Top 15 Apps Similar to PK Uni Guide

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University Admission Guide PK 1.0
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Üniversite Taban Puanları 1.1
Pdrci.Net web sitesi tarafındangeliştirilenuygulama ile üniversiteye hazırlanan öğrencilerinhedefledikleriüniversitelerin veya üniversite bölümlerinin en sonyılki 2015-2016taban puanlarını ve 2015-2016 başarı sıralamasınıöğrenecekleri biruygulamadır.Uygulama en son yılki yerleştirme sonuçlarınagöregüncellenmiştir. Bu uygulamada 2015 yılı üniversitetabanpuanlarını ve 2015-2016 YGS-LYS taban puan ve başarısıralamasınıiçermektedir.Uygulamada hem üniversite üniversite hem bölüm bölüm hem depuantürlerine göre sıralama ile arama yapabilirsiniz.uygulamanınkullanımı kolaydır. Uygulamada içerikleringörüntülenmesindetavsiye olarak YATAY kullanım tavsiyeedilmektedir.Uygulama içerisindeki bazı bölümler;Tıp Fakültesi, Diş Hekimliği, Eczacılık, BilgisayarMühendisliği,Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği , EndüstriMühendisliği, İnşaatMühendisliği, Mimarlık, Makine Mühendisliği,Beslenme ve Diyetetik,Fizyoterapi, Hukuk, Hukuk, Psikoloji,Sosyoloji, Felsefe, Rehberlikve Psikolojik Danışmanlık, KamuYönetimi, Uluslararası İlişkiler, İçMimarlık, Sınıf Öğretmenliği,İktisat, İşletme, Maliye, Muhasebe,Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık,Ekonometri, Ekonomi, İşletme, SosyalBilgiler, Radyo ve Televizyon,Halkla İlişkiler, Gazetecilik,Gastronomi ve Mutfak, Türkçe, TürkDili ve Edebiyatı, Tarih,İngilizce, Almanca, Fransızca, MF1, MF2,MF3, MF4, TM1, TM2, TM3,TS1, TS2, DİL1, DİL2, DİL3Uygulama içerisindeki üniversiteler;Abant İzzet Baysal, Abdullah Gül, Acıbadem, Adana BilimveTeknoloji, Adıyaman, Adnan Menderes, Afyon Kocatepe, AğrıİbrahimÇeçen, Ahi Evran, Akdeniz, Akdeniz Karpaz, Aksaray, AlanyaAlaattinKeykubat, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa, Amasya, Anadolu,Ankara,Ardahan, Artvin Çoruh, Atatürk, Atılım, Avrasya, AvrupaMeslekYüksekokulu, Bahçeşehir, Balıkesir, Bartın, Başkent,Batman,Bayburt, Beykent, Beykoz Lojistik Meslek Yüksekokulu, Bezm-iAlemVakıf, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali, Bingöl, Biruni, Bitlis Eren,Boğaziçi,Bozok, Bursa Orhangazi, Bursa Teknik, Bülent Ecevit, CanikBaşarı,Celal Bayar, Cumhuriyet, Çağ, Çanakkale 18 Mart, Çankaya,ÇankırıKaratekin, Çukurova, Dicle, Doğuş, Dokuz Eylül, Dumlupınar,Düzce,Ege, Erciyes, Erzincan, Erzurum Teknik, Eskişehir Osmangazi,FarukSaraç Tasarım Meslek Yüksekokulu, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakfı,Fatih,Fırat, Galatasaray, Gazi, Gaziantep, Gaziosmanpaşa, GebzeYük.Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Gedik, Gediz, Giresun, Gümüşhane,Hacettepe,Hakkari, Haliç, Harran, Hasan Kalyoncu, Hitit, Iğdır,Işık, İ.D.Bilkent, İnönü, İpek, İstanbul 29 Mayıs, İstanbul Arel,İstanbulAydın, İstanbul Bilgi, İstanbul Bilim, İstanbul Esenyurt,İstanbulGelişim Üni., İstanbul Kavram Meslek Yüksekokulu,İstanbulKemerburgaz, İstanbul Kültür, İstanbul Medeniyet, İstanbulMedipol,İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim, İstanbul Şehir, İstanbul ŞişliMeslekYüksekokulu, İTÜ (İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi), İstanbulTicaret,İstanbul, İzmir Ekonomi, İzmir Katip Çelebi, İzmir, İzmirYük.Teknoloji, Kadir Has, Kafkas, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam,KapadokyaMeslek Yüksekokulu, Karabük, Karadeniz Teknik Üni.,KaramanoğluMehmetbey, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kilis 7Aralık,Kocaeli, Koç, KTO Karatay, Maltepe, Mardin Artuklu, Marmara,Mef,Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Melikşah, Mersin, Mevlana, Mimar SinanGüzelSanatlar, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman, Murat