Top 12 Apps Similar to CPR Emergency

BHF PocketCPR 2.0
ZOLL Medical
The British Heart Foundation PocketCPRprovidesREAL-TIME feedback and instructions on Hands-only CPR thatempowersANYONE to learn and practice CPR, so that they can beREADY whenseconds really count!!! The technology is the same asthat used inthe ZOLL PocketCPR for actual rescue from suddencardiac arrest.This version teaches Hands-only CPR skills according tothelatest American Heart Association and EuropeanResuscitationCouncil CPR and ILCOR Guidelines as published onOctober 18,2010.The app includes an introduction video to show the proper useofthe app and Hands-only CPR skills, as well as excellentvoiceprompting throughout the app to improve the skill oftherescuer.BHF Pocket CPR is a must-have app for anyone who wants tolearnhow to perform CPR with accuracy. The PocketCPR app can beused inCPR training programs and for individual practice at home oratwork. It is a great tool for families to learn CPR in order tobeprepared if a loved one needs their help.PocketCPR:• Actively utilizes the accelerometer hardware in the phoneforreal-time coaching and actual feedback on CPR while youarelearning and practicing.• Measures the actual rate and depth of your compressions andletsyou know if you need to push faster or slower, and whetheryoushould push harder or softer.Other CPR prompting devices can provide instructions on CPRorencourage you on the steps and pace of CPR, but ONLYPocketCPRcan:1. Give instructions.2. Prompt on the steps for proper Hands-only CPR.3. AND give you REAL-TIME feedback on the chest compressionsyoudeliver.PocketCPR will remind you to Call for Help, toCheckResponsiveness, and to perform Hands-only CPR at the correctrateand depth. The device algorithms are in complete compliancewithAmerican Heart Association and International Liaison CommitteeonResuscitation (ILCOR) guidelines.Pocket CPR features include:• Clear visual and audio step-by-step instructions onHands-onlyCPR performance, including initial steps for the ChainofSurvival.• Precise metronome to pace chest compressions.• Accurate ability to detect rate of actual compressions andtostate visually and audibly whether to push faster or topushslower.• Industry-proven technology to detect the depth ofchestcompressions.• Audio and visual prompts to push harder or to push softer.• Feature to detect when chest compressions have stopped andtoprompt user to START CPR.• Complete Instructions for Use.• Ability to capture and email CPR compression dataandaccelerometer data allowing the user to record the quality oftheCPR chest compression training.
ZOLL PocketCPR 4.5
ZOLL Medical
PocketCPR for Android ™providesREAL-TIMEfeedback and instructions on CPR that empowersANYONE tolearn andpractice CPR, so that they can be READY whensecondsreally count!The technology is the same as that used inPocketCPR,anFDA-cleared device, for actual rescue from suddencardiac arrest.Pocket CPR for Android is a must-have app for anyone whowantstolearn how to perform CPR with accuracy. The PocketCPR canbeused inCPR training programs and for individual practice athomeor atwork. It is a great tool for families to learn CPR inorderto beprepared if a loved one needs their help.PocketCPR for Android:• Actively utilizes the accelerometer hardware in thephoneforreal-time coaching and actual feedback on CPR whileyouarelearning and practicing.• Measures the actual depth and rate of your compressionsandletsyou know if you need to push faster or slower, andwhetheryoushould push harder or softer. The patented algorithmalsomeasuresthe recoil or release of each compression to helpensurefulldecompression during CPR. A Perfusion PerformanceIndicator(PPI)graphical display "fills" as compression quality isoptimalandremains optimal, providing the user an indication thatalltheelements of excellent, high quality compressionshavebeenachieved.Other CPR prompting devices can provide instructions onCPRorencourage you on the steps and pace of CPR, but ONLYPocketCPRforAndroid can:1. Give instructions.2. Prompt on the steps for proper CPR.3. AND give you REAL-TIME feedback on the chestcompressionsyoudeliver.PocketCPR for Android will remind you to Call for Help,toprovideventilations according to guidelines (optional), andtoperform CPRat the correct rate and depth. The devicealgorithmsare in completecompliance with American HeartAssociation andInternational LiaisonCommittee on Resuscitation(ILCOR)guidelines.Pocket CPR for Android features include:• Clear visual and audio step-by-step instructionsonCPRperformance, including initial steps for theChainofSurvival.• Option to go straight to chest compressions for thosewhoarefamiliar with the initial Chain of Survival steps.• Precise metronome to pace chest compressions.• Accurate ability to detect rate of actual compressions andtostatevisually and audibly whether to push faster or topushslower.• Industry-proven technology to detect the depthofchestcompressions.• Audio and visual prompts to push harder or to push softerandtorelease fully if decompression is incomplete• Prompts to remind the user to provide ventilationsafterthedetection of 30 chest compressions.• Feature to detect when chest compressions have stoppedandtoprompt user to START CPR.• Complete Instructions for Use.NOTE: The Pocket CPR for Android is currently fortrainingandpractice purposes only. The application is not yetcleared bytheU.S. FDA for use in an actual rescue.Exciting New Features include:1. New Main Menu with "Direct to CPR option" allowing theusertoimmediately access the Compression Screen and Real CPRHelp(tm)2. Recoil measurement to guide Full Release andpromotecompletedecompression during CPR practice3. Optimal Compression Guide - PerfusionPerformanceIndicator(PPI) - a graphical representation to showat-a-glancethat allelements of optimal compressions are beingmaintainedincludingproper Depth, Rate, and Full Release4. Chest Compression Fraction now displayed in theCPRPerformanceGraphs5. Compressions with incomplete release are shown asdashedlinesin the CPR Performance Graph6. All Elements of the American Heart Association2013ConsensusScience CPR Guidelines are now coached and displayed -theONLY appthat has the patented technology to do this
First Aid: American Red Cross 3.0.0
American Red Cross
Expert advice for first aid everyday emergencies in your hand.
