for sharing AVL andstatusbuttons back to CAD systems.
Manpower MX 3.1
Mayca Marketing
Manpower es Líder mundial enreclutamientoytercerización de personal para puestos temporalesy/opermanentes.Proporcionamos soluciones de capital humanoparamejorar laeficiencia operativa y el rendimiento de tu negocio.Descargue nuestra app y encuentre:Las últimas vacantesNuestras unidades de negocioContactoRedes SocialesTipsMapa de LocalizaciónEventosComparte la información en las redes sociales y ayudaatusconocidos compartiendo la información sobre las vacantes.Actualmente contamos con más de 100 unidades de negocio ymásde75,000 empleados temporales y permanentes con presencia enMéxicoyCentroamérica.Manpower istheworldleader in outsourced recruitment and temporary staffpositionsand/ or permanent. We provide human capital solutionstoimproveoperational efficiency and performance of your business.Download our app to find:The latest vacanciesOur business unitsContactSocial NetworksTipsLocation MapEventsShare the information in social networks and helpsyouknowsharing information about vacancies.We currently have more than 100 business units andover75,000temporary and permanent employees with operations inMexicoandCentral America.
Agencija Spektar 1.0
Vladimir Grgić
FREE app for viewing open vacanciespublishedon web page and other vacancies.Agencija Spektar is the oldest private job recruitment agencyinBosnia & Herzegovina. Along with recruitment andrent-a-workerservices, we offer HR trainings, business consulting,and vacancyadvertising on
1st Recruitment 1.0.4
Eazi-Apps Ltd
Established in 2002 and headquarteredinJersey,the 1st Recruitment Group is the Channel Islands numberoneoffshorerecruitment agency operating in Jersey and Guernseyaswell asSingapore, Hong Kong, Cayman, Dubai and Australia.Workingacross anumber of sectors we cover all levels of jobopportunitiesand areable to assist you at every step of yourcareer withinmajor andniche employers located in the ChannelIslands, UK andoverseas.Our experience covers many industry sectors acrossalldisciplinesand functions, including both the private andpublicsectors. Weassist people in and out of work to maximisetheircareer potentialand to plan, prepare and execute their nextcareermove.We are recognised within the industry as having aconsultancyteamof the highest calibre, all of whom have in-depthexperienceofCareer Management in addition to previous success intheirbusinesscareer.As the preferred recruitment agency for‘bluechip’global/international organisations as well as localgovernmentwespecialise in Permanent, Temporary and Contractemployment.Ourareas of expertise include Accountancy, Law, TrustandFiduciary,Funds, Banking, Compliance, Finance, Investments,HumanResources,Project Management, Marketing, IT,Telecommunications,OperationalSupport as well as localgovernment.We are able to provide exclusive job opportunities tohelpyouembark on a local or international career. Many ofourconsultantsare experts in their field having previously workedintheirspecialised sectors and will work with you to findtheidealposition that meets your skills and aspirations.As an employer, The 1st Recruitment Group is committedtoequalityand valuing diversity within its workforce. Our goal istoensurethat these commitments, reinforced by our values,areembedded in ourday to day working practices with ourclients,colleagues andpartners.- New Features- UI Improvements- Bug Fixes
Manpower Meca 4.1
Mayca Marketing
Manpower es Líder mundial enreclutamientodepersonal para puestos temporales y/opermanentes.Proporcionamossoluciones de capital humano para mejorarlaeficiencia operativa yel rendimiento de tu negocio.Actualmente contamos con más de 100 unidades de negocio ymásde75,000 empleados temporales y permanentes con presencia enMéxicoyCentroamérica.Nuestras oficinas se encuentran ubicadas en ElSalvador,CostaRica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá, Nicaragua yRepúblicaDominicanaque reportan a nuestra casa matriz enMéxico.Somos la primera Empresa, de Recursos Humanos en elpaís,quecuenta con reclutadores profesionales certificadosantelaSecretaría de Educación Pública (SEP).Contamos con un Comité de Gestión de Competencias CONOCER.Entidad de Certificación y Evaluación de CompetenciasLaborales.Manpower is aworldleaderin recruitment for temporary and / or permanentpositions.Weprovide human capital solutions to improveoperationalefficiencyand performance of your business.Currently we have more than 100 business units andover75,000temporary and permanent employees with presence inMexicoandCentral America.Our offices are located in El Salvador, CostaRica,Guatemala,Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua and Dominican Republictoreport to ourheadquarters in Mexico.We are the first Company, Human Resources in thecountry,withprofessional recruiters certified to the SecretaryofPublicEducation (SEP).    We have a ManagementCommitteeSkillsKNOW.    Assessment and CertificationBodyWorkSkills.