Hüdavendigar, MustafaKemal,Muş Alparslan, Namık Kemal, Necmettin Erbakan, Nevşehir HacıBektaşVeli, Niğde , Nişantaşı, Nuh Naci Yazgan Üni., Okan, 19Mayıs,Ordu, Osmaniye Korkut Ata, ODTÜ, Özyeğin, Pamukkale, PiriReis,Plato Meslek Yüksekokulu, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Sabancı,Sakarya,Sanko, Selahaddin Eyyubi, Selçuk, Siirt , Sinop, SüleymanDemirel,Süleyman Şah, Şırnak, Şifa, TED, TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji,Toros,Trakya, Tunceli, Turgut Özal, Türk Alman, THK, Ufuk ,Uludağ,Uluslararası Antalya, Uluslararası Balkan, UluslararasıKıbrıs,Uluslararası Saraybosna, Uşak, Üsküdar, Yalova, Yaşar,Yeditepe,Yeni Yüzyıl, Yıldırım Beyazıt, Yıldız Teknik, Yüzüncü Yıl,Zirve, website isanapplication developed by universities prepared theirapplicationswith their college or university students targeted partof the lastyear's base score of 2015-2016 and 2015-2016 out of therankingssuccess.The application is updated based on the last year'sresultsplacement. This includes the application of the 2015 and2015-2016YGS-LYS university basis points basis points andrankingsuccess.You can search by college and university rankings by applyingtoboth sections, types of points. Using the application is easy.Inpractice, it is advisable to use as recommended in the displayofcontent HORIZONTAL.Some sections within the application;Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, ComputerEngineering,Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, CivilEngineering,Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Nutrition andDietetics,Physiotherapy, Law, Law, Psychology, Sociology,Philosophy,Guidance and Counseling, Public Administration,InternationalRelations, Interior Design, Class Teacher Education,Economics,Business, Finance, Accounting, Banking and Insurance,Econometrics,Management, Economics, Social Science, Radio andTelevision, PublicRelations, Journalism, Gastronomy and CulinaryTurkish, TurkishLanguage and Literature, History, English, German,French, MF1,MF2, MF3, MF4, TM1, TM2, TM3, TS1, TS2, DIL1, DİL2,DİL3Universities within the application;Abant Izzet Baysal, Abdullah Gul, Acibadem Adana ScienceandTechnology, Adiyaman, Adnan Menderes, Afyon Kocatepe, AgriIbrahimChechen, Ahi, Mediterranean, Mediterranean Karpas, Istanbul,AlanyaAladdin Keykubat, Alanya Hamd Emin Pasha, Istanbul,Anatolia,Ankara Ardahan, Artvin Coruh Ataturk, Leap, Eurasia,EuropeVocational School, Bahçeşehir, Balıkesir, Bart, Capital,Batman,Bayburt, Beykent, Beykoz Logistics Vocational School,Bezmeni-iAlem Foundation, Bilecik Sheikh Edebali, Bingöl, Biruni,Bitlis onthe Bosphorus, Bozoklar, Bursa Orhangazi, Bursa Technical,BulentEcevit, Canik Success, Celal Bayar, the Republic Ages,Çanakkale 18Mart, Çankaya, Çankırı Karatekin, Çukurova, Dicle,Emergence, DokuzEylul, Dumlupınar, Düzce, Aegean Sea, ErciyesErzincan, ErzurumTechnical Eskisehir Osmangazi, Faruk Sarac DesignVocationalSchool, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation, Fatih Firat,Galatasaray,Gazi, Gaziantep, Eyup, Gebze load. Institute ofTechnology, Gedik,Gediz, Giresun, Gumushane, Hacettepe, Hakkari,Horn, Harran, HasanKalyoncu, Hittite, Iğdır, Light, I.D. BilkentUniversity, Inonu,Silk, Istanbul May 29 Arel, Istanbul Aydin,Istanbul Bilgi,Istanbul Science, Esenyurt, Istanbul DevelopmentUniv., IstanbulConcept Vocational School, Istanbul KemerburgazIstanbul Culture,Istanbul civilization, Istanbul Medipol, IstanbulSabahattin ZaimIstanbul City, Istanbul Sisli Vocational School, ITU(IstanbulTechnical University), Istanbul Chamber of Commerce,Istanbul,Izmir Economy University, Izmir Clerk Celebi, Izmir, Izmirload.Technology, Kadir Has, Caucasian, Kahramanmaraş dairyImam,Cappadocia Vocational School, Istanbul, Karadeniz