People & Privacy, Inc. 应用

Wibson - Privacy & Data Manager 2.8.0
The antivirus for your privacy. Wibson helps you discover whichcompanies and organisations have your personal information and toget control over it. We give the power back to users, makingprivacy rights simple and accessible. You can decide whichcompanies should delete your digital footprint and which ones cankeep it. Your digital footprint consists of traces you leave behindevery time you use or interact with a digital service. These tracescould include different types of personal data, such as your name,email address, home and work address, phone number, credit cardinformation, passport, social security, identification number,behavioral data, and much more. By using Wibson, you can easilyunderstand the type of data companies collect about you,categorized by industry and ask companies to remove it from theirdatabases. Wibson main features offer: 👣 Discover: We find and showyou the companies that are holding your digital footprint 🔐Privacy: Control your online privacy, select who should use yourdata and who not. 🤓 Academy: Learn about data privacy and how to bemore safe on the online world 🔔 Alerts: Notifications about newcompanies holding your data About Wibson: Wibson’s mission is tolevel the playing field for all participants of the digitalecosystems: users and companies. Our principles are: Transparency:have complete visibility of the companies that have your dataControl: decide which companies should delete your data Fairness:individuals have now the possibility to choose Wibson is a memberof PIMCity, an EU-supported project that aims to increasetransparency and provide users with control over their data.