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Mit DGS durch Berlin 1.0
Berliner Reiseführer inDeutscherGebärdensprache - gebärdet von Andreas CostrauEs gibt viele Berliner Reiseführer – bisher jedoch nichtinDeutscher Gebärdensprache. Das ändert sich nun, dennAndreasCostrau zeigt uns seine Stadt in DeutscherGebärdensprache.Das Besondere an der App:- In 95 Videos werden Sehenswürdigkeiten, Museen, Parks etc.inDeutscher Gebärdensprache vorgestellt.- Die meisten Videos sind an den vorgestellten Orten gedrehtworden– nicht im Studio!- Es gibt die Kategorie „Deaf-Infos“, in der interessante OrteundInstitutionen speziell für Schwerhörige und Taubevorgestelltwerden (zum Beispiel Jubel3, Deutscher Gehörlosenbundoder das Grabvon Gunther Trube).- Die Gebärdensprachvideos können mit oder ohneUntertitelangeschaut werden.- Jedes Video wird ergänzt mit Fotos und Texten.Wer ist Andreas Costrau:- taub- 3. Generation einer tauben Familie- Staatlich anerkannter Gebärdensprachdozent- Inhaber der Gebärdensprachschule DGS-Lehrbeauftragter an verschiedenen HochschulenWir wünsche viel Spaß mit dem Reiseführer!Die App benötigt mehrere Berechtigungen, um den StatusIhresGeräts und Ihre Position zu ermitteln - sofern Sie dieswünschen.Wir speichern nur Daten auf ihrem Gerät, die für dieNavigation undden Betrieb der App benötigt werden. Wir speichernkeinepersönlichen Informationen auf unseren Servern undidentifizierenSie nicht über Ihr Gerät!Berlin travel guideinGerman Sign Language - behaving by Andreas CostrauThere are many Berlin travel guide - but so far not inGermansign language. That changes now, because Andreas Costraushows ushis city in German sign language.The special feature of the app:- In 95 videos attractions, museums, parks, etc. are presentedinGerman sign language.- Most of the videos have been filmed in the presented places -notin the studio!- There is the category of "Deaf-info", are presented intheinteresting places and institutions specifically for thehearingimpaired and the deaf (eg Jubel3, German Association of theDeaf,or the grave of Gunther Trube).- The sign language video can be viewed with orwithoutsubtitles.- Each video is complemented with photos and text.Who is Andreas Costrau:- Deaf- 3 Generation of a deaf family- State of sign language lecturer- Owner of Sign Language School DGS-lecturer at several universitiesWe hope you enjoy the guide!The app needs multiple permissions to determine the statusofyour device and your position - if you so desire. We onlystoredata on their device that are needed for navigation andoperationof the app. We do not store personal information on ourservers andcan not identify you from your device!
German Phrasebook Lite 1
Talk it Eazy
Need App? to visit Germany.Get travel assistant phrasebook app before you visit Germany.Our App will help you to communicate with German people.“Talk it Eazy” German Translator Phrasebook is a mobileapplicationthat translates from English words and phrases toGerman,accurately.Give it a try and your satisfaction is guarantee.Clear audio translations recorded by native GermanSpeaker.No Internet connection required.This easy to use mobile German phrasebook will provide theuserswith correct pronouncing.This app is a good start for learning German.Once you download this application to your iPhone, iPod Touch,iPador Android, you’ll have the German translation for themostcommonly used words, places, cities and situations atyourfingertips.This app has more features than any other similartranslatorapp.With this application, you’ll have one less thing to worryaboutwhen planning a trip. So, the next time you are in German.PRIMARY FEATURES1. Compatible with both iOS & AndroidDetailAll our Apps are compatible and work well on all iOS devices suchas“iPhone”, “iPod Touch” “iPad” and Android devices.2. About 1800+ phrases & vocabularies in 14 CategoriesDetailOur apps contain about 1800+ commonly used phrases & words in14Categories.List of Categories1. Talking To People2. Transport3. Staying Somewhere4. Business5. Communication6. Eating & Drinking7. Money8. Emergencies9. Health10. Travelers with Special Requirements11. Leisure-time activities12. Shopping13. Numbers14. Colours3. Usable Offline (No Internet Connection Required.)DetailAll audio recordings and translated phrases and vocabularies forallcategories are embedded in the app. Need only to download forthefirst time.4. Genuine German Voice, Not Computer Generated.DetailAll audio recordings are in genuine German voice. Read thetextversion or touch and play the translated German audio so youcan besure of pronunciation and meaning.5. Easy “Search” FeatureYou can easily pull down “Search” Feature on every CategoriesandHome screen. Type in your search word or phrase and look upthesuggestions offered to find the best one that fits yourneed.6. Smart Favorites FeaturesYou can easily add your favorite phrases and words tocustomizefolders. Use “Swipe” gesture to add favorites folders andEasycustomization of deleting and positioning Phrases and wordsinFavorites folders.BenefitsNo more guesswork. No more sign language. No more confusion.Easy making new friends and better communication whendoingbusiness.Easy improve your German language skills, develop yourvocabulary,listening skills and your pronunciation.Easy dating and no more worries for the Emergency.Can steer clear from being “ripped off” by being misunderstood.
About Talk it Eazy- Web Site: Facebook: it eazy