6.1 / Mar 27, 2022
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[For the restaurant industry operators to build scalable platform]Complete control of catering information, online purchasing fasterset points to win a prize!

App Information 廚藝時代

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Mar 27, 2022
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.2
  • Version
  • Developer
    Unilever Inc
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  • Category
  • Developer
    Hindustan Unilever Limited 6th floor, Tower A, The Business Precinct, Prestige Shantiniketan, Whitefield, Bangalore, India, 560048
  • Google Play Link

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Paddle Pop Jungle Escape 1.6 APK
Unilever Inc
Jungle Escape is where all the clan from thePaddle Pop and the evils of Shadow Master Come together to create anew game play experience.It is a running game with fight modes at the end of each level.Beating and fighting the evil of shadow master and difficultycreated by him has its advantages and perks. Cover miles andcompleting objectives will 'level up' & increase your score onthe leaderboard. Frozen yummy treats make your game moreexciting.Paddle Pop:Paddle Pop is the son of King Adisa & Queen Shifa. WhenShadow Master invaded the Lion Kingdom Paddle Pop was just a baby,so he was taken to the jungle to grow up in safety. He lovesadventures. And even though he’s king, he’s still a jungle lion atheart. He makes decisions easily and that’s often the key to hissuccess, but occasionally his impulsive nature can get him intotrouble! He’s dedicated to protecting the people he loves. He has aLion Staff, which he uses with great skill.Leena:Leena is a strong, independent, feminine lioness. She owns andpilots the Phoenix plane, which she flies with expertise. She has aclose bond with Paddle Pop and joins him on all his adventures. Andwhile he makes decisions very quickly, she prefers to thinkcarefully and weigh up all the options. She loves to read and isfull of information, which often comes in handy during theirmissions. She cares deeply for others and has a strong sense ofjustice. She has a bow that shoots magical arrows.Shadow Master:Shadow Master is Paddle Pop’s greatest enemy. He relentlesslypursues the crystals of power for his own evil gain. He is ruthlessand will stop at nothing to achieve his evil goals.Snakella:Snakella lives in a diamond cave and guards a fragment of thesun crystal. She is evil through and through and fiercelyprotective of the crystal. She has the ability to change peopleinto diamond statues.Download this fabulous game where fantasy meets adventure in thePaddle Pop World and find out about all the characters in afascinating gaming experience.
MAX: Kahramanlar Takımı APK
Unilever Inc
MAX VE ARKADAŞLARIYLA HEYECANLI BİR MACERAYAVAR MISIN? MAX’A YARDIM EDİP, GÖLGELERİN EFENDİSİ’Nİ YOK ETMEKSENİN ELİNDE!Birbirinden heyecanlı 3 etabı başarı ile geçtikten sonra senibekleyen muhteşem final oyunu ile Gölgelerin Efendisi’ne gücünügöster ve onu alt et!Bil-Geç oyununda Max dünyası ile ilgili bilgini kanıtla, KristalHavuzu oyununu oynayarak kötüleri yenmeye yarayan kristalleri bul,Semboller Masası oyunu ile ne kadar keskin bir hafızaya sahipolduğunu göster, ve Büyük Final ile Gölgelerin Efendisi’ne dersiniver!Özellikler:• Takım seçerek gücünü gösterebilirsin• En sevdiğin karakteri seçerek kendine özel muhteşem bir avataroluşturabilirsin• Zamana ve kötü güçlere karşı heyecanlı bir yarışagireceksin• Puanlar ve harika rozetler toplayarak gücünükanıtlayabilirsin• Gölgelerin Efendisi’ni yenip, dünyayı kötü güçlerdenarındırabilirsinAn exciting adventurewith MAX AND FRIENDS ARE YOU THERE? MAX, helping to DESTROY YOURHAND THE SHADOWS Lord!With the success of the third stage from each other excited thatawait you after the final game of the shadows and take her down tothe power in the Lord!Know-late in the game Max the world related information prove,Crystal Pool game by playing the worst defeat serves to crystalsfound, Symbols Table game how sharp memory have shown that, and theGrand Final with the shadow of the Lord to give me a lesson!Features:• Teams can show the power of choosing• unique by choosing your favorite character you can create anavatar spectacular• Time and a thrilling race against evil forces will enter• by collecting points and badges great power can prove• Shadow Lord of the beat, you can purify the world from evilforces
Paddle Pop Indonesia 1.1 APK
Unilever Inc
Paddle Pop Indonesia menghadirkan game Augmented Reality Paddle PopMagilika, permainan seru bagi anak-anak di segala usia. Permainanini menantangmu untuk menangkap burung virtual di sekitarmu danmemasukannya kembali ke dalam sangkar dengan menggunakan kameraponsel. Fokuskan kamera ponsel pada logo Paddle Pop Magilika untukmembuat Twitch melepaskan burung-burung virtual. Tangkap burungdengan menggesernya ke dalam sangkar, kumpulkan poin sebanyakmungkin, dan dapatkan 6 karakter yang berbeda. Berlombalah dengantemanmu dan tunjukkan siapa yang pantas jadi juara!Jika kamu mengalami masalah dengan audio, periksa pengaturanaudio pada perangkatmu untuk memastikan pengaturan audiomu tidakberada dalam kondisi nonaktif.BANTUANSampaikan pertanyaan atau saran dengan menghubungi kami di suara.konsumen@unilever.comKunjungi website kami di www.paddlepop.co.id dan “like”facebook.com/paddlepoppageIkuti Twitter kami di @PaddlePopID serta tonton video Paddle Poplainnya di YouTube.com/paddlepoplovers
Muft TV 11 APK
Unilever Inc
A Mobile App which gives FREE entertainment…..Literally FREE i.e. with NO DATA COST!!!Watch videos of your favorite actors, TV stars anytime, anywhereyou want with NO BUFFERING!!!Download Wallpapers, Ringtones, Listen to Popular Songs &chance to win FREE TALK TIME too!!!
