Men'sCalendar 应用

Men's Calendar - Sex App 1.7
Men's Calendar will let users track their sex lives, keep track ofthe menstrual cycles of the women in their lives. This Sex App is aunique way to organize your sexual life. The app will keep a recordof your sex life (activities, frequency, places, partners andsafety). Many couples find it difficult to talk about sex. The sexapp will act as the communication channel between you and yourcompanion. Men's Calendar helps men track the menstrual cycles ofthe women in their lives. You can check on which days your womanare fertile, and you can predict when her next period will arrivebased on past data. All you do is enter the last known date of hercycle and its average length, and the app will provide you with thedate of your lady’s next period. The app lets men track cycles ofmultiple females, but has the additional handy feature of offeringpasswords for each female so that if one of them "accidentallybumps into this application and makes you enter the password--shewill be the only one to appear on the list." You can use it even ifyou are married or single, man or woman, have one or more partners.The app could help men avoid unplanned pregnancies. FEATURES: • Aclean and intuitive interface. • Set sex dating • A simple log ofyour sexual activity (partners, frequency, safety, places to havesex, types of sex) • History of past sex with details • Passwordprotection (different passwords for each woman) • Your sexualevents sorted by partner's name • Contact list of partners • Listof types of sex, places to have sex • Limited number of partners(unlimited with app purchase) • The app allows users to track themenstrual cycles of several women at once. Don’t underestimate justhow useful this app can be! Best sex app! Try it!
Kegel exercise 1.0
If you want to prepare for the upcoming maternity leave, toavoidsome gynecological problems or eliminate existing, recoverfasterafter childbirth, you just need this program. In what isKegelexercises, what they do, how to run them, you can easily getahandle on this program. Following the simple guidelines, usingtheconvenient timer and reminder, you can not only prevent somehealthproblems, but also to improve the quality of sexual life.