Keljob : Emploi, Job et Stage 4.7.0
Figaro Classifieds
☆ L’application incontournable pour trouver un emploi ☆Keljobc’est: - Plus de 25 000 offres d’emploi à travers la Franceet enrégions- 15 000 recruteurs (entreprises, cabinets derecrutement,chasseursde tête, agence d’interim, SSII, …) - Desemplois en CDI,CDD,Intérim, alternance & apprentissage, VIE,Stage, Freelance- Unerecherche avancée par critères (fonction,secteur, localité,motsclés,…) - Des alertes pour être le premier àrecevoir lesoffresdirectement sur son mobile L’application Keljobvous permetd'êtrealerté en temps réel aux opportunitésprofessionnelles, quevoussoyez dans le métro, en vacances, …retrouvez sur votre mobilelesoffres d’emploi qui vouscorrespondent. ✓ Fonctionnalitésdel’application - Recherche avancée: sélectionnez plusieurscritèresde recherche d’emploi pour obtenirun résultat quicorrespond àvotre profil - Créez une « Alerte derecherche » : dèsque denouvelles offres d’emploi correspondant àvotre recherchesontpubliées par des recruteurs, Keljob vous informeviaunenotification - Mise en favoris : enregistrez directementdansvosfavoris les annonces qui vous intéressent pourlesretrouverfacilement et y postuler une fois au calme survotreordinateur -Actualités : une rubrique pleine de conseilspourbooster voscandidatures et vous informer des actualitésderecrutement danstoute la France (aide à la rédaction de CV,lettrede motivation,…) ✓ Des offres pour tous niveaux d'expérienceettoutes lesfonctions Le service Keljob est le bon coin pourlesétudiants quirecherchent un job, une mission d’intérim, unstage,un VIE, oubien un contrat de professionnalisation oud’alternance.Quelle quesoit votre école (Ecole Supérieur deCommerce (ESC),Institutd’Administration des Entreprises (IAE),Ecoled’Ingénieur,Médecine, BTS, DUT, Prépa, Fac, IUT, …), Keljobaforcément desoffres pour vous. Coté recherche de travail,larichesse d’offresen CDI et CDD dans le secteur privé ou publicsurKeljob raviratous les pôles de métier (offres d’emploicommercial,offresd’emploi comptable, offres d’emploi BTP, offresd’emploimarketing,offres d’emploi IT, offres d’emploi développeur,offresd’emploiinfirmière, offres d’emploi communication, offresd’emploivente,offres d’emploi directeur, offres d’emploi manager,…) unesolutionefficace pour trouver un poste après une période dechômage/inactivité ou bien simplement pour relancer sacarrière.✓Actualités et reportages TV Chaque jour retrouvez debonsconseilspour améliorer votre CV, lettre de motivation ainsiquevosprestations en entretien. La rubrique Keljob TV est le boncoinquivous donne les astuces pour réussir votre entretiend’embaucheetdécrocher votre futur job ou stage. ✓ Périmètrederecherche(France, région, département, ville) L’applicationKeljobafficheles offres d’emploi disponibles à Paris, Lyon,Marseille,Bordeaux,Lille, Toulouse, Rennes, Rouen, Nantes, Caen,Nancy,Metz,Strasbourg, Nice, Montpellier. Retrouvez les offres enrégionetdans les Dom Tom. ✓ Rencontrer et échanger avecKeljobL’équipeKeljob tend à être toujours au plus près du candidatdanssonprocessus de recherche, c’est pourquoi vous pouveznousretrouversur de nombreux salons (salon de l’étudiant, salondurecrutement,un job dans ma rue, carrefour des métiers, ForumemploiHandicap,Forum emploi jeune, …) Si vous rencontrez unproblème surun desservices Keljob, un pôle d’accompagnement aspécialement étémis enplace pour vous aider. Il suffit de nouscontacter: