1.0.7 / December 28, 2016
(4.0/5) (2)


Apprenez les méthodes pour séduire une femmeen rendez-vous.

Cette application est conçue pour pour permettre de progresserrapidement à la séduction en rendez-vous, apprenez à organiser unbon rendez-vous et a faire en sorte que la fille soit intéresséepar vous à l'issue du rendez-vous.

Le contenu est découpé en 4 parties :
✓ les bases
✓ l'introduction
✓ la connexion
✓ la conclusion.

Ce guide au contenu clair et concis pour être lu en une dizainede minutes va vous permettre de réussir à séduire les plus bellesfemmes de votre vie.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Aimez note page sur Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/App-seduction/454243508035321

Si vous souhaitez nous donner votre avis ou vous avez unequestion, envoyez-nous un email: contact@app-seduction.com

Learn the methods toseduce a woman by appointment.

This application is designed to allow for rapid progress toseduction by appointment, learn how to organize a good meeting andto ensure that the girl is interested in you after theappointment.

The content is divided into 4 parts:
✓ bases
✓ the introduction
✓ Connection
✓ the conclusion.

This guide to the clear and concise content to be read in tenminutes will allow you to succeed in seducing the most beautifulwomen in your life.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Love notes page on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/App-seduction/454243508035321

If you want to give us your opinion or you have a question, sendus an email: contact@app-seduction.com

App Information Séduire femme en rendez-vous


Séduire une femme par messages 1.1.8 APK
Les techniques pour séduire par messages sms,et par messages sur les réseaux sociaux.Apprenez tous les secrets pour bien communiquer et faire passer lesbonnes valeurs. Grâce a tous ces conseils vous allez facilementréussir a draguer une femme et réussir a la rencontrer enrendez-vous.Comment séduire une femme par messages ?Vous trouverez votre bonheur avec cette application gratuite✓Techniques to seduce SMSmessages, and messages on social networks.Learn all the secrets to communicate and convey the right values.Thanks to all these tips you will easily succeed dredge has a wifeand a successful meet her appointment.How to seduce a woman by messages?You will find your happiness with this free app ✓
Seduce a woman (In English) 2.1.2 APK
Learn the methods to seduce a woman. This application is intendedfor men, it is designed to allow rapid progress to seduction. Theapplication offers advice adapted to different situations, such asseduction during the day (seduce a girl on the street, in thesubway, in a shop or a shopping center...) but also to seduce inthe evening (seduce a girl with friends, in a bar or in a nightclub...) The content provides the basics of seduction, ie state ofmind, manner of speaking, eye contact, body language, style, humor,energy, as well as examples of openers, catch phrases ... ☆ MAINQUESTIONS ☆ The guide will answer your questions about theseduction: - How to seduce a woman? - How to make a good firstimpression? - How to know if a woman is interested? - The 10 errorsof the dragger (errors to avoid) ☆ LEARN FAST AND EASY ☆ This guidewith clear and concise content to be read in ten minutes will allowyou to meet and seduce the most beautiful women of your life. ☆ IWANT MORE! ☆ Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/appseductioncomhttps://twitter.com/appseduction ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do not forget to rateand comment on Google Play to help us improve the app! If you wishto give us your opinion or you have a question, send us an email:contact@app-seduction.com
Seduction SMS 2019 - Text mess 1.2.6 APK
Over 700 text messages in english to seduce whoever you want
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The seduction guide coach ❤How to seduce a girl during the day, in a mall, in a park, onthe subway...
Seduce during an appointment ❤ 1.0.1 APK
how to succeed at first date ❤The guide to learn the best seduction tips ✓
Seduce a woman at a party ❤ 1.0.1 APK
A guide to successfully seduce at a party ✓✓ in a bar✓ in a club
Comment séduire un homme ❤ 2.1.2 APK
The tips to seduce a man in day, evening, in appointment
Seduce a woman - Initiation 1.0.3 APK
Best seduction techniques. The place, Themindset, Self-confidence, The energy, How to talk,BodyLanguage...