
Brand Value Simple Solution User-oriented:on customer service,Shini adopt...

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    Jan 19, 2018
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    普拉瑞斯創意整合有限公司 (Polaris Creative Corp.)
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普拉瑞斯創意整合有限公司 (Polaris Creative Corp.) Show More...

FCS Group 2.2.5 APK
自1974年創立以來,富強鑫精密工業股份有限公司以「FCS」自創品牌成為國際知名的射出成型機專業製造廠。現在,秉持著顧客至上的理念及品質第ㄧ的傳統,我們將為您提供最完善及最專業的網際網路線上服務。您將會發現,「富強鑫科技網」所提供的功能及資訊絕對超乎想像!富強鑫精密工業股份有限公司[FU CHUN SHIN-iApp]全新推出!讓妳隨時可以查詢機台的資訊、影片、電子型錄,讓你一機在手,資訊無窮!※主要功能※1.iCatalog 型錄都在雲端上,結合影片同時觀看。2.iHdv 專屬公司的影片平台,特定的影片給特定的客戶看。3.iVideo 影片開放平台,可線上觀看或是離線下載。4.快速推播,最新資訊永不落後5.離線操作,讓您在無網路狀態,依然可以觀看資訊。等多種功能,等您來發現!關鍵字搜尋:富強鑫,FU CHUN SHIN,FCS,iApp
PRM-Taiwan 1.3 APK
PRM is your best partner for exploring Taiwan Plastics & Rubbermachines.
Brand Value Simple Solution User-oriented:on customer service,Shini adopt...
本公司成立於1987年唯一通過ISO-9002認證之專業機器製造商。主要產品有:吹袋機-PP吹袋機、PE吹袋機、廢料回收製粒機(PP/PE廢料回收機);文具製造機,可生產商業夾、資料袋、檔案夾、相片簿、名片簿內頁袋各式邊封機、邊封袋、背心袋。銘機實業股份有限公司[Ming Jilee-iApp]全新推出!讓妳隨時可以查詢機台的資訊、影片、電子型錄,讓你一機在手,資訊無窮!※主要功能※1.iCatalog 型錄都在雲端上,結合影片同時觀看。2.iHdv 專屬公司的影片平台,特定的影片給特定的客戶看。3.iVideo 影片開放平台,可線上觀看或是離線下載。4.快速推播,最新資訊永不落後5.離線操作,讓您在無網路狀態,依然可以觀看資訊。等多種功能,等您來發現!關鍵字搜尋:銘機, MING JILEE, iApp
益芳企業集團建立於1985年,並與日本包裝技術合作,致力於提供各工商業所需的封口機械研發製造,1992年再建立封口膜及真空袋製造廠(華德優而優有限公司),提供各種彩色印刷膠膜及真空袋,達到全套的包裝系統服務。現除桌上型封口機在台灣的飲料連鎖店、早餐店的市場佔有率領先群倫外,亦開發中大型及整廠設備,並吸收經營歐美市場的經驗,讓益芳的技術及品質能力能與國際接軌。從一店面整廠設備規劃,及高彈性的客製化能力,益芳能滿足多種不同的客戶需求,外銷市場更遍佈全球五大洲。益芳企業集團[Yfang-iApp]全新推出!讓您隨時可以查詢機台的資訊、影片、電子型錄,讓你一機在手,資訊無窮!※主要功能※1.iCatalog 型錄都在雲端上,結合影片同時觀看。2.iHdv 專屬公司的影片平台,特定的影片給特定的客戶看。3.iVideo 影片開放平台,可線上觀看或是離線下載。4.快速推播,最新資訊永不落後5.離線操作,讓您在無網路狀態,依然可以觀看資訊。等多種功能,等您來發現!關鍵字搜尋:益芳, yfang, YFANG, iAppYi Fang EnterprisesGroup, established in 1985, and in cooperation with the Japanesepackaging technology, is committed to providing all the requiredsealing machinery business development, and manufacturing, 1992re-establishing the vacuum bag sealing membrane manufacturer(Howard gifted and gifted Ltd.), provide a variety of colorprinting film and vacuum to achieve a full range of packagingsystems and services.Now in addition to the desktop sealing machine in Taiwan,beverage stores, the market share of the leading group breakfastshop outside London, but also large-scale development and wholeplant equipment, and operating experience in the European market toabsorb, so that the benefits of technology and quality aromaticability to With international standards.From a storefront customization capabilities whole plantequipment planning, and high flexibility, the benefits of aromaticto meet a variety of different customer needs, the export market ismore around the world on five continents.Yi Fang Enterprises Group [Yfang-iApp] New!So you always can check the machine information, videos, electroniccatalogs, so you have a machine in hand, IT endless!※The main function※1.iCatalog catalog are in the clouds, combined with the filmwhile watching.2.iHdv exclusive video platform company, specific to a particularcustomer to see the movie.3.iVideo video open platform that can be viewed online or offlinedownload.4. Fast push, never backward News5. offline, so you no network status, can still watchinformation.And many other features, waiting for you to discover!Keyword search:Yi aryl, yfang, YFANG, iApp
