Top 17 Apps Similar to 禁煙!タバコは殺人?

Smokenote Pro - Quit Smoking 2.2
The essential choice for health and for quittingsmokingsuccessfully.
Let's quit smoking! 2.1.1
Let's quit smoking!
禁煙メモ 1.0
millis Inc
無料の禁煙支援ツールです。 喫煙本数、ニコチン・タール摂取量・タバコ代と禁煙節約代を記録します。【機能】・最後に喫煙からどれくらい時間が経過したかタイムウォッチし、禁煙を励まします。・減煙を開始してからの喫煙した総本数を記録します。・減煙を開始してからの平均喫煙本数を記録します。・喫煙した場合に簡単に喫煙本数を記録できるインターフェース。・カレンダー・過去30日の喫煙記録により、禁煙進捗が簡単に把握できます。・禁煙・減煙によって、使ったタバコ代と節約できたタバコ代を日々記録します。・月別の禁煙本数・タバコ代・節約したタバコ代をグラフ表示します。・月別のニコチン摂取量・タール摂取量をグラフ表示します。・禁煙開始からの健康効果を数値・グラフ化して表示します。・禁煙本数入力ウィジェット「禁煙メモ」は皆様の禁煙に役立つアプリケーションを目指しています。
Enjoy! Quit Smoking 1.8
Happy Gate
The highest quit smoking application presented to all thesmokers.Bye tobacco.
NoSmokingLite 1.1
DensanOfficeAutomation Co.
Applications that manage toquitsmoking.Tobacco and cost savings, extended life, did notcontrolthe amountof tobacco use. In addition, change the text colorandbackgroundto perform the reconfiguration and non-setting screenandstartdate.
禁煙成功率が読むだけで10倍アップする無料レポート 1.6
読むだけで禁煙成功率が10倍アップする無料レポート ※読み物アプリ【目次】第一話■世界の禁煙事情たばこの値段から推察出来る、今後日本でもたばこは1,000円までは値上がりする第二話■ニコチン依存の仕組み-----ニコチン依存の形成メカニズムは麻薬の依存メカニズムと同じ---第三話■潜在意識と暗示の話---意識が動作を命じたとき、その動作は既に行われている--- 第四話■脳は楽しい事が好き第五話■習慣を変えると人生が変わる第六話■ヤル気が湧き上がる名言集 (ヤル気がおきればスピードも効率も効果もすべてがアップする!)第七話■それでもヤル気が起きない貴方へ第八話■我慢だけの禁煙の成功率 第九話■禁煙開始準備から禁煙途中の危険時期家族に喫煙者がいる中での禁煙対処法など 第十話■成功の法則!(株)花咲堂企画
禁煙ヘルパー 1.6
禁煙ヘルパー音声録音機能を追加して、より強力に!愛する家族や恋人たちの声を録音して、励ましの声を聞きながら禁煙しましょう〜〜!開発者は、現在、禁煙中で、禁煙をしながら感じた点を基にして禁煙に必要な機能を実現しました。禁煙を成功させるための第一歩は禁煙を決心する心からです。 その心に少しでも役に立てばと思います。主要機能お知らせメッセージ機能設定した時間間のおきで励ましのメッセージが受信できるため喫煙意思をさらに強くさせます音およびマナーモードを状況に合わせてコントロールすることができます。アプリのウィジェットを通じて禁煙の進捗状況を簡単に確認することができます。基本的なサイズは 4 * 2 であり、縦と横のサイズ変更が可能で、最小値は3*1です。ツイッター、フェイスブックなどを活用することができます。禁煙の進捗状況の確認禁煙開始日、経過時間、節約された金額を確認することができます。禁煙のアシスタントと一緒にあなたも禁煙成功の主人公になることができます。頑張って!Non smoking helperBy adding a voice recording function, more strongly!~ ~ you to record the voices of lovers and loved ones,let'snonsmoking while listening to the voice ofencouragement!Developers, I realized the functions required for non smokingonthebasis of the point where the current, in the non smoking in,Ifeltwhile the non smoking.The first step for a successful non smoking is sincerelydecidethenon smoking. And I think it helps a little to theheart.Primary functionBulletins functionIt is even stronger intention to smoke because themessageofencouragement in the care of the time between thesetcanreceiveYou can be controlled to suit the situation andsoundmannermode.You can easily check the progress of non smokingthroughthewidget app.The basic size is 4 * 2, resize horizontal and verticalarepossible,and the minimum is 3 * 1.You can take advantage of Twitter, and Facebook.Confirmation of the progress of non smokingYou can see the amount of non smoking start date, elapsedtime,andthe saved.I you can even become a hero of non smoking success alongwiththeassistant of non smoking. Go for it!
Quit Smoking -No smoking day 2.0.7
Ready to quit smoking? Right now is a great time to quit smoking.
あなたの禁煙を15秒だけサポートします。操作は簡単!!起動して開始するだけです!まずは、アプリを起動して15秒だけ禁煙しましょう。タバコを吸いたくなるのは15秒で収まるそうです。15秒カウントするタイマーアプリです。カウントダウン中に言葉が表示され気を逸らしてくれます。このアプリであなたの喫煙時間が減ることを祈ります。私は禁煙して3年目になります一緒に禁煙頑張りましょう!You supportyournonsmoking only 15 seconds.All you have to do is! !Start-up to just start!First of all, let's non smoking only 15 seconds tolaunchtheapp.The want to smoke is so fit in 15 seconds.This timer app to count 15 seconds.Word is displayed during the countdown for us distracted.I pray that reduce your smoking time with this app.I will be the third year in non smokingTogether let's do our best non smoking!
