App Information Virtuálne číslo
- App NameVirtuálne číslo
- ناوی پاکەیجsk.slovaktelekom.pvn
- UpdatedApril 26, 2017
- قەبارەی فایلUndefined
- پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدەAndroid 4.0 and up
- وەشان1.1.0
- گەشەپێدەرSlovak Telekom, a.s.
- دابەزاندن1,000 - 5,000
- Priceخۆراییە
- هاوپۆڵCommunication
- گەشەپێدەر
- Google Play Link
Slovak Telekom, a.s. درێژە...
Magio GO 2.8 APK
Magio GO aplikácia (pre OS Android 2.3. avyššie) je televízia cez internet, ktorá Vám umožní sledovať živévysielanie 24 TV kanálov cez smartfón alebo tablet. V ponuke je 14dňový programový sprievodca a priestor pre 1 hodinu nahrávok. MagioGO Plus Vám navyše umožní prístup k 7 dňovému archívu, priestor pre10 hodín nahrávok a parkovanie programov pre neskoršiedopozeranie.Pokiaľ ste zákazník Magio Televízie, za službu Magio GO neplatíte.Navyše, cez aplikáciu si môžete zadať vzdialene nahrávanie do VášhoMagio Boxu a meniť poradie TV kanálov. Pre prístup ku živémuvysielaniu si aktivujte službu Magio GO na 0800 123 456, cezwww.telekom.sk/magiogo alebo v Telekom centre a zaregistrujte sa sVašim GO ID kódom, ktorý dostanete v notifikačnej správeSMS/emailom o aktivácii služby. Registráciu urobíte cez aplikáciualebo na www.magiogo.sk/registracia.Pokiaľ ste zákazník Magio Televízie od Telekom, cez aplikáciu simôžete zadať vzdialene nahrávanie do Vášho Magio Boxu ako aj meniťporadie TV kanálov pre Váš Magio Box doma.Pre prístup ku živému vysielaniu musíte mať aktivovanú službu MagioGO a zaregistrovať sa. Registráciu urobíte priamo cez aplikáciualebo na www.magiogo.sk/registracia. Zaregistrujte sa s Vašim GO IDkódom, ktorý dostanete v notifikačnej správe SMS/emailom oaktivácii služby Magio GO.Pre zákazníkov Magio Televízie od Telekom je služba Magio GOposkytovaná bezplatne.Magic GO application (forAndroid OS 3.2 and higher) is a television via the Internet, whichenables you to watch live TV broadcasts 24 channels via smartphoneor tablet. We offer a 14 day program guide and space for 1 hourrecordings. Magic GO Plus will allow you access to a 7-day archive,space for 10 hours of recordings and parking programs for laterdopozeranie.If you are a customer Magio TV show for Magio GO pay. Additionally,through the app to remotely uploading to enter your Magio Box andchange the order of TV channels. To access the live program canactivate Magio GO on 0800 123 456, or via www.telekom.sk/magiogoTelekom center and register with your GO ID code that you receivethe notification via SMS / email about the service. Registration isdone via the application or www.magiogo.sk/registracia.If you are a customer Magio television since Telekom, through theapp to remotely uploading to enter your Magio Box and change theorder of TV channels for your home Magio Box.To access the live streaming you must have a Magio GO and register.Registration done directly through the application or thewww.magiogo.sk/registracia. Register with your GO ID code, whichyou get in a notification via SMS / email about activating serviceMagio GO.For customers of Telekom Magio Television is a service providedfree Magio GO.