博创智能装备股份有限公司,中国塑料机械工业协会会长单位,首批入选2015全国46家智能制造试点示范项目企业,创立于2003年初,是一家专业设计、制造、销售高精密节能环保注塑机的高新技术企业。2009年博创从广州市整体迁移至增城经济技术开发区,大批量引进了国外先进技术和设备,建成了现代化的数字工厂。现已拥有广州、杭州两大生产基地,员工逾800人。博创拥有保持世界同步领先地位的BU二板式注塑机、BS伺服节能型注塑机、BH精密快速成型机、BM多色多物料注塑机、BE全电动精密注塑机等近100种规格型号的注塑机;产品主要锁模力从30吨~6800吨,注射量为25g~300000g,并提供“量体裁衣”式注塑综合解决方案及全方位一站式服务。2013年自主研发出亚洲最大的6800吨伺服节能二板式注塑机,已交付山东客户生产检查井。6800吨注塑机的问世,填补了我国自行研发制造超大型注塑机的空白,开启了国产注塑机的新纪元。经过十多年的发展,博创无论是在技术创新、产品开发还是在品牌宣传、文化建设、,人才管理等各方面均走在塑料机械行业的前列,引领行业发展,现已成为中国注塑机行业高端产品一线品牌,拥有省级企业技术中心和由工程院谭建荣院士任院长的博创浙大机械研究院。公司已成功完成由“中国制造”到“中国创造”的转型,现正在向“中国智造”升级。博创智能装备股份有限公司杭州生产基地----浙江博创机械有限公司,坐落在江南古镇----杭州市余杭区塘栖镇,成立于2007年12月12日,厂房面积为66023平方米,员工200余人。拥有上百台现代化高科技加工设备,可满足锁模力80-3500T注塑机的生产与制造,是博创为进一步加强华东、华北地区销售和服务而组建的生产型企业。秉承博创总部先进的生产技术、一流的管理理念及优秀的企业文化。浙江博创从创建初就注重于信息化建设,不仅全面筹建了PDM-SAP-CRM-JIT系统,还大力推行8S管理。为保持技术领先,拓宽技术领域,浙江博创与浙江大学共同组建了由院士、博士生导师、博士为骨干力量的“博创浙大机械研究院”,为企业的高技术、高品质、高效能发展注入雄厚实力。博创智能装备股份有限公司[BORCH-iApp]全新推出!讓妳隨時可以查詢機台的資訊、影片、電子型錄,讓你一機在手,資訊無窮!※主要功能※1.iCatalog 型錄都在雲端上,結合影片同時觀看。2.iHdv 專屬公司的影片平台,特定的影片給特定的客戶看。3.iVideo 影片開放平台,可線上觀看或是離線下載。4.快速推播,最新資訊永不落後5.離線操作,讓您在無網路狀態,依然可以觀看資訊。等多種功能,等您來發現!關鍵字搜尋:博创, BORCH, iAppBorch IntelligentEquipment Co., Ltd, China Plastics Machinery Industry Associationunit, first appeared in 2015 the national 46 pilot projects ofintelligent manufacturing companies, was founded in early 2003, isa professional design, manufacture and sales of high-precisioninjection molding machine energy-saving and environmentalprotection high-tech enterprises. 2009 Borch moved from Guangzhouto Zengcheng Economic and Technological Development Zone as awhole, large quantities of the introduction of foreign advancedtechnology and equipment, built a modern digital factory. Now hastwo production bases in Guangzhou, Hangzhou, employs more than 800people.       Borch has kept the worldsimultaneously leading BU Two-plate injection molding machine, BSservo energy-saving injection molding machine, BH precision rapidprototyping machine, BM multi-color multi-material injectionmolding machine, BE precision all-electric injection moldingmachines and other nearly 100 kinds of specifications modelsinjection machine; products are mainly clamping force of from 30tons to 6800 tons, injection volume 25g ~ 300000g, and to provide"tailored" integrated injection solutions and comprehensiveone-stop service. 2013 Asia's largest independent research anddevelopment of energy-saving 6800 tons servo Two-plate injectionmolding machine had been delivered to customers in Shandong tocheck the production wells. The advent of 6800 tons injectionmolding machine to fill our own R & D manufacturing largeinjection molding machine, blank, opened a new era of domesticinjection molding machine.       