TechnicalUniv.,Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli,KilisDecember 7, Istanbul, Coach, KTO Karatay, Maltepe, MardinArtukluMarmara, Mef Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Shah, Mersin, Mevlana MimarSinanFine Arts, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman Murat Hudavendigar, MustafaKemal,Muş Alparslan, Namik Kemal, Necmettin Erbakan, Nevsehir HaciBektasVeli, Nigde, Nisantasi, Nuh Naci Yazgan Uni., Okan, 19 May,theArmy, Osmaniye Korkut Ata, METU, Özyeğin, Pamukkale, PiriReis,Plateau Vocational School, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Sabanci,Sakarya,Sanko, Saladin, Selcuk, Siirt, Sinop, Süleyman Demirel,SüleymanShah, Sirnak Healing, TED, TOBB Economics and Technology,Taurus,Thrace, Tunceli, Turgut Ozal, Turkey German, LGD, Horizon,Uludag,International Antalya International Balkans, CyprusInternational,International Sarajevo, Istanbul, Uskudar, Istanbul,Yasar,Yeditepe, New Century, Yildirim Beyazit, YildizTechnical,Centenary Year, Summit GATE
SuperStudy: For Pakistani Stud 2.7
1 app that does all - Find Courses, Admissions, Online Test,Notes,Past Papers
Entry Test 2.0
You can take a test using this application in the realexaminationformat. The questions in the application are very muchsimilar tothose in the real tests. In each session, you are givendifferentquestions randomly. It also includes useful informationaboutdifferent universities and their tests along with anaggregatecalculator to calculate your aggregate. Give it a try andfind outabout your current preparation. After you take the test,the resultwill pop up with everything.
MyHEC 5.4.2
HEC Paris
MyHEC main features* Locations – find your way around LSE buildings, locate placetoeator students services* Classrooms - Find classrooms and schedules of the day* Timetables – view your course timetables* Grades - have a look to your grades* Library – view your Library account, books available,postponalone* News – view and subscribe to news feeds* Pocket Guides – handy guides to services andfacilitiesatHEC* Transport information - train and bus schedules
Fiches prépa HEC 1.2.1
Nomad Education
⇒ Cette application dédiée aux prepa HECpermetde renforcer ses connaissances pour l'épreuve de culturegénérale etpermet de se préparer efficacement aux concours desgrandes écolesde commerce post-prépas. Le contenu est rédigé pardes profs issusdes meilleures prépas HEC et entièrement actualisépour les concours2016 des écoles de commerce.• Culture généraleLe thème de culture générale "la nature" est traité de manièretrèsdétaillée et étayée de citations, vrai plus pourvoscompositions.Les essentiels* Des citations sur le thème de "la nature"** Des résumés d'oeuvre clés***Des biographies complètes vous permettent de vouspréparerefficacement aux concours des grandes écoles.****les grandes périodes décryptées :Renaissance,Lumières...# Prépas commerciales, prépas économiques et prépaslittéraires,cette application est faîte pour vous.Téléchargez et intégrez !⇒ Thisapplicationdedicated to prepa HEC strengthens his knowledge to thegeneralculture test and allows you to effectively prepare forthecompetition of large post-prépas business schools. The contentiswritten by teachers from the best prépas HEC and fully updatedforthe 2016 competition of business schools.• General cultureThe theme of general culture "nature" is treated in great detailanddocumented quotes, real plus for your compositions.The essentials* Quotes on the theme of "Nature"** Summaries of key work*** Complete biographies allow you to effectively prepareforcompetitions of schools.**** decrypted the major periods: Renaissance,Enlightenment...# Prépas commercial, economic and literary prépas prépas,thisapplication is ridge for you.Download and integrate!