MobileScan 2.01 APK
Aplikácia Mobile Scan je určená nadiagnostikovanie smartfónov a tabletov s operačným systémomAndroid. Využiť ju môžu všetci, nielen zákazníci Telekomu – tí všaknavyše môžu využiť aj testy a správnosť nastavenia internetovýchslužieb.V jednotlivých sekciách je možné spustiť nasledovné testy:• Bezpečnosť a súkromie - skontrolujte si nastavenia bezpečnosti asúkromia dát vo Vašom smartfóne. Aplikácia vyhodnotí, či je Váštelefón chránený dostatočne a ponúkne možnosti ako bezpečnosť ešteviac zvýšiť• Softvér - Mobile Scan overí využívanie operačnej pamäte, nevyhnesa ani kontrole úložného priestoru. Navrhne optimalizáciu, pripadneodinštalovanie zriedkavo používaných aplikácií• Sieť - chcete vedieť, k akému typu siete je Váš smartfónpripojený, či je aktívne dátové pripojenie alebo Vás zaujíma VašaIP adresa? Ste v správnej časti aplikácie – navyše si môžetespustiť test rýchlosti sťahovania a odosielania dát a presvedčiť satak, že sieť Telekom je naozaj najrýchlejšia• Batéria - teplota a stav Vašej batérie nie sú to jediné, čo Vámtesty batérie ponúknu. Na jej životnosť a výdrž vplývajú rôznefaktory – či už jas obrazovky, spustene aplikácie alebo aktívnepripojenia. Zefektívnite nastavenia Vášho smartfónu a predĺžte dobujeho využívania na jedno nabitie• Hardvér - Neustále používanie smartfónu, pripadne jeho pád, môžuspôsobiť, že smartfón a jeho súčasti nemusia pracovať správne.Pomocou aplikácie Mobile Scan si môžete overiť korektnú funkčnosťtlačidiel, displeju, mikrofónu či fotoaparátu. Aplikáciadiagnostikuje problém a Vy budete vedieť, či je potrebné navštíviťpredajňu za účelom servisnej opravy, pripadne využiť našu službuPôjdeto.Mobile Scan applicationis intended to diagnose smartphones and tablets with Android.Everyone can use it, not just customers Telekom - but in additionthey can also use the tests and settings are correct Internetservices.In each section you can run the following tests:• Security and privacy - check your security settings and privacyof data on your smartphone. Application evaluate whether your phoneis protected sufficiently and create opportunities for furtherincreasing safety• Software - Mobile Scan verify the use of memory, it will notavoid or control storage. Design optimization or uninstalled rarelyused applications• Network - you know, from what type of network it is connected toyour smartphone, whether it is an active data connection or you areinterested in your IP address? You are in the right part ofapplication - plus you can run a test download speeds and uploadspeeds and thus convince the Telekom network is really thefastest• Battery - temperature and condition your batteries are not theonly thing that you test the batteries to offer. Its durability andendurance influence of various factors - whether the screenbrightness, applications that are running or active connections.Streamline settings of your smartphone and extend its period of useper charge• Hardware - Continued use smartphone, or its downfall, may causethe smartphone and its components may not work correctly. UseMobile Scan you can verify the correct functionality of thebuttons, screen, microphone or camera. Application diagnoses theproblem, and you'll know whether you need to visit the shop forservice, repair or make use of our service go.
Virtuálne číslo 1.1.0 APK
Prostredníctvom tejto aplikácie si môžeteaktivovať nové telefónne číslo, z ktorého môžete volať a posielaťSMS a na ktorom budete zastihnuteľní, a to bez použitia novej SIMči dalšieho mobilu. Pomocou tejto aplikácie si pre každé volanie aSMS vyberiete, pod ktorým číslom budete viditeľný pre volaného. Vhistórii volaní nájdete prehľadne odlíšené volania na vaševirtuálne číslo od volaní na vaše bežné číslo. Prichádzajúci hovorna Vaše virtuálne číslo bude pri zvonení odlíšený symbolomvirtuálneho čísla, a to aj v prípade že aplikáciu máte vypnutú.Služba je dostupná pre zákazníkov Telekomu.Chráňte svoju identitu so službou Virtuálne číslo!Through this applicationyou can activate a new phone number from which you can call andsend SMS and to which you reachable, without the need for a new SIMor further phone. With this application you for every call and SMSselect under which number will be visible to the called party. Thecall history can be found clearly differentiated call your virtualnumber from calling your current number. An incoming call to yourvirtual number will be ringing in the distinguished symbol virtualnumbers, even if the application is turned off. The service isavailable for customers Telekom.Protect your identity with virtual number service!
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MultiManager 2.1 APK
The free MultiManager app allows you to set upsuitable settings for any situation on your smartphone—no matter ifyou are in a meeting, on the road, at home, or on holiday. Youdecide when the phone will ring, if WLAN is turned on, and muchmore.The highlights at a glance:- Save any number of situations with individual settings- Change between saved situations at any time — simply byswiping- Set automatic situation changes — by time, by location or byNFC- For Android version 4.0 or higherMultiManager allows you to set up settings profiles by situationand save multiple settings in them. This way, you can make surethat you can be reached whenever you want to be reachable. Justdefine the desired profile settings for any situation. For example,you can specify that your phone will only vibrate and WLAN isturned off if you are at the office. Or you set up call forwardingand Bluetooth for when you are on the road. Easily manage yourdaily routine with MultiManager—without having to search for thedesired settings. You can change between the situations simply byswiping.The following settings can be used for MultiManager:- Call forwarding in the mobile network- Turn CLI on / off in the mobile network- Turn ringing tone and vibration on and off- Turn WLAN on and off- Turn Bluetooth on and off- Call waiting in the mobile network- Multi SIM: Turn SMS / MMS on and off in the mobile networkWe welcome your opinion and feedback! They help us to continuouslyenhance the MultiManager app for you.Have a lot of fun with the appBest regards,Your Telekom teamNetwork-based features such as call forwarding or calling lineidentification restriction (CLIR) have been tested in the mobilenetwork of Deutsche Telekom AG. Some functions might not work withother mobile operators or networks.