Stop Smoking - quit smoking, b 4.0
Breathe will help you to stop smoking now and quit for good
Quit Smoking 3D! 2.0
UD4M Games
There was no smoking quittingapplicationuntilnow!World first 3D high quality quit smoking helper 3DAndroidversionis realeased!Lately, it is hard to find the place to smoke duetoGovernment`santismoking policyYou resolutely announced to quit smoking but it is notthateasy,right?Quit Smoking 3D help you to quit smoking!The best graphic, health data according to time ofnon-smoking,andgame that will release your stress from quittingsmoking~Right now, start to quit smoking with Quit Smoking 3D!# Play Movie[Feature of Quit Smoking 3D]◈ The best high quality 3D animation-There was no high quality 3D quit smoking app until now!-Real time quit smoking information on screen saver!!-At work~! At home~! Check real time quit smokinginformationinanytime.-Forget about existing boring quit smoking program~!!-Start to quit smoking fun and exciting~!!-Elegant and high completeness graphic enhance the valueofchargedpurchase.◈ Check real time quit smoking informationwithscreensaver!-You can check time passed and number of un-smokedcigaretteandsaved money since the start ofquitting smoking with fun Smoker-Check myself being healthy with real time quitsmokingdataaccording to time of non-smoking-It strengthen your willpower for the success ofyourquitsmoking◈ Release stress with mini game!-Stress and cigarette that weakens your will to quit smoking!-Enjoy the exciting action game that releasecravingforcigarette-You can release stress with mini game-Shoot smokers from left, right and front of screen usinginclineofcellular phone!Then, are you ready to quit smoking?Let`s start to quit smoking with Quit Smoking 3D forhealthoffamily, friends and yourself!※ Please check before using the app- It is unavailable to withdraw the subscription once thepurchaseiscompleted. Please purchase carefully.- Deletion of game and initialization of cellphone dataunabletherestoration of existing data.- Inquiry/advice regarding game isavailablethroughjylee@ud4m.comPlease include name, mobile phone number, mobile phonemodel,Androidversion and screen shot in inquiry mail.
Quit Smoking 2.0.5
For health, Start quit smoking now!
SmokeFree: Quit smoking slowly 5.2.0
MotiveBite Studio
Simple methods to help you quit
Get Smoke-Free! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You reallywant toquit smoking? You’ve tried many times without success? Areyoulooking for an easy and sustainable method to get smoke-free?Thentry out „Get Smoke-Free!“ today! „Get Smoke-Free!“ is apowerfultool for your personal change and empowerment. The hypnoticandrelaxation techniques within this program help you best toreachyour personal goal of a smoke-free, healthy and successfullife!*****************************************************************FEEDBACKSFROM USERS "Very good! This app is a great way tostrengthen thewill to stop smoking. I would recommend it to anyonewho reallywants to be become a non smoker! " "Super! I am not afan ofhypnosis, but with a little self control it is possible togo into... I’ve used it for 5 days and I really feel more able tonot becontrolled by smoking habits ..."*****************************************************************HOWTHE PROGRAM WORKS Did you know that „stop smoking“ is amongstthe 10most popular New Year’s resolutions? But why do so manypeople fail?The reason is, as so often, in ourselves. Weconsciously know thatsmoking is injurious to health. But smokingis a subconsciousreaction to different triggers and a habit thatwe have developedover a long time. According to medical studiesthe actual nicotinedependence is over after just one week of nonsmoking. But the habitstays and thoughts revolve around smokingpermanently. This viciouscircle can be broken with the powerfultechnique of hypnosis! Thesuggestions in this program will helpyou change the way you thinkabout smoking. Get the necessarymotivation for building a newhealthy life-style without cigarettesand nicotine. Listening to"Get Smoke-Free!" will make you feelhealthier, happier, more aliveand free of this addiction at last.ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSmoke-Free!“ was designed by well-knownGerman Hypnotherapist KimFleckenstein. Kim Fleckenstein is acertified alternativepractitioner in psychotherapy, a clinicalHypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich she alreadypublished a range ofbest-selling self-help and hypnosis programsas Apps and MP3s underthe label GET ON APPS!. Her unique techniqueand self experienceshave helped to create the special characterand heart of herrecordings. Getting requests from all over theworld, she decided topublish her hypnosis programs in Englishlanguage as well. Togetherwith professional and native speakerCathy Weber she made itreality! WHAT YOU GET • A highly effective30-Minute professionalHypnosis session using the latest hypnoticand relaxation techniques– suitable for both, beginners and moreexperienced users. • Theprofessional and warm voice of CathyWeber, which leads you into adeep state of relaxation and change.• A high quality and state ofthe art recording. • Professionallycomposed background music forevery program by CSW Music. •Customize your settings and discoverother useful features. PLEASENOTE Do not listen to this programwhile operating a motor vehicleor during any other activity thatrequires your full attention. This program does not replace adoctor or any other medicalaids.  The best effect can beachieved by listening to thisprogram once a day over a period of 4weeks. GET SMOKE-FREE! ISYOUR PERSONAL COACH. ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVEIT A TRY, NOW!
Quit Smoking Tracker GOLD - st 4.0
This app will help you to stop smoking now and quit for good
금연시계 1.12
It is a simple application indicating the non-smoking one hour.
ワクチンノート~赤ちゃんの予防接種スケジュールを管理~ 6.7.0
It is an application that can manage the vaccination scheduleandrecord the vaccination from 2 months to 5 years old.