Past Papers - 4.5.4
Download all levels past papers directly at your mobile device
Kamran Mir
Allama Iqbal Open University, thefirstdistance Education University in South Asia that caters totheEducational needs of 1.3 million students to enable them tostudyat their own place,at their own pace and at their ownconvenience.This app is the android version for students whichprovidesimportant links to admissions, examination, live radio, TVandother services available on official website of AIOU.
Habib University 12
Habib University remains the hub ofLiberalArtsand Sciences Education in Pakistan, ever since itsinceptionin 2014.Offering a truly transformative and evolvedlearningexperience, itis an institution that truly redefineshighereducation in thecountry and its nearby regions.The university operates through the fulfilment ofitscorephilosophy, derived from the Arabic word “Yohsin”.Thistermbroadly defines the notions ofthoughtfulself-cultivation,grounded on the five values ofExcellence, Beauty,Passion, Respectand Service.The aim that Habib University wants to achievethroughtheaforementioned virtues and acomprehensive,interdisciplinarycurriculum, is to producecritically-conscious,ambitious anddetermined graduates who build aname for themselvesindividually,and positively impact theirsociety.Habib University Mobile App is an interactive toolfortheuniversity digital ecosystem, to uphold andempowertheuniversity’s online presence. It provides resourcesandofferingsfor its users, as well as potential studentsandlargercommunities.The HU Mobile App primarily communicates withpotentialstudentsthrough the following:- Keeping them abreast of the latest informationaboutschools,programs, faculty, campus life, spaces,resources,fee,scholarship, financial aid, admissions andschedule.- Offers access to e-Admission applications andallowsaninteractive view of the status of differentsectionsofapplication.- Displays announcements and follow-ups aboutimportantdeadlines,events, news and activities.- Allows users to ask and receive swift help fromtheadmissionsteam regarding any queries pertaining totheiradmissions,e-applications or any other admissionsrelatedmatter.- Registration for campus tours and events.- Offers the users a compact view and facilitiesforinteractionwith HU social media platforms in order to knowabout,and getinvolved in the latest happenings at campus.
Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi 1.8.1
Universal Brands Group
Girne Amerikan ÜniversitesiResmiUygulamasıdır. Öğrenci, personel ve akademik kadroyubilgilendirmekiçin özellikler içerir.- Haberler- Etkinlikler- Duyurular- Videolar- Haritalar- Acil BildirimlerGAU HAKKINDAKıbrıs`ın ilk üniversitesi olan Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi1985yılından bu yana yenilikçi ve çağdaş yaklaşımı ilesürekligelişmekte ve eğitim standartlarını yükseltmektedir. 10.000`iaşkın öğrencisi ile büyük GAU Ailesi, "WELCOME TO ONE, BE ONE"felsefesi ile öğrencilerini de GAU Ailesinden bir bireyolarakgörmektedir.Türkiye Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu (YÖK) başta olmak üzere,tümdünyada tanınan GAU, 27 ayrı akreditasyona sahip olmakla,bulunduğucoğrafyanın "diploması en geçerli" üniversitesidir.Uluslararası üyelik ve akreditasyonları olan bir diplomasahibiolmanın avantajlarını, tüm dünyada yaşayan GAU Öğrencileri,aynızamanda GAÜ Paralel Eğitim Sistemi ile, Girne,Washington,Canterbury, Karpaz, İstanbul kampüslerimizdeeğitimlerinisürdürebilmektedirler.GAU, 1995 yılı itibarı ile Hindistan, Kazakistan, Pakistan,SriLanka, Kırgızistan, Türkiye, Polonya, Rusya, Beyaz Rusya,ABD,Birleşik Krallıklar, Çek Cumhuriyeti ve Hong Kong’daeğitimortaklıkları kurmuştur. Bu ortaklıklar, öğrencilerinfarklıkültürleri tanıma ve öğrenme deneyimleri kazanmalarınaimkan sağlamak için, öğrenci ve fakültedeğişimlerinikapsamaktadır.Kurucuların hedefi, topluma bilgili, yetenekli, yaratıcıveeğitimli bireyler kazandırmaktır. GAU, İşletme ve Ekonomi,Hukuk,Mühendislik, Mimarlık, İletişim, Beşeri Bilimler, Eğitim,Sağlık ,Denizcilik ve Havacılık alanlarında uzman akademik kadrosuileeğitim vermektedir.Girne AmericanUniversityis the application image. Students, staff, and includesfeatures toinform the academic staff.