After ten years ofdevelopment, Borch whether in technology innovation, productdevelopment and in all aspects of branding, talent management,cultural construction,, are at the forefront of plastics machineryindustry, leading the development of the industry, has now becomeChina Injection Molding Machine high-end products industry brands,with provincial-level enterprise technical centers and BorchMachinery Research Institute of Zhejiang University by the dean ofthe Academy of Engineering academician Tan Jianrong. The companyhas successfully completed the "Made in China" to "Created inChina" in transition, is now the "Chinese wisdom made"upgrade.        Borch IntelligentEquipment Co., Ltd. Hangzhou production base ---- Zhejiang BorchMachinery Co. Ltd., located in the southern town ---- YuhangDistrict of Hangzhou Tangxi town, founded in 2007 December 12,plant area of ​​66023 square meters, more than 200 employees. Withhundreds of modern high-tech processing equipment to meet theproduction and manufacture of clamping force injection moldingmachine 80-3500T, Borch is to further strengthen the east, northregional sales and service and the formation of production-orientedenterprises.Bingcheng Bo Chong Headquarters of advanced production technology,first-class management philosophy and excellent corporate culture.Zhejiang Borch created from the beginning to focus on informationtechnology, not only to build a comprehensive PDM-SAP-CRM-JITsystem, but also vigorously promote the 8S management.In order to maintain technological leadership, broaden the field oftechnology, Zhejiang Borch and Zhejiang University jointlyorganized by the Academy of Sciences, doctoral tutor, Dr. as thebackbone of the "Borch Machinery Research Institute of ZhejiangUniversity" for the high-tech, high-quality companies,high-performance development of injection prowess.Borch Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. [BORCH-iApp] New!Putting you can always check the machine information, videos,electronic catalogs, so you have a machine in hand, IT endless!※The main function※1.iCatalog catalog in the cloud, combined with the video whilewatching.2.iHdv company's exclusive video platform, specific to a particularcustomer to see the movie.3.iVideo video open platform, can view online or offlinedownload.4. Fast push, never backward News5. off-line operation, so you no network status, you can still viewthe information.And other functions, waiting for you to discover!Keyword Search:Borch, BORCH, iApp
台灣今機機械工業股份有限公司,累積了20餘年的技術與經驗,專業從事立式塑膠成型機的規劃、設計、製造、銷售與服務,行銷網路遍及世界各主要工業國家,包括東南亞、日本、歐洲、美國及南美洲等國,以自有品牌"TKC" 行銷全世界,並受到業界相當之肯定。台灣今機機械工業股份有限公司[TAIWAN KINKI-iApp]全新推出!讓妳隨時可以查詢機台的資訊、影片、電子型錄,讓你一機在手,資訊無窮!※主要功能※1.iCatalog 型錄都在雲端上,結合影片同時觀看。2.iHdv 專屬公司的影片平台,特定的影片給特定的客戶看。3.iVideo 影片開放平台,可線上觀看或是離線下載。4.快速推播,最新資訊永不落後5.離線操作,讓您在無網路狀態,依然可以觀看資訊。等多種功能,等您來發現!關鍵字搜尋:台灣今機,今機,iApp,Taiwan Kinki, TKC iApp