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WiseCrop 2.0
Wise Connect
WiseCrop is an agricultural decisionsupporttool that has 4 main functionalities: Monitoring, Alert,Actuationand Records.Monitoring:The app allows the producer to monitor his plantation in realtime,through the measurement of several meteorological parameterssuchas temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction,radiation,soil moisture and others.Alert:The Advanced Prediction Models warns the producer aboutoccurrencesof diseases, pests or climate changes that can injuretheplantation (such as frost, heat waves or wind gusts). If therearevalues of risk in the plantation an alert is sent. The producercanalso create his own alerts.Actuation:WiseCrop also allows the remote control of irrigation systems,orothers electronic devices, such as water pumps orventilationflaps.Records:With frequent usage, WiseCrop helps you fill the Field Guide soatthe end of the season you can print it and send it to thelegalauthorities. When filling the Field Observations you arealsoteaching the system, helping the Prediction Modelsparametrisation.After some time, the Models results will beoptimised to the levelof your plantation.