St John NZ CPR & AEDs 1.9
St John New Zealand
St John is the leading provider of first aid training in NewZealandas well providing ambulance services to 90% of thepopulation. Ourapp teaches the life-saving skills ofcardio-pulmonary resuscitation(commonly known as CPR) and showsyou how to use an AED (automatedexternal defibrillator). Knowinghow to save the life of a familymember, friend or colleague isvital - you never know when you mightneed to and this app iscompletely FREE. FEATURES: - Adult, Childand Infant CPR and AEDtutorials with audio prompts - CPR and AEDtraining videos from DrTony Smith, Medical Director at St John NewZealand - Maori andSimplified Chinese translations - Beeping andvibrating CPR TimingAssist to help you with consistent chestcompressions - Set up yourown emergency services phone number –useful when travelling abroad
Reanimatie 2.2.1
Download de gratis Reanimatie app voor directe ondersteuningbijeenechte reanimatie. Dankzij de reanimatietraining in deappblijftjouw kennis up-to-date. Ook krijg je handige meldingenopmaat,bijvoorbeeld als je reanimatiecertificaat bijna verloopt.Deapp ismakkelijk in gebruik en bevat: - De juiste begeleidingbijeen echtereanimatie, waaronder metronoom voor het juistetempo-Reanimatietraining in diverse noodsituaties - Een meldingalsjereanimatiediploma verloopt - Hulp bij het vindenvaneenreanimatiecursus in je buurt - Het laatstereanimatienieuwsMetdeze app heb je de goede reanimatiestappen enhet juisteritmeoveral binnen handbereik. Belangrijk om altijd bijje tehebben!
EZ CPR 2.5
Yariv Katz
EZ CPR is an app which giveseasy-to-followinstructions on how to save a life with a few simplesteps, for usein training and in emergency situations.Key features:1. Step-by-step descriptions for training of CPR skills2. Step-by-step instructions for CPR for emergency situations3. Integrated emergency button allows immediate dispatchofemergency medical services directly to your location basedonreal-time data from your phone, as well as direct contactwithemergency dispatch for further instruction for emergencycare.Note: this feature is only available in Israel at thispoint.
My CPR Assistant 3.1
HeartSavers of America, Inc
My CPR Assistant is a ComprehensivePersonalResponse assistant to aid with any emergency situation. Theappprovides the user the ability to get help or provide helpforemergencies ranging from medical and non-medical emergenciestoroadside assistance through its target based notificationsystem.My CPR Assistant also provides "how to" instructions duringamedical emergency for CPR and basic first aid. The app alsoallowstrained rescuers to scan a victim for facial blood flow -iftheycannot detect a pulse -and summon help from any nearbytrainedrescuer. My CPR Assistant functions like a "secondresponder"notifying nearby trained rescuers of an emergency intheirlocation.
Pulsar CPR
Simple CPR assistant that signals recommended pace ofheartcompression.
First aid by British Red Cross 2.12.5
British Red Cross
Be a life saver, download First aid by British Red Cross
急救導航 (AED定位+急救手冊+CPR/中風/昏迷指數) 1.1
AED幾乎人人可以使用,因此又稱「傻瓜電擊器」。一般而言,心跳驟停10分鐘內是急救黃金時間,1分鐘內電擊,急救成功率可達九成,每晚1分鐘,存活率下降7~10%。近幾年來許多先進國家在公共場所設置AED,已成為社會進步的指標,然而在台灣的知名度只有38.8%,設置的數量密度也仍待提升。。---(遠見雜誌)醫創團隊希望能藉由此app推廣這項對生存有重要意義的急救設施,醫創急救導航是我們初試之啼之作,此程式整合全台灣所有AED於googlemap上,民眾能藉即時定位快速找到最鄰近的AED位置並開始施行急救,然而我們了解這樣的緊急情況不會天天發生,因此這部app裡面還有以下功能(1.) 19項實用急救標準流程(2.) 中風評估(3.) 意識評估(4.) 快速急救電話撥號同時希望能藉由這款程式讓民眾得以在到院前得到正確的醫療處置,減少不必要的傷害發生。醫創團隊是誰?我們是由一群醫師、工程師與資訊分析師所組成的高度跨領域團隊,希望能藉由網路與智慧性手機的普及,提供給民眾正確與快速的醫療知識。未來如果有任何的醫療問題都歡迎來到我們的官方網頁(發問,我們也將不斷提供最正確的醫療知識給民眾,如有任何合作方案歡迎寄送至信箱,將有專員為您服務。
Home Remedies 1.08
Cure aches and pains naturally. Top Home Remedies.GrandmotherRemedies
First Aid PH 2.1
It is the first in the Philippines inhelpingto save lives. Volunteers + Logistics + InformationTechnology =Philippine Red Cross that is Always first, AlwaysReady, AlwaysThere. The Application gives you instant access topertinent neededto handle common first aid emergencies.•Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everydayfirstaid scenarios.•Fully integrated with 143 so you can call EMS from the app atanytime.•Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for every emergencies that we may encounter.•Preloaded content means you have instant access to allsafetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or anInternetconnection.•Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show off your lifesavingknowledge.