Travel & Surf 1.6 APK
Az alkalmazás segítségével egyszerűen éskönnyedén állíthat be külföldi internetezéshez roamingadatdíjcsomagot. Már külföldön is kedvező áron és költségkontrollmellett internetezhet vagy választhatja a forgalmi díjasadatdíjcsomagjainkat is. A Travel & Surf M és L adatcsomagok azEU valamint Andorra, Norvégia, Liechtenstein és Izland területén,míg a Travel & Surf S csomag több, mint 100 országban biztosítnagyon kedvező díjazású internet hozzáférést. Magyarországterületén a roaming adatdíjcsomagok nem használhatóak.
Communication Top درێژە...
Messenger 432. APK
Instantly reach the people in your life—forfree. Messenger is just like texting, but you don't have to pay forevery message (it works with your data plan).Not just for Facebook friends: Message people in your phone bookand just enter a phone number to add a new contact.Group chats: Create groups for the people you message most. Namethem, set group photos and keep them all in one place.Photos and videos: Shoot videos and snap selfies or other photosright from the app and send them with one tap.Chat heads: Keep the conversation going while you use otherapps.Free calls: Talk as long as you want, even with people in othercountries. (Calls are free over Wi-Fi. Otherwise, standard datacharges apply.)Even more ways to message:Bring your conversations to life with stickers.Preview your gallery photos and videos without leaving theconversation--then choose the perfect ones to send.Record voice messages when you have more to say.Extra features:Know when people have seen your messages.Forward messages or photos to people who weren't in theconversation.Search for people and groups to quickly get back to them.Turn on location to let people know when you're nearby.See who's available on Messenger and who's active onFacebook.Create shortcuts to get to any conversation right from your homescreen.Turn off notifications when you're working, sleeping or just need abreak.Stay logged in so you never miss a message.
Opera Mini - fast web browser APK
The Opera Mini web browser for Android letsyou do everything you want to online without wasting your dataplan. It’s a fast, safe mobile web browser that saves you tons ofdata, and lets you easily download from social media andwebsites.New features• Opera Cricket - the fastest way to stay up-to-date oncricketNow Opera Mini delivers everything cricket*. Get live scores andstats delivered to you fast using our compression technology. Nevermiss a match again with match start notifications. It’s the easiestway to follow your favorite cricket teams and players.*Only in India.• Automatically scan sites for movie and music downloads -In extreme mode, easily download video and audio files withouthaving to search the website. When Opera Mini is in extreme mode,it will scan the site and let you know what files are available fordownload depending on what site you’re on.• Facebook notification bar - Never miss a beat with ourhandy Facebook notification bar. The new bar is added to yournotification drawer and it’ll keep you up-to-date on the latestnews, and activity from your profile.Why Choose Opera Mini?• Keep track of your data - Check your savings in thesettings menu and see how much data Opera Mini saves you.• Block ads - Opera Mini has a built-in ad blocker, so youcan surf the web without annoying ads.• Video download - A browser that supports video download.No time to watch videos? No problem. Tap the new download buttonand watch them when you're ready. (Doesn't work on YouTube videos,though – sorry!)• Multi-task - Keep lots of pages open at once withtabs.• Browse privately - We all have pages we don’t want toremember visiting. If you don’t want something saved in yourhistory, you can browse incognito with private tabs.• Smarter downloads - Download files in the background andhold off downloading larger files until you’re back on Wi-Fi. OperaMini will let you know as soon as your downloads are complete. Justclick the notification to open your download – no more diggingaround in folders.Other great stuff• Save your favorite sites: Tap the + button on the searchbar to save a page to your Speed Dial, add it to your mobilebookmarks or read it offline.• Get the latest news: The start page keeps everything in oneplace. Choose the categories you’re interested in and Opera Miniwill serve you the top stories and freshest content from across theweb.• Sync your devices: Give yourself access to all the bookmarks,Speed Dial shortcuts and open tabs from your other devices.• Night mode: Dim the screen to save your eyes.• Switch up your search: Assign your favorite default searchengine.Download Opera Mini web browser and try one of the fastest ways tobrowse the web on your mobile device.To learn more about the specific permissions Opera Mini uses,please visit the follow page:http://www.opera.com/help/mini/android/permissionsOpera Mini may show ads from Facebook. To learn more, seehttps://m.facebook.com/ads/ad_choicesHave questions or need help? Visithttp://www.opera.com/help/mini/android/Get the latest news about Opera:Twitter – http://twitter.com/opera/Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/opera/End User Terms:By downloading and/or using this product, you acknowledge and agreeto the end user license agreement athttps://www.operasoftware.com/eula/mini and Privacy Statement athttps://www.opera.com/privacy.