- News- Events- Announcements- Videos- Maps- Emergency NotificationsABOUT GALLERYOf the first university of the Girne American University in1985with an innovative and modern approach since Kıbrıs` areconstantlyupgrading and developing training standards. 10.000` ilove GAUstudents with great family, "WELCOME TO ONE BE ONE" alsoserves asan individual student with the philosophy of the GAAfamily.Turkey Higher Education Council (HEC), notably recognizedallover the world GAI, but it has 27 separate accreditation,thegeography "degree of the current" is the university.The advantages of having a diploma with internationalmembershipand accreditation, all living in the world GALLERYStudents alsoGAI Parallel Learning System, Kyrenia, Washington,Canterbury,Karpas, Istanbul able to continue their education onourcampus.GAI, as of 1995, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, SriLanka,Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Poland, Russia, Belarus, the UnitedStates, theUnited Kingdom, the Czech Republic and has establishededucationalpartnerships in Hong Kong. In this partnership, studentsgain anunderstanding of different cultures and learningexperiencestoto allow include student and faculty exchanges.The goal of the founders, the community knowledgeable,talented,creative and trained to teach individuals. GAU, BusinessandEconomics, Law, Engineering, Architecture,Communication,Humanities, Education, Health, experts in maritimeand aviationfield are taught by academic staff.
Canadian Universities 1.2
PMD Softwares
This app gives you a direct access toadatabase of all canadian universities and their offered programs.List of universities includes:- Athabasca University- Grant MacEwan University- Mount Royal University- University of Alberta- University of Calgary- University of Lethbridge- Capilano University- Emily Carr University of art and design- Fairleigh Dickinson University- Kwantlen Polytechnic University- Quest University- Royal Roads University- Simon Fraser University- Thompson Rivers University- Trinity Western University- University of British Columbia- University of Victoria- University Canada West- University of the Fraser Valley- University of Northern British Columbia- Vancouver Island University- Bishop's University- Concordia University- Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS)- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal- HEC Montreal- McGill University- Universite de Montreal (Udem)- Universite de Sherbrooke- Universite du Quebec en Abitimi Tesmiscamingue (UQAT)- Universite du Quebec en Outaouais (UQO)- Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC)- Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)- Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (UQAR)- Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (UQTR)- Universite Laval- Booth University College- Brandon University- Canadian Mennonite- University College of the North- University of Manitoba- University of Winnipeg- University of Saint-Boniface- Kingswood University- Crandall University- Mount Allison University- St. Stephens University- St. Thomas University- University of Fredericton- University of New Brunswick- University of Moncton- Memorial University of NewFoundland- Acadia University- Atlantic School of Theology- cape Breton University- Dalhousie University- University of Kings College- Mount Saint Vincent University- NSCAD University- Saint Francis Xavier University- Saint Marys University- Universite Sainte-Anne- Algoma University- Brock University- Carleton University- Dominican University College- LakeHead University- Laurentian University- McMaster University- Nipissing University- OCAD University- Saint Paul University- Tyndale University College- Redeemer University College- Royal Military College of Canada- Ryerson University- Trent University- University of Guelph- University of Ontario Institude of Technology- University of Ottawa- University of Toronto- University of Waterloo- University of Western Ontario- University of Windsor- Wilfrid Laurier University- York University- University of Prince Edward Island- First Nations University of Canada- University of Regina- University of SaskatchewanInternet connection is required.Ratings and reviews are highly appreciated.
