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Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynational teacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deduces thecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs of personality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and health and fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate is as high as98.7%!

App Information 八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年

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    八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年
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    Jan 8, 2024
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香港靈機命理館 Show More...

觀世音菩薩-手機拜佛許願 修行聽佛音 1.6.6 APK
觀世音菩薩具有平等無私的廣大悲願,當眾生遇到任何的困難和苦痛,如能至誠稱念觀世音菩薩,就會得到菩薩的救護。而且,觀世音菩薩最能適應眾生的要求,對不同的眾生,便現化不同的身相,說不同的法門。[3]在佛教的眾多菩薩中,觀世音菩薩也最為民間所熟知和信仰觀世音菩薩各種菩薩形象,應有盡有,從聽佛音看經典到祭拜做早晚課,給予用戶最貼心最精確的需求。隨喜讚歎,與菩薩結緣。虔誠禮拜,聆聽佛音,閱讀佛經,觀音靈簽指點你的人生。祈福懺悔,淨化你的心靈。應用的六大特點:1:觀世音菩薩靈簽為您指點迷津。2:誦讀佛經,福德無窮,天人供養,諸佛護念,趨證菩提,消除罪障,成就佛果。3:聆聽佛音,助你靜心、定心、悟心、明心。4:供養菩薩,一切罪滅盡,百寶從地生。5:祈福祝願,菩薩保佑你心想事成6:懺悔過往,往昔所造的一切罪障及失戒定全部得以清淨7:放生,諸功德中,放生第一,消除罪業『觀世音菩薩』乃西方三聖佛。梵語(即印度之言語)本來是謂之『阿黎耶』、『阿緮盧枳多』、『伊濕伐羅』、『菩提薩捶』。觀世音有時名為觀音,有時亦為觀自在,其實是指同一菩薩。鳩摩羅什法師(晉高憎,龜茲國人。)譯為觀世音,稱為舊譯;玄奘法師(唐高僧,俗姓陳,名日違褲祎。)譯為觀自在,稱為新譯。此二者之翻譯,各有其說法。鳩摩羅什法師之所以要把這位菩薩稱為觀世音的理由,是因為這位大菩薩,能夠觀察廳聞眾生之一心稱名,並來拯救諸世金憂惱的緣故。觀世音如依法華經解釋,這『世音』二字是指世間一切的聲音。或求菩薩舊他的苦,或求菩薩賜他的樂。菩薩只要聽到他們所祈求的聲音,便一定會幫他們的忙,而各得期滿願,故稱之為『觀世音』。玄奘法師的翻譯為聖,似拘泥(固執也)於原語,依照梵音逐字解釋之:阿梨耶,華言譯為聖,是尊稱的意思。阿緮盧枳多,是觀照的意思,簡稱為觀。伊濕伐羅,華言譯為自在,合稱為聖觀自在,略觀自在。菩提薩埵,簡稱為『菩薩』,華言譯為『覺有情』。三十三觀音:▪ 楊柳觀音▪ 龍頭觀音▪ 持經觀音▪ 圓光觀音▪ 遊戲觀音▪ 白衣觀音▪ 蓮臥觀音▪ 瀧見觀音▪ 施藥觀音▪ 魚籃觀音▪ 德王觀音▪ 水月觀音▪ 一葉觀音▪ 青頸觀音▪ 威德觀音▪ 延命觀音▪ 眾寶觀音▪ 岩戶觀音▪ 能靜觀音▪ 阿耨觀音▪ 葉衣觀音▪ 琉璃觀音▪ 多羅尊觀音▪ 蛤蜊觀音▪ 六時觀音▪ 合掌觀音▪ 一如觀音▪ 不二觀音▪ 持蓮觀音▪ 灑水觀音▪ 馬郎婦觀音▪ 普悲觀音▪ 阿麽提觀音Bodhisattva haveequalselfless majority of COMPASSION, when beings encounteranydifficulties and pain, as can sincerely say readAvalokiteshvara,the Buddha will get help. Moreover, the Bodhisattvaof the mostable to adapt to the requirements of all beings,different beings,they are now the body of a different phase, speakdifferent Dharma.[3] Among the many Buddha Buddhism, theBodhisattva also the mostwell-known and popular beliefBodhisattva Avalokiteshvara various image, everything,fromlistening to worship Buddha tone look classic and eveningclassesto do, to give users the most intimate of the mostpreciseneeds.Rejoice praise, and Buddha become attached. Devout prayer,listento The Buddha, reading Buddhist Guanyin sign pointing yourspirituallife. Pray for repentance, purify your soul.Application of six characteristics:1: Bodhisattva spirit sign for your help.2: reciting Buddhist scriptures, Crawford infinite, Heavensupport,Buddhas care to read, chemotaxis Bodhi eliminateZuizhangachievements Buddhahood.3: The Buddha listened to help you meditate, centering, Wuheart,clear your heart.4: Bodhisattvas, and utterly destroy all sin, born treasure fromtheground.5: Clifford wishes, Buddha bless you all wishes come true6: repent the past, the past had made and lost all Zuizhang quitallset to clean7: release, all merit, the release of the first, the eliminationofsin"Bodhisattva" is the Western Trinity Buddha. Sanskrit (ie,thelanguage of India) was originally called the "A Liye", "A FuLutrifoliate more", "wet cutting Luo Yi", "Bodhi Sahammer."Sometimes called Guanyin Bodhisattva, sometimesalsoAvalokitesvara, the Buddha actually refer to the same.KumarajivaMaster (. Jin high hate, Kucha people) translatedAvalokitesvara,known as the old translation; Xuanzang (Monk Tang,Su Xing