Google Chrome: Fast & Secure 97.0.4692.87 APK
Google Chrome is a fast, easy to use, andsecure web browser. Designed for Android, Chrome brings youpersonalized news articles, quick links to your favorite sites,downloads, and Google Search and Google Translate built-in.Download now to enjoy the same Chrome web browser experience youlove across all your devices.Browse fast and type less. Choose from personalized searchresults that instantly appear as you type and quickly browsepreviously visited web pages. Fill in forms quickly withAutofill.Incognito Browsing. Use Incognito mode to browse theinternet without saving your history. Browse privately across allyour devices.Sync Chrome Across Devices. When you sign into Chrome, yourbookmarks, passwords, and settings will be automatically syncedacross all your devices. You can seamlessly access all yourinformation from your phone, tablet, or laptop.All your favorite content, one tap away. Chrome is not justfast for Google Search, but designed so you are one tap away fromall your favorite content. You can tap on your favorite news sitesor social media directly from the new tab page. Chrome also has the“Touch to Search”- feature on any webpage. You can tap on any wordor phrase to start a Google search while still in the page you areenjoying.Protect your phone with Google Safe Browsing. Chrome hasGoogle Safe Browsing built-in. It keeps your phone safe by showingwarnings to you when you attempt to navigate to dangerous sites ordownload dangerous files.Fast downloads and view web pages and videos offline Chromehas a dedicated download button, so you can easily download videos,pictures, and entire webpages with just one tap. Chrome also hasdownloads home right inside Chrome, where you can access all thecontent you downloaded, even when you are offline.Google Voice Search. Chrome gives you an actual web browseryou can talk to. Use your voice to find answers on-the-go withouttyping and go hands free. You can browse and navigate quicker usingyour voice anywhere, anytime.Google Translate built-in: Quickly translate entire webpages. Chrome has Google Translate built in to help you totranslate entire web to your own language with one tap.Save Mobile Data. Turn on Chrome’s Data Saver to browse andnavigate the web while using less data. Save up to 60% of data asChrome compresses text, images, videos and websites withoutlowering the quality.Smart personalized recommendations. Chrome creates anexperience that is tailored to your interests. On the new tab page,you will find articles that Chrome selected based on your previousbrowsing history.
UC Browser - Fast Download Private & Secure APK
UC Browser is a free web browser forandroid devices with Fast Download, Data Saving, Ad-Blockfunctionality, and helps you access music, video, cricketinformation with smooth experience. Customized cricket feature isavailable on UC Browser. You can visit many cricket sites tosupport your team, and watch cricket live stream, and check outmatch scores on UC Browser.Main Features★ Small Window Mode★ Fast Download★ Smooth User Experience★ Cricket Card Feature★ Data Saving★ Ad Block★ Video for all tastes★ Facebook Mode★ Night Mode★ Small Window ModeOur small window mode enables the video window to be moved apartfrom the webpage, and hanged on screen top, while you expect tochat with friends, shop online or participate in other activitieswithout video watch interruption.★Fast DownloadsOur servers speed up and stabilize downloads. If any disconnectionor interruption occurs, UC Browser can continue downloading frombreakpoint. By accelerating downloading process, it saves you timefor downloadable files.★Smooth User ExperienceNo more frozen pages. Enjoy the smoothest Internet surfing. Yoursearch results instantly appear, quick access to socializing, websearching and entertaining.★Cricket Card FeatureUC Browser adds special Cricket feature for Cricket fans. Mostupdated Cricket match live, scores and related information caneasily be searched.★Data SavingUC Browser compresses data, speeds up navigation and helps you savea lot of celluar data traffic. The more you browse, the more datayou can save with UC Browser.★Ad BlockAd block functionality blocks different forms of ads that affectyour browse experience. It helps you visit webpages Ad-Free on yourandroid devices, no more pop-up banner ads.★Videos for all tastesUC Browser allows you to watch movie and TV series. The menucategorizes videos in different tastes: humor, clips, girls, anime,trailers, or even war films.★Facebook ModeThis unique feature speeds up Facebook regardless of your networkcondition. UC Browser always finds the way to increase your netowrkspeed.★Night ModeSwitch to night mode on UC Browser to read more comfortably atnight.About UCWebFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCBrowserTwitter: https://twitter.com/UCBrowserTumblr: http://blog.ucweb.com/YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucwebvideoFor help & feedback, please contact our help centerhttp://url.cn/42kuL5f (open in UC).