Przepisy.pl 3.7.24 APK
Unilever Inc
Przepisy.pl: Recipes for every day, tips, videos, inspiration.
Max Atlantos: Büyük Takip 1.2 APK
Unilever Inc
MAX’IN YENİ OYUNU BÜYÜK TAKİP!ASLAN MAX VE ARKADAŞLARIYLA OKYANUSUN DERİNKİLERİNDE NEFES KESENBİR MACERAYA HAZIR MISIN? MAX ATLANTOS BÜYÜK TAKİP OYUNUNU OYNA,MAX'A YARDIM EDEREK ATLANTOS’U KÖTÜLÜKLERDEN KURTAR! Okyanusun derinliklerinde ve adalarda geçen, macera dolu  10etabı başarı ile geçerek,  Aslan Max ve arkadaşlarını tuzağadüşürmek isteyen karanlık güçlere meydan okumalısın. Her bölümde sana verilen görevleri tamamlamalı, daha yüksek puanalmak ve rozetlerin hepsini toplamak için bonusları toplayıpdüşmanları yok etmelisin.  Unutma karanlık güçleri alt edip, Aslan Krallığını kurtarmak seninelinde! Özellikler:· Nefes kesen mekanlarda, birbirinden tehlikeli düşmanlara karşıbüyük bir mücadeleye gireceksin.· İster Aslan Max, ister Leena en sevdiğin karakteri seçerek oyunuoynayabilirsin.· Puanlar ve muhteşem rozetler toplayarak gücünükanıtlayabilirsin.· Birbirinden farklı bonusları toplayarak gizli güçler aktiveedebilirsin.MAX NEW GREAT GAMEFOLLOW!LION breathtaking in its MAX AND FRIENDS OF THE OCEAN ADVENTUREwith DERİNKİ you ready? FOLLOW BIG GAME PLAY ATLANTOS MAX, MAX HELPSAVE THE EVIL BY ATLANTOS of!The depths of the ocean and the islands, adventure through 10stages with success, Leo, Max and his friends should defy theforces of darkness that want to trap.Each section must complete the tasks assigned to you, the higheryou get points and badges must destroy all enemies, collect bonusesto collect.Remember outwit the forces of darkness, to recover the LionKingdom is in your hands!Features:· Breathtaking in places, from each going in a big fight againstdangerous enemies.· Whether Baer asks Leena can play the game by choosing yourfavorite character.· You can prove the power to collect Points and spectacularbadges.· You can activate the hidden powers to collect different bonusesfrom each other.