Chen, Yipants were on offenders.) TranslatedAvalokitesvara, known as Newtranslation. The translation betweenthe two, each with itsargument. Master Kumarajiva reason why thisshould be called theBodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha becauseof the large, onecan observe the hall smelled beings Heart Names,and to save allthe world's gold Younao sake. Avalokitesvara asinterpreted inaccordance with the Lotus Sutra, which "sound world"the wordrefers to all the world of sound. Or seek his bitter oldBuddha orBodhisattva give his music beg. Buddha whenever they hearthe soundthey pray, they will help them a favor, and each waswillingexpires, so called "Bodhisattva." Xuanzang translated asholy, likefeelings (stubborn too) in the original language, inaccordancewith the Sanskrit word for word interpretation: A Liye,Chineseword translated as holy, is the honorific meaning. Amulti-Fu Lutrifoliate, is contemplation of the meaning, referred toas theconcept. Wet cutting Luo Yi, Chinese words translatedcomfortable,collectively known as St. Avalokitesvara, slightlyAvalokitesvara.Bodhi Sa duo, referred to as "Buddha", Chinese wordtranslated"feel affectionate."Thirty-three Guanyin:▪ willow Guanyin▪ Leading Guanyin▪ held by Kannon▪ circle of light Guanyin▪ game Guanyin▪ White Guanyin▪ lotus lying Guanyin▪ Otaki see Guanyin▪ spraying Guanyin▪ Fish Basket Goddess of Mercy▪ De Wang Guanyin▪ Water Moon Guanyin▪ leaf Guanyin▪ green neck Guanyin▪ Wade Guanyin▪ subsistence Guanyin▪ public treasure Guanyin▪ rock households Guanyin▪ can still Guanyin▪ A hoe Guanyin▪ Ye Yi Guan Yin▪ glass Guanyin▪ Doro Guanyin▪ clams Guanyin▪ six o'clock Guanyin▪ palms Guanyin▪ As Guanyin▪ Fuji Guanyin▪ holding lotus Guanyin▪ sprinkler Guanyin▪ Marange women Guanyin▪ Poor's pessimistic tone▪ A mention it Guanyin
占卜算命-紫微排盤測愛情,姓名測算八字配對 2.0.3 APK
本應用依據號稱“天下第一神術”的紫微斗數,用最準確的合婚配對方式,為您算出最精準的結果,令您在愛情婚姻道路上走得更加順利。內涵八字排盤大師精準算法,一一指導您的事業、財運運勢!【占卜算命】特點:1:以紫微斗數、八字算命為核心,附帶塔羅、星座等多種專業測算,知你所想,算你運勢!2:祈福許願,點燈祈禱心願,實現您的每個願望!3:開光靈符,所有如意不如意,請道靈符助您走上正途。【我們在這里等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理咨詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:customer@linghit.comThis application based onso-called "God Tianxiadiyi technique" Astrology, divination pairedwith the most accurate way for you to calculate the most accurateresults, make you go more smoothly on the road of love marriage.Master connotation character row disk precise algorithm, one by oneto guide your career, wealth fortune![] Fortune-telling features:1: Astrology, horoscopes fortune-telling as the core, with avariety of professional Tarot estimates, constellations, etc., knowwhat you want, count your fortune!2: Wishing and praying, lighting prayer wish to realize your everywish!3: On light magic, all wishful unhappy, please tract magic to helpyou on the right path.[We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to help youanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! : Http://m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into numerology fortune to adviseyou, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to let usknow, we will do everything possible to improve! :Customer@linghit.com
八字算命-生肖運勢 線上算命 生辰八字命盤解析 八字流年 1.3.0 APK
Horoscope fortune-telling, deduce life. Taiwan's numerologynational teacher arranges fortune-telling for you, deduces thecharacteristics of life, analyzes the ups and downs of personality,wealth, emotion, marriage and love career, and health and fortune.Predict personal fleeting fortune, the accuracy rate is as high as98.7%!