UniDelve 1.01
Education is the key to success usingwhichwecan change the world as desire; we as a UniDelvebecomeabridgework between you and your career to prefertherightdirection for your learning address. Unique, quick andeasysearchwith requisite information about University,collegesandcorresponding courses are the key feature of thiswonderful app.Inaddition, the app also provides the rankingofuniversities,Facilities, Courses and contact details ofdifferentuniversities.- Organized and relevant information on home pagewithdifferentcourses tiles- Efficient search process with auto-suggestion- Classic filter function to find specific region listing- Filter divided into various countries, main coursesandrespectivesub courses- Facility, Brief introduction, Courses and Contact detailsofeachuniversity- Easy share on different social placesOur vision is to become your knowledge hub to find alocationforyour further studies in the atlas to empower youwiththeavailability of this vital information with more ease. Ouraimisto provide you a road map on your needed education,knowledgeaboutuniversities and its on-going courses. We believethatEducation isa lifelong process of learning and havingrequiredinformation isthe key to amplify your learning process.Weunderstand the pain ofsearching lots of universities havingnumberof course satdifferent locations, so we aggregate all themasterinformation atone roof and mined them to provide you anefficientinfo for yourgoal and objectives.
ECAT Entry Test Prep 2020
ECAT online preparation with online mcq tests, syllabus,scheduleand results
IQ Test Preparation 2.2.2
This unique Application for IQ test preparation containshundredsofcarefully selected questions on ten different topic areastocover acomplete range for IQ test preparation alongwithcomprehensiveexplanations and tips and tricks to solvedifficultproblems andimprove lateral-thinking. “IQ testpreparation” alsoprovides anopportunity to test your level ofpreparation in theform of 5, 10and 20 minutes test. This is anupdated version whichincludes lotof additional features along withalready availabledistinctivefeatures. Our application covers manyIQ and aptituderelatedcategories such as Visual Patterns, NumberandAlphabeticalsequence, Mental Arithmetic, Logical reasoning,VerbalAptitude,Relationship Problems, Time and date Problems,AgeProblems, Speed,time & distance and Work, Profit &Lossrelated problems.Perfect for school, college anduniversityentrance test and alsofor general use to improve mentalhealth. Nowin latest version youcan participate in daily, weekly& monthlyIQ contests &competitions. In those IQcompetitions people fromall over theworld participate and at theend of the test period,positions areannounced. Now you can alsoparticipate in realtime IQTests bychallenging other online members.Features of the IQTestPreparation 2020 App: 1. Simple and Easy touse User Interface2.Detailed Explanation for each question to clearyour doubts3.Answers are displayed at the end of each test to helpyouimprove4. Practice before attempting a test with our FreePracticeTestwith detailed solutions 5. Advanced Tests thatguarantee yourIQbuilding 6. Join Daily, Weekly and MonthlyChallenges andcompetewith others around the world 7. Solve thedaily challengesto giveyour logical reasoning skills a boost 8. Seeyour rankingsandmotivate yourself to improve your IQ level 9. Appis free touse.Test your IQ Level for Free with this IQ TestPreparation 2020AppTopics Covered in IQ Test Preparation 2020 App:1. VisualPatterns2. Number Patterns 3. Alphabetical Sequence 4.MentalArithmetic(Mental Maths) 5. Date and Time Questions 6. TimeSpeedandDistance 7. Verbal Aptitude 8. Logical Reasoning 9.BloodRelationProblems 10. Age Problems 11. Profit and Loss It’sFree! SoWhynot? The IQ Test Questions Provide you the latestupdatedquestionsimportant for job exams and other career entrancetests.If youhave any queries, issues, or feedback drop us a messageandwewould look forward to you.