Max: Görev Atlantos 1.2 APK
Unilever Inc
MAX KAHRAMANLAR TAKIMI: GÖREV ATLANTOS OYUNUNUÜCRETSİZ İNDİR, MACERAYA HEMEN KATIL!MAX VE ARKADAŞLARIYLA HEYECAN DOLU BİR MACERAYA VAR MISIN?KAHRAMAN OLMAK İÇİN HEMEN OYUNU İNDİR VE OKYANUSU KÖTÜLERDENKURTAR!Birbirinden heyecanlı bölümleri oyna, kahraman ol!Bella Soruyor bölümünde Max Atlantos dünyasına özel sorularıcevapla.Operasyon Phoenix bölümünde okyanustaki çöpleri topla, okyanuscanlılarını kurtar ve Phoenix’i tamir et.Büyük Final’de kötü kalpli Kain’i alt et ve okyanuslarınkahramanı ol!Max Maceraları – Kahramanlar Takımı bölümlerini ve Atlantosçizgi filmlerini ücretsiz izleyebilirsin!Özellikler:- Yeteneğini göster, zamana karşı yarış!- Puanlar ve harika rozetler toplayarak gücünü kanıtla!- En çok puanı biriktir, skor listesinde en üstte yer al!- Max Maceraları çizgi filmlerini ve bölümleri ücretsiz izle!- Gizli Görev’i aktive edip, sürpriz oyunu oyna!MAX TEAM HEROES: DUTYFREE DOWNLOAD GAME ATLANTOS, ADVENTURE JOIN NOW!HAVE you an adventure filled with excitement MAX AND FRIENDS?RIGHT TO BE A HERO GAME DOWNLOAD AND SAVE THE OCEAN OF BAD!Play exciting part of each other, be a hero!He asks Bella to answer specific questions section Max Atlantosthe world.Pick up trash in the ocean part of Operation Phoenix, save theocean creatures and Phoenix repair.Kainer in the Grand Final to defeat evil and the hero of theocean!Max Adventures - Heroes Team section and you can watch cartoonsAtlantos free!Features:- Show your talent, racing against the clock!- Ratings and proved its power by collecting wonderfulbadges!- Accumulate the most points in the top scores list takesplace!- Max Adventure section of the line and watch movies forfree!- Secret Missions is activated and, surprise play the game!
Unilever Inc
Проверь версию обновления своей операционнойсистемы, чтобы считать твои шаги ! Необходимая версия AndroidKitKat 4.4 - 4.4.4 и выше. Для корректного подсчета шаговнеобходимо установить приложение Google Fit. Обновись, этоважно!Больше движений - меньше ипотека!Покажи, как много ты двигаешься, и Rexona поможет погасить твоюипотеку или кредит!Простой и удобный шагомер, созданный для проекта НЕПОТЕКА, станетотличным спутником твоего дня и основным инструментом взарабатывании баллов проекта. Стань самым активным участникомнедели и получи частичное погашение ипотеки или кредита ивозможность выиграть главный приз - 3 миллиона рублей.ЧТО УМЕЕТ ШАГОМЕР НЕПОТЕКА ОТ REXONA?1 ШАГ = 1 КАПСУЛА MOTIONSENCEКапсулы MotionSence - главная валюта проекта НЕПОТЕКА. Чем больше утебя капсул, тем больше шансы на победу. Помни: больше движений -меньше ипотека! И крепче здоровье.МОТИВИРУЕТ ТЕБЯМы не просто ежедневно считаем твои шаги. Но и поддерживаем тебя втвоём нелёгком деле - одолеть дневную норму и сделать чуть-чутьбольше для победы!СИНХРОНИЗИРУЕТ ДАННЫЕ С JAWBONEЕсли ты пользуешься фитнес-браслетом Jawbone, то сможешь легкоперенести всю информацию о количестве шагов в приложение с помощьюодной кнопки.ПОКАЗЫВАЕТ ТВОЙ ПРОГРЕСС В ХОДЕ ПРОЕКТАВ приложении есть личный кабинет с твоей личной статистикой ирейтингом проекта.И, конечно,ПОМОГАЕТ ТЕБЕ ПОБЕДИТЬ! :)Подробности на непотека.рфCheck the version of theupdate of its operating system to count your steps! The requiredversion of Android KitKat 4.4 - 4.4.4 and above. For correctcalculation of the steps you need to install the Google Fit app.Refresh this is important!More motions - less than the mortgage!Show how much you move, Rexona and help pay off your mortgage orcredit!Simple and easy to use pedometer, created for the project NEPOTEKA,it will be a great companion of your days, and the main tool inmaking points of the project. Become the most active participant ofthe week and receive a partial repayment of a mortgage or loan andthe opportunity to win the grand prize - 3 million rubles.What can PEDOMETER NEPOTEKA FROM REXONA?STEP 1 = 1 CAPSULE MOTIONSENCECapsules MotionSence - the main currency of the project NEPOTEKA.The more capsules you have, the more chances to win. Remember: themore moves - less than the mortgage! And stronger health.motivates you toWe do not just think of your daily steps. But also we support youin your difficult task - to defeat the daily norm and do a littlemore for the win!Synchronizes data from the JAWBONEIf you use a fitness bracelet Jawbone, then you can easily transferall the information about the number of steps in an applicationwith a single button.SHOWS YOUR PROGRESS IN THE PROJECTThe application has a personal account with your personalstatistics and the project rating.And of course,HELPS YOU WIN! :)Details on nepoteka.rf