周公解夢 4.0.2 APK
夢到底是什麼?夢告訴了我們什麼?在人類的一切奧秘中,恐怕再也沒有比那些來自人的內心的奧秘更讓人神往的了。俗話說:日有所思,夜有所夢,夢是正常的現象。有很多人做夢,夢後都說這夢是以前已經發生的事,或者以前曾做的夢,現在竟然發生,事實同夢完全一致,所以說夢是事實的反應。這樣的夢不解自明。我國的古老醫學認為,夢與人體各部位的健康狀況息息相關,中醫認為人體陰陽不調,氣盛氣衰,都可以致夢,所以根據不同的夢象,可以了解人體器官的健康狀況。周公解夢融匯古今各種不同的夢境,以專業的知識和觀點為你解答奇夢異景,預測吉凶。更多命理資訊歡迎關注 靈機命理館 :https://www.facebook.com/linghit應用操作說明:周公解夢:進入周公解夢後,你可以選擇周公學堂、周公夢境、周公夢語、周公天書四個模塊。在周公學堂裡,你可以學習有關周公的知識和其他一些有關與夢境的知識,學習越多越多你了解的東西就會越多,第一次學習完知識你還可以得到很多的積分。周公夢境、周公夢語、周公天書這三個功能是連在一起進行的,當你進行完上一個功能後,應用會自動進入下一個功能,例如你在周公夢境裡面選擇完夢境,就會自動進入到周公夢語裡面,簡單又好玩。解夢操作:首先點選周公夢境,你可以在這裡發現自己的夢境裡面發生的事在這裡面都可以找出來,如果不清楚自己的夢是什麼,還可以通過搜索來精準地查詢,然後選擇自己夢境裡面出現的事物。周公夢語:在選擇完夢境裡面的東西後,你就自動進入了周公夢語,周公在這個時候就會出現,並且問你幾個有關於你這個夢境的問題,請按真實的情況來選擇,這樣才能正確地才能幫你解釋你的夢。周公天書:當周公問完你的問題後,周公天書就會為你打開,幫你解答你的夢境裡面的事物所代表的意境,看完之後,你可以把你的夢境貼在開放牆那裡與人分享,當然也可以在開放牆那裡寫下自己對夢境的看法或者祝福,也可以通過各種不同的方式來來訴說給你想要的人看。開放牆:開放牆是一個可以讓用戶們互相分享夢境的地方,在這裡,你可以觀看別人的夢,也可以把自己的夢境發到上面去。當然如果你想觀看更多別人的夢境,你需要一定數額的積分,積分可以通過完成周公解夢裡面的任務來獲取.Dream in the end is what?Dreams tell us what? All the mysteries of the human race, I amafraid no more than those from the mysteries of the human heart iseven more fascinating it. As the saying goes: Riyousuosi, nightdream, the dream is a normal phenomenon. There are a lot of peopledream, this dream is a dream, after saying what has happenedbefore, or had previously done a dream, now it has happened, thefact that exactly the same dream, so that the dream is trueresponse. This dream is self-explanatory. Our ancient medicine,dreams and the health of the human body is closely related toChinese medicine, yin and yang, the body does not adjust, and fitgas decline, can that dream, so depending on the dream like, youcan understand the health of human organs. Dream different dreamsblend of ancient and modern, professional knowledge and ideas foryou to answer Qimonda wonders predict good and bad.More information welcome attention brainwave Numerology NumerologyMuseum: https://www.facebook.com/linghitApplication Instructions:Dream: Go to Dream, you can choose to Duke School, Duke dream,dream language Duke, Duke hieroglyphics four modules. In the Dukeschool where you can learn about the Duke of knowledge and otherknowledge about and dream, the more you learn, the more things willbe more understanding, finished first learning you can also get alot of knowledge integration. Duke dream, dream language Duke, Dukebible together these three functions are carried out, when youcarry a feature on the finish, the application will automaticallygo to the next function, for example, you are finished selectingDuke dream inside a dream, it will automatically entered into theDuke dream language inside, simple and fun.Dream Operation: First tap Duke dreams, where you can find your owndreams which happened in here you can find out, if it is unclearwhat their dreams are, you can also search to accurately query, andthen choose their own dreams which appeared things. Duke dreamlanguage: After selecting the dream stuff inside, you willautomatically enter the dream language Duke, Duke will appear atthis time, and ask you a few dreams about you this question, pleasechoose according to the real situation , so as to properly can helpyou interpret your dreams.Duke bible: When the Duke ask them your questions, Dukehieroglyphics will open for you, to help you answer your dreamsrepresent things inside the mood, after reading, you can put yourdreams in an open wall stickers there to share with others, ofcourse, you can write your own in the open wall where views ondreams or wishes, but also through a variety of different ways totell the person you want to see.Open wall: Open wall is one that will allow users to share theirdream place, where you can watch the dreams of others, you can putyour own dreams sent to go above. Of course, if you want to seemore of someone else's dream, you need a certain amount of points,points can complete the Dream task to get inside.