Viber Messenger APK
Viber Free Messenger and Phone Calls:Connecting millions worldwide! Write a text message, call, chat andshare with anyone, anywhere!Viber is your go-to free messenger, allowing you to message or callanyone in the world through your Internet connection*. Send a textmessage to friends and family with Viber Messenger. Call your lovedones using Viber’s live video chat or voice call, all part ofViber’s free and high-quality phone calls. Express yourself withcool stickers and emoji icons, share photos, and send your favoritevideos. The free messenger also lets you make international phonecalls for free.Connect with friends and family using instant messaging, voicecalls, or live video chatsChoose a contact from your phone book or simply enter a phonenumber to add a new contact on Viber messenger. Send a textmessage, or take advantage of the other amazing features that Viberoffers beyond just free messages! Share photos and videos, enjoyemoji icons and cool stickers, record audio messages, and even sendfiles.Group chat with up to 250 people!With Viber messenger, it’s easy to create and join group chats -with up to 250 people at once! Chat with your favorite people,‘like’ any user’s voice, or text message.Why users worldwide are choosing Viber Free Messenger:★Hassle-free, long-distance calls- Viber Messenger is yourfree international calling app! No need for a username or logininformation, simply activate by entering your phone number.★ Voice or video - Make your free phone call now! - Choosebetween the basic voice call or go with our live video chat if youneed a face-to-face! Whether you make a phone call domestically orhave international calls to make, all phone calls boast HD qualitysound.★ Instant video messages - Tap and hold the instant videoicon to capture the moment with 30-second videos, release tosend.★Secured communications - Viber messenger automaticallyencrypts text messages, video and voice calls, photos, videos, andgroup chats.★Express yourself with stickers - Bring your text message tolife by sending playful emoji icons and cool stickers.★Your personal messenger with “damage control” - Delete atext message or voice message even after it was sent.★‘Hidden Chats’ feature - Choose to hide specific chats fromyour messaging screen and access them later.Install Viber Free Messenger Now - Start Connecting!Facebook - http://facebook.com/viberTwitter - http://twitter.com/viber(*) Wi-Fi or data plan - network data charges may apply.Viber is part of the Rakuten Group, a world leader in e-commerceand financial services.
Skype - free IM & video calls APK
The Skype you know and love has an all-newdesign, supercharged with a ton of new features and new ways tostay connected with the people you care about most.What can I do with Skype?• Messaging made awesome: More than just text. Send photos, videos,voice messages, emoticons, Mojis and more. You canalso respond to any message from your contactswith reactions.• Supercharge your chats with Add-Ins**: No more switching back andforth between apps. Easily share content using Add-Ins withoutleaving Skype.• Great for groups: Add your favorite people andstart chatting. Use groups to plan together, play together, forstaying in touch or just for hanging out.• Call everyone - Skype, mobiles andlandlines: Free* video and voice calls make it easier tostay connected with friends and family. You’ll also enjoy lowcalling rates to mobiles and landlines worldwide withSkype. • Never miss a moment with quick capture: Quickly swipe tocapture photos and videos. Make them your own by adding emoticons,stickers and annotations.• Share Highlights: Keep others updated with Highlights fromyour day. React to any highlights with awesome emoticons or send aprivate message about that highlight. Your highlights only stayvisible for 7 days to your followers.*Skype to Skype calls are free. Operator data charges may apply. Werecommend using an unlimited data planor WiFi connection.** Add-In availability will vary by country.We’re gradually bringing the next generation of Skype toeveryone.If you don’t see the update yet, don’t worry, it’ll be coming verysoon.Learn more about the new design and features in the Skype Blog:https://blogs.skype.com/news/2017/06/01/introducing-the-next-generation-of-skypeUpgrading to the new Skype may result in the deletion of contentfrom older conversations.To save photos and videos that were previously sent or received inan older version of Skype, save that content to your cameraroll/photo gallery before upgrading to the new Skype.