2017年雞拜太歲-本命佛祈福必備 2.9.6 APK
近來你是否心緒不寧、身體有恙?公司內有小人詆毀?夫妻、親朋感情不佳?下載應用查看自己是否正犯太歲!拜太歲,請符化解,好運自然有!-點擊免費下載 中華農民暦 100萬華人的選擇2017最受歡迎拜太歲應用。“太歲當頭坐,無喜必有禍”。“太歲順當來,無病恐破財”。【功能介紹】1、開運學堂:關於犯太歲等一些民俗只是和開運方法2、拜太歲:常拜太歲,好運常伴3、請平安符:天師靈符、護身符時刻護佑您與家人平安【拜太歲】是專門為2017年犯太歲的人所設計的命理應用,希望犯太歲的朋友可以誠心供奉拜祭,在本命年依然能夠萬事如意,除了拜祭供奉太歲外,還提供犯太歲最佳化解方式——請太歲符,提供多種靈符,護佑今年犯太歲的朋友。拜太歲是老百姓傳統的民間信仰,就是參拜六十甲子所屬的“太歲神”。因為每個人都有壹位“太歲星君”主管一生,稱為“本命太歲”;而每年又有一位值年太歲(又稱流年太歲)主管人們當年的壹切(如人們的健康、工作、事業、婚姻等各方面)。拜太歲主要是拜自己的本命太歲和值年太歲。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :customer@linghit.comAre you unsettled lately,physical ailments? Company-villain slander? Couples, friendsfeeling bad? Download the application to see if their own GuiltJupiter! Pray to ask operators to resolve, there is a natural goodluck!- Click Free Downloads Chinese farmers Gregorian calendar 100 million ethnic Chineseselection2017 Top pray to applications. "Jupiter pledge to sit, no joy theremust be evil." "Jupiter smoothly, the fear of disease or evenbankruptcy."【Features】1, Lucky School: About guilty of Jupiter and some folk just luckyand methods2, thanks to Jupiter: Jupiter regular worship, often accompanied bygood luck3, please talismans: Fearless magic, amulets always bless you andyour family safe[] Is dedicated to the worship Jupiter guilty of Jupiter in2017 who designed numerology application, hoping guilty of Jupiterworship sincere friends can worship in animal year can still luck,in addition to worship dedicated to Jupiter, but also provide thebest guilty of Jupiter way to resolve - Please Jupiter operator,offers a variety of magic, bless this year guilty of Jupiterfriend.Pray to the people is the traditional folk beliefs, is the shrinebelongs Sixty Years "Tai Sui God." One bit because everyone has"Tai Sui Xing Jun" competent life, called "natal Jupiter"; andevery year there are a value in Jupiter (also known as the fleetingTai Sui) people in charge of the year One cut (such as people'shealth, work, career, marriage and other aspects). Pray to mainlythanks to his natal Jupiter in Jupiter and values.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consult yourfortune to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus and we will do everything possible to improve! :Customer@linghit.com
面相測算大師-人臉PK識別照相機 1.4.9 APK
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星座屋-專業算命,情感、事業、財運預測 1.4.7 APK
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【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates the fatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index, fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and Wife Palace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, the trend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, and resolve thefleeting relationship crisis.